Sayapin V.O..
Living Systems in the context of non-reductionist materialism of Gilbert Simondon
// Philosophical Thought.
2025. № 2.
P. 43-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2025.2.73124 EDN: ALDADD URL:
The subject of this study is the problem of individuation of a living system (ontogenesis of a vital individual) considered by the French philosopher Gilbert Simondon (1924–1989), which is the process where life arises and perpetuates itself. Simondon argues that individuation in a living system is carried out within itself. A living system is defined by its external boundaries and its internal processes, which are constantly adapted to both the environment and the internal structure. In addition, biological individuation is the organization of a solution, namely, the resolution of an objectively problematic living system. This solution should be understood as an internal resonance, the most primitive way of communication between realities of different orders. Therefore, we believe that Simondon managed to turn internal resonance into an extremely rich scientific and philosophical concept suitable for the explication of a living system. The research methodology includes such general scientific approaches as the descriptive method, the categorization method, the analysis method, the observation method and the comparative method. It should be noted that this article has an exploratory character, oriented towards understanding Simondon's philosophy and its relevance today. Moreover, it is aimed not only at understanding the living system as non-identical to itself, but also seeks to show that we think about life within the framework of Simondonian non-reductionist materialism. In this regard, the living system is transformed both from the inside and from the outside. All the contents of its internal space are in "topological" contact with the contents of the external space. In conclusion, the author argues that reflecting on the nature of the living system is tantamount to searching for material ontological conditions of individuation in Simondon.
materialism, hylomorphism, pre-individual reality, transduction, individuation, vital individual, living system, Merleau-Ponty, Simondon, continuum
Ugrin I.M..
The category of "eternal" in the context of the problem field of value-oriented development
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 12.
P. 90-107.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.12.72731 EDN: WVLGFU URL:
The article deals with the problem of meaningful content of the concept of "traditional spiritual and moral values", the preservation and strengthening of which is considered as one of the priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation. Each of the components of this concept is analyzed. The categories of "spiritual" and "moral", taken outside the context of a certain worldview system, are recognized during the analysis as insufficient for a clear articulation of meanings at the official state level. The analysis of the concept of "traditional" leads to the idea of the irreducibility of all-Russian values to one source, considered from a historical perspective, to one of the great traditions existing in the cultural field of Russian civilization. It is proposed to approach this term from a different point of view. Namely, to bring depth to the concept of "traditional" through the category of "eternal". Eternal values, which are rooted in the metaphysical nature of reality, imply meaningful unity with the coexistence of a plurality of forms in which these values are reflected. Such an idea of eternal values corresponds to the nature of the thought of Russian religious philosophy (among whose representatives V.S. Solovyov, E.N. Trubetskoy, N.A. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov, P.A. Florensky, S.L. Frank, I.A. Ilyin, etc.), as well as in accordance with the idea of Eternal Tradition (which shared by such thinkers as Rene Guenon, Ananda Kumara Swami and Matjioi). In addition, it allows us to solve a number of fundamental problems facing the civilizational theory of development. As a result, it is concluded that a value-oriented policy, understood as a policy that has eternal spiritual and moral values as guidelines for development, is very promising and allows us to provide answers to the historical challenges facing our country.
Russian state, development paradigm, historical challenges, spiritual and material, unity of diversity, metacultural synthesis, global changes, eternal values, civilization theory, traditional values
Saenko N.R., Tatarenko M.A..
Factors of transformation of mass forms of celebration in modern culture
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 9.
