Regions of the world in the global historical process
Drong, A.R. (2017). The relations between Bangladesh, USSR, and Russia (1972-2015). Genesis: Historical research, 2, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the development of relationship between Russia and Bangladesh over the period of 1972-2015. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as the positions of USSR in Bangladesh Liberation War, ups and downs in diplomatic relations between two countries during the Cold War with the West, reasons of alienation in cooperation between Russia and Bangladesh in the early 1980’s. Special attention is given to the question of modern policy of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina regarding Russia and new aspect of development in trade, construction, and energy segment. The author refers to the contemporary methodology based on the idea of multipolar world and pluralism of views upon the problems of Russia and Bangladesh. Author’s special contribution consists in the in-depth and objective outlook upon the historical events that took place in critical time of political instability between Bangladesh and USSR, and subsequently, Russia. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author appeals to modern methods of cultural diplomacy in development of escalation of the friendly and economic cooperation, as well as consolidation of peace and mutual understanding between the nations of Russia and Bangladesh.
Bilateral relations, Sheikh Mojibur Rahman, Russian Federation, Soviet Union, USSR, Bangladesh, Mutual understanding, Liberation War, Cooperation, Sheikh Hasina
Theory and methodology of history
Tinyakova, E.A. (2017). Information and social needs for the new methods of teaching history. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 12–21.
The object of this article is the historical knowledge and modern information and social requirements towards its quality and content. The author determines the three spheres of historical knowledge: Russian history as part of knowledge in human life; Russian history within the system of education, specifically in secondary educational professional institutions and high school; academic historical research. Brief characteristic is given to the interconnection between these three spheres of knowledge on the national history. The subject of this work is the improvement of educational process on national history in the secondary schools. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in the increase of social importance of teaching the national history, as well as impact of the Russian history as an educational discipline upon the establishment of political culture. Teaching the Russian history faces relevant tasks of civil upbringing. The author suggest expanding the educational materials on national history.
Political culture, Independence, Autonomy, Folklore, Traditional culture, Historical tourism, Toponymy, Inductive , History, Information dynamics
History of law and state
Zharov, S. (2017). Ivan Petrovich Liprandi on corruption and the struggle against it. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 22–29.
The object of this research is the ideas on the struggle against corruption, expressed by the active state counsellor of the late XIX century I. P. Liprandi. The subject of this research is the scientific report published in the Imperial Society for History and Russian Antiquities under the Moscow University. The author carefully examines the dynamics in relation of the ration legislator towards bribery, as well as emergence of the ideas about the criminal character of such action. Special attention is given to the pointed by Liprandi difficulties in the struggle against this vice alongside the measures of this fight. The article applied the method of interpretation of the legal ides. The diachronic comparison allowed revealing the genesis of bribe in the Russian law from the virtually lawful to the understanding of a bribe as a dangerous state crime. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that for the first time, the unrenowned publication on the topic relevant in modern juridical science, is subjected to academic analysis. The conclusion is made about the high relevance of the expressed by I. P. Liprandi ideas and propositions. The work also demonstrates certain steps of the Russian legislator towards the fight against corruption.
fight against crime, criminal liability, graft, extortion, bribery, corruption, state service, Ivan Petrovich Liprandi, history of legal thought, confidential cooperation
History of law and state
Tret'yakova, E. (2017). The role and importance of international non-governmental organization the Institute of international law in the nineteenth century. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 30–38.
The article is devoted to the study of the role and value of Institute of international law (international non-governmental organizations) in the development of international legal regulation in the nineteenth century. The author identifies and describes some of the prerequisites for the formation of these institutions, as well as characterizes the mission of the organization, lists the range of issues discussed at the meetings of its sessions. Special attention, as demonstration of theoretical and practical importance, is given to the issues of extradition of criminals, which were developed by the Institute of international law, are part of the decision on the issue. The role and importance of the Institute of international law in the development of international legal regulation is being formulated. The study analyzes the work of the Institute of international law, which is based primarily on the data that testifies to the results of activity of the examined structure of private law published in the pre-revolutionary publications. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the historical analysis of the international non-governmental organizations, particularly the Institute of International Law that remains insignificantly studies in modern research. The main conclusion of the study consists in the following: in the second half of the XIX century there has been established an extensive system of international non-governmental organizations that contributed to the development of international law. The Institute of International Law was of special importance for the development of international law due to the fact that it united the leading experts in this area. During the course of its work, the aforementioned institutions executed various issues, most relevant from the perspective of international legal regulation, which carries theoretical and practical character, as well as undoubtedly affected the content of the international law within the examined period. Of particular importance to the development of international law was international law Institute, bringing together leading experts in this field. In the course of its work, the studied structure was engaged in a variety of issues, most relevant from the point of view of international legal regulation that had not only theoretical but also practical in nature, and have undoubtedly affected the content of international law in the period under review.
