Citations count: 7
Zheltikova I.V. —
Research into future and role of the concept “the image of future” therein
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 15 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.2.32302 URL:
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This article reviews the research approaches, the object of which is future as an element of relevant social reality. The author familiarizes the Russian audience with such trends in studying future as “realization of future”, “orientation towards future”, “foresight”, “projectivity”, “futures literacy”, “anticipation”, and “image of future”. An original interpretation is given to the concept “image of future” as a reflective of collective representations of future that imply a complete or almost complete picture, but yet non-existent social reality. The author examines the existing methodologies for studying the images of future and proposes the original one – comprehensive humanity analysis, which allows finding common denominator of social expectations in various types of sources. Unlike other angles of viewing the representations on future, the image of future enables reconstructing the pictures of future that functioned in the past, ant correlate them with realistic future. Examination of the image of future allows assessing the inclusion of society into time perspective, its attitude towards the present, level of content with reality, as well as particularize the perceptions of the purpose of social development and social values, within which it exists. Studying the images of future functioning in the past can also help to understand the connection between representations on future and future itself; and in case of establishing such connection it can be extrapolated upon the images of the future of our present and our future.
Citations count: 7
Markhinin V. —
Ancient Greece: the idea of gender equality
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 23 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.7.19628 URL:
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This article poses the problem of establishment of the prerequisites for future female emancipation in Ancient Greece. The author examines the status of a woman formed by the classical period of Ancient Greece, which in essence was close to the status of a household slave. Nevertheless, we can observe that the woman’s position in Sparta was a lot better than in other poleis. It is explained by the high level of archaism of the Spartan social order and lower level of development of the commodity-financial relations; as well as a certain type of slave ownership, which required a strong consolidation of free citizens in face of danger of the Helots uprising. This work demonstrates that the comparison of women’s status in Sparta and Athens becomes one of the two foundations for the two contradictory solutions of a “women’s issue” by Plato on one hand, and Aristotle on the other. The author analyzes Aristotle’s justification of the class and gender slavery, as well as interprets Plato’s argumentation of the idea of equality between a man and a woman by their nature and his project of liberation of women in the utopian fair state. The historical-genetic and sociocultural origins of gender equality are being determined. The role of Plutarch as a theoretician-“feminist” and a successor of Plato’s idea of gender equality is being demonstrated. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that unlike the ideology of the modern feminist authors, which mainly includes the unmasking of the “patriarchy” of the ancient culture, it reflects the emergence and gradual progress of the idea of gender equality within the patriarchal and overall antiquated culture.
Citations count: 6
Markin A.V. —
Science of the Future Law
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 129 - 140.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.1.42 URL:
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The article describes the logic and values of philosophy as a science about potential law. The author of the article touches on the process of legal evolution and development of the concept of law. The author also studies the mission of philosophy of law as an intellectual tool t of search for the future, desirable right and criterion of the validity of the effective right. The author analyzes the relation between dogmatic and creative initiatives in studies of law.
Citations count: 5
Maslov V.M. —
The philosophy of visual turn: from theory to practice
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 12.
– P. 39 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.12.31335 URL:
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The subject of this article is a visual turn, distortion of the long-standing relationship of visual and verbal in social life towards the visual. Critical analysis demonstrates the problem in precise definition of the “visual turn”, “visual”, “visual culture”, “linguistic turn”. Thus, the problem becomes the philosophical practice on improvements the situation with modern visual culture. The logics of this research is structured from solving the conceptual problems of “visual turn” towards objective derivation of the key trends of neutralization of negative consequences within the modern visual culture. Methodological foundation consists of the theory of post-nonclassical and open rationality. The research defines the basic character of “visual turn” for the visual studies. “Visual” is the essence and reference to sensibly-emotional. Systematic, on the grounds of the phenomenon of art, reflection of modern visual culture results in the idea that modern life becomes a form of its manifestation. Critical analysis of “linguistic turn” reveals that the essence of visual turns consists in the fact that the problems of truth and worldview begin are now determined by the visual culture, rather than by the language of science and rational philosophy. The formation of modern visual culture is the process of gradual development of technogenic civilization that expands the field of freedom. This also outlines an objective limit in the growth of worldview significance of visual culture, which leads to the collapse of technogenic civilization. The conducted analysis, objectively, points at the three main directions of philosophical work on neutralization of negative consequences of the modern visual culture: critical, transformational, and infographic.
Citations count: 4
Maximov L.V. —
Cognitive science: new life of the old paradigms
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 11 - 24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.11.24657 URL:
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The subject of this research is the interrelated reductionist trends that are presents in the modern cognitive science (namely in branches of the philosophy of mind and psychology that are part of the interdisciplinary complex). These are the radical cognitivism – reduction of mental to cognitive (not considering the specificity of emotional-conative components of psyche); and physicalism – reduction of cognitive (interpreted as a synonym of mental) to neurophysiological processes, which in turn are assimilated to the information-calculating operation in computer. Cognitivism and physicalism are very old methodological paradigm (although received their names fairly recently); as a part of cognitive science they appeared in a somewhat new, modified form, not losing the reductionist orientation. Methodology of this work is the anti-reductionism, in other words, criticism of reductionism not as a supplementary (and fully justified in this function) method of scientific propaedeutics, but rather as inappropriate conceptual approach, fraught with grave mistakes in theory and its practical application. As demonstrated in the article, the initially established problematic of cognitive science alongside the formulated by it conceptual and terminological apparatus significantly contributed into the entrenchment of the indicated reductionist approaches it its research programs. Both of the paradigms have formed a unified, solid methodological cluster due to the common concept of “cognitive” interpreted in the cybernetic (theoretical-information) sense. If overcoming of the aforementioned types of reductionism was possible, it would require the substantial changes in the subject and methods of cognitive science.
Citations count: 4
Rozin V.M. —
Two Concepts of Artificial Intelligence: Realistic and Utopian
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 102 - 114.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.2.39739 EDN: DDLZIT URL:
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The article analyzes modern concepts of artificial intelligence. The author suggests distinguishing between two main ones: utopian and realistic; in the first, it is argued that it is possible to create machines that think like a person and even better than him, in the second, intelligence is presented as a kind of psychobiological computer. An excursion into the history of the development of artificial intelligence is made, within the framework of which three approaches are considered that have had a serious impact on the development of this phenomenon: the reducinalist approach, psychological and computer. Artificial intelligence is compared with natural intelligence, the latter is considered as a complex semiotic, cultural and social education, involving human communication, development, filiation of ideas and techniques. The conclusion is made and justified, according to which the utopian concept of artificial intelligence cannot be implemented, although efforts to implement it will continue for a long time. One of the arguments here are contradictions in the ethical interpretation of artificial intelligence, which is discussed in the form of a virtual dialogue between the author and the designer of modern robots. On the contrary, the realistic concept is implemented in the form of a permanent project. There are practically no anthropological claims in this concept, and the concept of intelligence is reduced here, i.e. intelligence means imitation of only those established intellectual processes that can be modeled and algorithmized, which is a necessary condition for programming.
Citations count: 4
Chernenko V.A. —
Socrates – Alain Badiou: the parallels of ethical discourse
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 67 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.1.18554 URL:
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The object of this research is the ethical discourses of Socratic philosophy and “Ethics” (published in 2003; translated to Russian in 2006) of the modern French philosopher Alain Badiou. The subject of this research is the conceptual parallels, which emerge between them as a result of similar ontological, gnoseological, and ethnical orientations of the Ancient Greek philosopher and our contemporary. For both, Socrates and Badiou, the initial property of humanness consists in ability towards the impartial interest in the search of ethos (consistent) foundation of the Universe. This, in turn, institutionalizes human as a creature, in which his animalistic beginning can be disrupted or canceled by the faithfulness of the truth, which being excessive with regards to our biologically temporal nature, forms our subjectness capable of immortality. The author concludes that ethical discourse of the Socratic dialogues and A. Badiou’s “Ethics” reveal similar conceptual parallels:Infinite otherness (multiplicity);Truth is indifferent to differences;We possess an ability to be what is called by certain truth towards own identity;There is no ethics except the ethics of processes of the truth (science, love, art, politics or Good – Truth – Beauty);Immortal in human appears as the position of impartial interest in the World as a purposeful self-worth;Tension of the moral discourse lies in horizon of the constant choice between the ethics of endless/necessary; real/possible;Truth can manifest itself only in the dialogue (polylogue). Truths make their singular penetration [percee] only through the fabric of opinions. We all need to communicate...It is we ourselves, as ourselves, who expose ourselves to the becoming-subject…Every absolutization of the power of a truth organizes an Evil.
Citations count: 4
Markhinin V. —
Walter Burkert. Plato or Pythagoras? On the origins of the word "philosophy" (Translated from the German by Vasily V. Markhinin.Translation abridged notes)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 36 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.3.22028 URL:
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Walter Burkert (1931 - 2015) - was an outstanding German classicist with a worldwide reputation. His studies are notable for their broad cultural outlook, deep erudition, and the utilization of an extensive range of sources on ancient history and culture; including his strong knowledge of the intricacies of ancient Greek and Latin languages. For the development of national antiquity studies, it is important that the largest possible number of interested Russian readers have the opportunity to become acquainted with the works of such an outstanding expert. The translation of his works, in this case from the German, is intended to serve this goal. The article Plato or Pythagoras? On the Origins of the Word Philosophy" is still influential when it comes to academic literature on this issue, and, of course, will not lose its value in the foreseeable future. The subject of the study, referred to in the title - is the origins of the Greek word "philosophy" - and it reveals the entire array of available resources by using data on the etymology of typologically close (according to the author) ancient Greek words. The process of origin of the word "philosophy" is considered within the context of socio-cultural history of the classical period of Greek antiquity. His arsenal of research methods includes the historical-comparative, historical and genetic analysis, the typology method, the hermeneutic approach, and methods of classical philology. For the first time, this article substantiates the conclusion that the word "philosophy", with its well-known meaning, which stands in opposition to "love of wisdom" and strictly speaking "wisdom" as well as "lover of wisdom" and "sage", arose only as a result of Plato's intellectual creativity. The author pursues a thought that even if Pythagoras or another thinker among the Presocratics had used the word "philosophy" (philosopher), it was not in the sense of the aforementioned opposition, but rather in the sense in which the word "philosophy" appears as a synonym for the word "wisdom". This interpretation of origin and meaning of the word "philosophy" creates a new perspective of the history of ancient philosophy, which differs from the one adopted by the majority of experts, and thus, results in the need for its deeper comprehension.
Citations count: 4
Barinov N.N. —
Marxism-Leninism and Christianity: communalization of property, ethics, and justice
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 56 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.1.34750 URL:
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This article conducts a historical-theological analysis of compatibility of the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism with Christianity. The relevance of this question is substantiated by the ongoing polemics on the subject matter, which is directly related to the social structure. The historical-theological aspects are examined on the basis of critical study of the historical-philosophical works and historical documents on the topic. An attempt is made of systemic analysis of the subject under review. Three questions are examined: communalization of property, ethics, and justice. For comprehensive examination of this topic, the author provides the views of the opposing sides, texts of the Holy Scripture, and opinions of the Fathers of Orthodox Church. The novelty is defined by the fact that this article is first to examine certain documents the context of the indicated problem. The author also presents a more in-depth historical-theological analysis of the comparison of Marxism-Leninism and Orthodox Christianity, of compared to other existing research. The goal consists in consideration of the historical documents and historical-theological works on the topic. The conclusion is made that despite seeming similarity of certain provisions, Marxism-Leninism is incompatible with Christianity. From the theoretical perspective, socialism, in case of eliminating all contradictions, could have exist in symbiosis with Christianity. However, by no means such socialism would be founded on Marxism-Leninism.
Citations count: 3
Selivanov A.I. —
The concept of development of specific objects as a methodological basis of understanding the socio-economic development
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.4.18427 URL:
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The subject of research is the problem of forming the methodological platform for the strategic management system in Russia on the basis of the modern theory of the development of specific sites. The object of study is the concept of development in historical context, the notion of development, list of research questions. The author briefly describes the evolution of research development, summarizes the achievements of the theory of development.Special attention is paid to the study of the concept of development.A list of the fundamental problems of developing knowledge objects.Is the problem of formation of system of knowledge development and developing objects (science development).Research methods: the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the tools methods of the materialist dialectic, synergetic and system approaches, historical method. Novelty:1. As a basis of methodology of knowledge of complex developing objects in the framework of the dialectical approach proposes the concept of developing specific objects, which relies on the definition of development as the emergence of the new object type or complex organizational interactions and binding (retention) in the number sequence States object with all its internal and external interactions.2. In the system of knowledge development are three major areas – cognitive, design, institutional, invited a group of interrelated epistemological issues and knowledge development is presented as an organic complex philosophical and metascientific ones and specifically research-oriented developing objects and processes development
Citations count: 3
Dushkin R. —
To the question on identification and differentiation of a philosophical zombie
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 52 - 66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.1.32079 URL:
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This article examines the task of identification and differentiation of a so-called “philosophical zombie” in order to form a set of operational criteria for determining the agency of artificial intelligence systems. This task can be viewed as one of the possible ways towards solution of a “hard problem of consciousness”. Despite the fact that the proposed approach alone does not solve the “hard problem”, it reveals certain aspects of neurophysiology, cybernetics and information theory towards its solution. The relevance of this task results from the more extensive implementation of artificial cognitive agents in human life – the boundary that distinguishes an intelligent creature from an artificial cognitive agent, endows an object with agency. Therefore, the development of more complicated artificial cognitive agents (artificial intelligence systems) would ultimately lead to a contentious debate on the topic. The author attempts to introduce the procedure of identification of a philosophical zombie and its restrictions, as well as explores the idea whether or not the artificial cognitive agents would obtain qualia. The article is valuable of those interested in artificial intelligence in all of its aspects, as well as in the philosophy of consciousness.
Citations count: 3
Gusev D.A., Potaturov V.A. —
Scientism and anti-scientism as two images of the philosophy of science, two worldviews, and two systems of life guidance of a person (historical-philosophical and general theoretical aspects)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 32 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.1.31925 URL:
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The question on the polemics between scientism and anti-scientism being different sociocultural orientations and opposite worldview poles remains insufficiently covered within the modern philosophy of science. The object of this research is the controversy of scientism and anti-scientism as the two images and concepts of the philosophy of science. The subject is the worldview companions of scientism and anti-scientism, as well as the two systems of ideological, ontological and practical orientations of human and social existence built upon them. The goal of the article consists in identification of the two possible and opposite images of the philosophy of science, suggested by the concept itself, their interrelation, and establishment of worldview chain links beginning with scientism and anti-scientism, and clarification of opposing systems of life orientation of a person. One of the results of the conducted research consists in determination of two images of the philosophy of science and related to them scientism and anti-scientism, which are not only and not much different and in a worldview sense “neutral” sociocultural orientations, as the other way around, “loaded” from a worldview perspective intellectual positions, fairly conforming with the certain ideological paradigms, which in entirety and complementarity, form the two opposing worldviews and two systems of life guidance of a person.
Citations count: 3
Golovanivskaya M.K., Efimenko N.A. —
The Idea of Fate in Russian, French, and Chinese Cultures
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 35 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.10.38954 EDN: GMCUAS URL:
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The article is devoted to the comparative description of the ideas of fate in three national worldviews — Russian, French and Chinese. These worldviews are reconstructed from linguistic data and cultural context. In each of the languages, the synonymic series of the concept is described, etymology, mythological and philosophical origins, modern meanings and compatibility are analyzed. The result of the study is identification of similarities and differences in the ideas about the fate among these peoples. We see that the Russian field of fate is verbal, the French semantic is associated with the idea of falling-falling out, and the Chinese is associated with such actions as changing and understanding. The actual interrelationships of the Russian concept are an indication of the causes of the damage , the French one is a source of well–being, the Chinese one is with ideas about possibility and dependence. The Russian creation personifies the concept of fate in the image of a self-willed woman, as well as in the French picture of the world, while the Chinese figurative thinking identifies fate with a code, an assistant or a rival. In the Russian picture of the world, a person is passive in relation to his fate, in the French he is active, he fights with it, the Chinese gestalt unites both: you can passively accept, you can actively fight.
Citations count: 3
Bylieva D.S., Lobatyuk V.V. —
The image of the digital future of society through the prism of the pandemic
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 11 - 23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.2.35169 URL:
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The Covid19 pandemic turned out to be a challenge that forced civilization to demonstrate how modern technologies are able to protect human biological vulnerability. Considered by the authors as the main object of research, digital technologies have taken on a huge burden of maintaining public relations and processes. The analysis of social processes and cases made in the article revealed the main trends, opportunities and dangers. The threat to existence has accelerated the process of digitalization many times, leaving virtually no options for dissenters, forced to expand the use of existing information and communication technologies, accelerate the creation of new ones. Constant presence on the web becomes an absolute psychological and in many cases an objective necessity. For many organizations, the choice was between ceasing to exist or going digital. Humanity has largely been prepared for the "digitalization" of its existence from the point of view of technological solutions, and to a much lesser extent from the point of view of psychological and social. The article identifies three main functions of information and communication technologies that united people during the pandemic: information/infodemia, digitalization of activities and control. Information and communication technologies set the agenda, enable a person to work, study, have fun, and communicate. Physical connections between people are being replaced by digital ones. The information circulating in the system can both contribute to the harmonious interaction of people, and poison and infect the most vulnerable parts of society. A variety of digital solutions from centralized total control to self-regulation based on mobile information, adopted in different countries to control and prevent the spread of the virus, demonstrate options for possible management of the emerging bioinformatic system.
Citations count: 3
Kannykin S.V. —
Cultural Content of Personality-building Running Practices
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 44 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.9.38779 EDN: DMTVON URL:
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In the evolution of homo sapiens, running acquires the character of an activity, that is, it assumes both a derivative of reflexivity and participation in its implementation in order to transform both the subject and the environment of his existence. Thus, running acquires cultural significance, the clarification of which is the purpose of this work. To achieve it, the question is raised about the personality-creating resources of running practices, about their contribution to the formation of consciousness and phenomena derived from its activity, for example, will, endurance, meditative states. The features of these resources expressing the metaphysical components of the human "I" are also revealed. The personal need for running activity has the following dimensions: ontological (the choice of running locomotion as a response to the "motor call" of being); anthropological (the realization of a specific hereditary predisposition that bases many elements of culture); psychological (achieving maximum sensations from extreme motor actions) and socio-cultural (participation in a variety of social practices). Systematic running activity develops the ability for long-term endurance, the general cultural significance of which lies in the fact that runners find practically effective and in many ways universal ways of value-semantic motivation to carry out activities that have a lack of motivation. Highly automated running action becomes a way of reproducing a specific ability to dynamic meditation, that is, it creates its own subject and participates in the development of physical culture of the individual, and the formation of the ability ("motor professionalism") to such running is one of the directions of the educational process. The subject-subject orientation of meditative running action means directing efforts towards the implementation of personal activity associated with the support of the "substance" of subjectivity ‒ social, where only the possibility of reflexive human existence is provided. The marker of the social "load" of running motor action, in addition to highly automated and the production of specific structures of consciousness, is its moral component, which is especially pronounced in competitive practices and running events.
Citations count: 3
Titlin L.I. —
Vasubandhu. Pudgalavinishchaya. Translation of fragments 948-957 (discussion with Vaisheshikas). Foreword, Translation from Sanskrit by L. I. Titlin
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 59 - 83.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.3.22801 URL:
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The subject of this research is the philosophical polemics between Buddhism and Indian School Nyaya- Vaisheshika on the question of the existence and characteristics of an actor as it presented in the 8th book Vasubandhu's "Abhidharmakosa-Bhasya" (IV-V centuries) – “Pudgalavinishchaya”.It is one of the polemic compositions regarding the existence and characteristics of an actor, in which found their reflection the discussions of that topic between the “Orthodox” Buddhists on one hand, and Buddhists-“Heretics” (Pudgalavadin), Nyaya- Vaisheshikas, philosophers-grammarians, Sankhyaikas on the other hand. The article uses the comparative-historical method, comparative analysis, popular methodology of philosophical translation from Sanskrit into the Russian language. Vaisheshikas acknowledge the existence of the eternal irrevocable atman. The main argument of Vasubandhu is that if it did exist that the states of mind also will be eternal and irrevocable, which, apparently, does not correspond with the reality. On the contrary, the states of mind (citta) are momentary, because consist of the momentary dharma, generating from each other in cause-and-effect relation (within the flow of volatile dharma). The scientific novelty lies in conducting the first translation from Sanskrit into the Russian Language of a substantial chapter from “Pudgalavinishchaya" of Vasubandhu with the commentary of Yashomitra, dedicated to the question of the existence of the actor, as well as philosophical analysis of the provided fragment of the text.
Citations count: 3
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. —
Global Direction of Science
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 58 - 120.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.10.8869 URL:
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It has been stated that the beginning of the global direction in science should be referred to the first half of last century.The authors of the article view related processes of globalization of knowledge and formation of global knowledge. The authors believe it is necessary to define the place of global direction in modern science, form the general concept and assess opportunities for further development of global studies. It is assumed that global studies, whether the subject of global studies is narrow or broad, is just part of a broader science - global research and general process of globalization of science. Changes in the subject of global studies and global researches making this subject even broader require not only historical, but also evolutionary approach to current and future global processes. The authors also describe the evolutionary approach (that is different from historical approach) to global researches and especially to global studies of different global processes and systems including global natural processes, globalization and global issues. Evolutionary globalization is focused on studying the development and co-evolution of global processes and their synergetic phenomenon - global development. Formation of global knowledge and global transformations in science are also viewed from the point of view of the transfer to sustainable development and formation of the sphere of reason - noosphere.
