Regions of the world in the global historical process
Al-Akwa'a, A.A., Da Costa Santos, J., Omurzakova, A. (2018). To the question on peculiarities of interregional cooperation of the countries of Arab East and Latin America. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 111.
This article examines some aspects of relations between the countries of Latin America and Arab States. The questions of mass migration and the role of Arab diaspora in Latin America are considered. A hypothesis is provided on the beginning of historical migration of the Arabs that took place as a result of depression of their state in Andalusia. The authors determine the peculiarities of life in the recipient country: mixed marriages, religion and culture of the migrants. The examples of close regional and subregional cooperation implemented within the framework of Arab-Latin American summits are provided. The authors examine the trade relations between the countries, relations in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, development of cooperation between Arab states and Mercosur. The statistics on the number of Arab diasporas residing in the countries of Latin America, as well as their impact on the financial and economic spheres is given. The authors also review the relations between separate countries of the regions; presents an opinion that further expansion of cooperation between the countries can be encouraged by the right to free travel for the citizens of two regions. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the relations between the countries of Latin America and Arab states are viewed in the context of profound changes taking place in the modern system of international relations. The article presents a brief historical sketch; however, main attention is turned to the relations between two regions over the recent decades. The main conclusion of the conducted research underlines that the relations between the countries of Latin America and Arab states carry a stable character and have solid foundation for further development.
declaration, organizations, politics, trade, summit, regional cooperation, Arab countries, Latin America, migration, immigrant
History of regions of Russia
Zagorodnyuk, N.I. (2018). Life of inmates of the Tobolsk maximum security prison (1924-1929). Genesis: Historical research, 11, 1222.
The subject of this research is the living conditions of inmates in the only maximum security prison in Western Siberia. This implies the pattern of daily routine for satisfying physiological needs of a human. The article examines the following questions: dynamics of the number of inmates and related to it and other factors living conditions; peculiarities of funding and providing prisoners with food, clothes and living essentials; rendering of medical aid; and acquisition of spiritual wealth. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the history of Tobolsk maximum security prison became the subject of special research. The introduction into scientific discourse of archival documents allows circumstantiating the elements of daily routine of inmates, set of methods and approaches, as well as vies these processes from the standpoint of understanding the severe everyday life. The conclusion is made that the organization of the inmates’ dality routine of Tobolsk maximum security prison had the same flaws as the penitentiary system of the 1920’s overall: weak financial base, number of prisoners that exceeds normative indexes, unsatisfactory provision with food and living essentials, low level of medical services.
material supply, Criminal Executive code of the Russian Federation, extreme everyday life, political prison regime, prisoners, living conditions, special purpose prison, prison, the prison system, health services
History and Politics
Marinin, M.O. (2018). International crisis of 1830-1831 and foreign policy of the Russian Empire. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 2330.
Revolution in the Belgian lands of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands and uprising in the Kingdom of Poland rarely become the subject of research dedicate to the foreign policy of Nicholas I. Although there are grounds for believing that these were the milestone events from the perspective of transformation of the Vienna System of 1815, as well as gradual formation of prerequisites to Anglo-French bonding that resulted in the military alliance of the period of Crimean War. The subject of this work is the correlation between the events of Belgian Revolution and Polish Uprising in the foreign policy of the Russian Empire of 1830-1831. The research is based on combining the problematic-chronological and systemic-historical approaches to the analysis of the indicated events. The scientific novelty lies in proving the tenuity of the existing in the national and foreign historiography outlook upon the events in Belgium and Poland as the independent from one another phenomena. The various sources demonstrate that Nicholas I and his diplomats perceived these events as the interrelated manifestations of crisis of the existed at the moment Vienna System, which required comprehensive approach to their solution.
The United Kingdom of the Netherlands, The Quadruple Alliance, the Kingdom of Belgium, The Holy Alliance, History of the Russian Empire, History of Diplomacy, the crisis of the Vienna System, Foreign policy, the Uprising in the Kingdom of Poland, the Belgian Revolution
History of law and state
Kodan, S.V. (2018). Classification of sources on the history of Russian state and law: theoretical approaches, classificatory foundations, characteristic of the types. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 3144.
