Dorokhin V..
The problem of space and time in gravitation from the point of view of the absence of absolutes
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. ¹ 11.
P. 33-51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.11.70774 EDN: MAEPSY URL:
The subject of the research is the philosophical problem of space and time in the physics (nature) of gravitation, the change in the theories of gravitation of the specifics of the concepts of space and motion-time with the development of our knowledge of physics in the field of theoretical physics and modern results of experimental physics. Among other things, unexplained phenomena directly related to space and time are investigated, such as nonlocality and confusion, which manifest themselves both in the microcosm – photons, electrons, individual atoms are entangled, and in the macrocosm – particle confusion is detected at kilometer and more distances, the close connection of these new phenomena of modern physics with space-time at macroscopic and quantum levels and the difficulties arising from excessive mathematization in attempts to quantize gravitation, space, and time. The methodological basis of the research is the application of the statement about the absence of absolutes to the problem of space and time in gravity and modern attempts to construct quantum gravity. For the first time, the statement about the absence of absolutes has been applied to the philosophy of gravitation theories, taking into account the latest experimental data concerning the fundamentals of the philosophy of gravitation physics, their correspondence to this statement is discussed. It is shown that the concepts of space and time are global: they manifest themselves both as coordinates in GR and SRT, and as receptacles of hypothetical strings (multidimensional microobjects generating elementary particles). Gravitational objects cannot directly affect space-time, but only create a connection between objects – another object – gravity, assumed by the third form of matter, but not being directly curved, but space-time. This thesis is not a support for Einstein's locality, since it is "local": it refers only to gravity, without touching on the issue of entanglement in quantum mechanics.
string theory, quantum gravity, general theory of relativity, energy, probability, quantum, matter, time, space, gravity
Emel'yanov A.S..
Lenin and Meillassoux: Is Speculative Materialism Possible?
// Philosophical Thought.
2024. ¹ 6.
P. 13-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.6.70378 EDN: PFBZTQ URL:
This article is focused on the compatibility of materialism and speculativism. The dialectical-materialistic philosophy of V.I. Lenin, presented in his work «Materialism and Empiriocriticism», is taken as the starting point of the study. Lenin’s position is compared with the philosophy of speculative materialism, presented by modern French philosopher Quentin Meillassoux, presented in the work «After Finitude: An Essay on the necessity of contingency». The author emphasizes that the programs of Meillassoux and Lenin are united by a common task – the fight against fideism in philosophy and science. According to the Soviet and French philosopher, the only means of combating fideism in science can only be materialism. To solve this problem, they both focus on criticizing correlationism (coordination) in its «strong» and «weak» forms. Despite certain similarities in solving this problem, there are significant differences between the views of Lenin and Meillassoux. They consist, firstly, in a different understanding of the essence of matter (objective reality), secondly, in a different attitude to the cognitive status of «thing-in-itself», and finally, thirdly, in a different attitude to objective truth. These differences call into question the popular point of view expressed by the statement «Meillassoux is a modern Lenin». The study notes that the program of speculative materialism has much in common with the empiriocriticism of A. Bogdanov and A. Poincare. Meillassoux shares with the first the denial of the existence of objective truth, and with the second – the commitment to the so called «mathematical fideism». In conclusion, the author notes that, despite its failure, the project, presented by Meillassoux, is a clear evidence of the renaissance of materialism, currently happening in philosophy (albeit in a very «specific» form).
mathematical fideism, fideism, objective truth, material, Meillassoux, Lenin, dialectical materialism, correlationism, speculative materialism, materialism
Bagrova E.V..
Philosophical paradigm of interrelated imbalances
// Philosophical Thought.
2018. ¹ 1.
P. 29-36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.1.21918 URL:
The subject of this research is the specification of philosophical paradigm of interrelated imbalances. At the same time, the goal lies not just in introduction of a new philosophical paradigm to the scientific discourse, but the specification of the very essence of interrelated social imbalances and their role in social development. Due to the various interpretations of imbalances in different sciences, there has not been yet a universal definition and the philosophical paradigm as such. The author, in turn, suggests that many of the disparate imbalances are interrelated at the conceptual level. For achieving the set goal, the author had analyzed the sources that define imbalances in various spheres, concepts of social agreement and political realism, as well as certain aspects of the contemporary socio-philosophical development. A conclusion is formulated that the structural analysis of social imbalances simultaneously represents a disaccord of the trends alongside various quantitative and qualitative indexes that define social development; preponderance of the separate population groups or type of production activities; as well as certain state of society, combination of the internal and external contradictions that do not allow the development within the predictable mode.
stability, crisis, community development, social development, philosophical paradigm, interrelated imbalances, structural crisis, stochastic processes, trends, predictability of development
Zhul'kov M.V..
Phenomenon of energy in the history of human thought
// Philosophical Thought.