Citations count: 3
Boyko M. —
Simulation of pain and the typology of virtual realities
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 54 - 61.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.8.24054 URL:
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This article analyzes the problems of philosophical nature associated with simulation of pain in electronic virtual reality (EVR). Unlike other sensations, pain is characterized by certain threshold value, which results in neurogenic shock with possible fatal outcome (for example acute cardiac insufficiency). The author reviews the possibility of neurogenic shock in EVR and the caused by it death of an individual in generating reality. It is demonstrated that the solution of problem depends on the method of simulation of pain used in generating of the electronic virtual reality. A comparative analysis of the possible ways of simulating pain is conducted. Film art dedicated to the problem of virtual reality serves as a spectacular example. The author suggest the typology of EVR depending on the method of simulation of pain; the three main types are determined: 1) with equivalent simulation; 2) with modified simulation; 3) with transgressive simulation. Mathematical algorithm of modified simulation of pain in electronic virtual reality with the “virtual invulnerability” and “virtual immortality” is proposed.
Citations count: 3
Andreev G.S. —
Value conflict: the establishment of dystopia
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 66 - 71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.2.28681 URL:
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The subject of this research is freedom as the value in utopian, dystopian oeuvres, and modern world. The article is dedicated to consideration of one of the factors of emergence and popularity of dystopian genre in modern culture. Analysis of the concept of freedom of the English utopian texts reveals the meaning of freedom in establishment of the utopian society. The English utopian tradition was selected as the source material for the analysis due to its rich history and extensive number of texts for the research. The goal of this work lies in the attempt to trace a correlation between the establishment of dystopia and transformation of the perception of freedom as value, the relation to which significantly changed since the middle of the XX century, as well as undergoes transformations in modern society. In this article, the concept of freedom is used for understanding the historical turn from the genre of utopia towards the genre of dystopia within the European culture. The relevance of this publication is substantiated by the current enormous popularity of dystopian genre. It is concluded that one of the causes of elevation of the dystopian genre is the value conflict between a modern individual and society.
Citations count: 3
Fedorin V.V. —
Philosophical and methodological substantiation of the projects of human genetic engineering
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.8.20221 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of the projects of human genetic engineering, as well as attempts of improving of his ethical and physical qualities. The significance of new discoveries in medicine and biology has drastically increased in the recent years. Human finds himself in a new role – an object of manipulations. The methods of genetic engineering provide the opportunities for changing the genetic base of a human, which is the prerequisite of being in creation of its identity. In order to comfortably exist in a rapidly changing world, a human needs certainty in understanding of how the methods of genetic engineering can affect his being, as well as interrelation with other people. The author conducts the analysis of the projects of human engineering from various perspectives, as well as presents the assessment of possible consequences of implementation of the “human-oriented” biotechnologies. The growing opportunities of biotechnologies in transformation of the human genetic nature should certainly be controlled; and the level of intervention into genetics of a human should be determined by social ethics and scientific level.
Citations count: 3
Zhul'kov M.V. —
Noospheric energitism: fundamental ontology
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 23 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.9.24066 URL:
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This article is devoted to the ontological aspects of the noospheric energitism – an integral part of the doctrine about noosphere. Modern philosophical energitism is based on the specific understanding of energy in the discourse of post-nonclassical science, which includes consideration of not only objective, but also subjective components of energy: physical, mental, information, semantic, spiritual. Energy has universality, unites material and information worlds into one whole, pervades into all spheres of the universe. At the intersection of energitism and noospherology, takes place the formation of a complex scientific philosophical discipline – noospheric energitism, which examines the energetic aspect of the evolution the intelligent life of space, planet, humanity, establishment of the noospheric society and the planetary noosphere. The foundation of noospheric studies consists in V. I. Vernadsky's teachings on biogeochemical and cultural biogeochemical energies, transformation of biosphere into the noosphere under the influence of labor and scientific thought of organized humanity, as well as the doctrine about the autotrophic nature of mankind. In connection with the emerging sections of science, the following general scientific approaches are used in the ontology of the noosphere: systemic, synergetic, universal, spherical (used by Vernadsky), ecological, historical, energy-information. The energy approach must take its place, especially because Vernadsky’s doctrine is fused with the energetic concepts. The author concludes that the noospheric energitism studies energy and energy-information nature of the noosphere, processes of the biosphere's transformation into the noosphere, applies the energy factor in systemic modeling of the noosphere and noospheric society. The key direction of research is the noospheric-energy approach in cognizing the nature and evolution of the consciousness, which will allow studying, modeling, and anticipating the processes of formation of the global consciousness. Noospheric energitism has its own field of research, methodological approaches, as well as possesses a significant potential for its own development.
Citations count: 3
Rakhmanovskaya E. —
Lust for power as human passion
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 127 - 137.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.12.20905 URL:
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The subject of this research is the nature and sources of the lust for power as anthropological phenomenon that reveals a special dimension of life of any human being. It is claimed that the attractiveness of power is not dictated by the amenities or resources, accessibility of which promises the privilege of the status of supremacy. Moreover, power is interpreted as a burden aggravated by fear, responsibility, narrowing the personality, serving as a source of inner conflicts. At the same time, the author the position that the irrational magnetism of power is justified by its passionate nature, rooted in the in-depth layers of human psyche, tight interweaving with the relevant processes of establishment and increasing personal strength, as well as consolidating of vitality. Lust for power appears as the concentration of energy of self-esteem, demonstrates the tendency towards transgression of personal limits. The research is conducted within the framework of philosophical anthropology. The author leans on the theoretical messages of the philosophy of life, concept of will to power by F. Nietzsche. Special attention is given to the expansive character of manifestation of the lust for power. A conclusion is made that having the dynamic nature, power is forced to constantly augment its might, overcome antagonism, and tirelessly overreach itself, otherwise, it will lose the win positions. However, in such implacable expansion of power that has achieved the level of any rebuke, in constant chase for extending the territories within power also hides the threat to its existence.
Citations count: 2
Timoshchuk E.A. —
Phenomenology in modern education
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 67 - 72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.8.24368 URL:
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The object of this research is the impact of phenomenological method upon modern education. The subject is the conceptual basis of Husserl’s teaching and possibilities of its implementation in education and upbringing: 1) subjectivity of phenomenology; 2) dialogueness of phenomenology; 3) sustainability of phenomenology; 4) principle of individuation in phenomenology. The author leans on the hypothesis that phenomenology of education cannot shift off the antinomies of modern education, such as massification/elitism, normativity/enthusiasm; routinization/ practical orientation. At the same time, despite all antinomies of the modern educational process, phenomenology can provide a student with understanding of life in the context of personal world, so that through cleansing the experience from overlaying of perceptions, he will be able to derive the most valuable for the future. The article attempts to reveal the phenomenology of education as a positive experience of self-individuation. The main axiological conclusions of phenomenology of education are the following: 1) individual genesis of a human that develops personal qualities, as well as forms the destiny through the sense of experience; 2) harmonization of the lifeworlds is possible through understanding of the strategy of description and hermeneutics of the Other; self-individualization shifts off the contradictions of the creative and formal, global and regional, humanitarian and technical; 4) procedures and practices of phenomenology of education is rooted in horizon of a lifeworld. The scientific novelty lies in application of the methodology of phenomenology (intentionality, lifeworld, reduction) to the realities of modern Russian education in form of the Unified State Exam, competent approach, academic standards, institutionality of education. The area of implementation of the results is the phenomenology of education, phenomenology of culture, and cross-cultural communication.
Citations count: 2
Dul'zon A.A. —
Sustainable development and resource efficiency: problems and contradiction
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 131 - 148.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.3.22139 URL:
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The subject of this research is the increasing disruption in sustainability of the Earth biosphere, associated with the fact that the system of direct and opposite connections of natural processes is not able to manage the conditions for the existence of living creatures. The central problem, upon which depends the sustainable development and even existence of human population, consists in the restoration of balance between the volume of the extracted natural resources alongside the volume of waste products and the ability of nature to reestablish equilibrium. Namely such equilibrium ensures the ability of biome to preserve the conditions necessary for the existence of living creatures on Earth. The article considers the published over the recent years works of the Russian and foreign authors pertaining to the problem of sustainable development. The main conclusion lies in the fact that the expansion of human activity beyond the biological capacity of Earth inevitably leads to the point of bifurcation, as a result of which, the nature will most likely rid itself of human population. There are yet no ways for resolution of this issue, but the need for the change of paradigm of socioeconomic development is rather evident. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that unlike the trends within the Western scientific literature and politics, namely the presented approach is an intrinsic condition of survival for the earth dwellers.
Citations count: 2
Fedorova M. —
Hype-eschatology or the “COVID-19 game”: transformation of religious conscience
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 40 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.1.34768 URL:
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This article analyzes the recently observed transformation of religious conscience. The author believes that these changes are most obvious during the period of global crises, such as COVID-19 pandemic. The article suggests that the most optimal perspective for examination of the transformation of religious conscience s consists in the analysis through the prism of eschatological problematic. Eschatology manifests as an indicator for the transformation of religiousness, which is substantiated by actualization of apocalyptic moods in the context of global civilizational crises. Methodological framework of this research is comprised of the system-structural and functional approaches, which allowed resolving the set tasks in the broad interdisciplinary context, including the experience of philosophy, theology and sociology. The author leans on the results of several sociological research dedicated to the dynamics of youth value orientations that were conducted over the period from 1997 to 2020. The empirical material contains the data of such social media ad Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram, messenger (Telegram), and video hosting platform (YouTube). The author highlights a number of basic ideas viewed within the framework of eschatology of the Abrahamic religions (namely Christian eschatology). Firstly, private eschatology, reflected in the attitude towards one's own death and related questions of afterlife retribution. Secondly, the belief in arrival of the Messiah; and, thirdly, the expected end of history and time. These ideas developed during the viral shedding of COVID-19. The author meticulously analyzes how the eschatological theme mainstreams in the conditions of pandemic and self-isolation regime. The conclusion is made that the manifestations of apocalyptic moods during the pandemic are characterized by game nature, tendency to hype, focus on individual experiences, shift in the higher value of eschatology towards the collective culture, which is expressed in the effect of carnivalization of consciousness, transfer of eschatological problematic from religious to sociopolitical plane.
Citations count: 2
Leushkin R.V. —
Virtual social space: conceptual framework of the research
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 54 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.7.19312 URL:
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This article deals with the concepts and terms necessary for understanding the virtual social space. It is considered as a new dimension for existence of social communication. The virtual social space is comprehended as an ontological horizon generated by the refraction of the anthropological structures in social communication systems. The structures of human existence with their natural impulses and "vectors" inevitably adapt to the tough conditions of virtual communication systems. As a result of this process, the work explicates such existential and notional form as a virtual social construct. This study is based on the theoretical foundation of structuralism, concept of social constructivism, and actively applies the concepts of poststructuralist philosophy. During the course of the research, the author developed a categorical apparatus, which allows a theoretical conceptualization of the virtual social space alongside the variety of phenomena associated with it. The author also describes the prospects and limits of the presented socio-ontological research, as well as determines the existential condition of its existence, such as the expression of communicative invariant structures in the virtual social construct.
Citations count: 2
Napso M.D. —
Social narcissism of Gilles Lipovetsky and the consumer society
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 75 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.8.20128 URL:
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The object of this article is the peculiarities of consumer society, while the subject of the social narcissism as one of its features. The author examines the essence and signs of social narcissism, its demand by the worldview ideological orientations and psychology of consumerism. Social and moral-ethnical consequences of social narcissism along with its influence upon social being, individual and group consciousness, are being reviewed. The author follows the phenomenon of social success as an attribute of social narcissism, as well as demonstrates the role of social illusions in formation of the social narcissism. The methodological base of this article consists in ontological principles of dialectics, which allowed presenting social narcissism as an integral and controversial phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the thesis on consumer society as the society of social narcissism. The following conclusions are made: 1) social narcissism is presented as one of the characteristics of consumer society; 2) the manifestation of social narcissism consists in the social success in its various forms.
Citations count: 2
Gryaznova E.V., Afanas'ev S.V. —
Individualization of a person in the information socialization
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 17 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.1.20968 URL:
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In the information society, social experience cannot be transmitted only by traditional methods. Modern man is forced from an early age to take in information interaction occurring in the field of information reality created by modern information technology. Thus, the second period of socialization – individualization, which is the most active stage of education and upbringing of a person is largely not under the control of real social actors and information quasisurjectivity. The article discusses the possible negative consequences of this individualization. The study of individualization as traditional stage and information of socialization used subject-to-subject approach. The paper used methods of analysis and synthesis. The main findings of the study is justification of the fact that individualization in the information of socialization has both positive and negative consequences. The most dangerous are: the possibility of forming the average, the universal identity, devoid of belonging to a national culture. The reason is not only the transfer of information socialization in reality, the transfer functions of the management of this process information quasispherical.
Citations count: 2
Belyaev V.A. —
Criticism of religious mind of J. Habermas as part of criticism of cultural mind.
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 20 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.1.10709 URL:
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This article presents critical analysis of the article by J. Habermas "Religious tolerance - the pacemaker for cultural rights". On one hand the author analyzes the strategy of cultural tolerance, which according to J. Habermas starts with the religious toleration mindset and it is finally reflected in the logic of the modern constitutional democratic society. On the other hand, the author continues his discussion with J. Habermas by speaking of the theory of interculture as a social and cultural strategy for the formation of the new European world. Finally, the discussion concerns the logic of formation of the new European social and cultural area in the perspective of a widely perceived tolerance program, which in turn is widened to the extent of the logic of formation of interculturalism. The author regards the position of J. Habermas as continuation of Kant's criticism of the rational mind, and considers it possible to add to his range of ethical terms the system of terms and connections, which allows for uniting the widely interpreted tolerance strategy with the elements of the European culture, which are expressed by the terms "naturalism" and "rationalism". With such a widened understanding of the tolerance program the new European naturalism and rationalism are connected by the inner logic with the strategy of peaceful co-existence of variety of cultural worlds. They turn out to be the consequence of the direction towards the tolerant formation of the common world to live in. In this sense, regarding the new European world as an embodiment of the "criticism of cultural mind" the author regards the position of J. Habermas as part of this criticism.
Citations count: 2
Afanas'ev S.V. —
The purpose of this article is to conduct a typological analysis of the information culture as a social and cultural phenomenon.
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 59 - 70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.1.21885 URL:
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The relevance of the research is dictated by the fact that in modern conditions of development of the information society, information culture goes beyond the narrow understanding of knowledge and skills necessary to work with the information systems. It represents a basic subsystem of culture of the information civilization, an independent type of culture within the system of information society, and most important cultural element of a modern person. Typological analysis systematizes the expanding conceptual framework in studying of the information culture. The key research methods are the following: typological analysis, summarization, typology, classification, systematization, comparison, generalization, as well as civilization, subject-object, sphere, activity approaches. Analytical overview of the scientific studies is conducted. The author analyzed and systematized the main types of information culture examined within the culturology, information culturology, and social philosophy. The conducted analysis allowed substantiating the need and possibility of development of multi-level typology of the information culture and reaching the idea of establishment of the attributive and a functional concept of information culture
Citations count: 2
Parkhomenko R.N. —
Genesis of the Idea of Freedom in Western European Philosophy
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2012. – ¹ 4.
– P. 179 - 210.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.4.146 URL:
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The author of the article traces back the formation and development of the idea of freedom in Antique, Medieval and New European Philosophies up to Descartes' ideas. The analysis shows that modern definition of the ide of freedom as well as the ideas of law, justice and civil society are based on Antique and Medieval philosophies. Following philosophies and political studies only develop theoretical categories and application of these categories in formation of modern democratic states.
Citations count: 2
Bazaluk O.A. —
Modern understanding of philosophy of education
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 248 - 271.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.4.15321 URL:
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The subject of the research is the philosophy of education and its reflection on the educational process. Based on the analysis of predecessors’ works the author presented the new structure of the philosophy of education which enriches the understanding of its subject, targets and methods of research.The author presented the philosophy of education as a pyramid, the base of which are generalizing the situation of man as a subject and object of research accumulated in the philosophical anthropology. The first level of the pyramid takes psychology as a science which studies the origin, development and functioning of the psyche. Pedagogy crowns the “pyramid”.The author used the dialectical, system-structural, structural-functional method, as well as methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis.The main conclusion of the study is to prove that the philosophy of education in their new understanding is not only a theoretical understanding of basics and demonstrations of the educational process, but also a practice, the direct embodiment of the theoretical developments in the education in the everyday life. Using historical and philosophical analysis, the author shows that the philosophy of education does not just depend on the state of social philosophy (and philosophy in general), but also through its methodological apparatus it realizes the established philosophical (ideological) paradigm in the different pedagogical practices.
Citations count: 2
Demenev D.N. —
Artistic will as the ontological basis of art
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 10 - 24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.3.32338 URL:
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The subject of this research is the artistic will as the ontological basis of art. In the process of comprehension of the nature of art as on object of research, emerges the problem of identification and determination of the ontological will with regards to arts as a fundamental factor in “conception” of an artful work. The will is an ontological link in the chain “author – willful acts – creative process – artwork”, which allows the latter to manifest from nothingness. This leads to understanding of the “relative mechanism of conception” of an artwork, which comprises the goal of the research. The scientific novelty consists in the thesis that two types of will coexist at the current stage of the development of art: will of a modern artist and artistic will (will to beauty). Due to the fact that the will of a modern artist doesn’t always shift him towards aesthetization of the environment, whole the artistic will is particularly aimed at aesthetization of the phenomena of surrounding reality, the author underlines the crucial difference between the two wills. The conclusion is made that the “artistic will” as an aestheticizing will or the will to beauty is the ontological basis of art.
Citations count: 2
Zaitsev A.V. —
Dialogics of Jurgen Habermas: Definition and Description
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 75 - 98.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.2.148 URL:
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The article describes the communicative philosophy and dialogics of Jurgen Habermas. The author of the article defines Jurgen Habermas' dialogics as the intention to overcome conflicts, aggression and contradictions in the form of discussion, i.e. not by force but by the means of rhetorical persuasion, argument and influence through dialogue that allows to reach mutual understanding and consensual approval of certain rules or regulation.
Citations count: 2
Mishurin A.N. —
Philosophy as Rigorous Science and Political Philosophy
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 8.
– P. 82 - 99.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.8.16318 URL:
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In the present article Leo Strauss touches upon the problem of the relationship between political philosophy and politics. In the modern age political philosophy has lost its universal nature while politics, on the contrary, has gained it. Strauss refers this fundamental shift to the influence of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and his 'radical historicism'. Heidegger's radical historicism responds to the challenges of those times, i.e. the times when the idea of the borders of history prevailed. In these terms, Strauss mentions Hegel and his conception of the end of history as well as Nietzsche and Marx and their idea of the begining of history. Just like Nietzsche and Marx, Heidegger took his philosophy as the prelude to the beginning of history or, how Strauss calls it, the 'absolute', i.e. the turning point of history. However, such approach deprives the previous philosophy in general and political philosophy in particular of all their aspirations. Radical historicism makes philosophy dependent on historical conditions starting from the very moment when it appears. Trying to avoid the 'end of history', Strauss starts to move backwards. In our cuse, he directly appeals to Heidegger's teacher, Edmund Husserl and his work 'Philosophy as Rigorous Science'.
Citations count: 2
Matveichev O.A. —
Anacharsis. “Wise because Scythian”
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 53 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.6.19016 URL:
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This article gives special attention to Anacharsis – one of the most mysterious and contradictory persona of the Ancient Greek history. Despite many surviving testimonies on the life of a remarkable Scythian and fragments of his doctrine, many researchers still have doubts about the historicity of this character. The popular in Antiquity image of Anacharsis as a “Wiseman-savage” who avoided the decaying influence of civilization is being formed in the works of Ephorus and the Cynics, and later in the works of Diodorus, Plutarch, Aelian, and Lucian. Ephorus made Anacharsis one of the Seven Sages, which endows him with the status of one of the founders of philosophy. Perhaps the image of Anacharsis was used for the purpose of allegorical propaganda, namely to magnify the Athens. The author concludes that Anacharsis’ philosophy differs from the contemporary to him Greek philosophy and reveals him as an alien from a different civilization; it demonstrates the motives characteristic to Indo-European mentality and mythology. It is also important to understand that Anacharsis influence upon the Greek philosophy was highly significant; and reflected in the works of Cynics, Sophists, Plato, and Aristotle. Thus we can conclude that directly or indirectly, Anacharsis’ doctrine compiles the foundation of the Greek, as well as the Western philosophy, and due to this fact it requires a more detailed attention of the researchers.
Citations count: 2
Pilyak S.A. —
The evolution of hermeneutic approach in studying cultural phenomena
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 30 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.8.32743 URL:
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The problem of methodology of interpretation of cultural heritage assumes special importance. Throughout several centuries, the leading method in interpretation of semiotic system has been and remains to be the hermeneutic method, which initially emerged as a pattern for interpretation of sacred texts. The interpretation of cultural values and material cultural heritage is one of the most widespread types of their development and creative comprehension. From the perspective of perception and interpretation of language, which is general sense represents any system of symbols, the key scientific vector of which is the philosophical hermeneutics. The very concept of hermeneutics is usually interpreted as the art and theory of textual interpretation. Thus in the wide sense, it emerged along with speech and writing system. Hermeneutics contributed to creation of methodology of interpretation; therefore, many of its provisions, principles, and forms of interpretation take into account the specificity of interpretation of cultural values. The historical experience demonstrates multiple examples of application of hermeneutic techniques for reaching understanding of different masses or unanimous understanding for groups of dissimilar people. Utilization of hermeneutic approaches can be observe when there comes a moment of potential disintegration of countries, territories or regions, the unification of which is advantageous. The author reviews the historical transformation of hermeneutic approach in studying cultural phenomena.
Citations count: 2
Volkova V., Malakhova N., Volkov I. —
Imagination: from the image to symbol, from the symbol to text
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.8.33491 URL:
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This article is dedicated to conceptualization of the subject field of imagination. Imagination stops being a byproduct of the creative process. It is defined as the ability to exceed boundaries of creative process in mental combinations of the aspects of knowledge and being, sensation and reason. Research methodology is substantiated by the complementarity and intersection of different discourses on imagination on the basis of dialectics as an ancient mode of thought. Imagination is determined from the perspective of ontoepistemology and accumulation of structural-organizational attachments into image. The unity of being and knowledge (ontoepistemology) manifests in segmentation of the image and derivation of structural generalizations, all of which allow determining multiple meanings of the objects discovered by means of visualization and symbolization. Being correlate of the symbol, image is visualized, and reveals the meanings of human life. Symbol saturates image with the content. Image has power over people and their mind by not complying with the rules. Imagination is a method for reconstructing cognitive process. It is perceived as an instrument for comparing, uniting, and coordination of diverse elements of cognition. Imagination mentalizes the image, helps to comprehend it through a number of transitions, inside which takes place integration of segments of the image into a symbol. Then, through generalization of the image (symbols, words, meanings), its form turns into a text, read by the mind, for example, a rhizome that removes contradistinction of internal and external, subjective and objective. Mentalization of the image, symbolization of its segments and their translation into in the text takes place by integration of structural attachments into the image. The author suggests that this conceptual construct allows determining the role of imagination among other representations of human sciences.
