Historical sources and artifacts
Golovin, S.A. (2018). Was Ivan the Terrible poisoned? Comprehension of the chemical research results of the remains of the Czar from necropolises of the Ascension Cathedral and Cathedral of the Archangel of the Moscow Kremlin. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.25249
The contemporary Russian historiography (1990-2000’s) marks the emergence of a number of scientific works that from the perspective of modern scientific data and political preferences defend the paradigmatic version on poisoning of the Russian Czar Ivan IV. The supporters of this hypothesis considerably lean on the results of chemical research of the remains from grand ducal necropolises of the Moscow Kremlin, which showed a high concentration of diverse heavy metals in them. The goal of this article consists in comprehension of the results of chemical expertise of the Czar’s remains from the necropolises of the Kremlin. The research is based on the method of statistical analysis, using the comparative-historical and retrospective methods. The conclusion on conscious poisoning of the Czar Ivan IV, formulated on the basis of significant concentration of mercury and arsenic in his remains, seems unsubstantiated. The statistical analysis argues the newly suggested in the contemporary Russian historiography version (2003-2006) on the conscious poisoning of the Czar Ivan IV and his sons, within the framework of which the conclusions of the Commission (1963-1966) are considered inaccurate.
bone remains, royal tombs, necropolis, heavy metals, analysis, statistics, biochemistry, anthropology, the era of Ivan the Terrible, Moscow Kremlin
History and Politics
Novikova, M.V. (2018). Peculiarities of the historical policy of Soviet State during the years of Perestroika (1985-1991). Genesis: Historical research, 2, 24–39. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.25374
The subject of this research is the process of revision of the Soviet past that took place in USSR during the years of Perestroika (1985-1991). The author analyzes the indicated process within the paradigm of the “historical policy”. This article familiarizes with the key vectors of historical policy implemented over the recent years of the existence of Soviet Union, as well as the factors that affected their emergence. The accent is made on description of the process of formation of the contours of “historical policy”, analysis of creation of infrastructure within the “realm of memory”, and factors that affect the implementation of historical policy. The author examines the documents and decrees, party publications, mass media, stenographs of the meetings and conferences. For determination of the main principles of historical policy, was conducted a discourse analysis of the performances of the top officials and their memorial speeches, as well as quantitative and qualitative content analysis of a number of publishers, including the newspapers “Moscow News”, journal “Communist”, etc. The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive description of the revision of the Soviet past during the years of Perestroika, concept of the “historical policy”. Currently, within the historiography, this term is referred to as the phenomenon of post-Soviet period. The author reveals the application of the key methods and approaches of the historical policy during the period of Perestroika, and their interrelation with the historical policy in the post-Soviet context. The article for the first time introduces into the scientific discourse some documents from the personal archives of the Secretary of Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR A. N. Yakovlev and editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Moscow News” Yegor Yakovlev.
overcoming the past, the campaign of de-Stalinization, Soviet past, commemoration of October, memory space, the era of perestroika, politics of memory, history politics, World War II, collective memory
History of regions of Russia
Pertsev, N.V. (2018). Moscow troops campaign to Yugra in 1499 in the context of Moscow State domestic and foreign policy . Genesis: Historical research, 2, 40–54. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.25381
This article is dedicated to reconstruction of the events of the Moscow troops campaign to Yugra in 1499. Although this military campaign is a generally known fact, there is yet no agreement of opinion on the results of this operation; the questions associated with the purpose of campaign, rout of troops, and their capacity have not been covered by the researchers. The author believe that revelation of these aspects is an essential condition in objective assessment of the indicated event. Examination of the military campaign of 1499 without analyzing the key questions, has led the researchers to some hasty conclusions that do not find endorsement in the sources. Methodology is bases on the methods of scientific synthesis and analysis of the historical sources; particular attention is given to historiography of the problem. The author composed the comparative tables, so the charting of information allowed significantly rectifying the data from the sources and reconstructing the events of the military campaign. A new approach implied the consideration of the military campaign of 1499 in the context of Muscovy’s foreign policy position and implementation of solidification policy in the northeastern periphery. The article also examines the question of building a Russian city of Pustoozersk. Comparing the routs of the Russian troops in 1499 with the famous routs of that time, which lead to the territories of Northern Ural and Western Siberia, allows concluding that the military campaign on Yugorian “princelings” was secondary in relation to the goals of assimilation of the remote territories of Prirechye by the Moscow State.
