Historical time and space
Ippolitov, V.A. (2015). Provincial Komsomol of the first half 1930th years as object of political control. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 124. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14250
In article it is analyzed the system of political control over the Komsomol organizations of the first half of the 1930th. It is considered such elements as political enlightenment, the party leadership, control of social contingent, struggle with right and left opposition. It is detail considered the Problems of political education of youth. It is investigated Participation of Komsomol in economic and political campaigns (collectivization, dispossession of kulaks, grain-collections). It is involved the subject of resistance of Komsomol members to policy of communist party. The special attention is paid to studying of the mechanism of political cleanings in the Komsomol organizations.A geographical framework of research includes the territory of Kozlowski and Tambov districts. After elimination of districts in the summer of 1930 it were considered the materials of the areas which were located in the territory of the modern Tambov region. Research is based on the principles of dialectics, historicism and objectivity. It used general scientific methods: complex analysis, synthesis, description.Scientific novelty of work consists in complex research of system of political control over Komsomol. Previously these tasks for this period of time the scientists were not stated. As a result of research, we came to the conclusion that political control covers all areas of Komsomol life. The main task of political control was to develop young people need the power behaviors . The system of political education in rural conditions were not perfect . The Using of Komsomol was in the various economic campaigns contrary to the educational function of the state.
collectivization, dispossession of kulaks, grain-collections, cleaning, right bias, Komsomol, political control, history, political education, party management
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Zurnachyan, A.S. (2015). The Lawcode of Mxit'ar Gosh as a Source of Armenian Law. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 2549. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14027
The subject of the present research is the Lawcode of Mxit'ar Gosh created in the late XIIth - early XIIIth centuries, in particular, legal provisions regulating criminal law and civil law relations and rules of judicial proceedings. Special attention is paid to the principles of legal proceedings and principles of imposition of punishment for commission of crime. The author also examines the process and conditions for imposing death penalty. The author also touches upon the questions of the legal regulation of all kinds of treaties, the procedures of hereditary succession and testamentary succession that were effective in Armenia in the middle ages. The author has applied geneal research methods and special research methods such as historical-legal, comparative-historical, comparative-legal, formal-logical and system methods. The main conclusion of the research is that Mxit'ar Gosh was the first one to introduce the concept of natural law, natural right, natural beginnings and humanism long before European philosophers of the Enlightenment. The rules established by the Lawcode were quite progressive for those times and created the basis for the formation and development of Armenian law.
history of law, Armenian law, Lawcode, Mxit'ar Gosh, criminal law, civil law, hereditary succession, testamentary succession, natural justice, court
Issues of war and peace
Zalietok, N. (2015). British women in the First World War. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 5065. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14066
The study of the peculiar position of British women and their involvement in the military campaign during the First World War are of great interest to scientists in the context of a large-scale struggle for the women’s emancipation that covered Britain in the early XX century. Activities of British women as members of the women’s auxiliary services and rear workers largely predetermined their future position in the society. The goal of this article is to analyze the main types of employment of British women during the military campaign of 1914-1918, as well as their attitude towards the war through the prism of social stereotypes. In the course of the study a historical-comparative method, a problem-chronological method, an analytical and psychological method, a statistical method, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis were used. The author concludes that in the period of the First World War, due to the conscription of a large number of men in the army, the list of jobs available to the female population significantly expanded. This case concerned members of the women’s auxiliary services as well as women rear workers. In addition, in this period women were active participants of campaigns that represented polar ideological directions – from pacifism to direct appeals to men to join the army. Traditional gender views on the role of women in this period, due to the military situation, were slightly diminished. At the same time, along with admiration for isolated examples of women's sacrifice, the majority of ordinary British women – members of the women’s auxiliary services and rear workers – were often subjected to condemnation by the society.