Citations count: 2
Fedorin V.V. —
Human genetic modification: prospects, inevitability, and the question of moral-ethical justification
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 30 - 41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.12.34403 URL:
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The subject of this research is the genetic engineering of a human, risks it produces, prospects, and moral-ethical aspects. Technological progress inevitably leads to infiltration of cultural sphere into human corporeality through genetic engineering. The development of innovative technologies in the area of manipulation with the genetic code necessitates to choose how these technologies would be used. In this regard, there is a possibility of transition towards a new type of corporeality, not limited by biological predetermination alone, but rather culturally substantiated, being a result of implementation of the human-created project, which underlines the need for socio-humanitarian analysis conducted in this article. Viewing medicine as one of the fields of culture allows concluding that humanity to some extent has already faced certain projection with regards to human corporeality. In this aspect, medicine manifests as a tool for implementation of the project of a “healthy human”, and genetic engineering, as its part, would inevitably implement this project, and gradually expand the field of culture and fulfill the project of an “improved human” as a natural advancement of the idea of expansion of freedom through modification of corporeality.
Citations count: 2
Rakhmanovskaya E. —
Two images of authority
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 62 - 72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.8.20167 URL:
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The subject of this research is the hunger for power, its origins, and ways of manifestation. Lust for power is viewed as a universal, inseparable quality of human nature. It is stated that each individual initially possesses the autocratic potential, but its fulfillment depends on the path selected for self-realization: actual growth of strength, creative activity, formation of authority, or creation of simulacrum, phantom nature of power expressed in authoritarianism, use of seizure of power, compulsion and oppression as an instrument of acquisition of power. The main method of this study lies in comparing the authoritative and authoritarian types of power and determination of the essential differences. The author applies the principles and approaches of philosophical anthropology, social philosophy, and psychoanalysis. The conclusion is made that the insurmountable lust for power evolves due to the blocked realization of the initial autocratic potential. Authority from the power is not passion, but represents a task, horizon for the development of personal qualities. It enters the field of constant struggle for self-determination due to the inevitable burden of authoritarianism.
Citations count: 2
Kannykin S.V. —
Running in light of the ideas of Olympism of Pierre de Coubertin
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 51 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.3.33124 URL:
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The subject of this research is the sociocultural conditionality of running. The relevance of this work consists in non-inclusion into the philosophical context, which implies reference to the universal and the basic fundamental, running as the most universal cultural form of locomotion of an athlete, as well as the absence of definition of its humanistic importance in both, individual and collective existence. The author sets the three tasks: reveal the foundations of the concept of Olympism of Pierre de Coubertin; determine the content of the values of Olympism interpreted as the key ideas oriented towards implementation in life of a person and society through the Olympic sports; advance the hypothesis of running as the basic physical practice for sports, which essentially implies the transcendent dimension that correlates with the ideological components of Olympism. The novelty of this article lies in the analysis of running through the prism of ideological foundations of Olympism. Being inherent to the universal for sports running practices, these foundations make running, viewed as a component of social environment, a means of preservation and distribution the Coubertin’s ideology of formation of an athlete as a harmonious, spiritually and physically developed personality through the educational sports. Considering the fact that the socially conditioned running motor action contributes to the formation of the structures of human consciousness, the mental world of the subject, formed with involvement of the Olympic oriented running practices, is largely characterized by the values promoted by Pierre de Coubertin.
Citations count: 2
Druzhinin A.M. —
From dialogue to manipulation: critical analysis of modern media practices
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.1.18534 URL:
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This article presents the history of emergence of manipulative forms of social management. The correlation between manipulation and dialogical forms of interaction of the individual is determined. The author reveals the essence of manipulations as a destructive phenomenon, within the framework of which the audience of contemporary mass media is views as passive object of influence. The analysis of existing at present stage approaches towards the phenomenon allows conditionally highlighting two directions in its examination: humanitarian-philosophical and engineering. Humanitarian-philosophical approach suggest the ethnical assessment of manipulation, which excludes the application of manipulative technologies of social managements. Engineering approach reviews society as the object of implementation of manipulative communications, and as a result, leads to degradation of the dialogue on all levels. The article initiates discussion with the researchers, who supports the “engineering” views upon the social management. The main method of this research consists in critical analysis. Such approach towards the problem manipulation lies in interconnection of the three levels of examination of this question. Firstly, manipulative communication is the type of social interaction, which generates the abuse of authority. Secondly, it is being realized by means of texts and audiovisual images. Thirdly, this phenomenon must be considered in the context of examination of the cognitive abilities of a human, because it actively forms the image of thinking, mental world, as well as intrudes into the sphere of inexplicit knowledge of a specific individual. The analysis of various phenomena in these three platitudes allows determining the features of manipulative communication in one or another case. The author reviews the transformation of dialogical genres of mass media into the monological expression. It is proposed to metaphorically name such texts as “mono-dialogue”. Imitation of dialogue, which hides the author-creator, is demonstrates as one main instruments of the hidden impact upon the society. Based on M. Bakhtin’s theory about isolation of one or another fragment of text (discourse), and Gadamer’s ideas regarding the questions of interpretation, the author detects the mechanism of control over the information, cognitive, and social space of the mass media dialogical genres, and interview in particular.
Citations count: 2
Zhul'kov M.V. —
Phenomenon of energy in the history of human thought
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.6.18923 URL:
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The subject of this research is the history of energy study: in Hinduism, in Antiquity, understanding of energy in physics, ideas of P. Teilhard de Chardin, psychic energy of the Living ethics, the law of conservation of energy, energetics of W. Ostwald, formula of A. Einstein (full energy of substance), views of F. Engels and K. E. Tsiolkovsky, study of V. I. Vernadsky on biochemical energy, concept of energoevolution of M. Veller, and energy cosmism. The article examines entropic processes of the inanimate nature, anti-entropic processes of the living nature, and balanced processes in the systems endowed with reason. The author confirms the necessity to cognize the neobiosphere energy sources, the importance of a subjective factor in solving the environmental and energy issues for the development of the autotrophy of humanity. The conclusion is made that energy is what makes changes on all levels, beginning with the essence of an object and ending with the physical phenomena. Understanding of energy in the post-nonclassical scientific paradigm must be adjusted in such way that alongside the traditional physical components, it would also include the information, semantic, and psychic components. Thus is why it is necessary to shift towards such thinking, in the foundation of which would lay an integral planetary consciousness, the direct sense of the whole – noosphere consciousness. Based on the noosphere consciousness, a human can move towards the new way of relations with nature, create a biosphere compatible energetics, which will become an energy foundation for the social autotrophy and noosphere development.
Citations count: 2
Marchukova E. —
Nicholas of Cusa on the beauty and its vision
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 19 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.12.24902 URL:
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In composition “The Vision of God” (1453), Nicholas of Cusa explores the question of the perception of beauty through “vision of the invisible”. In this discourse he leans on the earlier compendium of texts by Raymond Lully, particularly fragments from the text “From the Book of Discussion Between Peter and Raymond” (“Ex libro disputationis Petri et Raimundi”, late 1420’s). The article traces the understanding of the concept of beautiful by Nicholas of Cusa in evolution from the early compendium to the treatise “The Vision of God”. The key method of research lies in the rational reconstruction of the ideas of Cusa associated with the concept of beauty. The work also applies the methodology of comparative analysis of specificity of the use of certain notions characteristic for the ancient and scholastic philosophical traditions, but at this point, in the context of their implementation and re-interpretation particularly in the teaching of Nicholas de Cusa. Based on the conducted research, a conclusion is made that the definition of beauty common to the teaching of Nicholas de Cusa by no means is synonymous to Plato’s comprehension of the “beauty as such”. The concept of beauty in the teaching of Cusa does not suggest the establishment of any hierarchy of the beautiful, but rather alleviates all need for it. Analysis of compendium of the text of R. Lully along with the own compositions of Nicholas of Cusa shows how exhaustively and seamlessly do the ideas and cognitive constructs of R. Lully conform with the teaching of Nicholas of Cusa.
Citations count: 2
Spektor D.M. —
Time and transcendental subject. Kant and Hegel
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 18 - 33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.10.20747 URL:
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The subject of this research is the refinement of the concept of transcendental subject interpreted by Kant and Hegel, as well as the connection of this concept with the category of time. As demonstrated in the article, the initial prototype of its institutionalization is manifested by the "process" in duality of its interpretation, on one hand, substantiated by technological invective, and on the other – by judicial allusions, which predetermined the implicit a priori of transcendental temporality, particularly, the principle of distancing from the incident, exclusion of reference from the composition explicitly-authentic, role of the procedure (codification) in its reconstruction, etc. The method of research is based on the analysis and reconstruction of the concepts of "time", "procedure" and "judicial proceedings" (substantiated in its unity, including the etymological closeness of the concepts of "history", "truth" and "the plaintiff"). The scientific novelty consist in revealing the relationship between "time" and "history" as the form and content of existence in terms of the German classical philosophy. It is shown that the efficiency of such dilution imposed high cost on philosophy: the concept of the transcendental subject and the categorical conceptual apparatus of dialectical logic have been acquired at the cost of loss by notion of time of the link with human being, assigning to the “transcendentality” of natural allusions that have yet to be overcome.
Citations count: 2
Belyaev V.A. —
Intercultural Crisis and Clash of Civilizations
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 117 - 146.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.662 URL:
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This article represents another step towards introduction to the theory of interculturalism developed by the author of the article. This part of the introduction is devoted to the analysis of S. Huntington's idea about 'civilizational conflict'. The author of the article compares challenges of Huntington's theory and different theories of interculturalism. The author offers to view the development of interculturalism from the very beginning of the Early Modern Period. The author also underlines the need to establish a full theory of interculturalism in order to properly understand the modern 'clash of civilization'. The 'civilizational conflict' is described from the point of view of the theory of interculturalism as cultural remissions, i.e. attempts to restore the 'cultural' method of life organization. The author also analyzes the systems of personal and group identifications as well as their role in the process of cultural remissions. Special attetion is paid to the analysis of the 'clash of civilization' (cultural remissions) in modern Russia.
The article will be interesting for all who are interested in philosophical anthropology.
Citations count: 2
Igosheva M.A. —
Economic resource of ethnic identity in the conditions of current migration processes
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 7.
– P. 72 - 84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.7.33513 URL:
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The object of this research is the problem of confrontation between the traditional forms of economic activity of ethnocultural communities and unifying effect of economic integration in the context of migration processes. The establishment of world economic system in the modern conditions of global transformation created an unprecedented level of interdependence of the economies of nation states and general rules of their functioning. At the same time, the traditional forms of economies that are greatly affected by ethnic factor also retain. The author explores such questions as definition of the concepts “ethnic economy” and “ethnic entrepreneurship” within the scientific discourse, the factors of emergence of these economic phenomena, proclivity of particular ethnoses for commercial activity and small business. Special attention is paid to the analysis of ethnic entrepreneurship as a form of economic activity of local communities in the foreign cultural space. It is demonstrated that being in a new social environment and attempting to adjust to it, the representatives of ethnic group occupy free zones in economic system of the country, or create own forms of economic activity related to cultural traditions of the ethnos. The acquires results allow to theoretically substantiate that ethnic identity has a strong economic potential, which manifests in the forms of ethnic economy, ethnic entrepreneurship, and stimulates the process economic adaptation of migrants in the accepting society. Affiliation to a particular ethnocultural community significantly influences economic behavior of the people; its specificity is defined by the set of historical, cultural, and economic and living conditions of the ethnos. Economic potential of ethnic identity is substantiated by a number of factors: historically established forms of organization of economic activity of the ethnos; preservation of economic structure due to localization of life of the traditional communities; reproduction of the tested model of economic behavior; specifics of economic culture with the value orientations of a local ethnic community.
Citations count: 2
Borisov S.V. —
Rondo or Science and Nature
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 147 - 247.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.785 URL:
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The article 'Rondo or Science and Nature' is the third publication of the series 'Symphony of Science or Science Through the Eyes of Philosophers'. The present article is a sympophonic absorbption in the external and internal polemics regarding the main interpretations of classical science and its scope of problems. Many contradictions and conflicts faced by the modern society derive from blind belief in scientific progress. The social institution of science itself has turned into a series of rituals long ago. This creates numerious illusions about science and its scope of problems and forms an uncritical attitude to the process and outcome of scientific research. The article is written in the form of a dialogue which allows to transform the 'internal' scientific polemics into 'external'. This method also allows to define many contradictions and dramatic moments in scientific development and to see the 'other side' of it behind the beautiful and pretentious facade.
Citations count: 2
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. —
Noospherogenesis as a Global Evolutionary Process
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 9 - 92.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.1.14365 URL:
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The article notes that the doctrine of the noosphere in the works of Vladimir Vernadsky developed on the conceptual and ideological basis in which globalism and the idea of the formation of noosphere were connected to form a coherent vision of the future. A characteristic feature of the future will noospherogenesis its worldwide character is determined not only by global processes and the biosphere-environmental considerations, and in fact all the major components of the system and the megatrends of human activity as a civilizational and cultural evolution. Noospherogenesis considered in this work as the basic means of survival of mankind and the shape and the main goal of all present and future development of civilization, including the transition to global sustainability, the creation of an information civilization, globalization and other positive processes of global development. It is also about a new stage - is non-classical, and not just in the doctrine of the noosphere, but wider - in noosphere studies and thereby turning the "exercises" in science or scientific field. Discloses a process for the global transition to sustainable development of mankind, info essence of the phenomenon of the noosphere and the formation of its main core - noosphere collective intelligence.We use an evolutionary (especially universal evolutionary) approach and methods of global research and information approach and criteria development. It is also shown that the study of the future futurological approach can radically change the traditional approaches and methods of research, focusing scientific research in the past and the present in the direction of understanding and predicting the future.The authors makes a single evolutionary concept formation and information of the noosphere, not only as a planetary phenomenon, but as a necessary step in the universal process of self-organization of matter. Scope of the mind seems like does not exist yet, and the hypothetical future state of society and its interaction with nature, in which priority will occupy the global common human intelligence, orienting the evolution of society and nature in a safe direction for civilization. Noospherogenesis considered in this work as the basic means of survival of mankind and the shape and the main goal of all present and future development of civilization, including the transition to global sustainability, the creation of an information civilization, globalization and other positive processes of global development.It is shown that mankind has transformed into a single, coherent civilization noosphere, accompanied by the formation of a fundamentally new way to secure socio-natural coevolutionary interactions. Hypotheses about the possibility of transformation of cultural and civilizational processes in the noosphere stage of their evolution beyond the planet. It has been argued the need to enhance conceptual understanding of the phenomenon of the noosphere to evolution-cosmic scale. We are talking about the fact that social evolution creates chances of becoming the sphere of reason, not only in the biosphere on a global scale, but also that the formation of the noosphere due to continuing global evolution of the Universe and is a necessary stage of its deployment, which will be implemented in the social and natural form first in the world, and then beyond.
Citations count: 2
Yarkova E.N., Dyagileva T.V., Murav'ev I.B. —
Tyumen Ethical and Philosophical tradition: history and conceptual framework
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.6.35898 URL:
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The object of the study is the Tyumen ethical and philosophical intellectual tradition, whose representatives are F. A. Selivanov, V.I. Bakshtanovsky, Yu. M. Fedorov, M. G. Ganopolsky, etc. The subject of the research is the history and conceptual framework of the Tyumen ethical and philosophical intellectual tradition.
The introduction substantiates the research positions:
– the problem is formulated, the essence of which is the lack of research on regional intellectual traditions of Russia;
– the concepts of "intellectual tradition" and "research tradition" are divorced;
– the purpose of the study is determined: the study of the history and conceptual framework of the Tyumen ethical and philosophical tradition, the constitution a specific field of research is the study of Russian regional intellectual traditions;
– the theoretical and methodological apparatus of research is positioned, which is based on approaches and methods inherent in such an interdisciplinary research direction as Intellectual History, which is relevant in modern Russian science.
The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it attempts to constitute a specific field of research – the study of Russian regional intellectual traditions. The first part of the article examines the history of the formation of the Tyumen ethical and philosophical tradition, analyzes the special moral situation associated with the industrial development of the Siberian North that developed in the Tyumen region in the second half of the XX century, which brought this intellectual tradition to life.
The second part of the article explicates the key ideas that make up the conceptual framework of the Tyumen ethical and philosophical intellectual tradition (personalism, rationalism, praxeologism), reveals the specifics of understanding these ideas by its representatives.
In conclusion, it is argued that the study of regional intellectual traditions contributes to the expansion of existing ideas about the intellectual potential of Russia, about the points of growth of the human capital of our country. Such studies are especially important for the Tyumen region, as they demonstrate that this region is rich not only in material (natural), but also in intellectual resources.
Citations count: 2
Borisov S.V. —
Scherzo or Science and Mind
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 9.
– P. 212 - 332.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.9.5105 URL:
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The article 'Scherzo or Science and Mind' is the forth publication of the series 'Symphony of Science or Science Through the Eyes of Philosophers'. The present article is a sympophonic absorbption in the external and internal polemics regarding the main interpretations of classical science and its scope of problems. Many contradictions and conflicts faced by the modern society derive from blind belief in scientific progress. The social institution of science itself has turned into a series of rituals long ago. This creates numerious illusions about science and its scope of problems and forms an uncritical attitude to the process and outcome of scientific research. The article is written in the form of a dialogue which allows to transform the 'internal' scientific polemics into 'external'. This method also allows to define many contradictions and dramatic moments in scientific development and to see the 'other side' of it behind the beautiful and pretentious facade.
Citations count: 2
Fedorova Y. —
Islam in Perception of the Modern European Community: Stereotypes and Reality
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 7.
– P. 99 - 125.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.7.13036 URL:
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The article is devoted to the relations between Europeans and Muslims through history and in modern times. The author shows how Europeans formed the negative image of Islam that at first was for objective reasons (wars of religion, expansionary pretenses of the Arabian Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire and etc.) and later was caused by subjective and ideological factors. As a result of treating Muslims as intruders for many centuries, a whole number of stereotypes has been created about modern Muslims, their religion and cultural traditions. These stereotypes considerably aggravate the already tensed sociopolitical situation in the EU member states and make us again question the possibility of the positive integration of Muslims into the European community. By using the historical and conceptual analysis methodology, Yu. Fedorova analyzes a number of widely common stereotyped images of Muslims formed in the European Community and related to socio-political, judicial (legal) and religious ethical aspects of intercultural communication. The research is focused, first of all, on the politicized opinion on Islam as a powerful destructive force ad the main source of the world terrorist threat. Secondly, the research studies the opinion that Islam does not know such legal categories as equality and freedom as Europeans understand them. Thirdly, the research also covers the perception of the Islamic culture as the culture that is entirely determined by religion and trying to impose their values on Europeans. A whole range of factors make these stereotypes even stonger including religious, cultural and ethnic differences, ideological factors, political motives, socio-economic environment and etc. Therefore Yu. Fedorova believes that from the scientific point of view, it is not efficient to search for the explanation of the aforesaid problem in the conflict of cultures (European and Muslim cultures) as the two cultures separated from each other by non-overcomable boudaries of ethnic and religious differences.
Citations count: 2
Kasatkina S.S. —
Semiotic approach towards examination of city as a system
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 101 - 110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.6.22944 URL:
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This article presents the principles of semiotic approach towards examination of the space of a city. The goal of this research implies semiotic analysis of city as a system, which consists in establishment of its conceptual meanings and essences. The characteristic of certain parameters of a city is realized in the context of semiosis of sign system of the urbosphere. Semiotic features of a city, identified sue to determination of the parameters of its concept, structure, and substrate, allowed depicting city as a system with inherent qualities of an open, dialogical, functional and mobile space, autonomous existence, holistic perception of the internal and external purposes, structural conglomerate of environmental components, sustainable development, temporal definition of the existence of a city. Systemic analysis reveals the relevant trends of philosophical cognition of a city in the questions of social relations in city environment, as well as the multiplicity of elements of the substrate state of a city.
Citations count: 2
Maslakov A.S., Kondrat'eva S.B. —
Thomas Hobbes and the Paradoxes of Early Modern Thinking
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 33 - 72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.3.39882 EDN: FMVJNL URL:
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The object of this work is the philosophy of T. Hobbes in its integrity and unity of its main parts, including logic, the so-called "first philosophy", physics, the doctrine of man, the doctrine of morality, politics and law. The subject is the internal connection of the concept of the Leviathan state with the theory of cognition and ontology in the context of a number of problems of modern epistemology, philosophy and the history of science and the history of philosophy of Modern times. Methodologically, the work is based on a comparative historical approach, hermeneutic analysis of sources, as well as general scientific methods of analogy, generalization, abstraction, systematization, and others. Results of the study: 1) T. Hobbes is not so much an experimental theorist as a popularizer of science, confident that such popularization in itself can both lead a person to the truth and help solve a number of socio-political problems; 2) Hobbes' attitude radically breaks with a number of provisions of both the philosophy of nature and socio-in the political philosophy of Antiquity, translating the aporicity of the latter into paradoxicity and, as a consequence, antinomianism; 3) T. Hobbes discovers the logically abstract world of science as an analytical-synthetic transformation of the everyday world given in sensation, while the first necessarily generates something third - a world that exists by itself, an unknowable world; this makes him to strictly approach the definitions of the boundaries of knowledge — God, soul, morality and law; 4) the concept of Leviathan solves the problem of the mutual transition of the universal and the individual in a very typical way for early Modern times — through the fundamental paradox of the interaction of the abstract scientific world of science and the "objective" world itself opposed to it; this paradox is one of essential features of philosophy and science of early modern times.