This article is dedicated to one of the insufficiently studied problems within the historical-legal source study – the classification of sources on the Russian state and law. The attention is focused on the theoretical approaches towards determining the peculiarities of the sources of knowledge on the state-legal phenomena and institutions in the historical projection. The article provides general characteristics of the types and varieties of the carriers of state-legal information that manifest as the sources of establishment and development of state and law in Russia. Methodology leans on the approaches to classification of sources that established in the historical source study applicable to the specificity of studying the carriers of historical-legal information. The scientific novelty consists in the proposed concept of classification of sources on the history of state and law based on the theoretical approaches of historical source study, applicable to understanding of the nature of government administration and normative regulation. The proposed classificatory scheme is defined by the need of including into the scientific discourse of a broad range of information carriers that allow exceeding the limits of positivist approach within the historical-legal research.
types sources, classification of legal sources, historical and legal source Studies, grounds for classification of sources, classification of historical sources, historical source Studies, history of Soviet law, history of the Soviet State, specific characteristics of the sources, the variety of legal sources
History of economy and business
Sapuntsov, A.L. (2018). The meaning of Portuguese East India Company for liberalization of relations with the colonial Asia. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 4555.
This article examines the problematic of formation of the Portuguese East India Company – representative of the first generation of transnational corporations that in the XVII century allowed combining the disparate European merchants in spice trade with Asia. The subject of this article is the events conducted by Portugal for the purpose of centralizing the activity of private entrepreneurs in Asian colonies and shifting away from the outlived colonial model based on dominance of the government in organization of foreign expeditions. It is demonstrated that government constructs of colonial administration started experiencing difficulties associated to the decline in motivation of the employed population, escalating bureaucratization, shortage of capital and slowdown in merchandise flow. The criteria of performance of the European East India Companies are introduced into the scientific discourse. The scientific novelty consist in the fact that based on generalizing the initiatives of the Portuguese on formation of their own East India Company institutionalized directly “from above” only in 1628, the author determines the causes of its incapability to integrate into the system of colonial administration due to the severe shortage of private capital and substantial difficulties in managing trading activities, as well as accumulation of assets abroad. It is concluded that despite the satisfactory results during the first years of work, the Portuguese East India Company experienced series of setbacks related to the low level of investment attractiveness for the merchants and number of shipwrecks, which led to dissolution of this organization in 1633. In the future, Portugal was not able to implement the system of colonial transnational companies.
transnational corporation, colonization, expansion, Goa, Casa da ĺndia, East-India Company, Portugal, overseas trade, private capital, denationalization
History of public institutions
Pozdnyakova, A.S. (2018). The establishment and activity of Vyatka Governorate Commission on combating desertion in 1919. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 5666.
This article is dedicated to examination of the establishment and first year of operation of Vyatka Governorate Commission on combating desertion. Based on the previously unstudied documents of the State Archive of Kirov Oblast, the author describes the approaches and methods used by Commission, as well as presents the most resonant cases of mass desertion. The study provides the examples of reports of the anti-desertion units, and describes the work of command centers. The article cites the statistical data on the number of deserters in Vyatka Governorate during the 1919. The scientific novelty lies in introduction into the scientific discourse of the previously unknown archival materials. A conclusion is made that Vyatka Governorate Commission on combating desertion in 1919 practiced various methods. It is noted that desertion carried “seasonal” character; one of the major reasons of evading military duty was the fact that the financial support to the families of Red Army soldier was not rendered in a timely manner.
banditry, Red army, revolutionary tribunal, emergency services, Eastern front, Civil war, desertion, Vyatka province, Soviet court proceedings, the establishment of Soviet power
History of public institutions
Semenova, N.L. (2018). Office of the military governor and special order officials in the system of local government of Orenburg Krai in the early XIX century. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 6779.