Structuring of the world political system, International cooperation, International relations, International law doctrine, Development of international law, Extradition of criminals, Institute of International Law, International non-governmental organizations, XIX century, History of international law
History of law and state
Vankov, A. (2017). The experience of creating the first digests of laws in the United States: the role of private companies in systematization of legislation. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 39–45.
The article is aimed at analyzing the American experience related to the emergence of systematization and codification of federal statutory law in the United States. The article explores the reasons that caused the necessity of putting the statutory law in order, the events and decisions that took place during that process. The article proves that by trial and error the American lawmakers were able to elaborate an appropriate mechanism for assembling vast compilations (codes) of law: this job involved in commercial organizations who eventually ensured the success. In this connection, the article contains more general recommendations connected to the methods of using commercial organizations in the codification of legislation. In the modern conditions, the conclusions are made applicable to the organizations dealing with systematization of legislation on noncommercial basis – the developers of the reference legal systems.
Code of Laws of the United States of America, Domestic tax code, Revised statutes, Incorporation, Codification, Digest of laws, Foreign legislation, Statutory law, Systematization of legislation, History of codification
History of regions of Russia
Tarasova, Y.A., Barabanova, N.A. (2017). Authority and labor in province just before the New Economic Policy. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 46–54.
This article is dedicated to examination of relation of the Soviet authority towards the working population in provincial city of Volga Region in 1921. Based on the earlier studied documents of Syzran State Archive and materials of the newspaper Syzran Communar for 1921, the authors explore the ways of increasing work discipline, incentives and punishments, as well as strategies of ideological influence used by the government agencies. The peculiarities of the work of provincial concentration camp of compulsory labor are being determined. The authors also examine the relation to peasantry due to transition to the new economic policy. The new earlier unknown archive materials are introduced into the scientific discourse. The authors describe the mechanisms of ideological influence upon the consciousness of working population as well as reveal the specificities of relation of the government to peasantry during the first decades of the New Economic Policy. The conclusion is made that by the end of the Civil War, were developed the main ways of estrangement of labor, which were later used by Stalinist regime.
Soviet authorities, proletariat, peasantry, concentration camp, revolutionary consciousness, New Economic Policy, Syzran, Volga Region, Syzran Communar, estrangement of labor
History of political and legal doctrines
Sokolova, E.S. (2017). Autocratic ideal in supra-national strategies of Miloslavskys and Naryshkins: to the question on representative essence of some policy-making initiatives of the end of XVII century. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 55–84.
This article examines the problem of formation of the autocratic ideal of supreme tsardom in Russian legislation of the XVII century. Based on hermeneutic interpretation of the broad range of legislative-legal acts of the period of dynasty crisis of the 1680’s – beginning of the 1690’s signified by the strong political rivalry between Miloslavskys and Naryshkins, the author makes a conclusion about the fragmentarity of a number of legislative initiatives in the area of legitimization of the principle of monocracy. Their vividly expressed representative potential mostly pursued the narrow-pragmatic goals in the field of strengthening of the international legal status of the Russian State and creation of the solid social foundation under the conditions of weal legal support based on the value orientations of the medieval traditionalism. In particular, the primary attention of the political elite of the XVII century was attracted by the search of the legal means for overcoming various diplomatic conflicts, which constantly emerged due to the unwillingness of the majority of European states to adhere in ceremonial practice to the principle of equality of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Holy Roman Empire. Despite the popular in historiography opinion about the gradual formation of the Russian autocratic paradigm across the XVII century, the author underlines the spontaneous character of majority of the new laws in the area of legitimization of monocratic supreme authority. Their representative importance significantly increased in the conditions of the race for power and cancellation of the work of Zemsky Sobor on the background of retention of the remaining manifestations of Zemstvo activity during the breaking moments of the existence of the Russian State. The succession of Romanovs’ legislative policy aimed at the legal support of autocratic ideas, takes its roots not only in its doctrinal-ideological foundation, but also sociocultural conditions of the state-legal routine, which also retained their political-legal importance during the periods of reforms of Peter the Great.