Citations count: 2
Alekhina E.V. —
Cosmological Aspect of the Meaning of Life in Russian Religious Philosophy (End of XIX - First Half of XX Century)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 545 - 589.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.624 URL:
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The author of the article studies a religious approach to the problem of the meaning of world and human existence. Religious approach values spiritual bases of the Universe, unique and absolute value of life, divine origin of life and ultimate destiny of human. The meaning of life has much to do with the question about the world origins, the main principles of the Universe and hierarchy of the visible world. Creationism created the grounds for the Russian philosophers to understand the meaning and purpose of the Universe. Creationism was opposed to evolutionism, in other words, it was a transcendental but not immanent principle (approach) to the Universe. This or that scenario of world and human origins contains (or does not contain) the purpose, meaning of the world and human existence. Having faced the fact that human civilization can eventually come to the end, post-classical philosophy in XX century turned to 'new ontology', i.e. understanding of life as a spiritual phenomenon and a 'life world'. Russian philosophy during the first half of XX century developed in the same direction, too. Based on the principles of cosmic consciousness and christocentrism, Russian philosophers showed the unity of the world and human existence, natural philosophy and philosophical anthropology, philosophy and science.
Citations count: 1
Korolev S.A. —
Everyday Life as an Emanation of Sociality: Transformations and Trends
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 356 - 422.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.709 URL:
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The author of the article tries to develop methodological approaches to studynig everyday life as the layer of social life. In this respect, the author analyzes possibilities and limitations of using the theories of Bergman and Lugman in social and philosophical researches. The author concludes that Bergman's and Luqman's theories can apply only in case of the total 'symbolic universum' where the same phenomenon is typified by individuals who all have the same type of mind and interpret the phenomenon in the same way. In case of a more contradictory society, this concept requires a serious correction. The other problem covered by the article is the influence of modernization on the Russian everyday life at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. The author shows that technological modernization of the everyday life in Russia has been quite a success. Technological innovations change the everyday life in many ways. However, there is the reverse process happening in parallel to the process of modernization. It is the segmentary archaisation of the everyday life and implementation of practices and stereotypes that were typical for the everyday life long time ago into the everyday life of the XXI century. Finally, the author of the article studies the influence of the government on the Russian everyday life at the turn of the centuries. The author states that in Russia, a constant invasion of the government into the everyday life is nothing else but the emanation of the archaic self-preservation strategy.
Citations count: 1
Yudin A.I., Stalkovskii A.A. —
Critical rationalism of P. L. Lavrov
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 22 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.9.16642 URL:
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The subject of this research is the role and importance of the critical reasoning and critical rationalism within the system of philosophical views of Lavrov, as well as the significance of critical rationalism for the development of Russian civil society in the second half of the XIX century. The authors examine Lavrov’s solution to the issue of historical emergence and development of the critical thought. The emphasis is made on the importance of critical thought in the historical process. The article also analyzes the anthropological substantiation of critical reasoning; the critical thought of Lavrov is the result of the highest need – a demand for development, which is being interpreted as the ethic need for self-improvement, the need to create new social forms. In the course of this research, the authors reveal the significance of critical thought as a factor which makes crucial changes in personality, society, and public relations. The scientific novelty consists in the interpretation of Lavrov’s position within the framework of the Russian public thought of the second half of the XIX century, not as a revolutionist-democrat, but as an “enlightener”-liberal. Lavrov believed that the social system could be established basing on the enlightenment, on the development of critical thinking via converting the majority of members of the society into the critically thinking people. In the conclusion, the authors note that Lavrov was historically correct.
Citations count: 1
Parkhomenko R.N. —
Discourse, democracy, political publicity as the components of German normative concept of liberalism
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 39 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.4.18411 URL:
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The object of this research is the main definitions of the social theory of one of the most reputable contemporary German philosophers Jürgen Habermas that received a title of “deliberative democracy”. Special attention is given to the examination of liberalism, which tends to exaggerate the role of the negative individual freedoms that in turn, leads to unacceptability of the so-called “Western individualism”, predominantly within the Eastern societies. At the same time, entire legal power of the Western democracies ranges itself on the side of personal interests of an individual. The author thoroughly explores the question on how the instrumentalist understanding of the principles of democracy sharply contradicts the republican “variant” of democratic freedoms. The author’s main contribution consists in an attempt to determine the merits and flaws of the J. Habermas’ theory. The fact that the main positions of the theory of discursive democracy are substantiated fairly convincing id considered a positive side of the social philosophy of Habermas. However, the disadvantage of the concept of deliberative democracy consists in the fact that Habermas as an unconditional prerequisite accepts a postulate that all people are rational creatures, whose behavior is being strictly regulated by the rational principles expressed by the virtue of language.
Citations count: 1
Gizha A.V. —
The notion of information, content, and meaning: what lies in the foundation of information society?
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 13 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.4.19073 URL:
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This article analyzes the central notion of the post-industrial society – information, as well as underlines its categorical inaccuracy that reduces interpretation of information to its description using the terms of ordinary perceptions about the information awareness. Mathematical understanding of information is associated primarily with determination of the amount of information, while the creative and activity form of human cognitions appeals to the necessary consideration of the semantically saturated rows of contextual meanings. The abstract reasoning, in such case, work not for clarification of the topic, but rather form the scholastic body of texts. Methodology of the research is aimed at overcoming the established until present time phenomenon of theoretical mythologization, which although has the internally coordinated structure, but with the remaining unclarified initial notions, and thus, inefficient. The main conclusions of the conducted research consists in the positions that within the existing formalized reasoning about information, there is no brightly expressed the conceptual side of the information awareness. Mathematical perception does not capture the substantial features of information, which is viewed from the perspective of human-sized intentions. Such positions is expresses in a number of specific immanent qualities of historicity, target coherence, orderliness, and awareness. Without consideration of the aforementioned characteristics, the attempts to present the information concepts as the fundamental in social regard will remain in the area of the ideologically biased reasoning.
Citations count: 1
Demin I.V. —
Criticism of historicism in philosophy of Leo Strauss
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 79 - 90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.12.21475 URL:
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This article examines and analyzes the motives, grounds, and directions of the criticism of historicism in philosophical concept of Leo Strauss. The author determines and organizes the basic arguments proposed by Strauss against the principle of historicism. All objections made by Strauss are divided into two groups: the first includes the arguments that contest not the very content of the principle of historicism, but the attributed to it methodological meaning in the context of philosophical and scientific cognition; the second includes the conceptual (general philosophical and worldview) objections against historicism. Strauss views historicism as a challenge faced by the modern philosophy. According to Strauss, the key role in development of the classical philosophical tradition and establishment of the concepts of historicity, played the consolidated in modern age idea of progress. Strauss assembles all of the major objections and arguments that were expressed against historicism by the representatives of various philosophical trends of the XX century. Personal contribution of Strauss into the criticism of historicism consists in substantiation of the thesis that this principle cannot have the historical and empirical explanation, but represents an inward controversial philosophical ideology. He conclusively demonstrated that the position of historicism cannot be confuted by the historical facts and arguments, but rather rejected for the sake of some other (not less fundamental than historicism) philosophical principle.
Citations count: 1
Klimkov O. —
Hesychia and philosophy in Gregory Palamas’ doctrine
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 14 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.5.22444 URL:
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The object of this research is one of the most important and relevant questions of hesychast polemic in Byzantine Empire of the XIV century, namely the status and meaning of philosophy in the concept of its prominent representative Gregory Palamas. The subject of the analysis if the particular historical discussion, during the course of which the philosopher established and consolidated his views upon the role and place of philosophical knowledge within the spiritual teaching of hesychasm. The author also carefully examines the views of Palamas’ opponent Barlaam, tracing the features of intellectualism of the antique philosophy within it. Using the phenomenological analytical method, the author analyzes the problem of correlation of mind and body in the process of spiritual improvement, which leads to the conclusion about the two antagonistic approaches towards understanding of the link between psychic and physical in human nature. The work explores the profound for Palamas distinction between the essence and energy of mind, as well as his teaching about theosis. The author underlines a close interconnection of gnoseological and anthropological problematic, because the ability of cognizing God directly depends on the way of human existence, which includes not just the intellectual and emotional spheres, but also the corporeal practices. The article reviews the question of expression of mystical experience, which is connected with the problem of religious and metaphysical authority. The conclusion is made that Palamas’ clarification of mind outgrows the initial ethical-psychological level, and reveals its essence in gnoseological and ontological dimension.
Citations count: 1
Rostovtseva M.V., Khokhrina Z.V. —
Social adaptation and social contradiction
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 46 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.7.23229 URL:
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The subject of this research is the process of social adaptation and the underlying social contradictions, which are resolved by an individual during interaction with the society. The authors describe the developmental stages of contradiction that correspond with the developmental stages of adaptation cycle. Interacting with social environment, an individual faced the differences and discrepancies of his own peculiarities with the specificities and demands of the social environment. Detection of the external differences conduces a person to immerse into his inner world and look for the answers aimed at searching harmony with social ambiance namely within it. In other words, the external contradiction encourages the inner struggle of personality with itself, motivates to self-analysis, self-reflection, mental and physical activity in search for resolution of a problem. The article determines the stages of adaptation process that correspond with the developmental stages of contradiction, as well as formulates classification of contradictions, which includes the following: contradictions of objective character, associated with the incompletion of an action; contradiction that necessitates the choice of a new action; contradiction associated with insufficient maturity or absence of necessary resources for adaptation; and contradiction associated with completion of an action. A definition is provided of social adaptation as a relationship between personality and environment, aimed at resolution of the emerging contradictions between them.
Citations count: 1
Kryuchkova S., Kryuchkova E.V. —
The Art of Argumentation in Ancient China
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.4.40030 EDN: AVGTPW URL:
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The subject of the study is the ideological heritage of ancient Chinese thinkers, one way or another related to the theoretical understanding of the practice of public debate. The process of institutionalization of the dispute in Ancient China is considered in detail, it is substantiated that its prerequisite was the existence of a specific argumentative discourse in the form of the so-called "beliefs" - teachings, edifying speeches of advisers to their rulers. Arguments against the occurring identification of "beliefs" with real public disputes that were widespread during the Zhangguo period - the "Rivalry of a Hundred Schools" are considered. It is shown that a number of ideas developed during this period will subsequently acquire a normative status and become the hallmark of the Chinese dispute. During the consideration of various types of disputes, techniques specific to the Chinese type of argumentation were identified: the method of associations, references to precedents, the use of the last word; the role of examples as the basis of inductive reasoning is shown. Based on the consideration of the Confucian concept of "correction of names" and the Mohist doctrine of the correct use of language, it is shown that the socio-political context and practical considerations played a decisive role in the theoretical understanding of the art of argumentation. The productive methodological ideas of the ancient Chinese "Dispute Program" are revealed. The role of analogy and examples as topoi of the ancient Indian dispute is shown. The theory of reasoning and the theory of dispute of the late Mohists are analyzed, the conclusion is substantiated that the principles of justification and persuasion, as well as the rules for conducting a dispute contained in them, are applied logic, the normativity of which allows us to consider it as the first theory of argumentation.
Citations count: 1
Nizhnikov S.A., Lagunov A.A. —
Typology of philosophical worldviews. Problems of the naturalistic worldview
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 56 - 68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.1.44169 EDN: JEJPCW URL:
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The article proposes a typology of philosophical worldviews: naturalistic, pantheistic and transcendental. The naturalistic worldview, which includes positivism and materialism, is analyzed in detail. On the basis of historical-philosophical and epistemological consideration, the metaphysical nature of the category "matter" is determined. It is shown that in materialism this category is hypertrophied to the status of a pseudo-absolute. It is noted that the logic of historical, philosophical and spiritual development inevitably leads to the formation of the concept of the Absolute, realizing the principle of monism in the interpretation of the fundamental basis of being. This process is considered on the example of ancient hylozoism, through the crisis of atomistics going to the dualism of Plato (idea and matter) and Aristotle (form and matter), removed in the dialectic of Hegel. It is shown that if we proceed from materialistic axiomatics, it is impossible to solve such cardinal philosophical problems as an adequate definition of the ontological status of the category of matter, the establishment of the cause of movement, the creation of theodicy, the explanation of the existence of freedom, the justification of morality and humanism. The unresolved nature of these problems in materialism leads to the need to form other types of philosophical worldviews: pantheistic and transcendental, which have a pronounced metaphysical character, however, although they proceed from the concept of the Absolute, they think it fundamentally differently. In the future, the authors plan to publish articles devoted to the consideration of pantheistic and transcendental types of philosophical worldviews.
Citations count: 1
Dai C. —
Philosophical-aesthetic reflection in China in the century: Wang Guowei and Zong Baihua
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 15 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.12.34614 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the philosophical-aesthetic reflection in China in the XX century, and the impact of European aesthetics upon the development and transformation of the traditional Chinese aesthetics. The article employs the method of historical and cultural with elements of structural analysis of aesthetic text of the modern Chinese philosophers. In the XX century, a number of Chinese thinkers made attempts of reforming the traditional Chinese aesthetics, complementing it with the viewpoint of European philosophy. The article examines the paramount aesthetic thoughts of the modern Chinese philosophers Wang Guowei and Zong Baihua, and determines the impact of European philosophy upon them. The scientific novelty of this study lies in assessing the impact of the concepts of European aesthetics upon self-reflection and development of Chinese aesthetics in the context of cross-cultural problematic. It is demonstrated that Chinese modern aesthetics in many ways retains its connection with the tradition, which determines its specificity and imparts peculiar semantic symbolism. The conclusion is made that in the XX century, Chinese philosophers sought to complement the existing traditional Chinese reflection on art, which is based mostly on the ideas of Taoism and Buddhism, with what can be referred to as the Western viewpoint, associated with a scientific approach and scientific interpretation. Another vector in the area of humanistic understanding of the phenomenon of art was related to the attempts of interpretation of the European aesthetic thought from through the prism of Chinese traditional philosophy. The philosopher Wang Guowei tried to incorporate the European aesthetics into the scientific problematic of China. The philosopher Zong Baihua wanted to synthesize the Chinese and European aesthetic theories, and create what he believed is the modern Chinese aesthetics.
Citations count: 1
Kudaev A.E. —
On the question of the origins of Berdyaev's creativity. Historical excursion into Russian-Italian cultural relations
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 38 - 82.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.2.36236 URL:
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The article is devoted to one of the most important sources of Berdyaev's creativity, which is usually overlooked when studying his legacy. We are talking about the philosopher's Italian travels, which had a "huge" influence on his work. But since his trips go far beyond the boundaries of his personal experience alone and fit seamlessly into the general context of Russian-Italian cultural ties, it seemed appropriate to turn to their expanded disclosure within the broader theme of "Italy and Russia" in order, on the one hand, to show the inextricable connection of Berdyaev's Italian travels with this centuries-old tradition, thanks to which formed the soil that will become a breeding ground for many of the defining provisions of Berdyaev's aesthetics. And on the other hand, against this broader historical background of cultural ties between our countries, the declared topic appears more multifaceted, highlighting the full significance and influence of Italian travels on Berdyaev's work, and at the same time demonstrating their far from accidental nature, which caused both his research interest in Italian culture and the conceptual foundations of his philosophical- aesthetic thought. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that it is the first attempt in Russian literature to study Berdyaev's Italian travels as one of the most important sources of his work, which have not yet been the subject of special study. In addition, they are viewed against a broad background of Russian-Italian cultural ties that have been formed over several centuries, which the Silver Age inherited as an established tradition. This makes it possible to identify both their organic connection and continuity with this tradition, and hence their quite natural character, and Berdyaev's active role in the development and strengthening of these ties.
Citations count: 1
Gumerova G.A., Nikiforova A.A. —
The Problem of Philosophy in Nikolay Berdyaev's Creative Work
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 71 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.5.12073 URL:
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The article is devoted to the main topic in life of a Russian religious thinker of the beginning of the XX century Nikolay Aleksandrovich Berdyaev – the creativity problem. Berdyaev's understanding of creativity was quite specific. He understood creativity not as the creation of cultural products, "sciences and arts", artwork, books, pictures and so forth but the 'disturbance and ascention' of human being aimed at creating another, the highest life and a new form of existence. The analysis of emergence of culture from a cult, sacral bases of culture, the analysis of emergence of cultural images and cultural the practician from cult activity is carried out. The authors also studied the relation between culture and creativity, creativity as a non-cultural beginning and creativity objectivization in cultural forms.The conclusions made by the authors are the following: - the systematic analysis of ideas about culture of the Russian religious philosophy of the XX century is given;- it is shown that many ideas of modern cultural science concerning an origin of culture, its fundamental bases, its sacral roots were for the first time clearly and are deeply formulated in the Russian religious philosophy;- conditions and possibilities of cultural creativity, possibility of an exit of creativity out of limits of culture, a way of objectivization of creativity in cultural forms are investigated.
Citations count: 1
Golovushkin D.A. —
Orthodox Fundamentalism: An Attempt of Understanding
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 111 - 155.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.1.17759 URL:
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The article deals with the problem of Orthodox fundamentalism. Despite the importance of this topic, it was not given due consideration within Russian sociology. That brings to life numerous myths, stereotypes and media clichés. For this reason the article is primarily focused on the issues of theory and methods. It raises the issue of defining and modifying of religious fundamentalism discusses the relation between religious fundamentalism and orthodoxy, the correlation between religious fundamentalism and religious renovation, shows the sources and ideological basis of the Orthodox pseudo-fundamentalism.In order to meet these challenges it was necessary to address modern scientific concepts of fundamentalism and the spiritual heritage of Russian religious and philosophical thought of the 20th century. Work was conducted in parallel with this on the conceptualization of religious fundamentalism as an ambivalent phenomenon that does not exclude religious modernism and other opposite religious ideologies and world-views. On the basis of this the following conclusions were made:1) Orthodox fundamentalism is a complex multilevel and multifaceted phenomenon. Its phenomenology, structural and functional features and manifestations depend not only on the specific character of Orthodoxy as an original trend in Christianity but also on the social and cultural context in which fundamentalism appeared, on the nature of values and aims which are characteristic for the given period. 2) The domination of social and political agenda in the Orthodox fundamentalism in combination with under-development or ignoring of theological issues gave rise to the emergence of such a phenomenon as Orthodox pseudo-fundamentalism which makes religion an instrument of social and political activity with unchristian aims and means. 3) Orthodox fundamentalism is ambivalent and oriented not only towards archaization and conservation but also to a creative renovation of religion and society. It looks to the future, offers new guidelines, social and political models, which will have an objective impact on searching further ways of development.
Citations count: 1
Chugunova I. —
The concept of ressentiment as an instrument of the philosophical-anthropological cognition
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 135 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.2.17914 URL:
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This article examines the concept of ressentiment introduced by Friedrich Nietzsche, which was later developed within the humanitarian thought. The idea of ressentiment covers a complex of anthropological and socio-cultural phenomena, which concern the “dark” aspects of the human nature, prohibited by public morality, but nevertheless expanding in the society in a form of envy, hate, revenge, animosity, rivalry, and other negative feelings, perception and behavior. In order to cognize ressentiment, the author explores various aspects of Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine, which allows him to look at that phenomenon in the broader perspective, as well as analyze its true scale. The article reveals the evristical value of the notion of “ressentiment”, which consists in its ability to describe the reality of a human from the position of his ontological and existential characteristics in comparison with the narrow-descriptive categories that hold a stable place in humanitarian sciences. The ressentiment represents not just a combination of phenomena, but an integral modus of the human being and humanity. The article demonstrated that the cognition of the negative manifestation of human flaws becomes deeper and more meaningful: their genesis and hidden sides are being revealed, as well as an in-depth correlation that consists in the belonging to the unified core of the cultural-historical establishment of a human.
Citations count: 1
Voropaev D. —
Civilizational process in the West and East
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 37 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.8.19815 URL:
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The subject of this research is the civilizational process in the West and East (China). Attention is given to the sociocultural phenomena that aligns West and East, particularly: the substitution of anthropocentric discourse with cosmocentrism in the sphere of ethics, religion, and ideology; flattering of cognitive landscape of the consumer society; techniques of total control and mental manipulation; post-liberal dismantlement of personal life, private property, and welfare state in absence of the referent USSR. The article underlines the proximity of the Western technological innovation system to the matrix of a specific symbolic mentality. The research is conducted from the perspective of civilizational approach, principle of linguistic determinism, with help of the methodology of structuralism, as well as method of aesthetic verification of K. Lenontyev’s ideological doctrines. The author introduced into the discourse of humanitarian disciplines the term of co-involution of the two dominant civilizations: in the long view of coexistence based on the relative symbolic reality – in cognitive terms for China as primary, and secondary for the West. The risks of “student” to China strategy are substantiated, which associate with the expanding layer of bilinguals and possible scenario of civilizational “gift” to the world in case of the language reform analogous to Japan.
Citations count: 1
Pris F. —
Gettier problems as cases of “explanatory gap”
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 8 - 23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.8.20119 URL:
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The subject of this research is the existence of supposed connection between the anti-luck epistemology of cognitive abilities of Duncan Pritchard and epistemology of Sanford Goldberg. The latter one appeals to the notion of epistemically admissible suggestions and sympathizes with the beginning-knowledge-epistemology, while the firs one offers a dual-component analysis of the term of knowledge. The common of these two approaches lies in the introduction of a condition of explicability of the veritical explanandum – the fact that an opinion is true. At the same time, the nature of explanation to which resort the philosophers, is different. Within the framework of Pritchard’s approach, explanation is given using the terms of epistemology of epistemic abilities, and in the context of Goldberg’s approach – in terms of epistemically admissible suggestions. The work compares the functionality of both approaches leaning on one of the proposed by Pritchard examples, when the true opinion is secured and received as a result of application by a subject of this epistemic abilities, but is not the knowledge. The author believes that the approaches of Pritchard and Goldberg are joint, as well as manifest as a rational reconstruction of the more fundamental approach that is referred as the beginning-knowledge-epistemology. The article also interprets the Gettier problems as cases of the “gap” in implicit assumptions in the process of implementation of the concept of knowledge.
