Grachev B..
Axiological foundations of local civilizations: formation of the concept of freedom in philosophical and religious systems
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. № 12.
P. 35-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.12.72510 EDN: VKNSFT URL:
The subject of the study is the formation and content of ideas about freedom in the most significant philosophical and religious traditions and the outline of its links with modernity. Such traditions determine the nature of local civilizations. Understanding the unarticulated but latently present senses, mutual consideration of the hierarchies of values of large human communities can contribute to improving the quality of intercultural and intercivilizational dialogue. In each of the considered teachings, "freedom" turns out to be unique, and often incomparable. Moreover in such traditions as Confucianism and Taoism the category is implicit. The understanding of "freedom" is traced in the ancient tradition, starting with Homer, the period of the European Middle Ages, the views of representatives of various branches of Arab-Muslim thought, Hinduism and Buddhism. A synthesis of the approaches of dialectical ascent (using antinomic categories) and socio-cultural comparison is used. In case the target categories of "freedom", "free will", "freedom for", "freedom from" are not directly manifested, its reconstruction is carried out by means of analytical explication. The core result is the identification of the fact of incomparability of concepts of freedom in different traditions, and hence the non-universal nature of the globalization is stated. Although liberal project is extremely successful nowadays, in the long term it is likely to be curtailed as other cultural and philosophical doctrines do not elaborate similar content and other values are in their focus. The special contribution of the author is in posing the question of multi-civilizational axiological comparison, the development of methodology of which is a significant and highly relevant research task, as well as the initial testing of the methodology.
world order projects, axiology of globalization, traditional values nowadays, freedom in Hindo-Buddism, freedom in Europe, free will, freedom as value, freedom in China, freedom in Islam, axiology of local civilizations
Burukina O.A..
Promising approaches to the study of values in the interdisciplinary paradigm
// Philosophical Thought.
2023. № 12.
P. 1-20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.12.68897 EDN: VZIWKF URL:
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The problem of understanding "value" as a philosophical category and phenomenon of culture and the construction of a system of national values is especially relevant at the present stage of the development of Russian culture and mentality in connection with the current axiological crisis that modern Russian society is experiencing and, as a consequence, modern Russian culture. The article provides an overview of concepts and approaches to the study of values in foreign and Russian philosophy of the XX–XXI centuries. The author traces the evolution of the concept of value over the past 120 years, focusing his research on the current stage of development of axiology and philosophy of culture – from the end of the twentieth century to the present day. The article pays special attention to the complexity of categorical analysis and the difficulty of defining the concept of "value" at the present stage of philosophy development, taking into account eclecticism in understanding and interpreting values in different scientific paradigms: philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological, etc. The author analyzes the enduring significance of the heritage of outstanding Russian philosophers, as well as the contribution of foreign philosophers. It is suggested that the paradigm of the philosophy of culture, developed by G. Rickert, can become a conceptual and methodological basis for correctly comprehending the concept of value and building a national system of values that can become the basis for the progressive development of all spheres of being in modern society. From a wide range of studies by Russian and foreign scientists, both modern and related to the masters of philosophy today, the author identifies the most promising approaches to the study of values and the formation of a system of national values that reflect the most significant features of national culture and national mentality and contribute to the sustainable development of each member of society.
philosophy of culture, national mentality, national culture, transformation of values, interdisciplinary paradigm, national value system, axiology, philosophy of values, systematic approach, concept of value
Troshkina I.N..
Family Values: Category and Structure
// Philosophical Thought.
2022. № 12.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.12.39219 EDN: PQQYMC URL:
The aim of the work is to pose the problem of studying family values in the focus of category and structure. Research objectives: to consider the classification of the category "family values", to reveal the classification of the structure of family values. The object of the study is family values, the subject of the study is the category, structure of family values. The article discusses approaches, the category of "family values", the structure of family values. The author reveals the categories of "family", "modern or non-family values", "traditional family values", focuses on the component basis of family values. The methodological basis of the research consists of the principles and categories of dialectics, methods of analysis and synthesis, system-structural analysis of social systems. Main conclusions: 1. The category of "family values" is studied by researchers within the framework of intra-family, family-extra-family, personal-family constructs. 2. The structure of family values is represented by three systems with one-term, two-term, three-term bases. The most common is a structure consisting of a single-member classification of the family by family elements (matrimony / parenthood, kinship). The author's main contribution to the research of the topic is to identify approaches to the classification of "family values" and the structure of family values, the components of these systems are revealed. The scope of application of the research results is an addition to the existing scientific knowledge in this field of research, inclusion in the programs of special courses of universities in the areas of socio–cultural dynamics, family studies.
family values, elements of family values, modern family values, values, traditional values, classification of family values, structure of family values, extra-family values, family functions, family structure
Levikova S.I..