P. 30-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.9.71953 EDN: BKFERE URL:
This study examines the transformations of mass celebration events within the framework of the modern culture of participation, which is a kind of resistance to consumerism, overcoming the passivity of the viewer of screen culture. The mass celebration of the late modern era is a new platform for civic engagement, which has both productive aspects and risks. Special attention is paid to the analysis of such features of these changes, which, firstly, are acquired by modern forms of celebration in the process of these cultural transformations, and, secondly, remain stable and repeat themselves within the framework of modern mass culture from one form of celebration to another, changing only externally, but not changing in essence. A mass celebration is a cultural phenomenon following museum practices, to which the concept of a culture of participation is extrapolated. Thus, the concept of a culture of participation transcends the boundaries of political science and acquires the status of either interdisciplinary or culturological. The concept of a "culture of participation" is a methodological principle for considering and analyzing modern mass celebrations. In addition, the research is based on a number of fundamental scientific works by M. McLuhan, M. Castels, M. Horkheimer, T. Adorno, J. Baudrillard. Based on the results of the study, the initial causes and subsequent mechanisms for maintaining high rates of cultural dynamics are identified and analyzed, which collectively determine these intracultural transformational processes. In conclusion, the role of the general sociogenesis of modern mass culture in its transition to the space of information culture, which allows using its engineering, technical and technological solutions and achievements in the process of implementing new forms of online celebration, but at the same time imperceptibly changing cultural reflection and consciousness of a modern person, is considered in detail. The modern "culture of celebration" is, in fact, one of the most significant and noticeable directions of the socio-cultural formalization of the culture of participation. In the artificially created chronotope of the holiday, society opens up from the inside and completely to itself, creating truly unprecedented conditions for updating and increasing the level of its own internal integration.The existing culture of celebration assumes that most of the possibilities of a culture of participation are most actively realized in the scenario, staging and performative part of the organization of any kind of festive events or ceremonies.
innovation, tradition, cultural reflection, paradigms of cultural development, causation of acts of participation, culture of participation, mass celebration, The ritual, The spectacle, popular culture
Lobatyuk V.V., Bylieva D.S..
Tradition in the information society
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 7.
P. 44-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.7.70605 EDN: PIKFQJ URL:
The subject of the research is the traditions and changes in this phenomenon in the information society. The definition of tradition, its semantic boundaries, as well as the heuristic potential of use within the framework of philosophical research have always been and remain points of discussion; this issue becomes especially acute in the era of general digitalization. The variety of approaches in the study of this phenomenon is due to its multifaceted nature, subject and methodological specificity of the sciences studying these phenomena. This paper provides an analysis of various approaches to the problem of tradition and reveals the evolution of views on its role in society. The authors used methods of philosophical analysis and interpretation of philosophical texts, a dialectical method, a historical method to study the evolution of ideas about the phenomenon of traditions, a comparative analysis of various approaches to this problem, as well as a study of the sociocultural context of the formation of traditions in a digital society. Analytical and synthetic methods were also used to identify relationships. The scientific novelty of the article lies in expanding the understanding of tradition in the digital era in the context of individual and general identity, in identifying the distinctive features that separate it from everyday practices, which is certainly a promising path for future research in this area. It has been determined that modern traditions are heterogeneous in terms of symbolic and value content, while they are of interest from the point of view of genesis, transformation and distribution, as well as the role played by technology in these processes. The presented research results may be useful for further research in the fields of philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies.
innovation, continuity, national culture, communicative practices, identity, sociocultural phenomenon, digitization, information society, ritual, tradition
Lyubokhonskaya O.V..
Philosophical dimension of ancient measure and Scandinavian lagom.
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 5.
P. 34-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.5.69483 EDN: DHFXQD URL:
The article examines the question of the relationship between two concepts: the ancient Greek measure and the Scandinavian lagom. The author, on the one hand, turns to the heritage of ancient Greek philosophy and tries to reconstruct the main semantic characteristics of the ancient measure, and on the other hand, to the historical context of the emergence of the concept of lagom and its meaning. The disclosure of the semantic context of these concepts occurs through aspects: onto-cosmological, existential-anthropological. The author, in a philosophical and cultural manner, pays special attention to identifying the similarities and differences in the semantic content of these terms. The author also seeks to understand where the concept of lagom, as used in everyday life, can be consistent with and fit harmoniously into the philosophical context of “self-care”. This allows us to clarify the relationship between the concepts of measure and lagoma, their boundaries and specifics. The author comes to the conclusion regarding the Scandinavian lagom that although this concept carries the original conceptual load of measure as the limit of being, there is practically no philosophical development of its semantic content, that is, this concept remains in the context of myth. The existential-anthropological criterion shows that the concept of lagom can and should be used in philosophy, especially when it comes to the philosophy of everyday life, minimalism and eudaimonism. The philosophical content of the concept of lagom and its consideration as a meta-term leads the author to the conclusion that it can and should be used in philosophy, especially when it comes to the philosophy of everyday life, the philosophy of minimalism and eudaimonism. It is obvious that lagom is an independently developing term denoting a special style of everyday lifestyle, caring for oneself and the world.