Citations count: 1
Dimitrova S. —
About the role of cognition within the conscious action
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 9.
– P. 37 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.9.20387 URL:
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The object of this research became the situations, under which the efficient technological activity imposes the goals for development and strategies to man and society. The subject of this research is the search and determination of the “regimes of consciousness” aimed at establishment of the personal being. The author formulates the limits of the intentional acts of cognition and self-consciousness that represent the objective meanings on the world and human. Consciousness manifests not within the formulated meanings, but within the possibility of understanding, allowing to include into the content of consciousness everything that has been cognized. During the course of this research, the author conducted the analysis and interpretation of the philosophical work of the Pope Paul John II “Human Personality and Action”. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that consciousness is defined not by the objective criteria, established in the process of the intentionally targeted cognitive activity, but rather the way of existence of personality. In the “regime of conscious action”, personality manifests itself, as well as carries responsibility for its own actions.
Citations count: 1
Rusakov S.S. —
Conceptual-categorical apparatus in social philosophy of M. K. Mamardashvili
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 44 - 49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.1.27477 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the problem of examination and systematization of the separate concepts, notions and categories featured in social philosophy of M. K. Mamardashvili. The author focuses on structuring the analysis of Mamardashvili’s philosophy on the three levels that reflect different topics in his philosophizing: the first level allocates the notions related to the original interpretation of the various social institutions (artefacts); the second level – the categories associated with the types of social cultures or types of society lining up according to the configuration of element from the first level; the third level considers several concepts about the emergence of certain type of people that are the products of various types of society. In the course of this research, the author leans on method of modelling alongside analytical, critical and comparative analysis. The scientific novelty consists in determination of not only the systematics representation on the fundamental categories of M. K. Mamardashvili that can be applied in socio-philosophical analysis of any modern society, but also in revelation of peculiarities of his ideas pertinent to society. Based on the three-level system of the philosopher’s categorical apparatus, the author underlines that his ideas broadly resemble the phenomenological analysis of society, but much more original, without any borrowings from the social philosophy of Husserl or Heidegger.
Citations count: 1
Guseva A.A. —
One Page from the Diaries of Alexandra Schmemann: about (not)the Possibility of a Golden Age
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 50 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.12.39347 EDN: YNWENR URL:
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The subject of the study is the reflections of prot. Alexander Schmeman on the fate of Russia and the Church in exile. The image of pre-revolutionary Russia, having survived the processes of recommoration, takes on the features of the golden age, becoming an ideal space in memory, the story of which is based on "memory points" - oral and written speech, traditions, a narrative about the lost homeland. It is impossible to ignore the image of the Russian Church, which is also being idealized, becoming a universal Church from a strictly national Church, which leads to the substitution of the foundations of Christianity and Orthodoxy. With the beginning of emigration, there is a transfer of space (translatio imperii) – and this is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of space and a rupture of history, which just provokes the priority of the national, since the national becomes borders, a house with its walls, a promise of inviolability, an appeal to history, in particular to the history of the Church, can be understood as a work that results in the liberation of a person from incessant looking back at the past as the only true and lasting "place". With the help of the work of understanding, one can achieve the removal of time and, having passed this path, go out to the timeless, infinite, in order to see the true Church.
The problem of understanding the concept of the lost Homeland in the historical consciousness of the first wave of Russian emigration is extremely important, since the choice of a certain mode creates a particular narrative in which the paths leading from the "transcendent" golden age to the fate of the real space - Russia today are revealed.
Citations count: 1
Zobkov R.A. —
Social philosophy, philosophy of politics and ontological status of the concepts of “power” and law” in Rene Guenon’s discourse
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 44 - 57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.3.32059 URL:
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This article explores the philosophy of politics, social philosophy and ontological status of the concepts of “power” and “law”. The author reviews the fundamental principles of Rene Guenon’s social philosophy: anthropological inequality, doctrine of “universal human”, methodology of organicism; examines his criticism of the modern bases of the society – egalitarianism, democracy, and equality; as well as analyzes the causes of “social chaos”. The article also discusses the ternary social stratification and its factors, division of society into Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Vaishyas and Shudras; analyzes the criteria “Namika” and “Gotrika” as the characteristics of an individual being. The study reviews the ontological essence of the “political” and its boundaries in the metaphysical-ontological system of Rene Guenon’s discourse; archetype “Manu” and its connotations, functions and comparisons. Comparative juxtapositions of the principles Brahatma, Mahatma and Mahanga in Hermeticism and Christianity, and their social dimensions. The use of systemic-structural analysis allowed determining “Purusha” as a sociological dimension of a “universal human”. Ontological method demonstrated the holistic connotations of subject and society within Rene Guenon’s social organicism. Systemic-structural, metaphysical and comparative analyses allowed comparing the primary duality of Carl Schmitt and Rene Guenon as the founding areas and aspects of the ontological. Analysis is conducted on the ontological essence of “power” and its splitting into “Spiritual Rule” and “Worldly Power”, correlation between metaphysical and ontological with these principles and their sociological manifestation within the Varna system. The author determines the interrelation of the positions of ultimate realism and ontological status of the universalities “political”, “law”, “social”, and “power”.
Citations count: 1
Gorokhov P.A., Yuzhaninova E.R. —
The phenomenon of evil in the philosophical concepts of the European Middle Ages
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 36 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.4.35114 URL:
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The object of this research is the heritage of the leading representatives of Medieval philosophy, while the subject is the philosophical ideas of the prominent representatives of Patristic and Scholastic philosophy upon the nature of evil. The goal of this work lies in giving holistic assessment to the philosophical ideas on the phenomenon of evil in the Middle Ages, and is achieved by solving the following tasks: 1) assessment of the concept of “the first sin” as the foundation for understanding the phenomenon of evil in Medieval philosophy; 2) determination of the genesis of philosophical ideas of the Middle Ages pertaining to the nature of evil in the logical-historical aspect; 3) description of the impact of such ideas upon further development of the Western European philosophy. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive examination of the Medieval philosophical concepts dedicated to the phenomenon of evil. In Christianity, evil is viewed as essentially historical phenomenon, stemming from the event of the first sin and being conquered by the will of God. Medieval philosophers underlined the need for determining the ontology of evil, which is called to answer the question on the nature of evil and the role of evil in the universe. Medieval philosophers were also concerned with the problem of Theodicy, i.e. why a good God permits the manifestation of evil. The representatives of Patristic and Scholastic philosophy reasoned over the moral aspect in interpretation of evil, trying to correlate the phenomenon of evil with the free will of a human. The ideas of evil as the absence of good prevailed in the Christian philosophy, which viewed the phenomenon of evil as opposite to being, nothingness. Medieval concepts on the phenomenon of evil had a considerable spiritual and sociocultural impact upon the views of the leading representatives of German idealism, who have embraced not so much the assuredness of Medieval Christian philosophers that evil is the absence of good, but the idea on the equality of good and evil as the fundamentals of the universe and the components of human nature.
Citations count: 1
Shazhinbatyn A. —
Ethnic Groups: Philosophical and Anthropological Discourse
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 187 - 207.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.2.14658 URL:
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The subject of the study is an ethnic group in the philosophical-anthropological perspective. Social and cultural behaviour of ethnic groups and nations is usually studied by cultural science. Great empirical material has been accumulated that characterizes specificities of different cultures, uniqueness of their traditions and customs, diversity of mental and emotional habits and ways. Meanwhile, there is a historical and philosophical tradition that permits to understand the phenomenology of an ethnic group through philosophical comprehension of man. In the modern period many philosophers and sociologists related the specificity of ethnic groups to human nature and attempts at clarify that new aspect of the problem. In his research Shazhinbatyn uses a historical and philosophical approach that permits to trace this tendency – comprehension of the essence of an ethnic group through philosophical-anthropological knowledge. Also, the method of hermeneutic analysis of a philosophical text is applied. The novelty of the article is in tracing differences in approaches to the phenomenon of an ethnic group in the research tradition of primordialism and in various constructivist schools. The author for the first time in Russian philosophy shows that constructivism has appeared as a result of superposition of cultural-philosophical views and methods of philosophical anthropology. Such a direction of research work has led to the conviction that an ethnic group and a nation in many respects are the products of active imagination, collective fantasy rather than results of a particular historical practice and socio-historical achievements.
Citations count: 1
Medova A.A., Naumov O.D. —
From the History of the Concept of Differences: Scholastic Stage
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 10 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.3.14838 URL:
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The object of the study in this article supports one of the key concepts of modern philosophy - the idea of differences that is traditionally opposed to the idea of identity. This opposition is expressed in the opposition of the two major traditions of European philosophy: postmetaphysical modern philosophy and classical metaphysical philosophy. The subject of the research in this article is one of the historical stages of development of the idea of differences, the period of medieval scholastic philosophy. In particular, the authors analyze the ideas of John Duns Scotus and Richard of Middletown. The ideas of differences represented in the works of scholastic philosophers are being viewed from the perspective of the modal theory. The authors also refer to the ideas introduced by representatives of modern philosophies such as genology and Russian neo all-encompassing entity. The main results of the study include categorical analysis of the concept of differences in the discourse of medieval scholastic philosophy involving a detailed classification of differences. Thus, the novelty of the research is caused by the fact that based on the analysis of scholastic texts, the authors have proposed and substantiated the idea that the idea of differences refers to the actual existence of many differences. In other words, the difference in nature varies. Thus, the traditional history of the European philosophical dispute between difference and identity, the One and the Much, can be viewed from a new angle - the position of the modal theory interpreting these principles as mutually complementary ontological and epistemological principles.
Citations count: 1
Petrov V.E. —
Negative Aspect of the Definition of Social Space: the Concept of χώρα in Plato's Works and Modern Age
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 8.
– P. 54 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.8.16195 URL:
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The subject of this article is the logic of concept of χώρα in Plato's philosophy and work of modern post-structuralist philosophers (Jacques Derrida and Yulia Kristeva). χώρα is considered as a way of negative definition of the social space understood within the paradigm set by Henri Lefebvre as "sciences about social space" as 1) the material organization of social being and 2) social reality. In focus of this article of concept of social space from Lefebvre's work "The Production of Space" (1974), the analysis of concept of χώρα in Platon's dialogue "Timaeus", synthesis of the basic theoretical provisions of main modern "horologists" - Derrida and Kristeva, and also the generalizing comparison of concepts of χώρα and social space. As the main method of the real research the comparative-historical method that allowed to mark out essential similarities and distinctions of the concept of social space at Henri Lefebvre and Plato's concept of χώρα and its modern interpretations. The main conclusions of the present research defining its novelty are the provisions that Plato's χώρα is definition of space in its most abstract look; this space which isn't possessing anything except ability to contain in itself something. However, at all the abstractness, in Plato's χώρα nevertheless two very essential characteristics are shown: first, χώρα participates in some sort ordering, sorting, and in it it is indirectly shown its active and productive functions; secondly, "illegitimate" – from the point of view of truth – conversation about χώρα can't do without appeal to metaphors, that is, to loan of images of these or those social spaces, subjects or relations from the reality surrounding us. t was found out and for the first time in domestic philosophical science it is recorded that modern conceptualizations platonovsky χώρα found the embodiment in Jacques's theories Derrida and to Yulia Kristeva. Both Derrida, and Kristeva, in our opinion, see in Plato's concept of χώρα model for possibility of opening of new ways of judgment of social space, and take essential steps towards their realization. Both thinkers insist on the need for consideration of space out of its (language) representation, on consideration of space of representation ("in which the object both exists and it is reflected"), which is χώρα. However the space continues to be understood by them or as true negativity, emptiness (Derrida), or as exclusive partial space of the biosocial relations of mother and child (Kristeva).
Citations count: 1
Maydanov A.S. —
Comparison of the mythological and scientific imaged of reality as a method of their mutual interpretation
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 55 - 86.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.5.18971 URL:
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This article focuses on the development of such methodology, which on one hand will help to interpret the myths, and on the other – contribute into solution of the scientific problems related to the content of these myths. For the successful solution of the stated task, the work joins such spheres of intellectual activity as mythology and archeology. The remarkable oeuvre of the Persian thinkers and poets Avesta acts as a mythological object of this research. The subject is the timber-grave historical-cultural commonness related to Persians. Accent is made on one of the most famous Avestan myths – the myth of Yima. The initial orientation of the research is the idea about the epistemological character of the myth – its informative attitude towards reality. The other initial orientation – is a dual content of the myth, namely a syncretic union of the two opposing elements – factual knowledge and fiction. The developed in the article methodology first and foremost encompasses the procedure of comparing the content of the myths with scientific data from the corresponding area of knowledge. This procedure is being realized with the help of a certain complex of special methods and approaches, particularly the method of translating the content of the myth from allegorical language into the language of words with direct meaning. The author describes the specific methods of creating myths, which introduce a distinct way of reflecting the reality. Among such methods are: shrinking of the content of the mythical image, simplification of the actual course of events, and syncretism. Scientific novelty consists in the determination of the place and time of events described in the myth, their true character, in demonstration of the lifestyle of ancient people, as well as in establishment of the fact that the actual actors of the described in the myth events, are the carriers of the ancient timber-grave culture.
Citations count: 1
Klepikova L. —
To the question of the meaning of “containerization” process in humanitarian sciences and social reality
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 59 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.2.28939 URL:
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The subject of this research is the process of social “containerization”, which consists in determination of any social group and positioning it as a homogenous social and cultural unity. The author examines such topics as the establishment of social boundaries, the formation of collective identity, as well as the structuring of sociocultural image among those not belonging to the group. Special attention is given to the process of social “containerization” that significantly affects the establishment of collective identity in modern world. The following approaches were used in the course of this work: systemic for analyzing the containerization processes as a complicated social phenomenon; hermeneutic for interpretation of foreign sources; synthesizing for analysis, generalization and comparison with the current reality of the previously introduced concepts of social “containerization”. The scientific novelty lies in application of the results of foreign scholars and expansion of the potential use of the concept of “containerization” within the social and socio-philosophical research. The conclusion is made that the “container” paradigm influences not only the scientific studies of the society, but also the processes in the modern society itself. The materials can be valuable for the works of socio-philosophical, sociological, and culturological character.
Citations count: 1
Topchiev M.S. —
Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Security in Social Research
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 21 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.3.39160 EDN: FLZQBN URL:
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the main scientific approaches to the study of security in foreign and domestic works. Security is understood differently for every country and every person. The security problems in Europe are not the same as those in sub-Saharan Africa. While in the first case we are talking about problems associated with terrorism and migration flows, in the second case - with the problems of hunger and ethno-religious violence. Various approaches to the concept of security, whether too broad or too narrow, explore one particular aspect of security: for traditional security, it is the protection of the state; for human security, it is the protection of the individual. All concepts of security, whether ecological or informational, are interconnected, and the emerging "non-traditional" concepts of security are becoming increasingly important security can be defined as freedom from all kinds of threats (physical, economic, social, political and psychological) to the existence and survival of the state, the human race and other living beings. Theories and perspectives such as idealism, realism, neoliberalism and constructivism have treated the meaning of security in different ways. The traditional view of security before and during the Cold War, which focuses on protecting the state from threats to national interests, has expanded since the end of the Cold War. Security discussions now include issues such as economic security, environmental security, food security, and personal security, among others. In addition, various schools of thought have emerged that explain security differently than the traditional concept. In particular, we can distinguish such security schools as the Welsh, Paris and Copenhagen. Despite the existence of various ideas explaining what security is and how best to guarantee the security of states and individuals, the world is still inherently insecure.
Citations count: 1
Modification of philosophical ideas of classical Eurasianism in the artistic heritage of A. G. Dugin
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.7.30429 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the original ideological-philosophical direction among White Émigré of the 1920’s – 1930’s – classical Eurasianism and its modern interpretations. The subject of this article is the socio-philosophical ideas and principles of classical Eurasianism, as well as their transformation in neo-Eurasian doctrines. Within the framework of this research, the author focuses on the development of Eurasian ideas in the teaching of A. G. Dugin. The main content of the philosophical doctrine of classical Eurasianism is revealed, The author also highlights and analyzes the basic concepts and theses of the Eurasian doctrine that underlied their social project and were reflected in the concepts of A. G. Dugin: Russia-Eurasia, developmental space, symphonic personality, communal spirit (“sobornost”), pan-Eurasian nationalist, autarchy. The scientific novelty consists in reconstruction of a range of positions in the philosophy of classical Eurasianism, as well as neo-Eurasian ideas of A. G. Dugin; comparison of their philosophical ideas and views; determination of the common along with incompatible aspects in their views. It is demonstrated that A. G. Dugin centered his attention just on the development of geopolitical ideas; the projective considerations of the thinker do not have philosophical substantiation.
Citations count: 1
Gorokhov P.A., Yuzhaninova E.R. —
Philosophical representations on evil in the works of classicists of German idealism
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 33 - 52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.2.32210 URL:
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The object of this research is the philosophical heritage of German idealism, while the subject is the philosophical views of the prominent representatives of German idealism upon evil and its dialectical correlation with the good. The article solves two key problems: 1) analyze and compare the views of classicists of German idealism upon the essence and main manifestations of evil; 2) determine the genesis of the views of Kant, Hegel, Fichte and Schelling, as well as the ways and degree of their influence upon further development of perceptions on evil within world philosophy. Research methodology is based on the historical-philosophical and comparative-historical analysis, culturological approach, and philosophical comparativism. The representatives of German idealism associated a range of negative in the ethical aspect qualities with a human. Their reasoning on good and evil were tightly related with comprehension of socio-historical problems of the past and modernity. Evil was viewed as an essential consort of social progress, while overcoming of evil by each individual was understood as a booster of spiritual growth and improvement. In evolution of views of the European philosopher on the nature of evil, the author clearly traces the genetic link from Jakob Böhme through fundamental works of the classicists of German idealism to the writings of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who synthesized and advanced to a new artistic and intellectual level the ideas of European philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Chechetkina I.I. —
Interpretation in theoretical chemistry (on the example of quantum chemistry and classical theory of structure
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 43 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.36840 URL:
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The subject of this research is the method of interpretation in theoretical chemistry as a combination of cognitive procedures and approaches on the example of interaction of the classical theory of structure and quantum chemistry within the framework of their history and logic of development. It is demonstrated that the process of interpretation encompasses several historical stages of the development of quantum chemistry, marking the transition from meaningful symbolic concepts of the theory of structure towards formal-logical quantum-chemical terms, and the reverse interaction of these theories – the implementation of the latter into the theory of structure. The interpretational method in quantum chemistry contributes to the construction of more complex mathematical schemes underlying the natural scientific content. Such schemes include various approximations and assumptions, as well as the elements of arbitrariness in selection of the mathematical schemes by the theoretician, which reduces the accuracy of explanations and predictions of quantum chemistry. The object of this research is the methodology of theoretical chemistry, in terms of which takes place the interaction between quantum chemistry and classical theory of structure, their cognitive abilities, structure and dynamics of theoretical knowledge. The novelty lies in the fact that the interpretation in natural sciences is yet to be fully research; the study of interpretation in the context of constructivist approach in the philosophy of science allows revealing the logical-methodological and gnoseological aspects of interpretation. The acquired results contribute to the methodology of chemistry, epistemology, and philosophy of science. It is concluded that the process of interpretation is the construction of more complex mathematical schemes, which leads to the gap between mathematical and natural scientific content of the concepts; between mathematical description, natural-scientific theoretical representations, and experiment. The gap is accompanied by origination of the new concepts of quantum chemistry as a result of integration of the various fields of knowledge and extinction of concepts of the classical theory of structure, as well as determination of the limits of mathematical method in chemistry.
Citations count: 1
Shugurov M.V., Duplinskaya Y.M. —
Apophatic model of the philosophy of religion of S. L. Frank and Christian religious-mystical experience: fundamentals and results of interdisciplinary synthesis
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 34 - 72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.1.37431 URL:
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The subject of this research is the approach of S. L. Frank towards the study of the religious-mystical experience of Christianity based on the conceptual matrix of "wise ignorance" and phenomenological method, which underlies the metaphysical system in his philosophy of religion. The authors examine in the specificity of philosophical mysticism of S. L. Frank and points of its intersection with the Christian religious-mystical experience. The unfolding of phenomenological approach to in-depth layers of the religious-mystical experience of Christianity means the functionality of philosophical reflection within the universal paradigm of Christianity, and thus, the characteristic archetype of religious-mystical experience. Special attention is given to the role of individual mystical-religious experiences of the philosopher and their rational categorization in creating his philosophical system. The main conclusions lie in theoretical provisions that Frank's philosophy of religion, outlined by him as a philosophical mystical theology, became the platform for the apophatic model of "wise ignorance", which led to theoretical reflection of the profound layers of not only mystical-philosophical, but also the religious-mystical experience of Christianity. The authors’ contribution lies in substantiation of the statement that the peculiarity of mystical-theological phenomenology of S. L. Frank is that it represents a version of contemplative mysticism and cannot be viewed as a special philosophical reflection on the diversity of Christian mysticism and the model of Christian mystical theology, which in no way detracts from the interdisciplinary nature of generalizations of the philosopher. The novelty of this article consists in explication of the philosophy of religion of S. L. Frank as a system of conceptual representations, which based on the model of apophatic "sophisticated ignorance", reflects the essential component (archetype) of the Christian religious-mystical experience underlying its diversity and divergence.
Citations count: 1
Zhukova E.M. —
The Reasons of Ineffectiveness of modern Concepts of religious Tolerance
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 8.