propaganda, ideology, womens auxiliary services, The First World War, United Kingdom, front, rear, pacifism, emancipation, suffrage
World of ideas and world of the mundane
Shitova, A.A. (2015). Anti-religious struggle and change of the holiday traditions in the 1920-ies. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 6676. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14358
Discusses the process of changing holiday traditions, which was one of the components of cultural-ideological work of the Bolshevik party . Special attention is paid to policy change in relation to the events in the 1920-ies in the North Caucasus region. Specified features of this policy, owing to the specific social structure of the population (predominantly rural population, the presence of the Cossack population with strong traditions). From the point of view of the author, one of the main trends of research at the present stage is the analysis of the regional specificity of the development of new topics and research aspects. This research is based on scientific principles of historicism and objectivity. To compare the situation in the region and the country as a whole, the author has analyzed the documents from the Russian state archive of socio-political history of the Center for documentation on contemporary history of the Rostov region, the State archive of contemporary history of the Stavropol territory. Installed: targeted policy of the party towards the holidays, its relative flexibility, expressed in a desire to give the old holidays new content. Marked serial antireligious orientation and gradual tightening of forms and methods of work on the elimination of religious content holidays. She focuses on the awareness of the representatives of the new power of the fundamental importance of the place occupied festive culture in General culture formed a "new man".
New Economic Policy, traditions, festive culture, Komsomol, religion, youth, History, communist party, daily occurrence, promotion
Historical memory
Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2015). Military traditions in the continuity of education of the younger generation in the Russian emigration. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 77103. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14125
The article deals with the organization of patriotic activity in the cadet corps of the Russian abroad of 1920–1930, the role of Russian officers in the transfer of military traditions to the younger generation. The historical continuity of the Russian military education in the new historical conditions. Consolidation of the Russian diaspora in the preservation and formation of patriotic feelings. The desire of teachers and cadets not only maintain but also to enrich and expand, to give relevance and preserve for future generations the traditions and customs that existed in pre-revolutionary Russia.Retrospective method allows you to restore the historical space, against which there was a process of formation of military education in exile.The study showed that in emigration, especially when young people desperately needed in the development of patriotism and pride in the great past of the Fatherland, a military tradition, loyalty to the homeland and military duty could give them a foundation on which to build the whole person, ready to save and augment scarce resource with a Russian emigration.
Military traditions, Cadet Corps, Countries, Patriotic Education, Continuity of generations, Russian emigration, Preservation of national identity, Military Education, Emigrant youth, Emotional and moral perception
History of law and state
Voropanov, V. (2015). On the Activity of Judicial Representatives of Rural Groups in Uyezds of the Russian North at the End of the XVIIIth Century. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 104120. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.13938
The object of the present research is the judicial system of the Russian Empire at the end of the XVIIIth century, the subejct of the research is the peculiarities of the implementation of the institution of judicial representatives that was established in 1775 in the territory of the Russian North (the case studies of Vologda and Arkhangelsk Governorates). In his article Voropanov analyzes the practice of substituting for the position of the 'judge' in governorate and uyezd courts (upper and lower institutions of justice as well as uyezd police administration, i.e. lower zemstvo courts), experience of law-enforcing activities of people elected by peasant communities as well as the attitude of the population towards reformed bodies of 'official justice' and, as a consequence, effectiveness of the judicial and legal reformations undertaken by Yekaterina the Second. In order to solve the set goals, Voropanov has used both general and specific research methods that are usually used in philosophy, law, history and social studies. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes documents of management and record keeping of the local state authorities of the late XVIIIth century that have never been studied before but provide a great insight into both implementation of electoral legislation and court activities created as a result of local government reforms in 1775 - 1785. The author also examines the role of these documents in the regulation of public relations in the territory of the Russian North and effectiveness of judicial and legal tranformations performed by Yekaterina the Second. The conclusions made by the author do not only disprove the opinion that the judicial reform of 1775 - 1785 was unefficient but also allow to assess methods, means and results of the government's efforts on strengthening the balance of public relations, both between different social classes and ethnic groups and both in the Russian North and Russian Empire in general.
