Culture and cultures in historical context
Tsinpaeva, R.S. (2018). Periodical press as the mirror of Russian charity of the late XIX century. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 1–6.
The topic of Russian charity is being actively studied in the last decades, however, a number of questions related to the culturological examination of the problematic of charity have not received due attention from the scholars. This article is dedicated to the problem of covering the topic of charity in the Russian periodical press during the second half of the XIX century. Analysis is conducted for the purpose of determining the role of charity in social life, extent of population involvement into this process, and the types of charitable support programs. The descriptive methods and the method of quantitative analysis of the materials in the selected topic allow reconstructing the general picture of charity in Russia in the XIX century, as well as characterize the main trends and processes that unfolded during this period. In conclusion, the author established that the periodical press was a reflection of the main trends in the history of charity, such as change in the social base of benefactors, appearance of the new forms of rendering charitable assistance, spark and halt in charitable initiatives.
printed media, image of charitable activities, historical context, Russian empire, sociocultural phenomenon, mass media, charity, public assistance, beneficiaries, cultural studies
Factors of historical development
Seidaliev, E.I., Kadyrov, R.R. (2018). Sedentarization of the traditional nomadic population of the Crimean Khanate in the context of historical-archeological study. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 7–13.
The subject of this research is the examination of the transition process towards the sedentary life of the traditional nomadic population of the Crimean Khanate in the context of historical-archeological study. The work presents an attempt of coverage of the historical events that took place in Crimea in the XV-XVIII centuries and their impact upon sedentarization of the nomads. Based on the analysis of the wide variety of written, archeological and illustrative sources, the authors attempted to trace the time of the emergence of stationary settlements in the North and Northwest of the Crimean Peninsula. In the course of this research, the authors applied the historical method of studying the events, phenomena and processes, along with other general scientific approaches. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive analysis of sedentarization of the nomadic population of the Crimean Khanate. This topic for the first time is viewed in the context of historical-archeological study in addition with the written sources and toponymic data. A pursuit for localization of settlements using the cartographic material deserves separate attention.
localization of settlements, settlement, north Crimea, nomadic culture, nomads, Crimean Khanate, Crimea, sedentarization, Crimea archeology, history of Crimea
Evolution, reform, revolution
Mistryugov, P.A. (2018). State policy of provisional government and Soviet power with regards to former servicemen of Russian public and political police over the period of March 1917 – December 1921 (on the materials of Samara province). Genesis: Historical research, 10, 14–31.
The subject of this research is the examination of policy of the provisional government and Soviet power with regards to policemen, gendarmes and secret police. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the measures of local authorities taken towards them, analyzes the vectors of state policy, means and methods of its implementation, as well as response of the communities in which the “former” served prior to being arrested. Relevance of the article lies in the fact that the problem of actual rather than mythologized political measures, applied towards the representatives of the annihilated law enforcement structures of imperial power at the local level, remains insufficiently studied. The scientific novelty is defined by the poorly studied problematic, which includes the previously unexamined questions on the political corrective measures towards servicemen of the imperial law enforcement structures over the period of 1917-1921; the acquired results of its study; and the sources introduced into the scientific discourse for the first time.
the bolsheviks, self-presentation, Samara province, Revolution, police, Provincial gendarmerie department, The Provisional Government, secret employees, gendarmes, Civil War
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Lukashova, S.S., Lukashov, N.V. (2018). Religious factor as legal substantiation of partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 32–42.
The object of this research is the historical and legal aspects of partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the XVIII century. The subject of this research is the historical documents, normative legal acts, archival and other sources related to the topic. The authors examine the role of religious factor during preparation and conduct of the partitions and “reunion” of the Orthodox lands under the scepter of the Russian Empire. Special attention is given to the attitude of Catherine the Great towards the religious questions, as well as the positions held by the Russian Orthodox Church as a whole, and its separate representatives in particular. Methodology for this study is based on the analysis of historical documents and normative legal acts, using the elements of comparative jurisprudence in the context of secular and ecclesiastic law. The main conclusions made in the course of research allow stating the problem of protection of the Orthodox faith in eastern lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was of great relevance for the formed part of Russian society, despite the deliberately neutral position established by the imperial court. The authors’ special contribution consists in consideration of the public religious consciousness as a factor of international law and Russian international policy. This factor gains special relevance in light of the recent events related to withdrawing of Ukrainian Church from Moscow Patriarchy.