Scandinavian, antiquity, aesthetics, anthropology, cosmology, ontology, being, lagom, measure, myth
Kolesova O.V..
The legacy of P. Feyerabend: a look from the digital realities of the XXI century
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 9.
P. 38-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.9.43649 EDN: XTKBNA URL:
The article analyzes the ways of expressing the methodological message of P. Feyerabend, implemented by modern digital reality. The object of the study is the specifics of digital reality, and the subject is the forms of implementation of P. Feyerabend's methodological message in it. Using hypothetical-deductive and hermeneutic approaches, the author correlates the positions of P. Feyerabend's epistemological anarchism with the features of modern cyberphysical reality. The comparison of the first "counter-rule" – the principle of proliferation is carried out in relation to the understanding of hybrid society and the metaverse. The principle of incommensurability, understood by Feyerabend as a condition for the absence of criteria for assessing the truth of the theory, is compared with the heterogeneity of the digital environment. The main conclusions of the study are the highlighted parallels between the principle of proliferation and the constant transformation of the actors of the digital society, evaluated from the standpoint of expanding the possibilities of creativity. The principle of incommensurability is compared with the constant generation of new conventions by the digital environment, the presence of heterogeneous modalities. The modern way of thinking is positioned in the discourse of the given "counter-rules" as the implementation of complex network thinking. Feyerabend's premise for the perception of archaic man correlates with the idea of cybernetic animism. The scientific novelty of the work consists in fixing the parallels of Feyerabend's theoretical premises and the reality of the modern hybrid world with its ways of thinking, revealing the internal contradiction of Feyerabend's position and the ambiguity of the embodiment of his methodological guidelines in a modern hybrid society.
counter rule, cybernetic animism, artificial intelligence, heterogeneous modalities, actor, proliferation, incommensurability, complexity-network thinking, digital reality, epistemological anarchism
Karpov S..
Concept, family likeness, prototype: on the way towards adequate classification of philosophical concepts
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. № 12.
P. 103-116.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.12.28181 URL:
This article analyzes the correlation between three approaches to categorization: classical (coming from Aristotle), based on the concept of family likeness (L. Wittgenstein), and prototypical (E. Rosh). It is demonstrated that these approaches can be differentiated by the specifics of relation established between the members of the category. The acquired result allows observing that prototypical categorization brings the gap with the classical categorization to the conceptual limit (while Wittgenstein’s only outlines it). The example of classification, associated with the “fundamental question” of philosophy, demonstrates the difficulties face by the classifiers using the classical approach for classifying the philosophical concepts. In particular, it is underlined that I. Kant’s philosophy can be referred to all of the three types of classification (idealism, dualism, materialism). From the standpoint of classical approach, such result can testify to “eclecticism” of the concept or limitation of the scope of classification itself (capable to realistically classify not nearly every concept). Nevertheless, both, classical and prototypical approaches allow avoiding such dilemma (classical – through various grounds for division into three initial types; while prototypical – via adding new elements into the category). However, if the classification is challenged with a uniform task (which historically was allotted for the political purposes, but also can serve, for example, in pedagogical), and moreover, the task of minimizing the hermeneutic “violence” (in arranging the concepts by types), the prototypical approach, as demonstrated in the article, solves these issues in a more adequate and explicit manner.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Aristotle, the basic question of philosophy, prototypical theory, category, concept, classifying, classification, Eleanor Rosh, Immanuel Kant
Vorobev D.N..
Socrates as a prophet. Archaic features of the Xenophon-Plato image of Socrates
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 11.