Legal compromise, Zemsky Sobor , Miloslavskys and Naryshkins, Paternalism, International law, Representative strategies, Dynasty crisis, Russian legislation, Supra-estate monarchy, Autocratic ideal
History and Politics
Sosenkov, F.S. (2017). The problem of retention of the Soviet Union in documents of the State Committee on the State of Emergency. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 85–93.
The subject of this research is the ideas of state unity and combating separatism, expressed in documents of the State Committee on the State of Emergency (GKChP of USSR). The author underlines the compulsory character of establishment of this agency. The main crisis trend of the Soviet statehood of the end of 1980’s – the beginning of 1990’s became the territorial disintegration of USSR and the threat to its collapse. The developed by various political powers projects of restructuring the Soviet State by means of decentralization of administration lead to transformation of the Soviet Union into confederative institution, which legitimized capture of authority by the union republics as violation of the Constitution of USSR. The main goals of formation of GKChP reflected in its documents: “Declaration of the Soviet leadership”, “Address to the Soviet people”, “Appeal to the leaders of states and governments, and UN General Secretary”, and others. These acts list the reasons of the weakening of unity of USSR, as well as defines the measures on overcoming the separatist trends. The scientific novelty consists in attraction of the materials, which were insufficiently involved into the study of the needs of history of state and law, as well as teachings on state and law. The accessible documental heritage of GKChP allows concluding that the key goal of formation of this agency consisted in retention of the territorial integrity of the county, which also defines its “political face”. Despite the established stereotypes, the Communist component in ideology of GKChP was not as high; it was rather the expression of political will of the group of conservatively oriented Soviet leaders. The failure of GKChP accelerated the disintegration of USSR, and allowed assessing the idea of retention of the unified state as reactionary on the official level. Perhaps partially because of this, the agreement between Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus signed on December 8, 1991 that practically liquidated the Soviet Union, did not cause the tangible resonance in society.
Sovereignization , State of emergency, Political crisis, Centripetal trends, Centrifugal trends, Separatism, Territorial integrity, State unity, State Committee on the State of Emergency, USSR
Interdisciplinary research
Synieokyi, O.V. (2017). Communication-legal analysis of some special events in activity of a rock band from the historical perspective (“comeback”, “reunion”, “reincarnation”, “reestablishment”). Genesis: Historical research, 2, 94–114.
This article is first within the Russian scientific literature to analyze a rock band within the system of legal relations formed in the area of music industry from the systemic perspective. The subject of this publication is the music-legal analysis of international practice on resolution of the issues that emerge in juridical platitude due to special events associated with the transformation of rock bands. The author thoroughly reviews the examples of legal content and judicial (extrajudicial) consideration of disputes from the practice of music industry. Particular attention is given to determination of specificity of separate or joint co-authorship within the rock band, as well as intellectual-legal peculiarities of the use of back-catalogue and labels. The theoretical core of this research consists in the theory of communication in terms of the culturological knowledge with element of intellectual property law. The author comes to a conclusion that a rock band holds one of the major places within the system of legal relations in the area of sound recording as an integral communication phenomenon that represents a special format of music collective with characteristic peculiarities in composition, distribution of role and functions, and used instruments. Based on the communication-legal theory, the author describes each of the special events (“comeback”, “reunion”, “reincarnation”, and “reestablishment”), analyzing the similarities and differences, as well as issues emerging due to the match of names. The author underlines the proposition regarding the normative consolidation of the use of the term “music law” that characterizes a complex sub-branch of civil law, the subject of regulation of which lie in the legal relations emerging in music sphere, and particularly legal aspects of the international music business.