Tribute, Tyumen, colonization, foreign policy, military campaign, Ugra, Muscovy, Pustozersk, Novgorod, Message paths
History of regions of Russia
Ryabkova, O.V. (2018). Deer farming in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug during the Great Patriotic War. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 55–67. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.25185
The object of this research is the deer farming industry of the Yamalo-Nenets National Okrug, while the subjects of the processes taking place within the industry during the Great Patriotic War. The goal of this work lies in the attempt to describe the processes that took place with regards to deer farming, combining the preceding studies and the most recent data acquired in the course of examining the previously unpublished archival materials preserved in the State Archive of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Methodological foundation includes the historical-genetic and historical-comparative methods, which allow considering the specificities of development of the deer farming industry within the indicated region during the years of Great Patriotic War. The scientific novelty consists in the use of the previously unpublished sources from the archival fund “Yamalo-Nenets District Department of Agriculture of the Executive Committee of the Yamalo-Nenets Council of Workers’ Deputies” of the State Archive of Yamalo-Nenets National Okrug. The aforementioned documents provide the more detailed description of the processes that took place in deer farming of the Yamalo-Nenets National Okrug during the Great Patriotic War, as well as saturate with the additional facts the already existing information on the topic.
collective farm economy, deer farming, husbandry, Far North, Arctic, in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug , artels, collectivization, Great Patriotic War, rear regions
History and Ideology
Nasibullin, R.A. (2018). Professor I.A. Antropov – «enemy herald at the scientific department»: 1937 in the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 68–81. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.22836
This article traces the tragic fate of Ivan Aleksandrovich Antropov (1888-1938) – Associate Professor of the department of Civil Law and Procedures of the Law Faculty of Kazan University, Chairman of the Legal Meeting at Ufa Directory, Legal Adviser and Deputy Governor of the Supreme Ruler A. V. Kolchak and the Council of Ministers (1918-1920), Professor of Department of Civil Law and Legal Theory of the Irkutsk State University, Head of department of Economic Law of the Siberian Institute of Soviet Law, and the Sverdlovsk Law Institute (1931-1937). Based on his example are demonstrated the methods of fighting the dissenting teachers in the higher educational facilities. Professor I. A. Antropov was exposed as an "enemy herald at the scientific department" in the regional newspaper note "The Ural Worker" of May 8, 1937 and "in the distortion of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine" in the peer review by Professor G. Rivin on the lecture report, which reveals the features of Marxist polemics. The unpublished archival documents and materials of the Ural State Law University and the State Archive of Sverdlovsk Region are introduced for scientific discourse. The two annexes from the previously unpublished documents from the State Archives of Sverdlovsk Region, prepared for publication by the author, are attached to the article.
enemy herald, article, Sverdlovsk Law Institute, Lawyer, Professor, department, university, Ivan Aleksandrovich Antropov, review, political distortions
Academic schools and paradigms
Pirozhok, S.S. (2018). Robert von Mohl about the social policy of constitutional state. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 82–101. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.23730
The subject of this research is the actualized part of the theoretical legal heritage of the prominent German scholar, encyclopedist, lawyer, and politician of the XIX century – Robert von Mohl (1799-1875). The author analyzed the establishment and genesis of the idea of social state in legal theory of R. von Mohl; system of views of the police scientist upon the administrative activity of the state aimed at solution of the social issues; the proposed by him program of social reforms and measures of social policy. For the first time in history of the political legal thought, an attempt is made conduct a problem-theoretical reconstruction, interpretation, and establishment of link between the modern theory and practice of the constitutional social state of Russian and Germany and the ideas that gained traction within the theoretical legal heritage of the prominent German scholar, government and public leader of the XIX century Robert von Mohl. The article characterizes his views upon the social essence of the constitutional state; analyzes his works, in which he describes the concept of the constitutional state and its social function, claims that the important feature of functionality of the constitutional state is the social policy, as well as that the constitutional state not only has a right, but must carry responsibility for its citizens and balance their chances to free development and implementation of ideas. A conclusion is made that R. von Mohl, being way ahead of the contemporary to him practice of state activity, has uttered the thoughts on the concept and measures of social policy that comprised the foundation of the future theory of social state.
measures of social policy, state social policy, social function of the state, social state, constitutional state, police state, Robert Von Mohl, social welfare, principle of association, social mobility
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Chediya, A.R. (2018). Ethnic situation in Western Caucasus in perception of the Ottomans (on the example of the archival Ottoman document Hatt- Hatti hümayün 1104/ 444590- Y. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 102–113. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.25306
The object of this research is the representations of the Ottoman authors about the ethnic situation in Western Caucasus in the early XIX century. Considering the throughout more than a 300 year history (from 1454 to 1829) fell within the scope of the Ottoman Empire, special interest for studying the history of the regional residents and their relationship with the Ottoman Empire represent the unpublished archival Ottoman materials that reveal the peculiarities of Ottomans’ understanding of the ethnic situation in Western Caucasus. One of the aforementioned documents is considered in the article. The author conducted analysis and generalization of the Ottoman historical works that contain information about the peoples of the region, as well as used the basic theoretical and practical methods of historical research. For the first time into the scientific discourse is introduced the document from the Ottoman State Archive Hatt- Hatti hümayün 1104/ 444590- Y, which provides a description of the peoples of Western Caucasus. Due to the fact that they remained non-literate until the second half of the XIX century, the majority of historical research of the region is presented by the memoirs compiled by the foreign travelers, military men, ambassadors, agents, etc. Thus, the indicated document will allow the scholars of history and ethnography to have a new perspective upon the ethnic history of the peoples of Western Caucasus.