P. 47-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.11.20933 URL:
The object of this work is the traditional image of the philosopher Socrates, created by Plato and Xenophon. The author changes the research context, proceeding from the idea that philosophy in the Ancient Greece during the time of Socrates have not yet separated from the religion. Special place within the Greek religion holds the mantic – the ritual art of interpreting symbols, sent by the supernatural forces. An expert in the field of mantic were called mantis or prophet; they featured the prophet abilities, inspired trance, magic skills, and non-literate character of teaching. Expanding the context alongside examining the image of Socrates in terms of the ideas and practices of the traditional Greek religion, allow interpreting the key aspects of the image of Socrates (daemon of Socrates, falling into trance, predicting the future, etc.) from a new angle. The research shows that the Socrates’ contemporaries could perceive him as a religious expert, inspired prophet, mantis, who understands and realizes a specific religious mission. Such interpretation of the image of Socrates contributes into the solution of the problem of Plato and have access to the platform of Plato’s knowledge, as well as allows expanding the grounds of Plato’s comparison of the philosopher and the Sophists.
Ancient Greek philosophy, Ancient Greek seers, mantis, mantikē, divination, Socrates' daimonion , Plato's image of Socrates, Socrates’ piety, Socrates’ daemon, Ancient Greek religion
Rostovtseva M.V..
Theoretical aspects of the phenomena of tolerance and sociocultural adaptation
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 8.
P. 24-36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.8.23485 URL:
This article examines the problems of intolerance, nationalism, xenophobia, disadaptation, which require the development of special mechanism aimed at struggle against them. Tolerant relations alongside the process of sociocultural adaptation are presented as mutually conditioned phenomena, each of which determines the other, but has its own specificity. It is underlines that tolerance, comprehended in majority of scientific sources as an acceptance of otherness – is the adjustment to that other and its peculiarities, including the sociocultural norms, values, traditions, etc. Sociocultural adaptation suggests not just the passive acceptance and adjustment, but also the reciprocal activeness of the adaptable subject. Tolerance, in turn, defines the right of each individual to an equally full-fledged member of the cultural society to which he belongs to. The article proposes a mechanism for formation of tolerance and successful adaptation. The author determines the deep psychological causes of intolerance associated with the imperfections of cognizing by an individual of his distinctness as a person with certain flaws in upbringing, conservativeness of cultural norms, lack of understanding and miscommunication due to underdevelopment of intellect, and distorted perception of patriotism. The article also introduces the definition of tolerance and sociocultural adaptation, which implies the relation of two or more diverse cultures and their representatives, aimed at resolution of contradictions that emerged as a result of the clash of various cultural norms, and led to establishment of a new one – common to the conflicting parties. Tolerance is and adaptive attitude, associated with acknowledgement of the rights of other people despite their physical, physiological, and social differences.
Social environment, Personality, Culture, Values, Norms, Contradiction, Tolerance, Sociocultural adaptation, Adjustment, Intolerance
Inyushina I.A..
The formation of culture of philosophical thinking: M. K. Mamardashvili's ideas in the context of contemporary philosophical praxis
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 5.
P. 62-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.5.22913 URL:
The goal of this article is the identification within the modern philosophical praxis of the most efficient concepts of formation of culture of philosophical thinking that refer to the archetypal nature of philosophical knowledge. The article substantiates the need for formation of culture of philosophical thinking by means of the philosophy itself. Therefore, the author emphasizes the importance of M. K. Mamardashvili's ideas in the context of philosophical praxis. Analysis of the state of modern philosophical thought, which is characterized by the distribution of non-academic forms of philosophizing, has determined the controversy in the structure of philosophical praxis of the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI centuries. The majority of forms of practical philosophy represent the synthesis with psychotherapy, and their essence are aimed at resolution of the private existential questions, rather than establishment of culture of the philosophical thinking. Similar controversy in views upon philosophy is absent in the works of M. K. Mamardashvili, which clearly define its practical function.
Institute of practical philosophy, Brenifier, Achenbach, non-academic forms of knowledge, Mamardashvili, practical philosophy, philosophical praxis, culture of philosophical thinking, uveshchatelny philosophy, internal praxis
Prokhorov M.M..