Extrajudicial regulation, International intellectual right, Music law, Reunion, Reincarnation, Comeback, With participation, Rock band, Special events, Sound recording industry
Social history
Boltaevskii, A.A., Pryadko, I.P. (2017). Establishment of the Soviet political elite: from Lenin’s death to Stalin’s triumph. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 115–134.
The growing interest towards the defining moments in Russian history takes place under the conditions of establishment of Russia’s independent course. The object of fierce discussion, similar to the period of Perestroika, becomes the activity of J. V. Stalin, as well as the peculiarities of formation of the Soviet political system over the period of 1920’s – 1930’s. Some people see Stalin as a dictator, but other consider him a prominent government leader. At the same time, the interests to his persona causes the occurrence of various tendentious and falsified materials. The authors lean on a broad range of sources: documental materials, testimonies of political and military leaders, works of Russian and foreign experts, as well as use the comparative-historical and problematic-chronological methods. An average Russian believe that the great in Stalin’s era consists in increase of the political-military power of the country, success in industrial expansion, and most importantly – victory in the Great Patriotic War. All of these events overshadow the negative manifestations, such as mass repression, persecution of church alongside the academic and cultural figures, as well as devastation of peasantry during the process of collectivization. Depending on the sociopolitical situation in the country, the historical memory of our citizens will reproduce certain events of the period of 1920’s – 1950’s, which obscures the facts that contradict the established conjuncture. Stalin’s activity can be viewed as the creation of new political elite, which is capable of withstanding the internal and external challenges.
Repressions, Communism, World War II, Revolution, Lenin, Struggle, Stalin, Bureaucracy, Political system, Soviet Union
Anthroposociogenesis and historical anthropology
Zubareva, E.G. (2017). The physical type of the population Vodyanskoe settlement of the Golden Horde period (on the materials of christianized part of the necropolis. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 135–142.
Physical appearance of the population of the Golden Horde resulted from interbreeding of representatives of two big races, i.e. the Mongoloid and the Caucasoid. The presence of the Mongoloid component is to some extent manifested in the appearance of inhabitants of all the Golden Horde towns. Nevertheless, it is the Caucasoid features that prevailed in urban population. One of such places was Vodyanskoe settlement. This article presents the history of the antropological study of Vodyanskoe settlement during the Golden Horde period. The article includes craniological study of the Golden Horde population. The author provides a detailed description of the osteometrical series, conducts analysis of osteometrical material, as well as determines the anthropological type, which dwells on this land. The author’s main contribution consists in carrying out the osteometric research and introduction into the scientific circulation of the data about physical type of the Golden Horde population. Based on the craniological and osteological facts, the author was able to give almost precise description of appearance of the urban population of the Christian part of necropolis of the Vodyansky settlement.
Golden Horde, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Christians, Necropolis, History, Anthropological type, Osteometry , Craniology, Population of Vodyanskoe settlement
Personality in history
tropin, n.a. (2017). Karl Petrovich von Rüdinger: the liflyandsky baron on service of the Russian Empire. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 143–154.
This article for the first time recreates the biography of Karl Petrovich von Rüdinger (1753-1821) – a liflyandsky baron, who was the native of Phelinsky uyezd. During 1779-1797 he served in the Land Gentry corps, received the rank of the privy councilor (1797) and the post of the civil Governor of Vyborg (1797-1799) from the Emperor Paul I. Upon retirement, he moved to Hapsal and was signed up for the Estland nobility (1815). His life is a typical example of the service of a not highborn nobleman who used his kinship relations and the membership in the Masonic Lodge for the career growth. Due to this, he achieved a prominent position in the society. The study is carried out on the basis of documents and reference books of their time. It is interesting as an experience of creating a historical portrait of an administrator of the «second plan» within the administrative apparatus of the Russian Empire of the second half of XVIII - early XIX centuries.
confidant, Land Gentry corps, Phelinsky uyezd, city governor Vyborg, liflyandsky baron, Karl Petrovich von Rüdinger, Masonic Lodge, Russian Empire, Hapsal, Estland nobility