2016. ¹ 6.
P. 1-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.6.18923 URL:
The subject of this research is the history of energy study: in Hinduism, in Antiquity, understanding of energy in physics, ideas of P. Teilhard de Chardin, psychic energy of the Living ethics, the law of conservation of energy, energetics of W. Ostwald, formula of A. Einstein (full energy of substance), views of F. Engels and K. E. Tsiolkovsky, study of V. I. Vernadsky on biochemical energy, concept of energoevolution of M. Veller, and energy cosmism. The article examines entropic processes of the inanimate nature, anti-entropic processes of the living nature, and balanced processes in the systems endowed with reason. The author confirms the necessity to cognize the neobiosphere energy sources, the importance of a subjective factor in solving the environmental and energy issues for the development of the autotrophy of humanity. The conclusion is made that energy is what makes changes on all levels, beginning with the essence of an object and ending with the physical phenomena. Understanding of energy in the post-nonclassical scientific paradigm must be adjusted in such way that alongside the traditional physical components, it would also include the information, semantic, and psychic components. Thus is why it is necessary to shift towards such thinking, in the foundation of which would lay an integral planetary consciousness, the direct sense of the whole – noosphere consciousness. Based on the noosphere consciousness, a human can move towards the new way of relations with nature, create a biosphere compatible energetics, which will become an energy foundation for the social autotrophy and noosphere development.
noosphere consciousness, psychic energy, cultural biogeochemical energy, biogeochemical energy, Einstein formula, energetics, energy of essence, energy, entropy, non-biosphere energy sources
Tyugashev E..
Sociocultural Definition of Activity
// Philosophical Thought.
2015. ¹ 6.
P. 1-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.6.15753 URL:
The subject of the research is the definition of activity based on the summary of specific definitions of activity that are usually used in different spheres of thought including ordinary thinking (so called common sense), philosophy and various scientific disciplines ('life sustaining activity', 'tool use by animals', 'muscle activity', 'cyclonic activity', 'catalytic activity', 'volcanic activity', 'higher nervous activity', 'cardiac activity', etc.). Such a great variety of terms that have the word 'activity' raises a question whether the word 'activity' has a definite meaning. What if these are homonymous terms and the word 'activity' has absolutely different meanings? On the other hand, it is also possible that when someone is talking about 'volcanic' or 'play' activity, he or she observes common features of the general definition of activity. Therefore, there is a question whether there is a common definition of the word 'activity'. What does 'activity' mean? This is the question the present article is devoted to. The researcher builds the definition of activity as an abstract object based on common features of activity stated in different definitions of activity and spheres of culture according to the methodological orientation at sociocultural harmonization of terms in scientific disciplines and cultural subsystems offered by I. S. Alekseev. The scope of the sociocultural approach allows to cover all kinds of activity conceptualization and to define what they have in common. The definition of activity as an abstract object can be viewed as a general sociocultural definition used to reveal particular features of specific activities in different spheres of thinking. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates the process of anthropologization of philosophical definitions of activity that reduce it to human activity. The researcher also defines a range of definitions of activity in natural sciences in relation to different natural phenomena. The author also focuses on the general philosophical definition of activity in Kant's and Hegel's works. The author offers a definition of activity as a special kind of movement, i.e. reflective movement (the author uses the natural scientific definition of the term 'reflection').
activity approach, vital activity, sociocultural, human activity, reflection, movement, activity, action, anthropomorphism, philosophical anthropology
Ursul A.D..
Forms of Dark Matter and Global Evolution
// Philosophical Thought.
2013. ¹ 6.
P. 96-170.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.583 URL:
The article deals with the transformation in the natural view of the world in connection with the discovery of the dark sides of the Universe (dark energy and dark mass). It is believed that the problem of dark energy is one of the most mysterious puzzles of the Universe and the fundamental problems of modern science. This unusual mode of existence of matter, space yet fits in poorly established in the recent "substance -evolutionary" scientific picture of the Universe and still little explored in relation to the very urgent problem of global evolution of the Universe.It is proposed dark energy and dark mass considered two species, or forms of matter, in addition to a substance, which are of different nature and characteristics. In the dark energy, interpreted as the vacuum of space, nearly three-quarters of the Universe, by the cosmologists matter exists without any changes and movement. This is contrary to the philosophy of the relationship of matter and motion, and the author discusses the problem of how to resolve this contradiction, if we take the point of view of cosmology. It is shown that a clear answer to the question of the relationship of matter and motion have not been able to get to it and be able to answer a science and it is based on the philosophy of the future. Also looks at the impact of dark matter in the form of a global (universal) evolution, the presence or absence of information in the form of dark matter, and especially the study of these forms.
Universe, global evolution, movement, information, cosmology, materia (matter), Multiverse , dark matter, dark mass, expansion of the Universe