Greek-catholic church, Catholic church, Polish Commonwealth sections, Russian empire, religious policy, ethnoconfessional conflict, legal foundation, Catherine II, international law, Russian Orthodox Church
History and historical science
Veselova, I. (2018). The works of Francisco Javier Clavijero within the framework of censure in the Spanish Empire during the late XVIII century. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 43–49.
This article, in the context of prohibition of Spanish publication “The Ancient History of Mexico” by Francisco Javier Clavijero, examines the problem of censure of historical works of the colonial authors by Spanish authorities. The New Spain of the late XVIII retained barriers for distribution of the European philosophical ides of Modern Era. Besides the “natural” obstacle – remoteness from the metropolitan country and Europe – existed the barriers associated with the censure from Church and government. The works that contained the most radical and “harmful” ideas from the perspective of Spanish authorities, fell under the ban. Thus, the article determines the relation of Spanish authorities to the ideas of Clavijero through studying the censure practices of the Council of Indian Affairs – the institute, which controlled the colonial press, as well as the degree of reliability of censure filter. The article introduces into the scientific discourse a number of archival reference sources pertinent to issuing of the license for publishing texts of the colonial authors in the territory of India and metropolitan country. As demonstrated in the research, censure was a weak barrier for distribution of the new historical and sociopolitical ideas in the colonial society. This process could not be halted, even in terms of banning the publications in Spanish language.
historiography, Ancient history of Mexico, Mexico, Enlightenment, Jesuits, Censure, Spain, New Spain, Colonial period, Francisco Clavijero
History and Economics
Zadorozhnyaya, O.A. (2018). River agencies “Association of Western Siberian Shipping and Trade” and organization of its activity in the Ob-Irtysh River Basin. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 50–58.
The subject of this research is the process of formation of the model of river agency in the Ob-Irtysh River Basin on the example of “Association of Western Siberian Shipping and Trade”. The sources demonstrate the process of establishment of shipping lines through capital of the old and new entrepreneurial names, which strived for establishing the monopoly right over a specific sphere of activity. At the initial stage, the assistance of the local governments ensured such advantage, but the development of capitalist relations incited the distribution of competition. It necessitated finding a new way for remaining the largest shipping carrier, but by means of the separate production branches at the local level, strengthening their financial situation, increasing the staff and expanding administrative opportunities. The modern historical literature practically does not cover the problem of structural departments of river agencies of the Ob-Irtysh River Basin during the post-reform period, which is reflected on the unilateral approach to analyzing the activity of entrepreneurial organizations of the suburbs of the Russian State. The entrepreneurial companies of Western Siberia represented a fairly complicated type of the forming entrepreneurial organization due to the strong influence of both, family traditions and process of establishment of state capitalism upon the business world.
goods, Ob-Irtysh water basin, routes, traffic, shipping company, agency, cargo, commodity steam units, transit point, capitalist relations
Social history
Aleksandrovskii, I.S. (2018). Educational dimension of cultural policy of the Russian Empire and the “Ukrainian question” in the XIX century. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 59–65.
The author refers to the relevant historical topic – the implementation of cultural policy of the Russian Empire in the so-called Little Russian provinces. The study of this topic allows demonstrating the multiplicity and multifacetedness of cultural policy of the Russian Empire and identify the main difficulties of its implementation. The article examines the paramount component of cultural policy of the Russian Empire in the XX century – educational. The establishment of state institutions in the sphere of implementation of cultural and educational policy in Russia faced vast amount of problems, one of which concerned the revival of national consciousness of the Ukrainian (Little Russian) population of southwestern provinces. The formation of educational environment (primarily university) contributed the consolidation of Ukrainophile views among certain groups of intellectuals, which resulted in analyzing and emphasizing the sovereignty of the local Ukrainian cultural specificity. The article provides definition to the concept of “cultural policy” and its conceptualization applicable to chronological framework of the research. The author comes to the conclusion that the educational component of cultural policy of the Russian Empire was developing gradually, but at the same time capable of achieving the set goals. Namely this substantiated the awakening of Ukrainophile activity, followed by the rise of Ukrainian nationalism.
universities, awakening of national consciousness, Russian Empire, cultural policy, primary schools, education, Ukrainophiles, cultural specifics, Ukrainian-philological activity, emergence of Ukrainian nationalism
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Aleksandrovskii, I.S., Kasatkin, P.I. (2018). Formation of the Ukrainian cultural space in the Russian Empire during the XIX century: main trends. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 66–71.