Ontology, gnoseology and ontognoseology
// Philosophical Thought.
2017. № 4.
P. 22-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.4.22418 URL:
The subject of analysis is the relationship between ontology and gnoseology. The purpose of the study is to discover the unity, their mutual influence as the fundamental for the philosophical worldview. In the first chapter, the origins and development of philosophy are studied taking into account its interrelations with mythology and religion, which makes it possible to detect a trend towards ontognoseology as a unity of ontology and epistemology, which becomes fundamental precisely in philosophy. The second chapter reveals their relationship in the form of the basic question of philosophy. The third chapter describes the relationship between ontology and epistemology as a problem of modern domestic philosophy, in which the reduction of philosophy to ontology or to epistemology is preserved. Recently emerged, shown in the fourth chapter, the concept of existential materialism, reanimating, the author shows, the mythological worldview. The fifth chapter explores dualism, reductionism and dialectical models (abstractions) of the relationship of ontology and gnoseology, which are empirically (factually) supplemented by the restoration of mythological syncretism.As a basic method of research, the principle of objectivity and the unity of the historical and logical are used.
reductionism, concept of dual truth, mythological syncretism, world outlook, ontognoseology, gnoseology, ontology, dualism, existential materialism, dialectical model of ontognoseology
Shchuplenkov O.V..
Moral Imperatives of Russian History
// Philosophical Thought.
2013. № 7.
P. 241-286.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.7.421 URL:
Russia is the conglomerate of demographic potentials, i.e. people who follow common civilizational principles. Russian civilizaton is primarily associated with Orthodoxy. The second element of Russian civilization is the sobornost. Sobornost is quite close to the modern meaning of democracy. The third element of our civilization is the peacefulness as an external expression of the moral element of Russian civilization. The key to success of any development is the proper combination of traditions and innovations. Noteworthy that any political, economic and social transformations must not interrupt the successive bond of the Russian society and Russian civilization with its national, spiritual and moral traditions for the sake of establishment and development of new foreign orders.
history, peacefulness, Orthodoxy, Russian people, Sobornost, philosophy of the all-compassing unity
Gryaznova E.V..
A philosophical analysis of the concept of virtual reality
// Philosophical Thought.
2013. № 4.
P. 53-82.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.278 URL:
This article provides a critical generalised analysis of modern concepts of virtual reality. The need for this research has come about due to the absence of a common understanding of the concept of virtual reality in modern scientific and philosophical literature. This has led not only to various misunderstandings, but has also distorted the meaning of many existing and well-established definitions in philosophy. For example, the most common concept of virtual reality today - psychological - has been reduced to the identification of the concept of "virtual" with the notion of "subjective", while the sociological concepts of virtual reality have replaced "virtual" with the term "social", and so on. As a result, the New Philosophical Encyclopedia now lacks one of the basic philosophical defintions ("perfection"), but instead includes "virtual reality" as a term from the field of psychology. The article presents the author's informational conception of virtual reality, highlighting generic characteristics of virtual phenomena of abiotic, biotic, psychological, social and technical worlds.
existence, virtual, virtual-informational reality, informational reality, virtual reality, non-existence, nothingness, reality, concept, philosophical analysis
Kleschev D.S..
Key of David (on Solution of David Hilbert's Second Problem
// Philosophical Thought.
2012. № 3.
P. 44-118.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.3.140 URL:
Intuitionism school of thought helped to reconstruct the three crises lying in the basis of mathematic. The author of the article has discovered the facts of rude falsification of the genesis of the theory of incommensurable segments and modern theory of irrational numbers which are traditionally related to establishment of the multiple-theory paradigm at the end of XIX century. Based on the results of researches conducted by a Dutch mathematician Luitzen Brouwer in 1911 and a Soviet mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov in 1925, the author suggests the negative solution of David Hilbert's second problem.
Imre Lakatos, Thomas Kuhn, scientific paradigm, Luitzen Brouwer, David Hilbert, intuitionism, irrational numbers, incommensurable segments, history of math, arithmetic axioms