The politics of the Ottoman empire, Anapa fortress, The Ottoman archive, the ethnic situation, The Ottoman Empire, The Western Caucasus, ottoman historians, Safarbey Zan, circasians, abaza
Beliefs, religions, churches
Babich, I.L. (2018). Fate of the Church Of Our Lady Life Giving Spring In Tsaritsyno in the 1920’s – 1930’s. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 114–121. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.25148
This article leans on the new archival materials alongside the oral history – interviews with the successors of the priests and congregation of the Church in Tsaritsyno. Examination of the life of clergy at micro-level – using the example of single temple – helps the researchers to structure the holistic image of the fate of Orthodoxy in the 1920’s – 1930’s in Soviet Union. Until present, there was not a single scientific article on the history of the indicated church of this period. The author has already published several article about the life of the temple during other historical periods. Currently in Russia, are gathered all materials on the history of clergy repression during the Soviet time. This article allows filling such gap. This work conducts a historical reconstruction of the life of the temple during 1920’s – 1930’s. The scientific novelty lies in introduction of the archive materials (investigation cases of the priests and congregation members, State Archive of the Russian Federation), (archives of the Vvedensky and Kazantsevy families), as well as compilation of the oral history materials – the successors. This allowed providing the description of life of the Church Of Our Lady Life Giving Spring In Tsaritsyno in the 1920’s – 1930’s.
repression, Soviet power, church, Tsaritsyno, community, clergy, Orthodoxy, USSR, archives, oral history
Beliefs, religions, churches
Galibina-Lebedeva, E.S. (2018). The role of Evangelical churches in development of the African-American civil rights movement, on the example of the United States and Carribean countries (1920’s – 1940’s). Genesis: Historical research, 2, 122–137. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.25418
The subject of this research is the impact of Evangelical Christian churches upon the development of African-American movement for their rights, freedom, and identity using the example of the United States and some Carribean countries during the 1920’s – 1940’s. Relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact the despite the military victory over Fascist ideology in May of 1945 and official ban of race discrimination in the late XX century, the modern world again faces the appeals to divide people by the religious, ethnic, and race attributes, as well as the level of their success in society. Based on the comparative-historical analysis, the article reviews the important events in three continents: North America, partially South America, and Africa, which greatly affected the emergence and development within the Afro-American environment of the ideas of black nationalism, black Judaism, and Rastafarianism. The scientific novelty is defined by the attempt to determine the role of church in Afro-American environment through establishment among its successors of the religious, cultural, economic, and political preferences. The importance of the religious institution in the XXI century is expressed in the fact that the representatives of various Evangelical Christian churches demonstrate different response to the claims of the contemporary political leaders, for example, in the United States, regarding their Afro-American citizens, colored migrants, and recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, thus affecting the establishment of the domestic and foreign policy of the country.
Caribbean, Haile Selassie I, Marcus Garvey, Rastafarianism, black Judaism, black nationalism, evangelical, Ethiopia, Beta Israel, Ku Klux Klan
Issues of war and peace
Okhota, V.S. (2018). Organization of the food service for civilians of a base city during the wartime (on the example of Krasnoyarsk). Genesis: Historical research, 2, 138–143. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.24438
This article is dedicated to examination of the questions of organization of public food service in Krasnoyarsk. The period of Great Patriotic War marked the intensification of centralization in planning, allocation of state resources, expansion of food service for the workers. However, the sphere of public food service has experienced certain problems. The subject of this research is the analysis of organization of food service for civilian of a base city during the wartime on the example of Krasnoyarsk. Special attention is given to the emerging problems and methods of their resolution in the indicated sphere. Methodological foundation is the theory of modernization transition. The review of archival documents demonstrated that the provision of food product and durable goods to the population, as well as organization of public food service of a base city during the wartime, turned out to be a task of immense complexity, thus required immediate solution. As a result of analysis, it was determined the for solution of the aforementioned problem were established the allowance rates; government structures, production companies, nongovernmental organization, and population itself were enlisted in organization of provision. Besides the already existing canteen facilities for employees and dietetic refectories, were added the canteen facilities for civil servants, children, students, families of war veterans, evacuated civilians, and disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The conducted research underlines that the experience of different countries marks the intensification of government intervention into the economy at the time of social instability during the war. The distributive form of relationship between the government and population has established in the country. Action of the local government authorities on expanding and improving the public food service chain during the war period, played an important role in prevention of mass famine.
Food problem, Distributive form of relationship, Quality of nourishment, Quality of service, Workers’ Supply Department, Allowance rates, Functions of public food service, public food service, Base city, Wartime