– P. 12 - 28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.8.38320 EDN: TVVXQI URL:
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The article examines a number of characteristic features of modern concepts of religious tolerance and its "expanded" version – tolerance in general. These concepts now have a noticeable impact on socio-political life. Despite its spread, the concepts of tolerance and the concepts of multiculturalism and pluralism that grew out of them proved unable to solve the serious problems facing the modern international community. The subject of this study is the characteristic features of the concepts of (religious) tolerance. The purpose of the study is to analyze the specifics of the origin of ideas of (religious) tolerance in the works of European thinkers of the XVII–XVIII centuries and to identify a number of features of the corresponding modern socio-political concepts due to this specificity. The article uses: an integrated approach that contributes to the comprehensive disclosure of the problem posed; a causal method that allows us to trace the connection between the features of ideas of (religious) tolerance in the past and certain aspects of relevant modern concepts; methods of generalization and classification. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that one of the goals of religious tolerance in the past has been revealed – to level the influence of Christianity (Catholicism) on society. An attempt is made to answer the question of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the concepts of tolerance, appealing to the historical origins of the underlying ideas, as well as to the modern period of global changes and geopolitical transformations, including the current military-political situation in Ukraine. The results of the study can be used both in the theoretical, purely scientific aspect (religious studies, philosophy, political science), and in practical – in the strategic planning of the internal political course of Russia. The result of the study is the establishment of a number of reasons for those trends that are inherent both in the process of theoretical development of these concepts and in the practice of their application. The conclusion is that religious tolerance cannot be the foundation for solving interfaith and state-confessional issues in the world.
Citations count: 1
Borisenkov A.A. —
On political consciousness
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.227 URL:
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This article examines political consciousness as a special kind of consciousness, one which reveals its nature and close connection with political knowledge. It also proposes a definition of the term and focuses on the necessity to separate political consciousness from ideological consciousness, and thus from the ideologies associated with it. This helps to overcome misconceptions in relation to prevailing political consciousness. Different types of political knowledge, and the contradictions that exist in their classification, are also analyzed.
Citations count: 1
Sizemskaya I.N. —
Ideas of Russian Messianism: Pitfalls and Positive Foundation of Historiosophical Reflection
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 388 - 421.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.642 URL:
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The article discusses the history and philosophical content of the messianic myth of "Moscow – the Third Rome" in connection with the formation of national identity, analyzing the situation in which the idea of messianism, religious providential give rise to the phenomenon of false national consciousness, become the argument of imperial ideology, provoke confrontation between the authorities and society. Study of the problem is included in the context of the history of Russian social thought. Turning to the analysis of national messianism metaphysics, the author reveals the vectors of influence idea of Moscow as the Third Rome, the problematic field of native philosophy at those intersections with myths Historiosophical problems that become points of growth or, conversely, "traps" in the development of Russian philosophy of history and philosophy in whole. Special attention is paid to the process of transformation of Russian messianism in missianstvo what happened to mythologeme "Moscow – the Third Rome" in the middle of the XIX century, when the leading motives philosophical research was to find the cultural relations between Russia and Europe under the sign of ideas «XIX century belongs to Russia!".
Citations count: 1
Maximov L.V. —
Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism in the Humanities
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 11.
– P. 81 - 101.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9532 URL:
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The term ‘cognitivism’, which is key for this article, has been borrowed from metaethics and ‘cognitive sciences’. However, it is used here in a broader meaning: what the author has in view is a special methodological approach, according to which mind (spirit, mentality) as a whole and in all its species may be reduced to belief, knowledge and cognition. This approach is manifested, in particular, in the use of epistemological concepts (such as the truth, experience, empirical data, theory, etc.) for the formulation and resolution of value (ethical, aesthetic, legal, etc.) problems. Sharing a generally non-cognitivist position, the author at the same time views cognitivism not simply as a ‘mistake’ in the interpretation of mind, but as a paradigmal methodological principle deeply implanted in the sphere of the philosophy and the humanities.
Citations count: 1
Dubovitskii V. —
Husserl's and Sartre's Phenomenology of Imagination in Terms of Ontology and Aesthetics
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 112 - 150.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.3.14696 URL:
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On the basis of a detailed analysis of a number of key provisions of the phenomenology of imagination of Edmund Husserl and Jean-Paul Sartre this article identifies ways to apply these concepts to phenomenological ontology and aesthetics. In particular, on the basis of these concepts and by the example of the theme of the geometric structure as an aesthetic phenomenon (the case study of the minimalist sculpture) one possible direction of phenomenological investigation of the essence of the aesthetic imagination is planned. In connection with the theme of imagination the article focuses on the Husserl's ideation concept. Husserl believed that it was the imagination which opened up many horizons of essential knowledge. This Husserl's concept is illustrated by the author by the example of the essential terms of the discretion of the phenomenon. In his research Dubovitsky uses the methods of phenomenological description, eidetic intuition and a number of other aspects of the phenomenological method. In Sartre's imagination theory the relationship between an image and the world is viewed as that the image is not having any place in the world and therefoe is reduced to the situation of being - in - the world, and this situation is the place "from" which imagination develops. Based on this key point of Sartre's theory Dubovitsky makes an assumption about the possibility to emphasize a phenomenological imagination study from the phenomenology of "pure" consciousness of Husserl as well as phenomenological ontology in the version of Sartre to the phenomenological ontology of Dasein (represented in the analyst of human existence by M. Heidegger) and to think an image and imagination in the phenomenological ontology in terms of space, vastness, place and the world. This reemphasis (its premise, as mentioned above, is contained in Sartre's theory of the imagination) must overcome rigid opposition and confrontation of the world and consciousness within the confines of the phenomenological study of the imagination which is the determining factor in Sartre's concept.
Citations count: 1
Faritov V.T. —
The paths of Russian religious philosophy in light of the crisis of European metaphysics: S. N. Bulgakov and F. Nietzsche
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 8 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.3.25722 URL:
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The subject of this research is the philosophical and religious views of S. N. Bulgakov in the context of crisis of the European metaphysics. The doctrine of F. Nietzsche is viewed as the sign expression of the crisis of European metaphysics. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the conceptual development of S. N. Bulgakov and F. Nietzsche; as well as the views of both thinkers upon the questions of God, Christianity, culture, history, and humanity. Special attention is given to the questions of ontology, pursuing correlation between the philosophers’ approaches towards solution of the problem of existence, unity and diversity. The article apples the methodological principles and patterns of philosophical comparativism, semiotic analysis, and approaches of ontological research. The main conclusion lies in the thesis on the proximity of conceptual horizons and initial situation of the formation and evolution of the philosophical and religious ideas of S. N. Bulgakov and F. Nietzsche. The author underlines that the main intention in the doctrines of both philosophers is the vector towards overcoming the gap between transcendent and immanent. Although, there are crossing points in their views, both philosophers take different paths, trying to decipher the crisis of European metaphysics.
Citations count: 1
Iashin B.L. —
Non-Classical Logics in Modern Science
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 15 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.1.39350 EDN: BIGNVX URL:
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Non-classical logicians have significantly expanded the traditional field of using logical methods. The first of them was the three-digit logic of Y. Lukasevich. Next came the three-digit logic of A. Bochvar, the "quantum logics" of G. Reichenbach and P. Detush-Fevrier, infinite-valued, probabilistic and other logics. The possibilities of non-classical logics have become widely used in various branches of scientific knowledge. Polysemantic, fuzzy, intuitionistic, modal, relevant and paranoherent, temporal and other non-classical logics are widely used today in physics, computational mathematics, computer science, linguistics, jurisprudence, ethics and other fields of natural science and socio-humanitarian knowledge. The recently increased interest in non-classical logics is explained, first of all, by the fact that various philosophical, syntactic, semantic and metalogical problems that were previously discussed in the scientific community are being replaced by practical interests. The main source of such interest is their wide application in computer science, artificial intelligence and programming. The logic of causality is used in the interpretation of the concepts of "law of nature", "ontological necessity" and "determinism"; temporal modal logics - for modeling, specification and verification of software systems of logical control; logics with vector semantics, combining the features of fuzzy and para-contradictory logics - in solving problems of dynamic verification of production knowledge bases and expert systems.
Citations count: 1
Sverguzov A.T. —
On the question of the dialectic of scientific knowledge in russian philosophy: the problem of reflection
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 83 - 92.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.12.69165 EDN: CWNJMG URL:
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The subject of the study is the phenomenon of reflection in the structure of the mechanisms of scientific cognition. The results of studying the phenomenon obtained within the framework of Russian philosophy in different periods of its development – the Soviet and modern stages - are compared. Attention is drawn to the fundamental nature of the research results of scientific reflection obtained during the Soviet period of philosophy development. In the philosophy of that period, the concept of reflection was proposed, which remained outside the field of view of modern research. A feature of the subject of the Soviet concept is the identification of two aspects of scientific reflection – the relationship between reflection and rationality, as well as the relationship between the meaning-setting and meaning-revealing functions of reflection. The subject of modern domestic research is influenced by the Western tradition. Its characteristic feature is the isolation of reflexive thinking on oneself or, in Soviet terminology, the reduction of scientific reflection to a semantic function. The research method is a dialectical-materialistic approach. The peculiarity of the study is the use of internal contradictions of reflection. The novelty of the work is characterized by the application of the results of Soviet dialectical-materialistic research to modern analysis. It is shown that the modern discussion of this problem is in a dialectical context, constituted by the framework of interrelated opposites. The idea is expressed that the dialectical-materialistic approach continues to be fundamental and is an adequate method of considering reflection. In particular, the dialectical-materialistic methodology will contribute to overcoming, in the words of one of the modern researchers, the "epistemological impasse" with which he characterizes the results of modern study. The conclusion is made about the need to resume dialectical research.
Citations count: 1
Galkin I.V. —
Monistic Epistemology of Benedict Spinoza
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 141 - 170.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.1.30 URL:
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Key words: attribute, epistemology, essence, existence, modus, monism, principle, rationalism, substance.The present article deals with a problem of epistemology in Benedict Spinoza’s monistic philosophy. It is widely known that the system of this great Hollander thinker is one of the most original in philosophy and his conception is a real milestone in European rationalism. According to Spinoza’s thoughts, the unity of the creation is established on pantheistic monism of the substance and every thinking individual is nothing than the idea or modus in God’s mind. Therefore, his epistemology possesses some monistic features which originate in the identity of subject and object of cognition.
Citations count: 1
Maydanov A.S. —
Construction of Metaphors and Myths and Their Interpretation
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 79 - 225.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.4.15298 URL:
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The article is devoted to one of the most important types of semantic creativity of human intelligence – the metaphor which is specific means of display of reality and formation of another, psychologically, ethically and esthetically significant contents. For the analysis the mythology in which for the first time in the history of human thinking reception of a metaforization started being applied is chosen material. The structure of a metaphor, feature of the components making it, an originality of the gnoseological and logical relations between them, a paradoxicality of these relations are analyzed. The special attention is paid to metaphoricalness of mythical images and plots. Features of dynamics and logic of two main stages in genesis of metaphors – a stage of their designing and a stage of interpretation are described. The defining approaches at research of metaphors are cognitive and information, evolutionary and epistemological and nomologichesky, focusing on search of certain regularities and specific logic of process of a metaforization. Such methods as the analysis, distinction, opposition, synthesis, interpretation, identification of the realistic and mystical contents in metaphorical images, their demetaforization appeared the most productive in this research. The specified arsenal of methodological means allowed to receive a number of new results. The whole complex of the methods and receptions of a metaforization used by mythological thinking is revealed. The difficult system of the relations between diverse elements of semantics of metaphors, and also between them, on the one hand, and realities of the vital world of archaic people, with another is characterized. The interpretation of some, the myths of the Indian Veda which still well aren't interpreted which allowed to receive the important information concerning social and spiritual life of the ancient people is offered.
Citations count: 1
Galanina E.V., Akchelov E. —
Virtual world of a videogame: cultural philosophical analysis
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 97 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.7.19313 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the relevant problem of cultural philosophical study of the phenomenon of videogames. The subject of this research is the virtual world of videogames. The authors analyze the essence of the notions “virtual”, “virtual reality”, “virtual world”, “and virtual world of a videogame”. The work presents the results of the conducted analysis of the foreign and Russian literary sourced, dedicated to the questions of examinations of the virtual worlds. The author trace the evolution of the notion “virtual world” within the scientific literature, as well as formulate a generalized definition of the virtual world as a computerized three-dimensional or two-dimensional environment that simulates the real world, and in which the users represented by the avatars are capable of synchronized and simultaneous communication. It is noted that the ability of implementation of a similar definition in examination of the non-computer virtual worlds is limited within the cultural philosophical aspects. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the definition of the “virtual world of a videogame” is being formulated. The work also gives definition to the notion “virtual world”, which can be applied not only to a cultural philosophical research of the virtual worlds constructed by videogames, but also to the analysis of the essence of the virtual worlds of non-computer origin.
Citations count: 1
bartosh a.a. —
Dialectics of hybrid warfare
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 53 - 68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.12.21510 URL:
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The subject of this research is the strategy of hybrid war. An attempt is made to demonstrate that war alongside any social phenomenon undergoes transformations. At the same time, this entails not the simple process of qualitative transformations that lead to the change of quality. In the conditions of globalization and information-technological revolution, the modern conflicts suffer drastic, qualitative changes. Evolution lead up to revolution that creates new circumstances for further evolutionary development. The transition from old quality to new implies the multiplicity of forms, and only consideration of the specific character of phenomena and historical factors, within which takes place the development of these events, allows understanding which forms trigger the leaps, turns from one quality to another. The methodology is based on application of the evolution of strategies of the modern conflicts of dialectical law of transition from quantitative changes to qualitative as most general law of development. The article also uses comparativist method. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to use dialectical law of transition from quantitative changes to qualitative for analyzing the genesis of strategies of a hybrid warfare. It is stated that the most profound and comprehensive impact upon the changes in the character and content of modern conflicts is produced by the processes of globalization and information technology revolution, which create the new mechanisms of interaction and interdependence at the global and regional scales. It is illustrated that the paradigm shift of modern conflicts is associated with the trend of transition from the linear to nonlinear model of war based on application of the indirect asymmetric actions. The author examines the changes in framework elements of hybrid war that determine the content of the philosophy of war as humanitarian components of the teaching on war. The logics of strategy of counteracting the hybrid warfare must be structures with consideration of the nonlinear configuration of strategic forces and capabilities. The model of such strategy must reflect the following key tasks aimed at protecting the state from hybrid aggression:
Transition from the form of securing the space of military-political, economic, and cultural worldview spheres of the state towards functional control over the most essential strategic elements of each sphere;
Ensuring of possibility of the immediate concentration of crucially important efforts and resources in the most threatened zone. Today this is the front of information warfare.
Directing reconnaissance and its close cooperation with the bodies of military-political administration and armed forces for the purpose of implementation of strategy that allows using the privilege in the threatened areas.
Citations count: 1
Fetisova E.E. —
Neo-Acmeism of Joseph Brodsky: composition of the mystery “The Procession”
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 109 - 117.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.2.21763 URL:
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This article reveals the romantic aesthetic of neo-Acmeism as one of the key directions in literature of the XX century, its concept and specific mythology, which in turn, establishes the poetic world model. The author analyzes the worldview and poetic world of generation of the “Sixtiers”, as well as views its spatial-timely continuum, coordinates, artistic space and time as a peculiar aesthetic and verbal phenomenon. The work introduces the notion of synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, shifted towards the boundaries of the real space and time, by the virtue of which the “monologue on the polyphonic basis” is created in mythology. The author examines the works of Brodsky – poetics, chronotope, and composition of the insignificantly studied poem-mystery “The Procession” with reference to the neo-Acmeist paradigm. In the center of comparativist approach is the resemblance of expressive means of the author’s stylistic, from literary approaches, general phrases, quotes, and allusion to the wholeness of the author’s concept of lyrical plot, artistic space and time – the synchronic-reminiscent chronotope that in a similar way is presented in the mystery “The Procession”, “Poem Without A Hero” by A. Akhmatova, “Divine Comedy” by Dante, antique tragedies and plays of H. Ibsen and A. Strindberg. Comparative analysis and the method of semiotic reconstruction, complementing each other contribute into the detailed decoding of e poetic text. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the work of Brodsky is subjected to comprehensive interpretation, viewed in light of action of the cultural memory mechanism, and author’s mythology – as the synthesis of form and content. The article analyzes the peculiarities of functionality of neo-Acmeism in external communication with the traditional Acmeism, differentiates the literary groupings and chronological frameworks of the “new Acmeism”, as well as determine the ontological dominants in the works of an “esoteric circle” of the neo-Acmeist “Sixtiers”. This method allows reconstructing the phenomenon of the “Sixtiers”, which comprises the ontological core of neo-Acmeism as a continuous line of post-symbolic and traditionalistic creative work. The author defines the genre innovations and traces the specificity of intercultural communication between the traditional and “Renaissance” Acmeism.
Citations count: 1
Gonotskaya N. —
Mass media in modern social communication space
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 42 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.7.23812 URL:
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This article examines the role of mass media in establishment of the modern social communication space. Special attention is given to the socio-philosophical concepts of G. Debord, P. Virilio, N. Postman, J. Baudillard, T. Adorno, M. Horkheimer, and H. Marcuse, which depict mass media as the power that “derealizes reality”, manipulates public opinion, as well as produces a destructive effect on personality. The analysis of ambivalent potential of media industry through referring to the works of the leading scholars in this area allows prudently assessing both – the critical theories that underline the negative impact of mass media; and the apologetic concepts of M. McLuhan and G. Vattimo that indicate the positive impact of mass media, resulting in establishment of a unified global communication space. The research demonstrates that the destructive role of mass media is quite exaggerated. Mass media design the global communication space, but their role lies not in imposing any truths or values upon the audience, but rather create the conditions for mutual understanding the consensus for an extensive circle of the subjects of communication, suggesting various discursive topics and discussion schemes.
Citations count: 1
Malakhova E.V. —
Ethical Expertise of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Subject-oriented Social Relationships
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 23 - 34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.10.39011 EDN: HSXQXS URL:
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The ethical examination of modern technologies, especially those that use artificial intelligence, can be based on an approach that focuses not on the technology itself, but on the subject as a human-agent who can be the developer and user of this technology. In this article, we consider the concept of an ethical subject as an agent with the fundamental ability to make ethically significant choices. The peculiarity of such choices is that they are significant not only for society, but also for the ethical subjects themselves, who are always not only a means, but also the goal of moral actions. That is why such ethical subjects can be only persons or groups of people, but not technology, even the most advanced – otherwise it would be the goal of ethical choices for itself and for people. Ethical expertise of a technology capable of acting independently of a person is possible, as we believe, through its «training» to recognize situations of applying those solutions to ethical dilemmas that are provided by a person, and valuation of the results of such recognition. A part of such «training» may be worth providing not only to developers, but also to users, remembering the fact that all these solutions should also be brought into compliance with local legislative norms.
Citations count: 1
Nesterkin S. —
The Main Principles and Directions of the Activity of Socially Engaged Buddhism
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 12.
– P. 23 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.12.39181 EDN: VWEYGO URL:
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The work deals with the history, main principles and areas of activity of "Socially Engaged Buddhism" - an influential trend of modern Buddhist social activism that is especially popular in Western countries. It is noted that its relevance is caused by the need to develop new forms of interaction between Buddhism and society, brought about by a clash with the ideology and social practices of modernity as well as by the consequences of the globalization process; according to the ideologists of "Socially Engaged Buddhism," the traditional forms of Sangha social activity had ceased to meet the challenges of modernity. The main areas of activity of the movement are: 1) environmental issues; 2) racism and ethno-cultural diversity; 3) volunteer and educational work with prisoners; and 4) the women's movement and gender issues. The movement of Engaged Buddhism rather quickly acquired institutionalized forms in the West. Moreover, if initially its activity developed within the framework of Asian Buddhist organizations that have branches in the countries of the West, subsequently new forms and organizations developed within Western communities. These structures quite actively conduct publishing, educational and training activities, so that at present the "Engaged Buddhism" movement is one of the most influential forms of social activity of Buddhism in the countries of the West.
Citations count: 1
Zelenskii A.A., Gribkov A.A. —
Ontological aspects of the problem of realizability of control of complex systems
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 12.
– P. 21 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.12.68807 EDN: VIVNFQ URL:
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The article deals with the management of complex systems. The general definitions of the concepts "control" and "control system" are formulated. It is stated that the control system in its basis is an information system, for which the most important characteristics are performance and rapidity. Definitions are given and differences between these characteristics are revealed. The problem of realizability of control of complex systems is stated, which consists in the necessity of providing sufficient rapidity, at which the whole necessary complex of control operations is placed in the control cycle. The relationship between the control parameters: the complexity of the control object, the duration of the control cycle and the rapidity of the control system is investigated. As a result, a number of significant dependencies are revealed: the duration of the control cycle is approximately inversely proportional to the complexity of the control object; the rapidity of the control system is approximately proportional to the square of the object complexity. It is stated that within the framework of the general theory of systems there are two main options for increasing the stability of a complex system: the option of monocentrism with a central element, or by increasing the number of links in the object. The first option does not allow increasing rapidity. The second variant of stability can be implemented in practice in the form of a decentralized system. The latter option is universally realized in living systems and is promising for the control of technical systems.
Citations count: 1
Prokhorov M.M. —
Truth and Reality
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 293 - 387.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.333 URL:
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Article is a heel in a cycle begun by article «Being and history: interrelation and definition». In introduction the essence and background of a question on true reveals. Chapter 1 is devoted research of true and the concept of a modality of I.Kant subjected the critic by Hegel, communication of understanding of true with a classical, nonclassical and postnonclassical science, and also the problem of borders of applicability of true is analyzed. In the second chapter the knowledge and true are investigated in the conditions of a modern postnonclassical epoch and an ideal of a postnonclassical science. In the third chapter two main prejudices concerning true in the modern literature reveal, the method of their overcoming by an establishment of borders of action of categories of true, lie and error is offered. In the fourth chapter of article it is analyzed «real concerning being» and true that enters true into a context correlation «being and essence» to which there corresponds the philosophy and science union. In the fifth chapter of article the true is investigated as property of knowledge over which concepts of true and its criteria are built on; their unity and variety reveals. Article comes to the end with the general conclusions.
Citations count: 1
Kutyrev V.A. —
Cognitizatino of Reality as Destruction of Human Life World
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.522 URL:
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Cognitology is the theory of informatisation, communication kind of thinking, devoid of consciousness, images and mind. Devoid of reflection, it turns into AI (artificial intelligence). This will unprecedented post-human universe of otherworld, in the ontological sense. The philosophy of science primary goal is the formation of spiritual elite as a sphere interaction qualitative being, on the one hand, cognitive forms, on the other hand. They are transmission in the society. For survival in a hi-tech world requires the creation and support geocentrically and anthropologically justified consciousness. After postmodernism – «gomodern».