Russian Empire, reforms, law, justice, judicial system, estates elections, judicial representatives, legal culture, public administration, Russian North
History of law and state
Abdulin, R.S. (2015). The main directions of the party-state policy of the USSR in the field of judicial administration (1970-1980). Genesis: Historical research, 2, 121139. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14134
The subject of the study are the main directions of the party-state policy of the USSR in the field of judicial administration in the period from 1970 to 1980. This period is characterized by Counterreform state legal reforms conducted from mid 1950 to mid-1960. Overall, despite the controversial transformation in the life of Soviet society associated with this historical period, there were significant and represented one of the most important periods in the history of the Soviet Union in terms of modernization. The author shows that subsequent changes in the party and the government led to a partial return of the administrative-command model of judicial control characteristic of the Stalin era.
The Supreme court, decentralization of management, justice, model, judicial administration, Communist Party, policy, crime, organizational leadership, repression
History of law and state
Gotsulenko, A.V., Fomin, A.A. (2015). To the question of the development of the institution liable for treason . Genesis: Historical research, 2, 140151. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14197
The subjects of research are the legal rules governing liability for treason in Soviet legislation pre-war and war period. The authors consider the totality of social relations associated with the adoption, the further development and implementation of the enforcement provisions of the criminal legislation in the sphere of protection of security of the USSR. This article discusses the causes and conditions of formation of the Institute responsible for treason, criminal and legal description of the offences with treasonous activities, and are characterized by norms of emergency legislation wartime on the subject. Methodological basis of the study was the principles of historicism and objectivity, which helped the authors to conduct an in-depth study of the documentary sources and historical facts, to establish a causal connection between them. Scientific novelty of the research is determined not only by the comparative-legal analysis of the normative legal acts, regulating the Foundation of the prosecution for treason, but the fact that the authors identified a number of features of the legal Institute in its historical development, and outlined the main directions of law-making and enforcement in this area.
repression, betray, legal Institute, espionage, responsibility, high treason, penal legislation, collaboration, extraordinary acts, history of law
History of law and state
Shayakhmetova, T.E. (2015). Clearance and development of the police legislation in the area of . Genesis: Historical research, 2, 152169. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14294
The subject of the research is the design and development of the police legislation in the area of "well-being" in the Russian Empire in the XIX. Police legislation in the Russian state was documented in two directions: to provide "security" and providing "well-being". This conclusion can be drawn by examining the Russian legalization of XVII-XIX centuries. Legislation providing "security" included the rules governing the system of control of population movements, the activities of public associations, press censorship, the system and the organization of criminal investigation, prevention and suppression of crime, the enforcement of sentences. Standards that provide "welfare", regulate the supervision of a physician and construction business, protection of natural resources, public charity the elderly and the poor, education and others. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical materialist method of knowledge of the social and legal phenomena, as well as historical and legal, system -lattice, comparative legal, logical and theoretical research methods and chastnonauchnogo regulations, combined with a systematic approach and analysis. The main conclusion of the study was the position that in the course of the systematization of the Russian legislation, to complete the creation of laws and Complete Collection of the Laws of the Russian Empire was formed system of legal acts regulating the issues of ensuring national food, public charity and medical-care activities that in turn, creates a legal basis for the consolidation of the rule of law activities of the state apparatus as a whole and the government.
the charter, public charity, food security, the popular food, Code of Laws, deanery, police legislation, police, population health, Charter Medical Police
History of law and state
Zipunnikova, N. (2015). "...We've Turned out Universities to the Advantage of Science and Public Education': On the 180th Anniversary of the General Statute on the Russian Imperial Universities of 1835. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 170204. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14305
The article focuses on major legalization, regulate the activities of Russian Imperial University in the second third of the XIX century. University charter in 1835 for a long time had a very negative evaluation, as well as the entire period of the reign of Nicholas I. The prospects of substantial rethinking of the value of the law in 1835, undertaken in recent years. Characterized prerequisites for university reform, the political and ideological context of the birth of the statute, it noted the influence of the ideology of "true enlightenment" and the triune formula Count SS Uvarov, and systematization of the Russian legislation. Special attention is drawn to the developers of the university law. Analyzed separate legal structure of the Charter, based on a comparison with the university legislation early XIX century concludes that significant development of legal technique. Discusses the importance of the educational standard in 1835 for legal education and science of jurisprudence. Systematization of the Russian legislation under the guidance MMSperanskii, dissemination of ideas of the historical school of law and a new standard of training of lawyers in the imperial universities described in conjunction. Moral-political department of the universities were transformed into law schools, increased public interest in scientific jurisprudence.
