Mal'chenko, O.E. (2013). Acquired Epigraphies on Medieval Gun Barrels. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 1–60.
The article is devoted to artillery epigraphies in the XVI - XIX centuries. The author underlines the low information capacity of artillery epigraphies as the primary source of historical data. The author also describes different types of acquired epigraphies depending on the information they contained. The author's classification includes the accounting details, technical specifications, epigraphies when the owner of the weapon was changed (trophy, gift, purchase), descriptive epigraphies and graffiti. The author also gives examples of inscriptions on gun barrels and explains why they were created. For the first time in literature the author introduces the definition of 'gun barrel graffiti'. The author also proves why the term 'graffiti' also applies to illegitimate inscriptions on artillery gan barrels. Gan barrel graffiti is viewed as an informal form of communication of the military community in conflictogenic situations. The author also makes an attemp to create a classification of gan barrel graffiti based on the analysis of inscribed gan barrels from the museums in Eurasia, Northern and Central America. The author critisizes some approaches to studying gan barrel graffiti. Much attention is paid to the 'magical', integrative and spatial functions of gan barrel graffiti. The conclusion is that this type of epigraphy material can be useful for studying the history of artillery based on the anthropocentric approach.
history of artillery, Medieval artillery, primary source, information capacity of the source, acquired epigraphy, typology (classification), anthropological approach, manifestations, functions, military culture
Beliefs, religions, churches
Arapov, A.V. (2013). The Main Tendencies of Faith in Christ (Religious Essay) . Genesis: Historical research, 4, 61–69.
The article is devoted to one of the movement in Russian religious sectarianism that is usually called 'faith in Christ' or 'Khlyst's movement'. The author of the article describes the main sects that are usually related to the 'faith in Christ' movement including 'God's People', 'Postniks', 'Old Israel' and 'New Israel'. The author gives an insight into their religion and history. Each movement was created based on the preceding movement. Most of the followers started to follow the new movement but the old movement also continued to exist. The author gives examples of their religious literature and describes the main forms of their mystic practices. The 'Faith in Christ' movement is viewed as the expression of the two tendencies typial for the Russian religion. Firstly, it is the focus on emotions when emotional mystic experience takes the central place and the internal state of mind and spirits is more important than the ritual. The second feature is the desire to see Christ in a new human (a spiritual leader). Of course there are not the only tendencies in Russian religion. There have been some opposing tendencies as well but they have been practiced by other religious communities.
Chemrek, Old Israel, Postnik, Khlysts, faith in Christ, sectology, religious studies, New Israel
Cultural heritage
Shpakovskii, V.O. (2013). The Poem. Genesis: Historical research, 4, 70–87.
The article concerns the study of the poem "Shah-Nameh" as a source of knighthood weapons studied by English-speaking historians. English-speaking historians unanimously agreed that horse armour had Byzantine and Iran, and the Arab, and Chinese riders, and at the time when Europeans did not even dream of it. At the same time, the design of social institutions of chivalry is associated with huge costs of weapons and armour, and hence the relevant system of land holding. This is reflected in the European and Eastern heraldry.
the Poem, chivalry, East, West, chain mail, heraldic emblem, chivalry armour, plate armour, crossbow, bow
History of law and state
Nikulin, V.V. (2013). Specifics of State Policy During the Period of Civil War in Soviet Russia (1918 - 1920) . Genesis: Historical research, 4, 88–133.
The article is devoted to the specific features of state policy implemented by Bolsheviks during the Civil War. The author defines the followin specific features of the policy: political intimidation in the form of terror, collective punishments, legal extremism. Are analyzed practice of their application, conditions of emergence and long-term consequences for formation of the Soviet it is state - legal policy as complete concept. Influence of civil war on formation of "the military and Soviet legal culture" which found reflection in made legal decisions and methods, as a whole in legal policy is traced. The thesis that the role is right in the conditions of the solution of the main task - "protection of revolution" locates, became minor and in the organizational plan completely included in the party and state system. The author comes to a conclusion that the main feature is state – legal policy there was an intimidation in the form of terror. Terror became defining method of preservation of the power when the law is replaced with fear and violence, the main components of policy of intimidation.Work is written generally on regulations and archival documents a material therefore it can be used when developing scientific subjects, when writing articles and monographs, and also in the course of studying of training courses "History of state and law of Russia", "History of political and legal doctrines" and other training courses
revolution, deterrence, terror, repressive authorities, law, law-enforcement activity, legitimacy, punishment, corporate responsibility, state policy
History of law and state
Kodan, S.V., Vladimirova, G.E. (2013). Political Ideological and Procedural and Institutional Grounds for Creating the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire (the XVIIIth - the first quarter of the XIXth century) . Genesis: Historical research, 4, 134–171.
The question of establishment of "radical laws" as the legalizations which defining bases of a political system in Russia and have received the late name "basic laws", was connected with ideology and practice of the state construction and had important political and ideological value in strengthening of the legal bases of the organization of the government in Russia and its legitimation in society. In the conditions of autocracy strengthening in reign of Peter the I in the first quarter of the XVIII century of a basis of a political system there are actually "radical" laws establishing common features of the form of government and the territorial organization of the government, and the current legalizations defining an order of activity of the head of state in the main spheres of realization of the Supreme government. . In the conditions of palace revolutions, lack of accurate legislative mechanisms of ascent on the Russian throne and strengthenings of political influence of favourites of empresses on a course of public affairs the problem of protection of the noble aristocracy from an arbitrariness of the head of state and his immediate environment that raised a question of accurate definition of a legal framework of activity of the monarch became aggravated and found reflection in a number of projects of transformation of political and legal system of Russia (Catherine II, P. I. Shuvalov, N. I. Panin, A. A. Bezborodko). In definition of approaches to creation of radical laws of the Russian Empire the end of XVIII – the first quarter of the XIX century when during works on streamlining of the legislation of the Commission of drawing up laws the problem of allocation of fundamental legalizations was expressed in creation of "The draft of Radical laws of the Russian Empire" G. A. Rozenkampfa (1804) is most important and then in attempt of synthesis of some fundamental legalizations in the section "About Laws in General" within "The systematic set of existing laws of the Russian Empire" (1815) and editions "The bases of Russian law taken from existing laws of the Russian Empire" (1821).In article the specified questions are considered.
history of Russia, Russian Empire, superior power, tzar, emperor, fundamental laws, constitutional projects