Morality as an intrinsic element of human community and degree of humanity in humans
// Philosophical Thought.
2016. № 11.
P. 87-102.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.11.2056 URL:
This article is dedicated to morality as an intrinsic element of human association and degree of humanity in humans. The author supports the traditional idea that morality is a purely human phenomenon and appears in such moment, when people begin to live in community and have a demand to regulation the relationship between people. The work analyzes ethical concepts of two German philosophers F. Nietzsche and I. Kant, as well as attempt to clarify the essence of the notion of “moral” in reference books. The scientific novelty of the presented material consists in formulation of the question and examination of ethical concepts of I. Kant and F. Nietzsche as mutually complementing. The author concludes that the degree of morality of a human corresponds with the fact of how far a human has gone from his initial, purely biological animalistic state. Based on this position, the author claims that human community is not possible without morality; and namely molarity is the degree of humanity in humans, and characterizes it as a social creature.
categorical imperative, superhuman, Kant, Nietzsche, manhuman, morality, ethics, society, norm, freedom
Prokhorov M.M..
Meaning and Value of the Human-And-World Relationship Model
// Philosophical Thought.
2013. № 7.
P. 136-240.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.7.369 URL:
Article is the sixth in a cycle begun by article «Being and history: interrelation and definition». In introduction prejudices of the modern concept of dual true reveal, as deduces to a theme of given article. Chapter 1 begins with the being and consciousness characteristic as the knowledge problems which decision is possible only in a context from the man with the world, at the account of the basic typesman-world the relation and generalizing model man-relation. Last covers herself contemplate, activism and co-evolution types of the relation of the man with the world. Corresponding abstractions are capable to describe all variety of real-being relations of the man and the world. The second chapter of article is devoted already to research of an origin of the basic question of philosophy as relations of being and consciousness in the course of world outlook development on the basis of the account of history and logic of transition from mythological to religious and, further, to philosophical outlook. Distinctive features of mythological and religious view on the validity, criteria of their differentiation, specificity of philosophy in a context of its relation with religion and a science are opened. Article comes to the end with the general conclusions.
dual truth, contemplation, activism, co-evolution, human-and-world relationship model, summarizing model, mythological world view, religious, philosophic, main issue
Sidorova G.P..
Soviet Economic Culture in Forms of Spiritual Objectivity and Images of Popular Art in the 1960-1980's: Value of Labour
// Philosophical Thought.
2012. № 4.
P. 54-79.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.4.246 URL:
The research is devoted to the images of Soviet economic culture of the 1960 - 1980's represented in art of that period. Economic culture is viewed as a form of human activity aimed at acquiring material wealth. The purpose of the present research is to reconstruct the process of interconnection and interdependence of material, spiritual and art elements of Soviet culture based on the analysis of peculiarities, main trends and cultural dynamics of images of Soviet economic culture in popular art. Research methods included system approach, method of historical typology, cultural (diachronic), semiotic and hermeneutic analysis of art work. The results of the research showed that: art images of labour contained typical features of Soviet economic culture of the 1960 - 1980's, in particular, contradictory combination of the dominating administrative-command economy and black market economy as well as combination of the industrial culture and traditional culture. Soviet society was depicted in art images of labour, too and it was the mixed type of industrial and pre-industrial, traditional and innovative, open and closed, popular and consumer society. Art images of labour also showed a Soviet man of different axiological types, from 'the builder of communism' to the 'everyman'. Changes in art images of labour since the period 'of thaw' to the 'seventieth' also reflected transformation of values from socialistic values to traditional values and values of the consumer society. Conclusions and research materials can be used for teaching cultural studies, philosophy of culture, history of Russian culture, economy and art history. Some aspects of the research can help to solve particular issues in the field of modern economic culture. Research results can also help to form the system of values of the younger generation.
popular, art, image, material, economic, Soviet, culture, cultural research, value, labour