The object of this research is the office of the Orenburg military governor and special order officials in the first half of the XIX century. The subject field of the problem includes the analysis of the structure, composition and functions of the office of Orenburg military governor during the mentioned timeframe, as well as the role of the special order officials in the system of governor administration based on the archival sources and literature. The solution of research problems will give a fuller picture on the functionality of military governor institution in one of the remote boundary provinces of the Russian Empire. The chronological framework include the period of existence of the Orenburg military governorate. The scientific novelty is defined by introduction of the new archival documents into the scientific discourse. A conclusion is made that the formal status of the military governor’s office in the early XIX century was not high; but personal participation of the military governor in selecting the leader and secretaries, size of salaries of the officials, centralization of management office, entire correspondence of the military government with the “tops” and the “bottoms”, secret and pressing issues attached special importance to it. The military governor held interest in operative solution of the tasks, thus seeking for young, educated and qualified officials with service experience.
civil administration, border management, the emperor, special orders officials, military governor, office of the military governor, Orenburg Province, command of irregular forces, states, department
Interdisciplinary research
Akhatov , A.T. (2018). Historical and archeological study of the village Tekeyevo of the XVIII century (using the materials of expedition to Salavatsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2017). Genesis: Historical research, 11, 8091.
This article presents the results of field studies of the archeological expedition by R. G. Kuzeev Institute for Ethnological Studies of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted in 2017 to territory of Salavatsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The object of this research is the no longer existing village of Tekeyevo – birthplace of the Bashkir national hero Salawat Yulayev and his father Yulay Aznalin, one of the leader of Peasant’s War of 1773-1775; the village was burned in 1775 after suppression of the rebellion. The author applied comprehensive approach based on interlinking the existing written, cartographic and ethnographic materials, which characterize location area of the village of Tekeyevo in the past, with the results of archeological studies. Archeological reconnaissance conducted for determining the localization of the village of Tekeyevo revealed certain discrepancy between the archeological data and sources of the allied scientific disciplines. Despite this fact, the analogous comprehensive research of the Bashkir localities of the late Middle Ages and Modern Age should be continued in the future, helping to address a wide variety of questions associated with examination of culturogenesis of the Bashkirs and other peoples of the region as a whole.
cartographic material, Late Archaeology, Salavat district, Salavat Yulaev, Bashkir aul, village Tekeev, archaeological exploration, written source, legends, interdisciplinary research
Philosophy of history, historiography, chronology/source studies
Baranov, E.Y. (2018). Research approaches towards assessing the Russian demographic damage in the XX century. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 92100.
The subject of this article is the research approaches towards assessing the Russian and Soviet demographic damage in the XX century within the modern historiography. Special attention is given to the analysis of conceptual generalizing scientific works on demographic history of Russia. The author analyzes the subject and factors of scholarly discussions regarding the topic of population losses of the country. The relevance of the study is substantiated by the possibility of implementation of the conceptual scientific-historical comprehension of the country’s demographic history in the XX century, more profound understanding of the crisis trend in modern demographic situation, and consideration of the historical experience in developing the demographic strategies. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the modern historiography of the Russian and Soviet demographic history in the context of determining the key research approaches towards assessing the demographic damage in the country over the past century. The study demonstrates that the historians and demographers explore demographic consequences of the socio-historical cataclysms, analyzing the index of population size, demographic processes and demographic structures; as well as attempts to assess the demographic damage of the country over the century. A number of scholars suggested the options of correcting the statistical data due to the undercount of demographic events of falsification of population records. A conclusion is made that the current historiographical trend is vectored towards clarification of the existing data on the demographic damage of the country in the XX century.
demographic damage, demographic catastrophe, demographic crisis, historiography, demographic history, historical demography, population losses, social disasters, Russia, USSR
Social history
Mamysheva, E.P. (2018). Migrants and indigenous minorities in Yeniseysk Governorate in the late XIX early XX century (based on the materials of Minusinsky and Achinsky disctricts): relationship problem. Genesis: Historical research, 11, 101107.