Citations count: 1
Smirnova G.E. —
Socio-Cultural Area Studies: Concerning the Problem of Method
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 530 - 544.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.645 URL:
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A typical tendency in science of XX century was the integration of scientific knowledge which was particularly reflected in interaction between sciences, exchange of methods and development of an interdisciplinary approach to scientific research. As a consequence, different branches and majors have been generalized within one scientific discipline. A good example is socio-cultural area studies which has been formed as a natural result of developing area studies. One of the most important goals related to implementation of socio-cultural area studies into the system of scientific knowledge is to develop the theory of this branch of science, including research methods and tecnniques. The given article is particularly devoted to developing and implementing the method of comparative analysis in socio-cultura area studies. Based on a concrete example , i.e. analysis of the term 'motherland' in Russia and Great Britain, because this term plays an important role in mentality of any nation and serves as one of the most important self-identification tools, the author shows opportunities and prospects of using comparative studies as a research method.
Citations count: 1
Ziabkin M. —
Symbolic instruments of the state as an actor of political system
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 23 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.18130 URL:
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The subject of this research is the theoretical-methodological foundations of analysis of the symbolic capital of the country, as well as prospects for its optimization in the globalizational context. The object is the symbolic capital of the country as category of social philosophy, and its role in the functioning of the government as an actor of political system. The author substantiates a position that the effective symbolical capital of the country must be adequate to the modern sociopolitical conjuncture. At the same time, under the conditions of globalization of orientation upon the values of the open world presuppose the expansion of the processes of cooperation between the symbolic capitals of the states, but not necessarily leads to unification of cultures, because can serve to the development of cultural pluralism and support of the ethnocultural variety via creating the fields of value collaboration. The author examines the specificity of establishment of the symbolic content of the core state symbols: flag and coat of arms. It is noted that the symbolic capital in politics carries out the functions of the horizontal legitimizing subject, as well as vertical manipulating subject. This allows justification of the necessity of the state cultural policy, oriented towards the establishment of the equal dialogue between the actors of political system for the purpose of prevention degradation of the national symbolic capital.
Citations count: 1
Martynova O.A. —
Persona and the reign of Boris Godunov in the works of early Slavophiles
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.2.21997 URL:
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The object of this article is the philosophical-historical views of the early Slavophiles, their perception of the main factors of social development, and Russia’s place in the world. The subject is the interpretation by the early Slavophiles A. S. Khomyakov and K. S. Aksakov of the persona and reign of Boris Godunov and his role in Russian history. The article examines the thinkers’ comprehension of the key directions in Godunov’s domestic and foreign policy, most remarkable events of his reign, as well as traces the link between the high evaluation of the persona and reign of Boris Godunov given by the Slavophiles with the assurance of the thinkers in the pivotal role of the nation in Russian history. The author applies the analysis of referential texts, comparison, classification; correlation of the historical and logical, system and comprehensive analysis of the problem. The scientific novelty is defined by the following: emphasis of the role of nation in Russian history; systematization of thinkers’ views on the persona and reign of Boris Godunov; analysis of the thinkers’ attitude to Boris Godunov and his actions; determination of the place of analysis of Boris Godunov’s reign within the philosophy of history of the Slavophiles.
Citations count: 1
Maltsev Y.V. —
Pragmatism in Education: Philosophical Foundations and Pedagogical Practice
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 38 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.7.40380 EDN: TXKQNT URL:
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The subject of this article is the ideas in the field of philosophy and practice of education, proposed by the founders of pragmatism: C. Pierce, W. James, J. Dewey, R. Rorty. The concepts of these authors gave rise to one of the most successful philosophies of education, which has been and is being subjected to considerable criticism, but is still in demand and demonstrating effectiveness. The article analyzes the initial axioms of the philosophy of pragmatism and the principles on which, according to the philosophers-authors, this educational model should work. The modern criticism of pragmatism in English-language literature is also touched upon. Attention to the philosophy of pragmatism in education seems justified due to the search for a better educational model that is taking place in Russia today.
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the analysis of the key philosophical principles of the educational model of pragmatism along with practical recommendations, as well as in the attention paid to Ch. Pierce and the place, significance, of his ideas in the educational model of pragmatism. Traditionally Ch. Pierce is taken out of the brackets when writing about pragmatism in education. Much more attention is paid to the ideas of W. James, J. Dewey, R. Rorty, while Peirce's prolegomena seem fundamentally significant in understanding pragmatism as a philosophy of education. The author discusses the current controversy around the relevance of pragmatism as a philosophy of education, about its strengths and weaknesses. It is concluded that pragmatism as a philosophy of education carries useful principles associated with consensual practices, critical thinking, dialogue, increased attention to experience and an active cognitive position, and therefore can be used as a counterweight to destructive (commercialization, deprofessionalization) trends in education.
Citations count: 1
Zykin A., Aref'ev M.A., Davydenkova A.G. —
Orthodox Old Believers in the synthesis of cultures of the Trans-Baikal region (on the history of Spiritual Missions of Transbaikalia)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 54 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.3.43670 EDN: AKJKDA URL:
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This work is aimed at studying the role of spiritual missions in the cultural life of Transbaikalia on the example of the Daurian Spiritual Mission, which was created by the Russian Orthodox Church with the aim of spreading Orthodoxy and Russian culture among the indigenous population of the Daurian land and neighboring regions of Eastern Siberia.
It is noted that in general, the Daurian Spiritual Mission has become the most important tool of the ROC in spreading the Orthodox faith of the XVII-XVIII centuries in Siberia. It made it possible to introduce many peoples of Eastern Siberia to Christianity, preserving a tolerant approach and the uniqueness of local cultural traditions, which contributed to the development of both trade and industry in this region. During the intensive development of the economy of this part of the Russian state, the Daurian Spiritual Mission played its role as a spiritual and economic connector.
Separately, the interaction of the mission with Northern Buddhism (Lamaism) and the desire to attract Buddhists to Christianity is noted. However, due to concerns about the negative impact on international relations with China, this line of work was not continued.
In addition to pagan and Buddhist influence on the ethnoculture of Eastern Siberia, the influence of Old Believers is noted. The Trans-Baikal Old Believers are an important spiritual experience of Russian Orthodox culture in Eastern Siberia and have a long history.
The Semey Old Believers are considered separately as a kind of Old Believers in Transbaikalia, who were settled in this territory in the XVIII century, which is caused by an incomplete understanding of their life and everyday life.
It is indicated that the mixing of cultural elements, including mixed marriages, has led to the formation of a unique culture and way of life of the Semeyskys, who continue to preserve their individuality and persist in the modern world.
Citations count: 1
Dorozhkin E.L. —
To the definition of poetic ontologies
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 13 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.1.32088 URL:
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This article examines the main vector of development of ontologies in European philosophy of the XX century. The subject of this research is the concept of “poetic ontologies”, proposed by Alan Badiou applicable to fundamental in their essence projects of Martin Heidegger and Gilles Deleuze, An attempt is made to explicate the specific conceptual meaning of the poetic in the referred projects by revealing its differences from poetry in a narrow sense of versification, and its correspondence with the fact that in Deleuze’s texts it received a name of schizophrenic language. Alongside the general scientific methods of description, analysis and synthesis, the author also used the hermeneutic method and comparative analysis. Application of the concept of “poetic ontologies” in respect to the projects of M. Heidegger and G. Deleuze, found its substantiation and legitimacy in the course of this research. The main conclusion consists in elucidation of the constructive link of the poetic with the certain interpretation of existence, known as nature and opening a prospect for the nonclassical forms of reasoning.
Citations count: 1
Katunin A.V. —
Inappropriate arguments as a communication technology: types, peculiarities, and countering mechanisms
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 12.
– P. 15 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.37197 URL:
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This article is dedicated to such type of communication technology as inappropriate arguments. Special attention is given to clarification of the key concepts of the topic – “argumentation”, “appropriateness”, “inappropriateness”, and “context”. The original classification is provided to the types of inappropriate arguments. The author reveals the contextual peculiarities of using different types of inappropriate arguments; analyzes the specificity of using inappropriate arguments; as well as offers possible countering mechanisms. Particular examples of using incorrect arguments are confirmed by links to recorded live dialogues. The article employs the methods of intent analysis and comparative analysis. The Russian tradition of studying the theory and practice of argumentation features a number of research that touch upon the problem of inappropriate arguments. However, the study of arguments is just a part of the whole variety of communication technologies. The novelty of this work consists in the centralized, systematized presentation of the assemblage of variations of inappropriate arguments. The types of inappropriate arguments are illustrated on the specific examples from literature, cinematography, cultural -historical, social and political spheres of society. The acquired results can be valuable for the development of lecture courses on the theory and practice of argumentation, students majoring in philosophy, and audience interested in modern research dedicated to communication technologies.
Citations count: 1
Pris F. —
On the Two Approaches to David 's Phenomenal Concepts
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 9.
– P. 84 - 149.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.9.13310 URL:
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In article evolution of views of David Papineau on phenomenal concepts is considered, and, in particular, two of its are in detail stated the main approach to them (Father's-2002, Father's-2006). The emphasis is placed on property of phenomenal concepts at the same time to mention and use phenomenal experience which is offered to be interpreted in the context of the vittgenshtaynovsky concept "uses" (language game). Within such interpretation the "used" phenomenal experience makes the contribution to the cognitive act. For Papineau, on the contrary, the experience associated with the use of phenomenal concepts allows to explain only existence of illusory intuition about a so-called explanatory failure in psychophysical identities, but in semantic and epistemological meanings is neutral. Similarity between phenomenal concepts and concepts perceptual, and also "similarity" between phenomenal concepts and phenomenal experience, is interpreted in the vittgenshtaynovskikh terms of family similarity. Approach Father's is compared to Ned Blok's approach. At both philosophers the solution of a so-called problem of an explanatory failure contains pragmatical measurement in psychophysical identities. In more general plan evolution of views Father's can be characterized as rapprochement with a pragmatism of vittgenshtaynovsky type which relieves of illusion of existence of an explanatory failure. "The minimum approach" Father's-2014 to concept of a phenomenal concept is limited to introduction of only one essential property of phenomenal concepts – their aprioristic independence of theoretical/scientific concepts that allows to relieve this concept of many standard objections. It is possible to agree with Father's-2014 that in effect, antimaterialistic arguments are based only on aposteriorny nature of psychophysical identities.
Citations count: 1
Yudin A.I. —
M. A. Bakunin on the social importance of science
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 56 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.17988 URL:
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The subject of this research is the social importance and role of science in the society in the interpretation of M. A. Bakunin, which he saw it through the prism of the idea of social justice and social equality. The author examines the social significance of anarchism as a democratic and relevant theory in the modern world. This work also analyses Bakunin’s interpretation of science as means of dominance of the privileged and educated minority. The problem of dependence of science from the government, and as a result, the problem of its specific social role and importance for the society, is being reviewed. Science within the society is the same form of public conscience as mythology and religion, and thus, should be separated from the government. The following conclusions are made: the development of various form of people’s self-governance, in other words the realization of public ideal of anarchism is identical to the advancement of democracy; science and education in the social structure of the society represents one of the means of social differentiation; science is a relative and transitional form of public conscience as mythology and religion.
Citations count: 1
Mishurin A.N. —
Jerusalem and Athens. Some introductory remarks
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 107 - 128.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.5.19015 URL:
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This article of Leo Strauss – Professor at the University of Chicago that summarizes two lectures read by him in 1966, is dedicated to the initial description of the problem of the relation between mind and faith within the questions of social and political life, which is also known as the problem of “Athens and Jerusalem”. The subject field of this work consists in the two cultural heritages, represented in the works of Greek poets and philosophers on one hand, and Biblical traditions, particularly, Torah – on the other. Strauss attempts to elucidate the picture of the world – the beginning of world – in perception of the prophets and philosophers. For achieving the set goal, he used the historical critical and hermeneutic methods, discussing the creation of the world describe in the Bible, and origination of the world and gods presented in the Greek sources. The scientific novelty of this work consist in sequential application of the revised by Strauss hermeneutic method of “attentive reading”. The main conclusion lies in the idea of incompatibility of Athens and Jerusalem, in other words, the necessity to choose a single way of explanation of the world, and this, only one way towards resolution of the issues of social and political life.
Citations count: 1
Ilin S.E. —
Social Topology after Actor-Network Theory: Problems and Prospects
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.12.24893 URL:
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The article discusses trends in the development of J. Law’s social topology. The main trend covered is a development of the mentioned topology against the background of an actor-network theory. The article emphasizes that J. Law’s topological framework was created within the actor-network theory and has been elaborated as the response to methodological problems of this theory. Intending to overcome such problems, J. Law has progressively revised the research capabilities of the actor-network theory, and therefore his methodology has expanded beyond studying networks. Given the outlined fact, the article raises an issue of whether J. Law’s topology could be still used while assembling the topological ideas launched within the network approach. The article addresses the issue arguing that the affirmative answer to the question is acceptable if the activity underlying the elaboration of J. Law’s notions is described from the point of view of the actor-network theory. The article provides a list of theoretical assumptions that should contribute to reintegration of the ideas of J. Law’s topology and those of the actor-network theory. Findings from the field of the potential network design aiming to construct plausible development scenarios of the networks of various types rank high on the list. The article stresses that in this case at least two classes of the aforementioned findings are of great interest, namely those that are relevant to the analysis of the networks in social reality, and those of relevance to the examination of the descriptions of social reality created with the means of the network approach.
Citations count: 1
Nekhorosheva K. —
The role of philosophy in development of critical thinking: the experience of France
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.3.25734 URL:
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The object of this research is the study of philosophy as a discipline in modern France. The subject of this research is the development of the rational critical thinking in the context of philosophical course in modern France within problematic field of cultural self-identification. The author meticulously examines the impact of philosophy as a discipline that studied in French schools upon the development of critical thinking of the French authors, as well as the influence of rational philosophy, particularly Cartesianism, which principles are ingrained within the framework of the student course of philosophy on the cultural self-identification in France. The article applies the method of philosophical comparativistics, axiological and anthropological approaches, as well as general scientific principles of historicism and objectivity unity of historical and logical, ascent from the concrete to the abstract and the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the fact that philosophy, which in multiple aspect leans on the methodology of Cartesian school, is one of the essential subjects in the system of education in France, not only because in ingrains the general culture and basic values, but also teaches to organize the thinking process in accordance with certain order that irrevocably prevails in French tradition of expression of thoughts in the verbal and written forms.
Citations count: 1
Rozhin D. —
Critical perception of V. D. Kudryavtsev-Platonov of the doctrine on the categories and fundamentals of I. Kant’s pure reason
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.5.35346 URL:
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The subject of this research is the reception of the doctrine on the categories and fundamentals of I. Kant’s pure reason in of V. D. Kudryavtsev-Platonov’s teaching on cognition (later referred to as Kudryavtsev). The reception of Kant’s doctrine in Kudryavtsev's philosophy, despite the wide array of literature dedicated to the perception of Kant's ideas in religious-academic philosophy, yet has not been the subject of in-depth historical-philosophical analysis. This defined the goal of this research – establish the degree of Kudryavtsev's understanding of the doctrine on the categories and fundamentals of Kant's pure reason, as well as reveal the nature of reception of this doctrine in Kudryavtsev's philosophy. The scientific consists in introduction of the previously unpublished Kudryavtsev’s manuscript dedicated to the philosophy of Kant. The result consists in the position, according to which Kudryavtsev interpreted Kant's doctrine on the categories and fundamentals of pure reason in the three aspects: 1) the Russian philosopher familiarizes with Kant's theory; 2) he criticizes Kant's doctrine from the perspective of gnoseological realism, focusing particularly on the transcendental deduction of pure categories; 3) Kudryavtsev gives a positive assessment to Kant's apriorism and actively uses it in his own philosophical constructs. It is claimed that the phenomenon of Kudryavtsev's “critical perception” of the doctrine on the categories and fundamentals of Kant's pure reason testifies to not only critical attitude towards the German philosopher, but also that Kantian gnoseological ideas were actively used by Kudryavtsev for solution of his own philosophical tasks.
Citations count: 1
Rozin V.M. —
Use of the concepts of" “Tektology” by A. Bogdanov in the works of the architect A. V. Rosenberg (characteristics of the methodological stage of establishment of design in Russia)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 33 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.5.35685 URL:
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This article consists of three parts: the first discusses the role of methodology in establishment of the discipline (practice) and its further functioning; the second analyzes the work of A. Bogdanov “Tektology”; and the third explores the use of its means in the establishment of design in the early XX century. The author distinguishes the two basic functions of methodology: the stage of establishment marks criticism and analysis of unsatisfactory ways of thinking, while the stage of functioning of the newly established activity implies its methodological support. The analysis of “Tektology” allowed determining the our main interpretations: as general organizational science, distinct mathematics, practice, and private methodology. In this regard, the author reviews several meanings of the concept of organization, as well as similarity of the concept of organization with the concept of activity. Besides the organizational approach, the article also discusses the systemic approach. In the third part of the article offers the reconstruction of the works of Aleksandr Rosenberg, which indicates that a number of provisions of the establishing design (for example, the principle of “compliance” and “optimality”) were formulated based on the means of Bogdanov's “Tektology”. In conclusion, the article discussed the reasons why the organizational concepts were eliminated from design, while the systemic ones remain.
Citations count: 1
Latyshev D.M. —
Mission of the military chaplain on the battlefield and the Orthodox ethics during the World War I (on the example of Orenburg and Siberian Cossack troops
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 139 - 148.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.11.36678 URL:
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Military clergy was one of the core translators of military norms and regulations in the Russian army during the early XX century. The goal of this article is to examine the concepts of Orthodox culture within the ethics of war of the military chaplains. Leaning on the memoirs of A. Turundaevsky and archival documents of the Orenburg and Siberian Cossack troops, the article reconstructs the mission of the military chaplain on the battlefield, analyzes the structure of concepts of Orthodox ethics therein. The study of the structure of the elements of Orthodox ethics in the mission of the military chaplain reveals the key ethical principles that are fundamental to military conflicts, when one of the parties grounds its military regulations on the Orthodox culture. It is determined that in the conditions of new requirements established for military clergy during the World War I (1914–1918), there were instances that the norms of the Orthodox ethics contradicted the mission of the chaplain on the battlefield. The acquired results reveal that the underlying principle of the mission of military chaplain, as the representative of the “militant church”, on the battlefield was “love for one's neighbor”. The understanding of Russia as the center of Orthodox culture and the perception of soldiers as “warriors of the church” prompted the clergy to implement the concept of “meekness” in their actions, as well as the concepts of “recumbence”, “Divine Providence”, etc. for comprehension of their actions.
Citations count: 1
Berezina T.N. —
Probabilistic Concept of Time
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 11.
– P. 50 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9096 URL:
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The article describes the probabilistic model of time. The author of the article views the probabilistic nature of occurences of the past, present an future. It has been affirmed that only the present events are verifiable and has a 1 probability while past and future events are probabilistic, i.e. the present may have several variants of the past and future occurences with different levels of probability. In addition to the term 'probability', the author also offers a definition of the term 'energy'. The author makes an assumption that probability may have a direct connection with energy and the increase of the 'energy' of an event can raise the level of its probability, too. The author describes the difference between the terms 'occurence' and 'event' and say that the term 'occurence' applies to a full group of events. There are only material objects existing in the present and a full group of events evolve around one occurence. Probability of a full group of events of the future occurence is more than 1 and that of the past occurence is less than 1. This is what determinates the direction of the arrow of time.
Citations count: 1
Arapov A.V. —
Two paradigms in the Protestand Bible hermeneutics.
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.1.10746 URL:
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The modern Protestant Bible hermeneutics has two main paradigms: the conservative paradigm and the liberal paradigm. The liberal hermeneutic paradigm was formed in XVIII -XIX centuries under the influence of the ideas of Enlightenment and Positivism. Later existentialism also had a significant influence on it. The conservative paradigm as we know it was formed in the XIX century as a reaction to the spread of the liberal paradigm. The conservative hermeneutic paradigm is related to the conservative theological and metaphysical position in Protestantism. These paradigms are the object of studies in this article. The article uses social philosophical analysis, comparative analysis, psychological analysis, and general scientific methods. Social and philosophical analysis allowed to uncover the influence of social and political elements on the later interpretation of sacral texts. With its help the author defines specific historical prerequisites for the development of hermeneutic strategies. The conservative movement has the most influence among the clergy, and interpretation based on conservative approach is often used in the preaching practice: for preaching, counseling talks and missionary work. Liberal approach has more influence in the academic circles. The two movements have mutual distrust towards each other. From the standpoint of conservative Protestants, the representatives of the liberal movement are doubtful Christians. And from the standpoint of the liberal Protestant the conservative approach towards the Bible interpretation is hardly scientific. The conservative approach is irrational (while not being mystical). At the same time, it should be noted that in the late XX century fundamentalism merged with the postmodernism, since these two approaches similarly distrust critical mindset.
Citations count: 1
Urbanaeva I.S. —
Comparativist experience of development of the philosophical methodology of the study of Buddhism
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 58 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.8.19762 URL:
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The subject of this research is the comparativist experience of establishment of the philosophical approach towards examination of Buddhism within the framework of academic Buddhology and comparative philosophy. Special attention is given to the establishment of the philosophical methodology of the study of Budhism due to self-identification of the topic of comparative philosophy in broad and narrow sense, as well as analysis of the contribution of F. I. Scherbatsky and O. O. Rozenberg into substantiation of the philosophical Buddhology, reframing of the essence of theoretical-methodological principles of Rozenberg and the importance of his philosophical approach for understanding of the unity in multiplicity of Buddhism along with articulation of the problem of authentic Buddhism. Due to the strong influence of the works of F. I Scherbatsky, who took the Buddhist philosophy out the boundaries of Orientalism into the area of legitimate philosophy, and turned it into the discipline of historical-philosophical science, the greatest development in Russia and abroad received the comparative historical-philosophical research of the Buddhist and Western philosophy, aimed at the search of parallelisms between the specific doctrines. The philosophical methodology of the study of Buddhism in its establishment was tightly linked to the formation of the discipline of comparative philosophy in its broad and narrow sense – as the global trend of synthesis of the Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as the cross-cultural historical-philosophical research. The author concludes that the approach of O. O. Rozenberg corresponds with the Buddhological tradition formed by the Buryat scholars of Buddhism, which consists in complementing the academic opportunities by the resources of Buddhist wisdom in examination of Buddhism. Not just the knowledge of the original Buddhist texts and classical Hindu commentary literature, but also the reliance upon “living” tradition is necessary for establishment of the specific scientific methodology in the modern Buddhology.