Uvarov and Speransky, political and ideological context, training law, Russian Imperial University, reform of universities, university charter, Ministry of Education, custodial authority, legal structure, legal education
Stream of books: bibliography, reviews
Zipunnikova, N. (2015). History of Russian Legal Science as an Independent Academic Discipline (or More Judgments on M. A. Kozhevina's Monograph) . Genesis: Historical research, 2, 205222. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14155
In her article Zipunnikova reviews M. A. Kozhevina's monograph "Formation and Development of Russian Legal Science in XVIII - XIX Centuries" in which Kozhevina outlines the problem of providing grounds for describing the history of the development of Russian legal science as an independent discipline. Kozhevina defines the object, the object and instruments of the history of jurisprudence, describes periods of its development and clarifies a range of factors that contributed to the development of legal science as a social institution - lawmaking, organizational and legal bases of scientific activity, and others. Among other factors, the author of the monograph analyzes the performance of professional legal community including Academy of Sciences, legal education and law associations. By doing so, as well as analyzing the teachins of Russian law experts of XVIII-XIX centuries, Kozhevina shows the organic connection between the Russian scientific law and legal education. Kozhevina views the development of legal journals and periodical literature in Russia. The research perspective offered by Kozhevina in her monograph returns us to the problems associated with the history of Russian legal science and her monograph encourages thoughts and reflections on the perspective self-description of Russian scientific law. In her monograph Kozhevina offers an approach to studying the history of Russian legal science.
systematization of russian law, lawmaking, Russian universities, Imperial Academy of Sciences, factors of science institutionalization, academic discipline, history of legal science (law), professional community, legal society, popularization of legal knowledge
History of political and legal doctrines
Vasilev, A.A. (2015). Neoconservative Political and Legal Ideology of Alain de Benoist. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 223240. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14047
The research subject of the article is the political and legal views of a contemporary neoconservative philosopher Alain de Benoist. The research object is the neoconservative political and legal ideology of the Western Europe in the late XXth - early XXIst centuries. In his research Vasiliev touches upon the biography and general views of the French philosopher and milestones in his political and literary activity. Special attentio is paid to the philosopher's critics of liberal ideology, the human rights, Christianity, globalization, parliamentarism, etc. In his research Vasiliev covers such ideas of Benoist as the participatory democracy, solidarism and empire. The main methodological approach used by the researcher is traditionalism allowing to expain modern political and legal institutions and elements of legal consciousness from the point of view of national legal archetypes and basic spiritual and cultural grounds of the legal system (historicism, orientation at the search for the integral knowledge as the combination of mind, faith, will, feelings, orientation at 'division but not combination', etc.). Additional research methods used by the researcher include the portrait-biographical method and analysis of original sources. The main conclusion of the research contains the thesis that Benoist's conservative concept combines both conservative elements (critics of liberalism, the natural human rights and justification of national socialism and empire building) and traditional European elements such as direct democracy and rationalism. An important feature of Benoist's doctrine is his critics of mondialisation which makes his teaching topical and time-sensitive and shows the potential of conservatism in this day and age.
conservatism, traditionalism, preservationism ('ochranitelstvo', literally 'pres, neoconservatism, globalization, mondialism, participatory democracy, empire, human rights, liberalism
Doctoral Research: reviews
Smykalin, A.S. (2015). Details on the thesis PhD Candidate of Historical Sciences - Kuz'minykh A.L. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 241258. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-868X.2015.2.14188
Review is dedicated to prisoners of war in the Soviet Union in 1939 - 1956 years. The huge scale of hostilities led to the emergence of a large number of prisoners whose legal status has not been resolved. In the thesis the author considers mode, the contents of prisoners of war and other living conditions.
Great Patriotic War, castigation, legal status, Soviet captivity, archives, system of military captivity, internement, prisonniers Nemec, the labor of prisoners of war, Soviet counterintelligence agencies