The subject of this research is the main trends in development of the Ukrainian cultural space in the Russian Empire during the XIX century. The object of this research is the attempts of codification of the Ukrainian language in form of standardized dictionaries and literary works. The author examines such aspects of the topic as comprehension of the historical events and formation of the mythological representations on history, which is common to the Modern Era. Particular attention is given to the Ukrainian cultural space as an independent phenomenon associated with the struggle of extreme views – the Russian imperial idea and the Ukrainian cultural self-identification. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the Ukrainian cultural space has gradually become a phenomenon in its own right due to restrictive measures of the state and hostile position of the Russian community after the January Uprising of 1863-1864. The author’s special contribution into the research consists in acknowledgement that the attempts of establishing the Ukrainian nation for a long time were viewed as a challenge to the inchoate project of the Russian nation, which led to the split of Russian people. The scientific novelty lies in comprehension of the peculiarities of transition of the Ukrainian cultural space from amorphous existence at the level of the regional-imperial identity and the status of ethnographic “marvel” to the clearly outlined boundaries and realization of its uniqueness, encouraged by the creation of “Cossack myth” and the relatively systemless regional policy of the Russian Empire.
restrictive measures of the state, mythological notions, cultural meanings, Ukrainian cultural space, Russian Empire, study of history, literary creativity, local specificity, literary language, Ukrainian culture
Kolonskikh, A.G. (2018). Medieval materials of the Ufa-III hillfort (based on excavations conducted by M. H. Sadykova in 1969). Genesis: Historical research, 10, 72–83.
This article represents a publication of materials of the stationary excavations of Ufa-III hillfort conducted by M. H. Sadykova in 1969. The object of this research is the ceramic collection of the monument, referred to the early Middle Ages. Special attention is given to the history of examination of the monument, as well as its localization. The article uses the currently available information about the Ufa-III hillfort, based in which the author attempts to identify the lifetime of the monument, cultural attribution of materials of the medieval layer of the hillfort, as well as its role within the structure of synchronic monuments of the Ufa Peninsula. The typology of ceramic series of the indicated object is carried out on the basis of morphological peculiarities of the jars, variety of ornamental compositions, as well as the structure of puddle clay. The Ufa-III hillfort is located in the historical center of modern metropolis, and this is why it has been almost completely destroyed by dense urban development. The monument was discovered in the middle of the XX century; however, there is still not a single publication of its materials. Therefore, the generalization and introduction of the data from stationary excavations of M. H. Sadykova into the scientific discourse is a relevant objective of this research.
archeological exploration, archaeological excavations, localization, Ufa Peninsula, early Middle Ages, ceramics, settlement, hillfort, typology, Ufa-III
Issues of war and peace
Kuchumov, I.V. (2018). The impact of evacuation of population and factories from western regions of the USSR upon socioeconomic processes in Bashkiria during the Great Patriotic War. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 84–93.
The subject of this research is the role of Russian population in the socioeconomic processes of Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR) during the Great Patriotic War. This event let to substantial quantitative and qualitative changes in socio-demographic composition of population of the Bashkir ASSR, which affected the economic potential of the region, as wells as had direct or indirect influence on the role of Bashkortostan in political space of the country. Reminiscence of those years define the specificity of ethnic, social, economic and to a certain extent political development of Bashkortostan at the present stage. The article applies the comparison of statistical data on demography and economics with the records derived from the narrative sources. The article demonstrates that despite the severe economic and humanitarian losses, the Great Patriotic War led to a surge in the economic regard, including influx of the evacuated workforce and acceleration of urbanization. Dwelling of the evacuated academic, university and engineering-technical personnel in Bashkiria contributed to significant economic and cultural progress of the region. Thus, in the beginning of 1990’s, the region became one of the initiators and leaders of the “sovereignty parade”, influencing the character of political processes in post-Soviet Russia. Moreover, the formed during the wartime industrial capacity of the republic allowed partially compensating the difficulties, caused by the transition to market economy in the 1990’s.
labor force, industry, Russian people, the evacuation of the population, demography, economy, Bashkortostan, world war II, language policy, education