The subject of this research is the relationship established in the late XIX – early XX century between the migrants and indigenous minorities of Yeniseysk Governorate. It is underlined that the conflict in their relationship sparked due to the territorial question. Based on the analysis of archival materials, the author determines the role of the indigneous self-governance in settling the conflict situations, demonstrates the ways of adaptation of the indigenous minorities to new living environment, in which they found themselves as a result of land surveying works. The historical-genetic method gradually reveals the factors that influence the character of relations established between the migrant and indigenous peoples. The problematic-chronological method contributed to examination of the problem in chronological sequence with determination of quantitative and qualitative changes. The author identifies the causes for dissolution of the indigenous authorities and establishment of volost institutions. A conclusion is formulated that the character of relationship between the migrants and indigenous minorities was affected by the political measures aimed at integration of Siberia into the composition of the Russian Empire. The research materials represent valuable addition to the scientific knowledge on the indigenous politics, implementation of Stolypin Land Reform in the Yeniseysk Governorate, as well as the impact of migration upon the population structure.
volost administration, alien administration, land management, relationship, resettlement, early settlers, Yenisei province, khakas, inorodtsy, migration
Bekseitov, G.T., Tulegenov, T.Z., Ivanov, S.S., Kitov, E.P., Kitova, A.O. (2018). Exploration of the Rahat tomb of the Semirechye from the early Iron Age . Genesis: Historical research, 11, 108123.
This article is dedicated to the research published on the Rakhat tomb excavation in the Semirechye territory (the Republic of Kazakhstan). The authors published the burials that refer to the era of early nomads. In the course of excavations was acquired interesting material about the burial traditions and partly the material culture of ancient population of the region over early Iron Age and Medieval Period. The majority of burial mounds in this necropolis belongs to the Saka culture. The authors also determined the inlet burial referring to early Middle Ages. The research is based on the archeological reconnaissance of burial mounds, as well as analysis of the acquired artefacts. The authors collected paleoanthropological material, which allowed receiving additional information on craniology, osteology and pathologies of the ancient population of Semirechye of the period of early nomads. The rare subjects of auxiliary inventory, such as ceramic dishware and households items, allowed determining the chronological framework of the examined burial mounds of the late V – early II centuries BC and refer them to the typical Saka culture.
Central Asia, Inlet burial, cranioilogy, anthropology, material culture, funeral rites, Saka culture, ancient nomads, Early Iron Age, Semirechie
Personality in history
Sushkov, A.V., Bedel, A.E., Mikheev, M.V. (2018). First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Party Committee Vasily Andrianov: details to the portrait of the statesman of late Stalinism . Genesis: Historical research, 11, 124139.
This article examines the Sverdlovsk and Leningrad periods in biography of the prominent party leader and statesman Vasily Mikhailovich Andrianov. The biography of V. M. Andrianov has not previously been the subject of research. His role in the political events of the late-Stalinist USSR was not subjected to meticulous and unbiased research. The study of V. M. Andrianov’s biography will greatly contribute to restoration of the fuller and more objective perspective on the so-called “Leningrad Affair” – one of the famous political cases of the period of late Stalinism. The article uses biographical method that allows reconstructing and analyzing the paramount stages of Andrianov’s political biography, determine his characteristic traits. The authors introduce to the scientific circulation the previously unpublished documents from the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History, Documentation Center of Public Organizations of Sverdlovsk Region, and Central State Archive of the Historical Political Documents of Saint Petersburg. The article demonstrates that V. M. Andrianov was a talented leader and organization, known for stern temper and hard statecraft. He decisively punished the party and economic executives for violating the law and precepts of the supreme authority, whose actions were qualifies as “non-party” or “anti-party”. The personal and business qualities of V. M. Andrianov, demonstrated during his work in the Urals, greatly affected the policy of Smolny in the course of “Leningrad Affair”.
The Great Patriotic War, administrative practices, Late Stalinism, party and state system of the power, Leningrad affair, Vasily Andrianov, Ural, Leningrad, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev