Levin G.D..
What is information?
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 12.
P. 16-34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.12.72481 EDN: SPIUME URL:
Information is being researched in the article from one of the debated points of view – paninformism: it is claimed that it is a universal characteristic of being, existing not only in the consciousness of people, but also in inanimate nature and being on the same level of generality as matter and energy (N. Wiener). The purpose of the article is to offer for discussion a definition of information that covers all its varieties. To achieve this goal, a genetic approach is used: first, information contained in inanimate objects is considered, then – genetic information and information functioning in organisms devoid of subjective reality, after that – subjective and, finally, computer information. This approach allows us to identify the generic feature of all these varieties of information on specific material. It is shown that, depending on the style of thinking, it is expressed by three philosophical categories: "form", "structure" and "relation". In the article, the third category is the main research tool. It is asserted that the system of relations forming an object from its components becomes information in the presence of two definitive features: 1) it is capable of transmission to other objects, 2) the emerging information is in a relationship of correspondence with the preceding one. The relationship between subjective information and objective information, which is located in the individual's brain and represents a system of relationships both between the components of the brain itself and between the electrochemical processes occurring in it, is analyzed. Two interpretations of the relationship between these two types of information are compared. The advantages and difficulties of these interpretations are considered.
paninformism, genetic information, subjective information, objective information, relation, structure, form, formal cause, communication, Information
Pinskaya M.V., Sviridova I.D..
Virtualization of Reality as a Cultural Universal
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 11.
P. 52-64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.11.72316 EDN: MALIBG URL:
The subject of the research in the presented article is the cultural practice of virtualization of reality in the mechanism of socio-cultural reflection, stimulating certain vectors of development of society. The appeal to the cultural understanding of this topic is due to the need to focus on the heuristic limitations of reducing the virtualization of socio-cultural processes in society exclusively to the influence of digital technologies, displacing to the periphery of theoretical reflection the problems of the causality of culture and the ability of society to design, as well as to implement a positive image of the future. The object of consideration, accordingly, is the mechanism of socio-cultural reflection – an objective process of society's reaction to changes in the environment and its own development, including understanding of reality in historical and cultural categories available for their time. The ultimate expansion of the concept of virtualization, allowing us to classify this phenomenon as a cultural universal, makes us ask the questions: is culture possible in principle without the virtualization of reality and where is the line between the virtual and the real in socio-cultural processes? The scientific novelty of the study consists in clarifying the conceptual and terminological apparatus for studying the virtualization of reality, in examining it from a new perspective using examples studied in cultural anthropology, and in establishing individual patterns and typical features of the phenomenon under consideration. The authors conclude that understanding virtualization as a specific way of orientation of a person and society in the surrounding reality excludes the possibility of reproducing culture without virtual realities common to people.
cultural typology, models of virtualization of reality, autonomy of personality, autonomy of consciousness, sociocultural processes, virtualization of reality, sociality, real, virtual, sociocultural frontier
Morkina Y.S..
The Problem of the Universal in Epistemology
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 5.
P. 22-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.5.70092 EDN: DINAXQ URL:
The subject of the study is the concept of the universal in the epistemological aspect. It is shown that any knowledge is based on an absolute background – "implicit ignorance" – defined as an a priori form of cognition common to all people of all cultures and peoples. By virtue of its generality for all people in all situations the absolute background is undetectable and untransferable into explicit knowledge. At the same time the background knowledge of a particular culture with the historical change of cultures begins to be reflected transferred into explicit knowledge including philosophical. Both individual human beings and entire cultures have implicit (tacit) knowledge. Implicit (tacit) knowledge is part of the structure of everyday life, the life world. However along with implicit knowledge there is also a cognitive background in the structure of everyday life – something that is so close and familiar that it is not apparent. The cognitive background cannot be called knowledge due to its fundamental non-reflexivity and taken-for-granted nature. At different times the cognitive background varies for different cultures. The article suggests that there is also an "absolute background" – something that is so common to all people of all cultures and all peoples that it is not possible to identify, problematize, compare with a different state of affairs. The concepts of everyday life, the life world (E. Husserl), the mesocosmos (G. Vollmer) are considered. The importance of the linguistic turn in philosophy for the awareness of philosophical problems related to everyday life and background knowledge of cultures is emphasized. The concept of "absolute background" has methodological significance for epistemology. It is shown how this concept allows answering questions about whether something is universal.
culture, mesocosmos, life world, everyday life, implicit (tacit) knowledge, background knowledge, universal, anthropic principle, human dimension, a priori forms of cognition
Gribkov A.A..
Non-subjective artificial intelligence in the system of subject-object relations
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 5.
P. 11-21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.5.70817 EDN: WPGRUS URL:
Expansion of functional capabilities of artificial intelligence systems actualizes the question of the possibility of their autonomous activity aimed at cognition and creation of the world. A significant factor determining the properties of artificial intelligence is its subjectiveness. If the world is deterministic, its subjectiveness is not necessary to ensure the functionality of artificial intelligence. Subjectiveness, however, is necessary for the initialization of cognitive or creative activity. A reasonable question arises regarding the ability of non-subjective artificial intelligence to act as a subject of cognition. Studies show that two main forms of participation of non-subject artificial intelligence in the system of subject-object relations are possible: as part of an integrated subject of cognition, in which a human being-operator plays the leading role, or fully autonomous functioning of artificial intelligence initialized (formalized or non-formalized) by the tasks of satisfying human being's needs. The analysis of the properties of cognition by means of artificial intelligence and other cognitive systems shows that the ability to act as a subject of cognition is formed not at the formation of subjectness, but at a lower level - the level of formation of self-consciousness, available to relatively uncomplicated cognitive systems, both natural and artificial. The conclusion about the direct connection between self-consciousness and the ability to cognize follows from the definition of cognition in the logic of subject-object opposition, corresponding to the epistemological interpretation of subject-object relations. However, an alternative ontological interpretation is also possible, which identifies being and consciousness. Such an idealistic understanding of the world corresponds to the philosophy of irrationalism, in the framework of which a reliable answer to the question of the necessity of subjectiveness for solving intellectual problems cannot be obtained.
gnoseology, self-consciousness, consciousness, subject-object relations, subjectness, cognitive system, artificial intelligence, ontological interpretation, cognition, non-subject
Kuzmin V..
On the question of the existence of abstractions
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 3.
P. 30-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.3.44090 EDN: BDJFEW URL:
The given abstraction is investigated. The existence of its relational states (extensional or intensional reality) is revealed. Some types of abstraction are analyzed, in particular, the abstraction of identification, isolating, etc. It is shown that the first is given intensionally, and the second is extensional. It is concluded that abstraction and idealization are two sides of the same process. The interval methodology and the phenomenological approach (as interpreted by A. Meinong) are used. It is noted that for each "size" of the abstraction interval – and there are only three of them: "situation", "co-existence" (a set of subject–related situations) and "universe" - there are different types of abstractions. In particular, the abstraction of constructivization is given in a situation, and the isolating one is given in co–existence. It is concluded that the question of the existence of abstractions in itself is incorrect. The existence of objects (concrete or abstract) is just one of the many modes of being objects. Abstract objects are characterized by a weaker mode than those that actually exist. Existence, as one of the states of reality, is eliminated by itself in the modus interpretation. It is more appropriate to talk about the existence of any objects in a situation (in co-existence, in the universe) with some kind of mode for the "I" and/or for the Other (Others). Thus, abstract objects exist in the given just like any other, including those that actually exist.
there and then, here and now, intensional datum, extensional datum, actual property, abstraction of infinity, concept, observation, experiment, abstraction interval
Gribkov A.A..
Creativity as an implementation of the idea of the integrity of the world
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 3.
P. 44-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.3.70034 EDN: ATWDXF URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the areas of realization of creative activity, justification of the possibility of creativity as a process of creation of qualitatively new values, mechanisms of creativity, the main of which is intuition. One of the key questions, the answer to which determines the possibility of explaining creativity, is the choice of deterministic or irrational representation of the world. The author makes a reasoned choice in favor of a deterministic view of the world, within the framework of which intuition, and thus creativity, receive an adequate explanation. The research methodology in this article is based on the idea of creativity as a process manifested in the form of intuition, through which the mind reaches areas of world understanding inaccessible to reason based on reproductive thinking. As a result of the research conducted by the author, the key role of intuition in creativity has been established. Intuition, in its turn, is a consequence of isomorphism of forms and laws in different subject areas, at different levels of the universe. A generalization of the use of isomorphism in practice takes the form of the principle of similarity or analogy. The ability of human being to intuition is the result of his multisystem integration into many systems: physical and biological world, social and cultural environment, system of professional knowledge and relations, etc. The representation of the integrity of the world is an imperative of creativity. On the other hand, creativity is an indispensable tool for creating a holistic representation of the world. By virtue of its defining internal mechanisms, everything valuable that creativity gives birth to becomes a part of the holistic world. It can be stated that in the process of creativity the representation of its integrity is implanted (reproduced and used as a tool).
implementation, integrity, patterns, multisystem integration, similarity, isomorphism, irrationalism, determinism, intuition, creativity
Kuzmin V.G..
The relational states of the given object: intensionality and extensionality. Some examples from physics, mathematics and everyday life
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 2.
P. 16-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.2.40772 EDN: XDPERI URL:
The author examines the reality of an object in a situation. Such a given is due to the corresponding actual (intentional) property that forms the situation with the studied object in the act of attention. In a situation, an object has its own way of being – a mode. Modes are conditionally divided into strong and weak. In epistemological terms, the reality of an object in a situation has two states relative to each other, depending on the position of the cognizing subject in relation to this object. In accordance with this, the object is known either intensionally or extensionally. A phenomenological approach is used. The difference between internal and external observers in the constituted situation is shown. Such a distinction does not occur at all, but depends on the actual property in the situation. The act of cognition introduces asymmetry into the reality of its relational states: one of them will be relevant (with a strong mode), the other – only possible (with a weak mode) in the same situation. This asymmetry, in particular, manifests itself in wave-particle dualism and is expressed through the principles of complementarity and uncertainty. In particular, it is shown that the complementarity principle indicates the duality of the given object, expressed through its relational states, and the uncertainty principle indicates the difference of modes (strong and weak) of these states in the same situation. In support of what has been said, some other examples from physics, as well as from mathematics and everyday life are given.
principle of relativity, internal observer, experiment in physics, wave-particle dualism, cardinal numbers, object modus, the complementarity principle, potential infinity, uncertainty principle, canonically conjugate quantities
Gribkov A.A..
Genesis of equifinality and multifinality of open systems
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 11.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.11.68747 EDN: AFHGHD URL:
The subject of research in the article are the properties of equifinality and multifinality of open systems, widely spread in all subject areas, at all levels of organization: in physical, chemical, biological, economic, social, etc. open systems. Equifinality is a dynamic property of a system that realizes movement (transition) in different ways from different initial states to the same final state. Multifinality is the dynamic property of a system to reach fundamentally different final states under insignificant changes in initial conditions. Examples of realization of the properties of equifinality and multifinality in systems of different nature: physical, biological, economic are considered. The genesis of these properties is investigated. On the basis of the study of the genesis of the properties of equifinality and multifinality its commonality is revealed: both properties are a consequence of the transformation of quasi-continuous quantitative changes into discrete qualitative forms, as well as the limited variety of these forms caused by isomorphism. The origin of the multiplicativity property (increased sensitivity to variation of input parameters) and its difference from multifinality are revealed. The multiplicativity property is manifested in systems with unequal stability, including those possessing positive feedback mechanisms. In some systems, such as meteorological mathematical models, the properties of multiplicativity and multifinality appear simultaneously and cannot be unambiguously distinguished.
nonequilibrium stability, multiplicativity, discrete changes, quasi-continuous quantitative changes, isomorphism, open system, multifinality, equifinality, genesis, unity
Komissarov I.I..
External and internal analogies in social and philosophical knowledge in the context of the problem of homogeneity-heterogeneity of societies
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 11.
P. 65-77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.11.68810 EDN: VTUHAN URL:
The subject of this work is social models that are constructed by using external and internal analogies. External social analogies imply a reference to an object that is studied within the framework of a science being external to social knowledge (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.). In particular, the mechanistic, elementary (chemical) and geological varieties of them are considered. Internal analogies imply a reference to an object that is directly related to the social sciences, social philosophy. Hence, the Baudrillard’s symbolic exchange, McDonaldization and eBayization models are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the dichotomy of homogeneity-heterogeneity of societies which is revealed within the consideration of corresponding antagonistic social concepts. As a result, after classifying social models from the point of view of external and internal analogies used by creators of these models, the reasons were identified explaining that analogical thinking is so generally accepted and popular in social philosophy. Namely, analogies allow a social model to be more tangible and visual as well as they give it credibility and novelty. In relation to the idea of the homogeneity or heterogeneity of human societies, external and internal analogies allow us to conceptually «color» these abstract notions. The spread of internal analogies presupposes the emancipation of social science from the influence of the idea to build social models in accordance with natural science – the idea that finds vivid expression in models based on external analogies.
fault line, formation, mechanistic approach, heterogeneity, homogeneity, social models, internal analogies, external analogies, symbolic exchange, McDonaldization
Gribkov A.A..
The problem of loss of integrity of modern philosophical and scientific knowledge
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 10.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.10.44094 EDN: XXBEPK URL:
The article deals with the actual problem of social development, the development of sciences and, in general, the development of human civilization – a gradual departure from reliance on a system of established generally accepted ideas and, as a result, the loss of the integrity of philosophical and scientific knowledge. The ability of various models to reliably describe areas of cognition that are outside the area on the basis of knowledge about which these models are formed is considered. The general theory of systems is considered, the central idea of which is the existence of isomorphism of forms and laws in various subject areas and at various levels of the universe, through which the integrity of the world is manifested. The necessity of relying on a system of generally accepted ideas about nature, society, ethics and aesthetics is justified, even if these ideas are not indisputable and final. The necessity of returning philosophy to the leading role in cognition is stated, since only philosophy is able to ensure the integrity of the knowledge system. It is stated that such a property is possessed by models that are able to fit into a holistic picture of the world. The idea is put forward that the General theory of systems can become the basis for building a holistic picture of the world. To do this, it should be expanded by defining the methodology of formation and describing particular manifestations of isomorphism, as well as supplemented with an ontological part containing an explanation of the genesis of isomorphism.
world picture, model, reliability, genesis, ontology, General Theory of Systems, isomorphism, knowledge system, cognition, integrity of the world
Medvedev V..
"Subject - object" Relations in Humanities
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 5.
P. 13-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.5.39624 EDN: MKXAFU URL:
Specific character of subject-object relations in humanities is analysed. The article gives the critique of naturalist approaches, which demand to determine social events on the basis of external observational features. It is proved that it is impossible to fix social events without taking into account agents’ motives and without references to the meaning which events has to them. Meaning is the most important concept in humanities, so it is impossible to describe social reality ignoring the world of meanings. Social reality is not independent from our ways of understanding and interpreting meanings. Moreover, our representations of social reality are the most important part of this reality. From the other side, man as a subject of humanities is formed by society and culture which he tries to study. He cannot regard them from outside as an usual external object. We cannot exactly calculate in what degree our thought is determined by socio-cultural factors in order to deactivate those determinations on the way to objective knowledge. Socio-humanitarian knowledge has transcendental status. Discussing how socio-class interests or language effect our knowledge we concern fundamental conditions of cognitive experience as such. Because of that natural sciences’ (technological) model of knowledge cannot be applied in humanities. Here we do not investigate some outer object for the sake of manipulation. We make our self-understanding deeper. Double mutual penetration of subject and object in humanities constitutes its fundamental difference from natural sciences.
sociology of knowledge, transcendentality, meaning, understanding sociology, naturalism, humanities, technological model of knowledge, object, subject, self-understanding
Maslakov A.S., Kondrat'eva S.B..
Thomas Hobbes and the Paradoxes of Early Modern Thinking
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 3.
P. 33-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.3.39882 EDN: FMVJNL URL:
The object of this work is the philosophy of T. Hobbes in its integrity and unity of its main parts, including logic, the so-called "first philosophy", physics, the doctrine of man, the doctrine of morality, politics and law. The subject is the internal connection of the concept of the Leviathan state with the theory of cognition and ontology in the context of a number of problems of modern epistemology, philosophy and the history of science and the history of philosophy of Modern times. Methodologically, the work is based on a comparative historical approach, hermeneutic analysis of sources, as well as general scientific methods of analogy, generalization, abstraction, systematization, and others. Results of the study: 1) T. Hobbes is not so much an experimental theorist as a popularizer of science, confident that such popularization in itself can both lead a person to the truth and help solve a number of socio-political problems; 2) Hobbes' attitude radically breaks with a number of provisions of both the philosophy of nature and socio-in the political philosophy of Antiquity, translating the aporicity of the latter into paradoxicity and, as a consequence, antinomianism; 3) T. Hobbes discovers the logically abstract world of science as an analytical-synthetic transformation of the everyday world given in sensation, while the first necessarily generates something third - a world that exists by itself, an unknowable world; this makes him to strictly approach the definitions of the boundaries of knowledge — God, soul, morality and law; 4) the concept of Leviathan solves the problem of the mutual transition of the universal and the individual in a very typical way for early Modern times — through the fundamental paradox of the interaction of the abstract scientific world of science and the "objective" world itself opposed to it; this paradox is one of essential features of philosophy and science of early modern times.
concrete, abstract, singular, universal, antinomy, paradox, Descartes, Galileo, Hobbes, sovereign
Tikhonov A.S., Semenov V.G., Mikhailova R.V., Agaeva E.V., Vorobev D.N., Ivanova E.N., Sergeeva N.A..
From Cognitive Archaeology to a Theory of the Mind, Involved in the Material World. The Foundations of Lambros Malafouris' Material Engagement Theory
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 1.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.1.39600 EDN: BRAMLU URL:
The aim of the study is to uncover the conceptual foundations of Lambros Malafouris' Material Engagement Theory. In order to realise this aim, we have used comparative-historical and analytical-interpretative methods to explicate the genesis, basic assumptions and concepts of the theory. In particular, we have shown that the theory of mind development, involved in the material world, arises in the framework of Colin Renfrew's cognitive-processual archeology. Using evidence from material culture, its proponents attempt to answer the question of the emergence and development of human cognitive functions. To find an answer to the question, Malafouris uses the treatment of the mind as extended into the external world, applying the metaphor of creative dynamic co-evolution. Mind emerges and functions through an ongoing process of mutual enactment of embodied mind and material environment. To identify the specifics of this co-evolutionary treatment, we have explicated the key concepts of material engagement theory: metaplasticity, material agency and material-enactivating signification. They characterise the effects of the cognitive-material engagement process. The scientific significance lies in the fact that of the study contributes to understanding the heuristic potential of Material Engagement Theory, which is emerging within the research programme of embodied cognition.
Material Engagement Theory, extended cognition, neuroarchaeology, cognitive science, material sign, signification, enactivism, embodied cognition, material agency, enactive sign
Kachay I.S., Petrov M.A..
The problem of creative imagination. Kantian and Schellingian concepts of productive imagination as an epistemological and ontological source of creativity
// Philosophical Thought.
2022. № 7.
P. 36-46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.7.38462 EDN: DUXCUM URL:
The object of this research is the problem of creative imagination. The subject of the research is the ontological and epistemological nature of productive imagination in the context of the philosophical searches of I. Kant and F.W.J. Schelling. The purpose of this work is to conceptualize the ontological and epistemological determinants of productive imagination on the basis of Kantian and Schellingian philosophical doctrines. The methodological foundation of this research is the original works of these thinkers of German classical philosophy, as well as the actual works of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of creative philosophy. The authors of the study in their work were guided by comparative-historical, analytical-interpretive, hermeneutic and phenomenological methods. The scientific novelty of the work consists in revealing the ontological and epistemological rootedness of productive imagination. In addition, the authors distinguish between imagination as the ability to generate original images based on the synthesis and transformation of empirical material and fantasy as a way of "virtual" realization of unsatisfied needs and escape from reality. The main conclusion of the study is the position that in the philosophical teaching of I. Kant, productive imagination is revealed in an epistemological perspective, presenting as a general cognitive ability and a condition for the transcendental synthesis of sensuality and reason, while in Schellingian philosophy productive imagination is considered from an ontological point of view, being justified as the ability of the subject to endow physical objects with ideal reality.
ontology, epistemology, genesis, cognition, fantasy, involuntary imagination, arbitrary imagination, reproductive imagination, productive imagination, creative imagination
Levin G.D..
Gnoseological research of geometric (by origin) method of analysis and synthesis
// Philosophical Thought.
2020. № 12.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.12.34503 URL:
The subject of this research in the method of finding proof of theoretical hypotheses based on their content. It demonstrated that historically this method emerged in geometry, and thus is called geometric (by origin) method of analysis and synthesis. Then it was shifted to mechanics by Galileo, and later to other sciences, never obtaining the status of the universal method for confirming theoretical hypotheses. The author conducts gnoseological analysis of this method. First, gnoseological analysis of the three initial forms is carried out on the basis of the three elementary geometric theorems. Then description is given to qualitative transformations that followed its transfer to other sciences. The author discusses the correlation of this method with the classical method of analysis and synthesis, as well as with experimental and hypothetical-deductive method. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that in accordance with its gnoseological status, the method of geometric (by origin) analysis and synthesis is on the same level as the classical method of analysis and synthesis, as well as experimental and hypothetical-deductive method. The author’s special contribution lies in substantiation of the thesis that with the development of science, this method of geometric origin was generalized to the method of finding proof of any theoretical hypotheses. Determination of qualitative changes that occurred in terms of its transfer from geometry to special sciences has an important methodological meaning. The author notes the role of idealization in the process of shifting into theoretical description of researched objects the results of practical actions with them.
working forward, auxiliary transformations, hypothetical-deductive method, experimental method,, classical synthesis,, classical analysis, Geometric analysis and synthesis,, Geometric analysis, working backward, regressive analysis
Shimelfenig O.V..
Problem of quasi-boundaries in the Universe and its projection upon life
// Philosophical Thought.
2020. № 9.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.9.33911 URL:
Modern science and culture reappraises the objectivistic-materialistic paradigm towards considering human and psychological factors in the worldview, which also leads to problematization of the concept of boundaries of the objects and phenomena in the Universe. Methodological tool for this research became the narrative-play paradigm based on the universal categories of plot, scenario, likeness, two-dimensionality and game, which generalizes the systemic approach, liberating it from a dangerous tendency towards objectivism and one-sided materialism; reveals the latent process of formation of shared life through interaction of individual perceptions, sensations, thoughts and actions. Leaning on the narrative-play methodology and polemics with the opponents, the author examines the concept of quasi-boundary (as there could be no absolute boundaries in the totally interconnected Universe), which determines the forms of material structures, as well as contradictory boundaries that appear to be the subject of various conflicts. Such approach expands the creative abilities of a person, contributing to the development of activity programs in various spheres of life: education, resolution of ethno-confessional issues, innovation management, personal growth, as well as solution of the crucial task that defines the fate of earth dwellers – upbringing each person in harmony of the spiritual and material, in understanding oneness of the Universe, their place within it, and personal responsibility for the shared present and future.
kwasigroch, problems, global, reality, game, scenario, plot, world picture, antipodes, management
Pilyak S.A..
The evolution of hermeneutic approach in studying cultural phenomena
// Philosophical Thought.
2020. № 8.
P. 30-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.8.32743 URL:
The problem of methodology of interpretation of cultural heritage assumes special importance. Throughout several centuries, the leading method in interpretation of semiotic system has been and remains to be the hermeneutic method, which initially emerged as a pattern for interpretation of sacred texts. The interpretation of cultural values and material cultural heritage is one of the most widespread types of their development and creative comprehension. From the perspective of perception and interpretation of language, which is general sense represents any system of symbols, the key scientific vector of which is the philosophical hermeneutics. The very concept of hermeneutics is usually interpreted as the art and theory of textual interpretation. Thus in the wide sense, it emerged along with speech and writing system. Hermeneutics contributed to creation of methodology of interpretation; therefore, many of its provisions, principles, and forms of interpretation take into account the specificity of interpretation of cultural values. The historical experience demonstrates multiple examples of application of hermeneutic techniques for reaching understanding of different masses or unanimous understanding for groups of dissimilar people. Utilization of hermeneutic approaches can be observe when there comes a moment of potential disintegration of countries, territories or regions, the unification of which is advantageous. The author reviews the historical transformation of hermeneutic approach in studying cultural phenomena.
cultural heritage, cultural phenomena, cognition, perception, interpretation of cultural heritage, hermeneutic approach, heritage, culture, interpretation, philosophy
Medvedev V., Nazirov A..
Language as an object of rational structuring: from classical philosophy to modern science
// Philosophical Thought.
2020. № 4.
P. 24-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.4.32509 URL:
This article presents a philosophical analysis of the idea and attempts of rational structuring of the language of science and philosophy. This idea was especially popular in philosophy of the Modern Age. The correlation of this idea with the existing features of New European Philosophy is revealed. It is demonstrated that instrumental approach towards language was not accidental: it stemmed from the idea on the sovereignty of mind, which in the XX century was revived in the logical positivism. It was also implemented in practice of modern science since the beginning of scientific revolution of the XVII century. The authors compare the reasoning of the representatives of classical New European Philosophy and representatives of logical positivism with the practice of modern science. Paradoxes of the concept of ideal language are determined. On the one hand, its formation should become a preliminary means for smoothing the path to cognition; while on the other – it is necessary to cognize the world before building it. Moreover, the introduction of ideal language is possible only on the grounds of the natural. Thus, the flaws of the natural should be eliminated with help of the natural. The dependence of rationally structured language from the natural is retained in the language of modern science. Any of its formalizations and terminologizations is partial. The system of meanings of the traditional language remains the basis and background for interpretation of any scientific theories. Natural languages ensure our affiliation to a certain socio-cultural community with the inherent to it ways of interpreting meanings, within the framework of which the value of scientific cognition becomes evident.
terminology, language of science, ideal language, natural language, linguistic instrumentalism, sovereignty of reason, classical philosophy, formalization, rational construction of language, meaning
Medvedev V., Kushelev V..
Socio-humanitarian cognition between science and ideology: the problem of objectivity
// Philosophical Thought.
2019. № 9.
P. 26-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.9.30884 URL:
Scientific knowledge traditionally qualifies for objectivity, regardless of what manifested as the object of cognition – nature or society. Are there crucial differences in this regard between the natural and humanitarian sciences? Is anything changing, when a human and the society he lives in become the object of cognition? The subject of this research is the peculiarities of articulation of the problem of objectivity applicable for the sciences on human and society, as well as differences in interpretation of this problem in classical and nonclassical philosophy. The research is conducted on the basis of analysis and interpretation of texts and ideas of the representatives of classical philosophy along with the philosophers and sociologists of the past two centuries. The author claims that the law of the sociology of knowledge, which proves the fundamental dependence of social knowledge from social interests, should be applied not only for debunking the ideological illusions of the others, but also for analyzing the own ideas. The principles of objective scientific analysis in sociology require that the researcher’s personal ideological position would not affect his works; in order to achieve this, he must be aware of the level of its influence upon cognitive activity. However, it is merely impossible to fully apprehend the historical, social and cultural determination of our understanding. Therefore, the objectivity of natural scientific type in socio-humanitarian sciences may not be feasible. Most often, objectivity is being reached through constant attention to the potential ideological substantiation of personal ideas.
social determination of knowledge, sociology of knowledge, ideology, social interests, non-classical philosophy, classical philosophy, objectivity of knowledge, social and human sciences, transcendetality, subject-object relations
Filatova M.I..
Category of potential infinity: new outlook upon the problem of correlation between philosophy, theology and science
// Philosophical Thought.
2019. № 2.
P. 1-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.2.27490 URL:
The subject of this research is the partial appearance of the potential infinite: in constructive realism – the ontological aspect, in Zeno’s aporias – the logical aspect. Self-insufficiency of each aspect suggests the need for comprehensive approach. In the ontology of constructive realism, the representation on the potentially infinite reality is “prior” to the possibility of its conceptualization. First steps made for the purpose of replenishing the inferiority of such ontology, lead to the aporias of Zeno of Elea, which clarify many of the unsolvable for the constructive realism itself issues. However, Zeno’s reasoning remains problematic. Answering some questions, it leads to the more complicated ones. The article uses the methods of interpretation, as well as critical analysis of ontological and logical aspects of the category of potential infinity. This publication is first to demonstrate that Zeno’s reasoning find justification in admitting that he comes to the concept of new reality. In turn, the problem of new reality has already been discovered in the onto-theological doctrine of Gregory Palamas in the unity of three components: 1) experience of transformation of the “old” nature; 2) revelation; 3) theoretical justification of the possibility of experience based on the explicit knowledge. The conclusion is made that such paradigm is universal. The problem of potential infinity is an exception. The ontological and logical aspects of this problem correspond with its first and last component. At the same time, due to the absence of correspondence with the second component, the problem of potential infinity remains pretty unsolvable. But it is open to contemplation on the path of its recognition as an exception to the paradigm of Palamas' and consideration in such context.
epistemic knowledge, ontological dualism, an ontological shift, ontotheology of Gregory Palamas, actual infinity, reasoning from reality, constructive realism, potential infinity, aporia of Zeno of Elijah, indivisible
Vorobev D.N..
To the question on the novelty and heuristic potential of doxology in Protagorean version of modern gnoseology
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 12.
P. 93-102.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.12.28540 URL:
This article is dedicated to the determination of novelty and heuristic potential of doxology as a Protagorean version of constructivist epistemology. Analyzing the problem of epistemological relativism on the context of antagonism between the supporters of epistemological realism and constructivism, the author outlines the problematic field, on the background of which the novelty and heuristic potential become evident. In the course of this research were used the method of interpretation and critical method of philosophy, supported by the principles of historicism, unambiguity, and systemic consideration. The novelty of doxology consists in the expanded interpretation of the structure of cognition, which central elements are the realistic rendering of a cognitive subject and the idea of functional circle of cognitive activity (logos) and its object (doxa). The heuristic potential of doxology consist in its contribution to solution of the problem of relativism: focusing on the methods and factors of producing by the subject of what is considered real, intersubjective in certain area or culture at the moment, doxology contributed to formulation of methodology for understanding the consistent and intersubjective character of the relativity of knowledge.
homo mensura principle, epistemological realism, epistemological constructivism, naturalizing epistemology, doxology, social epistemology, rhetorical philosophy, relativism, doxa, relationism
Maslakov A.S..
David Hume: from criticism of cognition to new gnoseology and ethics
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 11.
P. 31-46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.11.27871 URL:
The object of this article is the philosophy of David Hume in its wholeness, unity and interrelation of all its sections, positions and fragments. The subject is the correlation of D. Hume’s theory of cognition with his concept of human and socio-historical cognition overall in the context of the problems of modern gnoseology, philosophy and history of science. The goal of the research lies in analyzing the basic positions of D. Hume’s theory of cognition within the framework of general doctrine on human and society and their relation to the issues of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge. Methodologically, the work leans on the comparative-historical approach, hermeneutic analysis of sources, as well as general scientific methods of analogy, generalization, abstracting, systematization, and others. The following conclusions were made: 1) the skeptical paradigm in theory of cognition is used by D. Hume’s exclusively from the methodological, rather than ontological standpoint; 2) D. Hume redeems confidence in the subject of cognition (with its customs), as well as in the object – in other words, nature that includes human in its context by default ; 3) human himself as the cognizing subject becomes not a substantial entity, but a construct of intersubjective act, derivative of “sympathy” that unites him with other people, first and foremost, through the affective nature; 4) revelation of the initial sociality and intersubjectivity of the human Self immeasurably simplifies the analysis of ethical problems, as well as the questions of socio-economic and political development, because the socio-institutional order is viewed as an organic part of human nature; 5) all of the aforesaid, allows D. Hume to quite drastically reconsider the capabilities and functionality of historical cognition.
historical knowledge, intersubjectivity, epistemological subject, skepticism, rationalism, empiricism, Sensationalism, Hume, agnosticism, ethics
Rosengren M., Nydahl M., Vorobev D.N..
Human as a measure. Conversation with Mats Rosengren about the context of the emergence of doxology
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 10.
P. 32-42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.10.27554 URL:
The subject of this conversation is the social context of the emergence of doxology – the naturalizes theory of cognition, proposed by the Swedish philosopher Mats Rosengren. He believes that the human knowledge has never been and will not be epistemic (in Platonian sense). It is always culturally and historically substantiated, situational and inconsistent. In the course of conversation, Rosengren talks about the specificity of doxological understanding of the constructive nature of scientific cognition, as well as the importance of the reception of French philosophy of the XX century for the emergence of doxology. Professor Rosengren gave an interview on June 14, 2018 in Stockholm in the house of Swedish Writers' Union; the synchronized translation from Swedish was provided by Michael Nyudal. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that it allows to better understand what is and what is not the doxology claimed by its author as a modern variation of Protagorean theory of cognition.
philosophical anthropology, reception of French philosophy, Ludwik Fleck, Cornelius Castoriadis, Ernst Cassirer, rhetorical philosophy, doxology, social epistemology, interview, Swedish philosophy
Vorobev D.N..
Genealogy of truth. To the question of social legitimation of epistemological realism
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 8.
P. 21-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.8.27172 URL:
The opponents of epistemological constructivism traditionally accuse it of relativism, the desire to serve society, rather than the objective reality. In response to such accusations, leaning on the principle of sociology of knowledge, the author explores the question of social legitimation of the position of epistemological realism. The article analyzes the content of the two competitive paideia projects – Isocrates and Plato, in the aspects of correlation between the key notions of the virtue, power and truth. As a result of the victory of Plato’s project were formed the dispositions of metaphysical realism. A conclusion is made that the strive for cognizing the objective truth is an intrinsic component of elitaristic ideology in Plato’s metaphysics. The ideology of elitarism was complementary to monarchical regimes; it ensured social legitimation of philosophy as intuition, called to nurture the mind and judge the truth. This research allows to better understand not only the contemporary discussions between the realists and constructivists, but also the sociocultural importance of metaphysical realism that for centuries became an example of the Western philosophy as such.
Isokrates, egalitarianism, elitism, epistemological realism, epistemological constructivism, social epistemology, Plato, logos, paideia, rhetorical philosophy
Pris F..
Knowledge as a genuine substantiated opinion and the Gettier-cases
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 6.
P. 41-52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.6.23396 URL:
This article examines the definition of knowledge as a genuine substantiated opinion, as well as considers certain quasi-standard definitions of knowledge. The arguments are adduced that in order to solve its issues, epistemology requires the philosophy of language and philosophy of consciousness. Particularly, the author pursues parallel between a “difficult problem” of the philosophy of consciousness and the problem of definition of knowledge. The article suggests the definition of knowledge as a “successful” opinion, namely a genuine substantiated opinion, on the condition that an epistemological “gap” between the substantiation (opinion) and the fact (knowledge) is “pragmatically” closed in the sense of Wittgensteinian problem of rule-following. The second Wittengstein’s philosophy combines with the knowledge first epistemology of Timothy Williamson. Knowledge is accepted as a fundamental epistemic rule (norm) for the opinion. It is stated that the so-called Gettier-cases first and foremost have a conceptual status, underlining that the standard definition of knowledge leaves something out of account. The proposed point of view on knowledge is similar to such of Stephen Hetherington, according to which knowledge is a genuine substantiated opinion, on the condition that any specific circumstance is being understood in epistemological sense.
difficult problem, epistemic gap, Gettier-cases, Wittgenstein, knowledge first epistemology , substantiation, knowledge, rule-following problem, fallibilism, faillibilism
Gashkov S.A..
Episteme as a path to knowledge. Heuristic potential of the concept of Foucault's episteme for socio-ontological conceptions of language and history.
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 4.
P. 30-40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.4.22930 URL:
The subject of this article is the definition of episteme as a concept. The author is not limited by the original interpretation of the French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1954) in his works of “archeological” period. The goal is to demonstrate that the definition of episteme manifested in the work “The Order of Things” as basic for structuring of the social ontology that had never been created by the philosopher. Thus, the author considers the definition of episteme as a separate socio-philosophical concept applied in the philosophy of history and philosophy of language. It is underlined that even Foucault himself does not have an unequivocal understanding of the heuristic nature of episteme. The author suggest to view “episteme” not as a post-metaphysical positivity, but a path to cognition of social institutions, language and history in their overall development. Using the methods of historical-philosophical and linguo-philosophical analysis, an attempt is made to penetrate the essence of episteme as a concept that is foremost understood as the bases of the “unwritten” by Foucault ontology of the socio-humanitarian knowledge. Among the main results of research are the following: 1) analysis of evolution of the definition of episteme in Foucault’s works from the standpoint of socio-philosophical heuristics; 2) historical-philosophical determination of specificity of the notion of “episteme” in its epistemological and socio-philosophical meaning; 3) applicability of this notion for the philosophical-historical and socio-philosophical analysis. The article also demonstrated that it would be inappropriate to associate Foucault’s “archeology” exceptionally with the theory of discourses, while putting the “episteme” alongside the attempts to understand the scientific rationality leaning on the data of the history of sciences. A hypothesis is made that episteme can be considered a heuristic concept for the establishment of socio-philosophical ontology.
ontic-ontological difference, philosophy of history, heuristics, Foucault, concept, social ontology, episteme, evolution of the notion, cognitive linguistics, ontologies of development
Borzykh S.V..
The answer to the Fermi paradox
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 3.
P. 18-26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.3.22731 URL:
This article considers the so-called Fermi paradox, according to which we should have been, but never met another intelligent life. The essence of the answer lies in the fact that we could not and will not be able to establish a contact due to multiple reasons, particularly because there is not enough time due to the fact that any intelligent life in the end destroys either itself or its planet. Methodological apparatus includes the general philosophical and general scientific approaches, such as analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, as well as the methods applied in biological sciences. The scientific novelty consists in suggestion of the biological perspective, rather than physicists’ approach that formulated the examined paradox. Based on such approach, a conclusion is made that any intelligent life, including human, with great probability ends its life on the same planet that it has originated.
limit, planet, brain, evolution, organism, life, civilization, human, mind, development
Kulikov D.K..
Evolution of the problem of reasoning in the teachings of Xenophanes of Colophon and Heraclitus of Ephesus
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 9.
P. 46-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.9.20258 URL:
The subject of this research is the evolution of philosophical problematic of reasoning in the teachings of Xenophanes and Heraclitus. The main goal consists in establishment of substantial content in the nature of reasoning that was revealed and understood by these philosophers. The work is structured based on the famous survived fragments by Xenophanes and Heraclitus, their translation into the Russian language published by present time, and analytical literature on the topic at hand. The author implements the approach, according to which the central for the early Greek philosophy was the gnoseological problematic, associated with the rethinking of mythopoetic tradition and search for the new criteria of knowledge. The scientific novelty lies in revelation of specificity of the comprehension of reasoning by Xenophanes and Heraclitus. The research claims to contribute in overcoming the limited attention of Russian science to the gnoseological issues of the early Greek philosophy. The fundamental content unveiled in reasoning by Xenophanes and Heraclitus consists in the universal as the goal of cognition and criteria of the truth. They views reasoning as the conceptual relationship between the order of nature, perceptions and actions of people. Xenophanes establishes skeptical argumentation, opposing the universality as characteristic of the divine knowledge to limitedness of the cognition efforts of a human. Heraclitus, on the contrary, searches in the reasonable ability of the cognitive convergence of the human mind and global logos. Heraclitus’ teaching is related to Xenophanes’ teaching same as the dialectical method relates to skepticism. Their ideas generate such aspects of comprehension, as the universal and individual in reasoning, differentiation of cognitive processes, primacy of the objective content over the form of thought.
reason, mind, cognition, thinking, Heraclitus, Xenophanes, early Greek philosophy, Noos, phronesis, logos
Pris F..
Gettier problems as cases of “explanatory gap”
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 8.
P. 8-23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.8.20119 URL:
The subject of this research is the existence of supposed connection between the anti-luck epistemology of cognitive abilities of Duncan Pritchard and epistemology of Sanford Goldberg. The latter one appeals to the notion of epistemically admissible suggestions and sympathizes with the beginning-knowledge-epistemology, while the firs one offers a dual-component analysis of the term of knowledge. The common of these two approaches lies in the introduction of a condition of explicability of the veritical explanandum – the fact that an opinion is true. At the same time, the nature of explanation to which resort the philosophers, is different. Within the framework of Pritchard’s approach, explanation is given using the terms of epistemology of epistemic abilities, and in the context of Goldberg’s approach – in terms of epistemically admissible suggestions. The work compares the functionality of both approaches leaning on one of the proposed by Pritchard examples, when the true opinion is secured and received as a result of application by a subject of this epistemic abilities, but is not the knowledge. The author believes that the approaches of Pritchard and Goldberg are joint, as well as manifest as a rational reconstruction of the more fundamental approach that is referred as the beginning-knowledge-epistemology. The article also interprets the Gettier problems as cases of the “gap” in implicit assumptions in the process of implementation of the concept of knowledge.
epistemic gap, knowledge first epistemology, cognitive success, epistemic entitlements, safe belief, epistemic luck, Gettier case, justified belief, knowledge, problem of adhering to the rule
Pris F..
Knowledge as the most common factive mental state
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 6.
P. 29-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.6.19388 URL:
The subject of this research is the arguments of Mark Schroeder claiming that the perceptual mental state “seeing that”, as a matter of fact, is not knowledge, and thus, knowledge is not the most common factive mental state. This conclusion contradicts the position of Timothy Williamson. The article particularly analyzes the Schroeder’s positions that the existence of knowledge necessitates the existence of opinion, and knowledge is the norm for an opinion, which he shares with Williamson. Methods of this research consist in the knowledge-first epistemology of Timothy Williamson, and Wittgensteinian in spirit therapeutical method of the analysis of notion of perceptual experience, suggested in the works of Jocelyn Benoist. It is established that Schroeder’s arguments are based on the false prerequisite that the perceptual experience itself can have a representational content. “Seeing that” is not a pure perception, but a conceptualized perceptual experience suggesting knowledge. The author expresses preference towards the position of Williamson. The scientific novelty of this work consists in combination of the analytical and therapeutical methods.
propositional content, knowledge, meaning, judgement, seeing that, seeing, factive mental state, perceptual experience, perceptual defeater, knowledge-first epistemology
Volkov D..
Psychological approach as a solution for the problem of “sameness of identity”
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 2.
P. 13-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.2.21921 URL:
The problem of sameness of identity within the modern analytical philosophy consists of two aspects: question about identification, and question about re-identification. However, such approach faces the problem of reduplication, which is determined by the modern philosophers B. Williams and D. Parfit in conceptual experiments “Guy Fawkes” and “Teleportation”. In the author’s opinion, there are three main ways of overcoming the problem of reduplication: criticism of conceptual experiments; additional criterion of the absence of duplicates; and four-dimensional model of identity. It is demonstrated that the first two ways lead to substantial difficulties for the psychological theory of the sameness of identity. The conclusion is made that namely the third ways is the most promising for the psychological theories. The object of this work is the problem of sameness of identity within the modern analytical philosophy, particularly the question of re-identification of personality in various moments of time. The subject of this work consists in psychological approach towards the aforementioned issue. According to this approach, one personality is identical to personality in different time, if there is a psychological succession between them. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s proposition on the introduction of the four-dimensional concept of personality. Despite the fact that the psychological approach is the most widespread in modern analytical philosophy, at the present stage there are very few works dedicated to the analysis of this theory. Moreover, there are no special research regarding the ways of overcoming the problem of reduplication from the perspective of the supporters of psychological approach.
John Perry, Derek Parfit, Bernard Williams, Reduplication problem, Psychological succession, Psychological approach, sameness of identity, Sydney Shoemaker, John Locke, Marya Schechtman
Iashin B.L..
Constructivism in philosophy and mathematics: Pro and contra
// Philosophical Thought.
2016. № 8.
P. 11-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.8.19737 URL:
The subject of this research is constructivism, the interest to which, in the author’s opinion, is caused by the discontent with classical epistemology, awareness of its limitation, and also the fact that such variety as "epistemological constructivism" not only expresses a number of features of modern anthropological sciences and contemporary culture in general, but also gives answers to the questions, which encourage the understanding of opportunities and limits of human cognition and what is the role of the cognizing subject in cognitive activity. This article makes actual the problems of dispute between realists and antirealists, which have direct relation to the fundamental grounds of scientific knowledge. Based on the analysis and comparison of the ideas of certain representatives of epistemological, social, and radical constructivism, constructivism in mathematics, works associated with discussion of the problems of the effect of sociocultural factors upon the development of mathematics (particularly works in the area of ethnomathematics) and science as a whole, as well as works of the Russian philosophers dedicated to the questions of constructivism in philosophy and science, the author makes the following conclusion: the results of modern science (including cognitivistics) provide fairly weighty arguments which confirm the realistic interpretation of cognitive process and its result – the knowledge. It is underlined that this interpretation contributes into more detailed understanding and more adequate explanation of the scientific factors, opens opportunities for development of the research programs, which in the context of antirealistic epistemology would be impossible.
sociocultural context, social constructivism, realism, radical constructivism, predictive constructivism, cognition, mathematical constructivism, constructivism, epistemological constructivism, ethnomathematics
Sobolev V.E..
Quantum of knowledge and information as gnoseological issue
// Philosophical Thought.
2016. № 6.
P. 19-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.6.19212 URL:
The subject of this research is such hypothetical object as the quantum of knowledge, identified within the framework of this work with the quantum of information. Quantum of knowledge is being examined as a minimal volume of knowledge, which can be acquired by an object during the process of cognition of the surrounding world. The problem of existence of the quantum of knowledge is being analyzed in the context of modern perception of quantum physics, digital physics, cybernetics, and theory of information. The article discusses the properties of information as a theoretical object which defines the knowledge of a subject about the material and ideal essences. The main initial motive of the conducted research is the ideas of the modern quantum physics on the quantumness of the Universe and the existence of the minimal physical quantities (quanta). The author demonstrates that the need for existence of such object as the quantum of knowledge is a logical result of the quantumness of the Universe. The author conducts a quantitative assessment of the minimal possible volume of space which can be viewed as a material carrier of the quantum of knowledge. The conclusion is made that the quantum of knowledge represents an infinite semantic multiplicity, in other words, it can have an infinite amount of possible conceptual interpretations.
digital physics, information theory, quantum of information, information, quantum of knowledge, knowledge, epistemology, gnoseology, quantum physics, quantum
Mikhailov I.A..
The idea of hermeneutic phenomenology
// Philosophical Thought.
2016. № 5.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.5.18562 URL:
The subject of this research is the causes of “convergence” of the modern methods of philosophical analysis, which in classical phenomenology (Husserl) were considered incompatible, but turned into a stable program in the works of Husserl’s followers (Heidegger, Ricœur). In the first part of the article the author distinguishes the major milestones in the development of the theory of explanation and interpretation that led hermeneutics from texts to interpretation of human being. By clarifying the ontological meaning in Heidegger's philosophy, the author, basing on the general orientations of phenomenology, demonstrates what caused the necessity to combine the phenomenological and hermeneutic methods. The following conclusions are made: In the works of Heidegger and Ricœur the definition of “hermeneutic phenomenology” has two clearly distinct meanings: a) method used for formation of the foundations of scientific knowledge; this method radicalizes the notion of prerequisitness of science by turning to human existence which already contains an explanation, “clarity” of the world (Heidegger); b) method that our cognition of the world has its prerequisites and historicity, as well as language substantiation (Ricœur). It is determined that these two methods also have several significant differences: precisely the “method” is the hermeneutic phenomenology of Heidegger; every step of philosophical study is simultaneously phenomenological and hermeneutical. Ricœur, under his hermeneutic phenomenology, means a rather general philosophical approach, which alternatively applies phenomenological and hermeneutical methodology, as well as allows structuralistic and psychoanalytical techniques, or analysis from the position of common language.
Heidegger, interpretation, understanding, ontology, science, hermeneutics, phenomenology, Husserl, Ricœur, Gadamer
Kulikov S.B..
Corporal and Incorporeal Phenomena, Foundations of Human Emotions and Field of Culture
// Philosophical Thought.
2015. № 10.
P. 54-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.10.1690 URL:
Object of the article was the regularities of modification of fundamental intentions in understanding of the nature and essence of emotions in the context of culturological researches. An author approved that the possibility of transformation of basic intentions of understanding of emotions coincided with features of structure of psychological, biological and culturological knowledge. The empirical data, which were saved up in biology did not receive adequate generalization within psychological theories, demanding introduction of additional general scientific hypotheses. In particular, it was necessary to actualize one of the ideas making part of antique legacy. Adequate understanding of human emotions was possible only at their interpretation as the functions of harmonious development of the corporal and incorporeal origins of a human nature. The methodology of research included synthesis of the natural-science and philosophical and culturological principles of understanding of a place and role of emotions of the human in the course of his sociocultural development as the being having corporal (material) and incorporeal (ethical, esthetic and others) manifestations. Novelty of research was in the proof of the thesis that the leading role in formation of emotions was played by the conflict between the natural and cultural origins in the human. The role of the corporal sphere in formation of human activity, its active influence on activity along with culture was disclosed. The interpretation of sociocultural life of emotions allowed actualized some antique ideals for understanding of harmonious unity of the corporal and incorporeal phenomena in human being.
theoretical cultural studies, psychology, philosophy of culture, emotion, fundamental transformation of installations, nature, culture, human, being, creation
Iakovlev V.A..
Information and Communication Structure of Epistemology of Innovation
// Philosophical Thought.
2015. № 6.
P. 60-115.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.6.15766 URL:
The subject of the research is the information and communication structure of new epistemology - epistemology of innovation. The author of the article examines the major ability of consciousness to generate not only the knowledge necessary in ordinary practice but also to create and translate epistemological structures that are necessary for all spiritual practices exercised by culture and society. It is underlined that the information and communication approach more and more asserts itself in modern natural science and humanities. The concept of information plays an especially important role in cognitive disciplines – neurology, cognitive psychology, sociology and artificial intelligence theories altogether forming the scientific basis of new epistemology. In his research Yakovlev has used the method of the reconstruction of the conceptual structure of Plato's dialogues 'Symposium' and 'Timaeus' and the method of the critical analysis of modern epistemological concepts and approaches to explaining the grounds of mathematics . The researcher also analyzes each level and stage of the development of science in historical, institutional and personal aspects. The novelty of the research is caused by the the following. The author describes the structure of new 'innovation' epistemology that is based on the information and communication approach to cognitive activity. The described conceptual structure of epistemology of innovation as a transformation of 'novation' into 'innovation' is confirmed by particular episodes of the development of new programs in modern physics and cosmology. The author also describes isomorphism of innovative communication and information processes of the genesis and establishment of science in culture, activity of academic communities and researches of particular scientists.
culture, information, epistemology, innovation, science, knowledge, communication, resonance, creativity, structure
Pris F..
Instinctive Knowledge Without Reflective Knowledge and Vice Versa
// Philosophical Thought.
2015. № 5.
P. 1-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.5.15174 URL:
The subject of the present research is the concept of knowledge and, in particular, the case described by Timothy Williams when a subject knows p in spite of the fact that the available evidence states he doesn't know p. The author of the article interprets this case from the point of view of the difference between instinctive knowledge and reflexive/introspective (and, in particular, phenomenal) knowledge. The author uses a classical definition of knowledge as a justified true belief. The author assumes existence of special causal and standard process of formation of the reflexive knowledge establishing the relation of family similarity between more or less reflexive types knowledge. The main conclusion of the conducted research includes possibility of existence of deeply instinctive knowledge treats without the corresponding reflexive knowledge and vice versa. The author also believes that any knowledge finally has the phenomenal (in a broad sense) nature that allows to close epistemological "failure" between reasonable opinion and knowledge. The author interprets Gettier cases as the cases of true beliefs with incomplete justification.
evidential probability, family resemblance, evidence, phenomenal knowledge, reflective knowledge,, animal knowledge, instinctive knowledge, knowledge, possible world, Gettier cases
Belyaev V.A..
The philosophy of K. Popper and the world postcultural revolution
// Philosophical Thought.
2014. № 12.
P. 1-97.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2014.12.1430 URL:
The aim of this paper is to show the connection between the principles of philosophical positions, K. Popper and the fundamental principles of modern European culture - modern. Art Nouveau can be represented as the deployment of the world postculture-cultural revolution. In this sense, the philosophy of Popper is considered to be one of the clearest expressions of the ideology of the revolution, especially in its postcultural aspect. Modern postcultural aspect can be thought of as the implementation of three basic designs: the "open society", the open nature" and "open theory of knowledge". Popper is in the twentieth century as one of the radical ideologues "open society" and positivist understand science. This gives you the opportunity to show how his philosophy implemented these projects. Postculture-intercultural interpretation of art Nouveau gives the opportunity to see a fundamental connection between the ideologist of the "open society" and ideologist of the "open nature", that is, between "liberal" and "scientists". The philosophical position of Popper demonstrates this connection is especially bright. Popper Evangelist and "open society" and positivist understand the science that interweaves the strategy of "open nature" and "open theory of knowledge". Popper opposes the power of the "conceptual frameworks" cultures over individualistically understand man, "objective reality" and "objective truth". In this you can see the reflection of the overall logic of the "critique of culture", which expresses postculture-cultural logic of modernity. Popper is a supporter of the "epistemology without a knowing subject". It expresses the modern logic of the movement to "objective reality", located on the other side of "God" and "man". Work is being completed by the analysis of philosophical positions And. of Lakatos, who considers himself to developing epistemological logic of Popper. It appears dialectical scheme infinite "opening" of the world, which expresses the dialectic Mature art Nouveau detecting the inability for a man to abandon aspirations to "closed".
philosophy of science, dialectics, technology, science, interculture, postculture, culture, liberalism, nature, objective reality
Pris F..
The Problem of Access in the Theory of Epistemological Disjunctivism
// Philosophical Thought.
2014. № 10.
P. 1-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.10.1364 URL:
The solution of the problem of access to theories of an epistemological disjunctivism proposed by Duncan Pritchard who claims is stated and analyzed that in paradigmatic cases of perception the agent knows that p, owing to the rational bases for his opinion that p which are at the same time available reflections and factual, that is with need attract existence of the fact, p. The problem of access consists that acquisition of knowledge about belonging to the outside world (that is empirical) the fact by means of only one reflection (that is a priori) is impossible. This problem, however, in the theory of an epistemological disjunctivism is illusory. It is offered to treat an epistemological problem (any, and not just perceptual) knowledge in close connection with a problem of an explanatory failure in consciousness philosophy which in turn can be treated in terms of a Wittgenstein problem of following to the rule. In case of knowledge "failure" between the rational bases for opinion and the fact (knowledge) is closed pragmatically, or phenomenologically in a broad sense. In this sense any knowledge, and not just knowledge perceptual, has phenomenological measurement. Classical definition of knowledge as reasonable true opinion remains provided that justification assumes the rootedness in the fact, that is is justification original (full). The knowledge can also be defined as "successful opinion".
externalism, internalism, problem of access, rational reasoning, perceptive knowledge, perceptive experience, epistemological disjunctivism, explanatory gap, following the rule, pragmatism
Gusev D.A..
Scepticism as the Highest Form of Discursive Realism
// Philosophical Thought.
2014. № 9.
P. 21-68.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.9.13496 URL:
The concept of realism is considered as a philosophical discourse in the context of which in the history of philosophy and science eyelids put and solved a complex problem of the attitude of our knowledge towards reality. The naive realism usually is understood as so-called natural installation of consciousness according to which the world is such what we see it, – the installation which is most of all coinciding with common sense, life experience and habitual expectations. It is possible to call the following and higher step of realism scientific realism: the science which is under construction on theoretical thinking doesn't trust common sense, is beyond empirical data, and allegedly gets into an essence of things, finding out as the world "actually" is arranged. However scientific theories and pictures of the world often are mutually contradicting, competing and change each other in the history of science owing to what the question of their relation at the objective world remains open. The last and highest step of realism is the philosophical realism which represents no other than scepticism. A methodological basis of research is the unity of etymological, logical and historical approaches, and also the principle of systemacity and some germenevtichesky receptions (in particular, interpretation and understanding). Also the method of historico-philosophical reconstruction which includes receptions primary (by consideration of sources) and secondary (at different attraction of literature on the studied subject) researches at selection of necessary material, methods of the immanent interpreting analysis (in the analysis of philosophical concepts of antique sceptics) and the komparativistsky analysis (when comparing epistemological ideas of the Hellenistic, or late ancient philosophy with modern concepts in the field of science philosophy) and a synthesis method as compounds of the interpreted material in new quality is used. Scepticism as the self-doubting doubt is a philosophical realism - the last and highest form of diskursivny realism after naive and scientific realism. One of essential differences of scepticism from traditional types and forms of philosophical thinking is that skeptical "the world picture" is essentially mobile and plastic, and, as a result, skeptical philosophical concepts usually don't lead to any certain results, but at the same time they are open for various points of view and therefore are alien randomly and unsubstantially, finally, to the adopted provisions, nothing "put outside brackets" thanks to what see correctness (as well as a wrongfulness) any philosophical idea owing to what scepticism is a search of truth, but not denial of possibility of its achievement as the skeptical philosophy is rather often interpreted. Antique scepticism made reopening of a question of the nature of truth and was original attempt of a reflection of theoretical knowledge, having in many respects anticipated modern not only epistemological, but also social and philosophical concepts.
Tsendrovskiy O..
Epistemiology of the Phenomenological Constructivism: Possibilities of Overcoming Gaps in the Classical Concepts of Truth
// Philosophical Thought.
2014. № 2.
P. 187-211.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.2.11041 URL:
In article two leading approaches to a problem of essence of truth and methods of its achievement are considered: realism and constructivism. During the short review their contents reveals and radical shortcomings, logical problems and argument deadlocks come to light. The author offers version of their decision within the concept called by it by phenomenological constructivism. And as a method and the more so as the term it is a little mastered, at the same time allowing to go beyond a vicious circle of a dichotomy realism – constructivism. On the one hand, phenomenological constructivism leans on proclaimed on different manners E. Gusserl and M. Heidegger need to clear experience of naplastovaniye of multiple interpretations, having reduced them to more initial structures. With another, the concept makes a start from need to recognize constructive, instead of objective nature of got experience: it is determined biologically, individually and socially (in discourse. Having taken for a reference point the term Dasein entered by Heidegger (presence, here - life) as initial, dointerpretatsionny empirical existence, the author suggests to remove from the agenda the correct relation of knowledge to a subject as criterion of truth and objectivity as an ideal, at the same time paying attention to deadlock nature of extreme constructivism. After I. Kant's intuitions locates that we deal not with things, and only with phenomena of own consciousness (reduced to Dasein), the only possible form of knowledge – hypothetical, and criterion of truth can be only practice that is skilled check.
realism, constructivism, epistemiology, truth, knowledge, phenomenology, Heidegger, criterion (standard) of truth, science, gnoseology
Kutyrev V.A., Nilogov A.S..
On Expansion of High (Post-Human) Technologies, its Prospects, Creators and Victims
// Philosophical Thought.
2014. № 1.
P. 164-202.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.1.10676 URL:
This article is written in the form of a dialogue. To be specific, this is the continuation of the interview by Aleksey Nilogov with the author of the book 'Time Mortido' Vladimir Kutyrev. Their conversation started with the question 'Is it possible to manage the progress?' (See Philosophical Researches Journal Issue 8 published by Note Bene in 2013). The interview progressed into a conversation which represented a hidden but quite sharp dispute between the 'progressor' and 'conservative'. The interlocutors make different, often quite oppositive evaluations of the humankind prospects. They talk about being and nothingness, post-modernism transformation of human into the 'other', destruction of life grounds as the result of disappearing line between genders and creation of weak (thinking) and strong (programmed) zombies. As the author of the books 'Time Mortido', Vladimir Kutyrev speaks against the infinite expansion of innovative (i.e. post-human) technologies, in particular, the idea of 'im-provement' of people. It is his opinion that the main goal of a modern human should be the preservation of civilization in its anthropomorphous dimensions. The freedom declaring rights of an individual (the part) should not dominate over the rights of the society (the whole).
existence, nothing, transhumanism, zombie, Derrida, programming, anti-language, homosexuality, Apocalypse , conservatism