Comparative history research
Arslanov, R.A. (2012). Liberal Project of Liberation of the Serfs in Russia. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 1–49.
In his article the author reconstructs and analyzes the project of solving the 'serfs issue' as developed by the leading theorist of the Russian liberalism in the middle of the XIX century K.D.Kavelin. Kavelin's idea became a real alternative to bureaucratic reformation of the country. The author of the article views the relationship between the liberal Kavelin and representatives of the ruling circles and his contribution to liberation of the serfs. Special attention is paid to Kavelin's participation in formation of anti-serf public opinion as well as his views on the main features of modernization in Russia.
personal freedom, public opinion, modernization, state institution, liberal bureaucracy, liberalism, serfdom, reform, serfs community, land allotment
Interdisciplinary research
Kleschev, D.S. (2012). Mathematics of Harmony and diversity of the Universe. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 50–107.
The author examines the complex of problems related to the history and philosophy of science, brings up the topic of the campaign against the “bourgeois pseudo-science” in the Soviet period and the problem of its outcome, which shows up in the methodology of the national science. The author gives a review of the scientific “Mathematics of Harmony” tendency, which originated in the classical scientific paradigm and has found a new perspective in the works of mathematician Stakhov A.P. and researchers, united by him in the foreign states.
history of science, mathematics of harmony, Kapra F, relativity theory, time concept, Prigozhin I., synergetics, structure of the Universe, Stakhov A.P., Fibonacci numbers
Philosophy of history, historiography, chronology/source studies
Slezin, A.A. (2012). Historical sources of the early years of the Komsomol. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 108–148.
Using the experiences of the "History of the Youth Movement in Russia" school of thought, formed in the twenty-first century at the Tambov State Technical University, the author uncovers the possibilities of using a variety of sources to study the Komsomol and organizations alternative to it in the early post-revolutionary years. Sources include published documents, statistical reference publications, memoirs, print media, and documents from Russian archives. The primary focus is to highlight the role of archival sources which, as a rule, were previously unused by researchers. The article is written primarily for novice researchers of the history of the youth movement in Russia.
sources, youth, Komsomol, archives, source studies, methodology, memoirs, statistics, print media, New Economic Policy
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Bezgin, V.B. (2012). Russian village in the late XIX - early XX century: the verges of peasants’ deviant behavior (Part 2). Genesis: Historical research, 2, 149–190.
The article presents a research on the deviant behavior of Russian peasants in the era of modernization of Russia in the late XIX - early XX century. The author studies the problem of suicide among the peasants and the attitude of rural population to the facts of euthanasia. On the basis of archival materials author analyzes the dynamics of rural suicide, describes methods and motives of farmers’ suicide. The article clarifies the attitude of the rural population towards alcohol and determines the cause and extent of alcoholism in the village environment. Mental illnesses in a Russian village were not common, mental disorder was seen as a phenomenon that violates the usual rules and can potentially be dangerous. The article determines the level of spread of such crimes as infanticide and abortion in the Russian village, discloses its causes, nature and motives. The article brings the analysis of deviant behavior of Russian peasants in intimacies, disclosure the patterns of premarital and marital behavior and the attitude of the villagers to the deordination of the rules of marriage. The author describes reasons and forms of rural prostitution as well as the attitude of Russian villagers to fornication and adultery. The article shows different types of sexual crimes among Russian peasants, the motives and the extent of their expansion. The author describes the criminal laws of the Russian Empire and the legal views of rural residents in respect of such crimes. The article shows the examples of sexual inversions among the peasants and the reaction to it by the local population. As the result of this study the author finds deviant behavior of Russian peasants to be a result of the modernization processes in the country in the late XIX - early XX century. With the influence of the city, migratory fisheries, social mobility of residents of the village the accustomed relations, community and family foundations and patriarchal customs were destroyed and therefore the various forms of peasant deviance reinforced.
drunkenness, modernization, deviant behavior, peasantry, Russian village, prostitution, rape, incest, sex inversion, crime
Traditions, innovations, adoption of ideas
Verchenko, A.L. (2012). Xinhai Revolution in China: the new approaches to old traditions. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 191–235.
After the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 China struggled for the extirpation of customs and traditions, which hindered development of the country. Some of them like “lotus feet”, weddings on the will of the parents or fortuneteller’s advises or divorce prohibition were just prejudices in the minds of people. Others like wearing braids as a sign of submission to the Emperor of a foreign dynasty Qing were considered as derogation of the dignity of state. The thirds like smoking opium threatened the nation’s existence. The lack of education, adherence to the old days and rituals established by the ancestors, the unwillingness of the ruling classes to lose this kind of leverage to keep the power – all these factors hindered the struggle of the progressive forces against the old ways. The important role in the struggle against the vestiges of the past was played by the first president of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen, who during his rather short term of ruling has managed to introduce a new Western calendar, to adopt a decree on the elimination of the use of opium, foot-binding, men wearing braids, etc. The changes took place with difficulty, causing resistance of traditionalists and lasted for many years, demonstrating that any change should take place slow, taking into account national psychology of the people, only then they will be irreversible.
China, Xinhai Revolution, Sun Yat-sen, traditions, Manchu braids, foot-binding, smoking opium, the status of women
History of science and technology
Zharova, E. (2012). The Laws on the Awarding of Academic Degrees in the Russian Empire as the Reflection of Differentiation in Biological Sciences. Genesis: Historical research, 2, 236–272.
The process of formation, development and differentiation of biology sciences in the Russian empire is considered in terms of the laws on the awarding of academic degrees. Changes of the legislation in this area reflect not only the system of scientific certification, but also the formation of various branches of biology as the science that developed in the XIX century.
academic degrees, differentiation, biology, law, the Russian Empire