Citations count: 1
Brandenburg V.Y. —
To the problem of formation of scientific knowledge: from classical science to modern stage
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 9.
– P. 66 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.9.20281 URL:
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The subject of research is the widespread in the Russian philosophical-methodological literature, the concept of the historical types of scientific rationality. According to the author, this concept is contradictory and it does not correctly reflect the dynamics of the development of modern scientific knowledge. The article gives a brief historical and philosophical analysis of the basic stages of development of natural science and socio-humanitarian disciplines of the second half of the nineteenth – twentieth centuries. The validity of the time frame of the formation of non-classical rationality and the selection of concepts post-non-classical rationality and post-non-classical science is called into question.
The author of the article relies on the methodology of philosophical analysis and scientific methods of system analysis. In particular, general logical, dialectical, critical methods, analysis and synthesis are used.On the basis of the accomplished historical and philosophical analysis, it is proposed to determine the formation of a new (modern) type of rationality and a new image of science the timeframe of the end of 19th – the last third of the 20th centuries. The name «non-classical rationality» and «non-classical science» is offered to retain (by analogy with the notion of non-classical philosophy).
Citations count: 1
Komissarov I.I. —
External and internal analogies in social and philosophical knowledge in the context of the problem of homogeneity-heterogeneity of societies
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 11.
– P. 65 - 77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.11.68810 EDN: VTUHAN URL:
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The subject of this work is social models that are constructed by using external and internal analogies. External social analogies imply a reference to an object that is studied within the framework of a science being external to social knowledge (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.). In particular, the mechanistic, elementary (chemical) and geological varieties of them are considered. Internal analogies imply a reference to an object that is directly related to the social sciences, social philosophy. Hence, the Baudrillard’s symbolic exchange, McDonaldization and eBayization models are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the dichotomy of homogeneity-heterogeneity of societies which is revealed within the consideration of corresponding antagonistic social concepts. As a result, after classifying social models from the point of view of external and internal analogies used by creators of these models, the reasons were identified explaining that analogical thinking is so generally accepted and popular in social philosophy. Namely, analogies allow a social model to be more tangible and visual as well as they give it credibility and novelty. In relation to the idea of the homogeneity or heterogeneity of human societies, external and internal analogies allow us to conceptually «color» these abstract notions. The spread of internal analogies presupposes the emancipation of social science from the influence of the idea to build social models in accordance with natural science – the idea that finds vivid expression in models based on external analogies.
Citations count: 1
Lyubokhonskaya O.V. —
Philosophical dimension of ancient measure and Scandinavian lagom.
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 34 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.5.69483 EDN: DHFXQD URL:
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The article examines the question of the relationship between two concepts: the ancient Greek measure and the Scandinavian lagom. The author, on the one hand, turns to the heritage of ancient Greek philosophy and tries to reconstruct the main semantic characteristics of the ancient measure, and on the other hand, to the historical context of the emergence of the concept of lagom and its meaning. The disclosure of the semantic context of these concepts occurs through aspects: onto-cosmological, existential-anthropological. The author, in a philosophical and cultural manner, pays special attention to identifying the similarities and differences in the semantic content of these terms. The author also seeks to understand where the concept of lagom, as used in everyday life, can be consistent with and fit harmoniously into the philosophical context of “self-care”. This allows us to clarify the relationship between the concepts of measure and lagoma, their boundaries and specifics. The author comes to the conclusion regarding the Scandinavian lagom that although this concept carries the original conceptual load of measure as the limit of being, there is practically no philosophical development of its semantic content, that is, this concept remains in the context of myth. The existential-anthropological criterion shows that the concept of lagom can and should be used in philosophy, especially when it comes to the philosophy of everyday life, minimalism and eudaimonism. The philosophical content of the concept of lagom and its consideration as a meta-term leads the author to the conclusion that it can and should be used in philosophy, especially when it comes to the philosophy of everyday life, the philosophy of minimalism and eudaimonism. It is obvious that lagom is an independently developing term denoting a special style of everyday lifestyle, caring for oneself and the world.
Citations count: 1
Rossius I. —
Emilio Betti: from the history of law to the general theory of interpretation
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 11.
– P. 30 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.11.34232 URL:
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The goal of this article consists in demonstration of the impact of research in the field of history and theory of law alongside the hermeneutics of Emilio Betti impacted the vector of this philosophical thought. The subject of this article is the lectures read by Emilio Betti (prolusioni) in 1927 and 1948, as well as his writings of 1949 and 1962. Analysis is conducted on the succession of Betti's ideas in these works, which is traced despite the discrepancy in their theme (legal and philosophical). The author indicates “legal” origin of the canons of Bettis’ hermeneutics, namely the canon of autonomy of the object. Emphasis is placed on the problem of objectivity in Betti's theory, as well as on dialectical tension between the historicity of the interpreted subject and strangeness of the object that accompanies legal, as well as any other type of interpretation. The article reveals the key moment of Betti's criticism of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Regarding the question of historicity of the subject of interpretation. The conclusion is made that the origin of the general theory of interpretation lies in the approaches and methods developed and implemented by Betti back in legal hermeneutics and in studying history of law. Betti's philosophical theory was significantly affected by the idea on the role of modern legal dogma in interpretation of the history of law. Namely this idea that contains the principle of historicity of the subject of interpretation, which commenced the general hermeneutical theory of Emilio Betti, was realized in canon of the relevance of understanding in the lecture in 1948, and later in the “general theory of interpretation”. The author also underlines that the question of objectivity of understanding, which has crucial practical importance in legal hermeneutics, was transmitted into the philosophical works of E. Betti, finding reflection in dialectic of the subject and object of interpretation.
Citations count: 1
Prokhorov M.M. —
Meaning and Value of the Human-And-World Relationship Model
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 7.
– P. 136 - 240.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.7.369 URL:
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Article is the sixth in a cycle begun by article «Being and history: interrelation and definition». In introduction prejudices of the modern concept of dual true reveal, as deduces to a theme of given article. Chapter 1 begins with the being and consciousness characteristic as the knowledge problems which decision is possible only in a context from the man with the world, at the account of the basic typesman-world the relation and generalizing model man-relation. Last covers herself contemplate, activism and co-evolution types of the relation of the man with the world. Corresponding abstractions are capable to describe all variety of real-being relations of the man and the world. The second chapter of article is devoted already to research of an origin of the basic question of philosophy as relations of being and consciousness in the course of world outlook development on the basis of the account of history and logic of transition from mythological to religious and, further, to philosophical outlook. Distinctive features of mythological and religious view on the validity, criteria of their differentiation, specificity of philosophy in a context of its relation with religion and a science are opened. Article comes to the end with the general conclusions.
Citations count: 1
Gryaznova E.V. —
The Subject of Philosophy of Science
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 514 - 529.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.440 URL:
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The article presents materials for giving a lecture 'The Subject of Philosophy of Science' as a part of the course 'History and Philosophy of Science' for post-graduate students. It is suggested that the lecture should be started with discussing the status of science in modern Russia. The article contains statistical data and graphs for carrying out such a discussion. Such approach would allow post-graduate students to understand the purpose of the course and what the course may give to the future generation of scientists. The lecture is a part of the following range of topics:
1. Philosophy of science and its status.
1.1. The Subject of philosophy of science
1.2. Scientific method of philosophy of science.
1.3. Categories of philosophy of science.
1. 4. Patterns of philosophy of science.
1. 5. Basic modern concepts of philosophy of science.
The article contains basic information and can be adjusted for any major or speciality.
Citations count: 1
Borzykh S.V. —
Two Paths of Science Development
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 72 - 90.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.8.13358 URL:
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The object of research of this article is the non similarity of approaches natural and the humanities in a knowledge question acts. It is supposed that representatives of these two camps differently look at the world and, therefore, see different regularities, the phenomena and subjects. Estestvenniki simplify reality, reducing it to abstractions that allows them to remove the equations and formulas concerning its nature. Humanists uvyazat in details, trying to embrace immense that does their works as less scientific. Thus we have two ways of development of science. As methods of this research personal experience of the author, the comparative-historical analysis, induction, supervision, a metaphor and analogy, separate cases from science history served Novelty of this work consists not so much in display of division between natural and the humanities, how many illumination of that its party which is usually not noticeable to neither scientific, nor ordinary people. The conclusion is served by the different nature of knowledge at two camps. Humanists unique seek to be Estestvenniki the first. But also that, and another in a wound of degree is necessary for science as that.
Citations count: 1
Korobkova Y.E. —
The Idea of 'Bogocheloveshestvo' in Russian Religious Anthropology of the First Quarter of the XXth Century
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 55 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.4.15195 URL:
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Object of research in article is justification in the Russian philosophy of the first quarter of the XX century of the idea of "bogochelovechestvo" apprehended from orthodox metaphysics. As an object of research the Russian religious philosophy of the first half of the XX century acts. The problem of the person in the Russian religious philosophy is considered with a support on tradition of east patristika and orthodox metaphysics. The sense of existence of the person and the world consists in "obozheniya" (teozisa), i.e. connection good luck. "Obozheniye" of the person and the world is understood as the two-uniform process assuming the movement of God to the person and the person to God - uniform Bogo-chelovechesky process. The belief in God is inseparable from belief in the person here, and the belief in the person assumes belief in God. It is a maxim of the Russian religious anthropology and makes an idea of "Bogochelovechestvo". The research methods used by the author of the article include analytical and comparative methods. The main conclusions of the author are that the idea of a bogochelovechnost approved by the Russian anthropological thought includes three main issues: first, a divine origin and bogopodoby the person, expressed in his spirituality and freedom; and to carry out the original nature – godlike, it can only in the attitude towards God – out of God and without God of people doesn't exist; secondly, its divine mission – an obozheniye, connection good luck which is possible only in Church (The Christ's body uniting Divine and human the nature, Jesus Christ – Bogochelovek); thirdly, – about two-uniform Bogo-chelovechesky process – the movement from the person to God and from God to the person, the birth of the person in God and God in the person. This "counter" movement assumes not only action of good fortune of God, but also creative activity of the person, possible only thanks to his bogo-humanity – a bogopodobiya. In the western anthropological religious thought (Catholic and Protestant) ideas about godlike human nature doesn't reveal as in orthodox metaphysics and after it in the Russian religious philosophy. The novelty of article is that the system analysis of basic provisions of idea of Bogochelovechestvo as the general idea for the Russian religious philosophy and orthodox metaphysics is offered.
Citations count: 1
Inyushina I.A. —
The formation of culture of philosophical thinking: M. K. Mamardashvili's ideas in the context of contemporary philosophical praxis
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 62 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.5.22913 URL:
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The goal of this article is the identification within the modern philosophical praxis of the most efficient concepts of formation of culture of philosophical thinking that refer to the archetypal nature of philosophical knowledge. The article substantiates the need for formation of culture of philosophical thinking by means of the philosophy itself. Therefore, the author emphasizes the importance of M. K. Mamardashvili's ideas in the context of philosophical praxis. Analysis of the state of modern philosophical thought, which is characterized by the distribution of non-academic forms of philosophizing, has determined the controversy in the structure of philosophical praxis of the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI centuries. The majority of forms of practical philosophy represent the synthesis with psychotherapy, and their essence are aimed at resolution of the private existential questions, rather than establishment of culture of the philosophical thinking. Similar controversy in views upon philosophy is absent in the works of M. K. Mamardashvili, which clearly define its practical function.
Citations count: 1
Safonov A.L., Orlov A.D. —
Globalization and the paradigms of social philosophy
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.1.28593 URL:
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The phenomena of globalization point at the profound conceptual crisis of social sciences, which neglected the most acute and large-scale contradictions of postindustrial development. The crisis of social sciences should be considered as testimony to escalation of the transitional processes and imminence of major changes in the structure of postindustrial society, which institutional grounds take roots in the industrial era, but already do not meet the demands and challenges of the present, and even more so, of the future. The systemic complexity of social processes of modernity indicates that the adequate to them social metatheory must not only ascertain the changes and establish the theoretical foundation post factum, but also forecast the social processes under the conditions of global socioeconomic transformations. The study analyzes the forecasting adequacy and bases of the reputed theories that describe the evolution and functioning of society as a whole, as well as social structures ad social institutions in particular. Based on the conducted analysis, the author suggests the principles for creating the new theoretical foundation of social sciences that represents the synthesis of formation theory with a number of specific theories and approaches, namely the theories of social institutions and organizations, social stratification and power structure, functionalist and structuralist approaches.
Citations count: 1
Grevtsev A.V. —
The Method of Activating Modern Career Guidance Approaches with the Theses of the Theology of Personality
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.3.39832 EDN: AIYSOV URL:
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The subject of the work is the theses of the theology of personality. The aim of the study is to develop practical methods of pedagogy of professional counseling based on the provisions of the theology of personality. The work presents a number of theses of the theology of personality, synthesized on the basis of the works of the theologian and historian Vladimir Nikolaevich Lossky; describes principles of career guidance approaches; theoretical positions are combined into practical conclusions; a training case template and a template for working with it are compiled. The main provisions of the developed method are as follows: there cannot be one exact way to determine the interests of a person; the circle of specialties should not be limited by social factors; vocational guidance should be carried out in accordance with the ultimate goal of human activity — the perception of perfection; care should be taken to interpret the results of diagnostic tests/tasks that are not able to take into account all aspects of the uniqueness of the individual; professional guidance consultations should be carried out with a deep immersion in the understanding of the individual; through development in an area unfamiliar to a person, he can learn a new competence and show interest in it; through the self-giving of the individual in complete immersion in a cause that brings good to people, one can see the perfection of the individual. The method can be used in teaching various disciplines at different levels of education.
Citations count: 1
Gaynutdinov T.R. —
The Restitution of Truth in Painting: Vincent Van Gogh's "Shoes" and their Explication in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida.
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 69 - 86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.4.39965 EDN: TDQKLC URL:
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Using Jacques Derrida's polylogue "Restitution, From truth to size" as a starting point of analysis, the article examines the problem of truth in painting. Derrida, referring to the famous dispute between Martin Heidegger and Meyer Sñhapiro over Vincent Van Gogh's painting "Shoes", not only reconstructs the details of this correspondence discussion, which stretched for many years, but also makes a sharp criticism of academic discourse, both philosophical and art criticism, equally limited in its total claim to knowledge truth in painting. Derrida comes to the conclusion that despite the external differences and internal opposition, the positions of Heidegger and Sñhapiro are completely in tune. Recreating the main directions of Derrida's analysis, the author reveals the idea of the "restitution of truth" in painting, embedding it in a more general philosophical context of the deconstruction of art. Restitution is inevitably associated with the appropriation and re-attribution of the meanings and images of an artistic work. This is exactly what happened in the "mirror speculation" of Heidegger and Sñhapiro, who sought to appropriate the truth of the "shoes" from Van Gogh's painting. Heidegger puts the shoes "on the ground", gives them to a peasant woman, Shapiro writes about their belonging to the artist Vincent himself, but, in the end, both famous professors only project their own identity onto Van Gogh's painting and force them to tell their truth, while embedding it in the framework of academic discourse.
Citations count: 1
Gaginskii A.M. —
Being and givenness in the philosophy of M. Heidegger
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 93 - 105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.10.44016 EDN: MVTZML URL:
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The author believes that it is possible to discuss Heidegger's philosophy only in the light of a more or less clarified understanding of being, but this is precisely the main difficulty: Heidegger invites you on the road without saying where to go and what to guide you on the road. What should serve as a guideline to understand it correctly? From what preliminary understanding of being should we proceed when talking about fundamental ontology, ontotheology, ontological difference? First of all, my own being is for me a point of reference and a starting position in the comprehension of being and the construction of ontology. Therefore, the meaning of being is read not from the existing in general, but from the concrete existing, from itself. The being of Dasein – finite, because the existing one is mortal. However, the existence of a person is different from the existence of a number, a tree or an angel – how then to understand what meaning this word has? If being is time, and time is myself, then what is being a rock, a number, or God? In addition, Heidegger does not limit himself to the statement that God or an angel are given to consciousness, that is, given as certain entities, he says that they exist, that is, that entities are essences. This corresponds to the concept of "givenness" in phenomenology. At the same time, the datum can refer to anything, for example, to a unicorn and pegasus, Zeus and Hera, a round square and a wooden iron, but without considering them as something existing. Therefore, the question naturally arises about how Heidegger understands being after all, why does reality act as a synonym for being for him?
Citations count: 1
Vetushinskiy A.S. —
“We live within a computer game”: video gaming metaphor and its metaphysical potential
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 164 - 172.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.10.24327 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the critical reevaluation of video gaming metaphor that is more and more often used in the literary works and speeches of contemporary intellectuals. Although video gaming metaphor is a particular case of the usual to the natural and humanitarian sciences of a computer metaphor, namely the video games, being a central product of digital culture, at the present stage become the environment for comprehending the world and the place of human within it. Considering the fact that eventually the significance of video gaming metaphor will only grow, the author suggests to think how valuable this metaphor can be. In order to evaluate the potential of video gaming metaphor, the article refers to Nick Bostrom’s simulation argument, who attempt to convince that we actually live within a computer game. Having analyzed Bostrom’s argument, the author turn to the theory of digidal media by Lev Manovich, which paradoxically appears to be identical to the theory of object within the framework of modern realistic plain ontologies. Metaphysical meaning of stimulation argument, as well as complete identity of the theory of digital objects and modern metaphysical realism, allow claiming that that world can actually be viewed as digital. In this case, the comparison between real and virtual loses it meaning, and videogames become a speculative instrument for polishing the skills of ontological analysis and search for the language that can be applied for describing the structure of digital worlds (our own world can be acknowledged as one of those).
Citations count: 1
Yastreb N.A. —
How is Technical Creativity Possible?
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 15 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.2.39748 EDN: CVUAFB URL:
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The article deals with the problem of sources, possibilities and limitations of technical creativity. Technical creativity is defined in the article as the creation of objects that are qualitatively different from all previously created artifacts. The problem of impossibility, improbability and unthinkability of creativity is analyzed. The possibility of its solution in the case of technical creativity is considered. The role of the subject and the environment in the emergence of new objects is revealed. The limitations and conditions of inventive activity are considered, including the role of previously created technical devices. The methodological basis of the work is the three-act concept of P.K. Engelmeyer and the theory of affordances (possibility) by D. Gibson.
It is shown that in ontological terms, technical creativity can be considered as the realization of those possibilities that are determined by the characteristics of the environment, in particular, physical laws, but due to various circumstances are not updated without the participation of the subject. At the same time, technical evolution should be considered in the unity of its own internal laws and human activity. Internal patterns are due to the fact that the emergence of new devices creates new opportunities (affordances) for constructive human activity. The role of the subject in this case is to actualize the potential, that is, the practical implementation of those opportunities that appear in the "man-environment" system. The limitations of technical creativity are logical, physical, paradigm consistency and praxeological admissibility. On the example of generative neural networks, the possibilities and limitations of machine creativity are considered.
Citations count: 1
Ilinskaya S. —
Manipulated person (political instability as an expected result of the modern educational technologies)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.11.31441 URL:
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This article focuses on the fact how the test system of knowledge control of a student became of one of the factors contributing to aggravation of mosaic mind of the modern Russian youth, making it more susceptible to manipulation. Using the specific examples, the author demonstrates nonconformity of the established by federal standard methods of assessment with the specificity of socio-humanitarian knowledge, as well as the consequence of their application for the political sphere. The accuracy of this research is substantiated by the fact that the author is not only a scientific associate, but also a university professor, having experience in preparing high schoolers for the Unified State Exam on Social Studies. For illustrating the results of educational reforms, the selection of the Republic of Kalmykia is no coincidence, since the author had an occasion to study and work in the region, and be a part of its political life. The research carries an interdisciplinary character. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the consequences of conducting state exams in the socio-humanitarian sphere in form of tests through the prism of destruction of the classical way of thinking coupled with the technical capabilities of network mobilization. In situation of multiplicity of discursive fields, it seems merely impossible to trace and control the competing with the state agents of influence and the channels they use. This is why the disruption of logical connection in thinking process, aggravated by the forms of control implemented into the Russian school system, threatens to turn into the mass political protests.
Citations count: 1
Zaitsev A.V. —
Dialogue between government and society in the digital public sphere (theoretical and methodological aspect)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 51 - 62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.10.68711 EDN: UDXZTO URL:
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The subject of the research of this article is the theoretical and methodological aspect of the transformation of dialogical interactions between government and society in the digital public sphere. The essence of this transformation, taking place in the context the digital information society, is the reconfiguration of the "traditional" public sphere into a digital public sphere, civil society into a digital civil society, the usual offline dialogue between the government and society into an intersubjective digital online dialogue. Unfortunately, many of these changes up to the present time remain completely unexplored by Russian political science and related fields and branches of socio-humanitarian knowledge. The scientific novelty of the article consist in the question of choosing the most adequate theoretical and scientific-methodological means for the study of the transformations occurring in the digital public sphere in the contest of the dialogue between government and society. The main purpose of writing this article is focused on the study and selection and choosing the most appropriate theoretical and scientific and methodological tools for the study of transformations occurring in the digital public sphere, in the dialogue between government and society, tools that make it possible to comprehend the leading transformational trends in the field of communication technologies.
Citations count: 1
Zelenskii A.A., Gribkov A.A. —
Actor modeling of real-time cognitive systems: ontological basis and software-mathematical implementation
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.1.69254 EDN: LVEGUM URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of the problem of increasing the reliability of modeling of cognitive systems, to which the authors refer not only human intelligence, but also artificial intelligence systems, as well as intelligent control systems for production, technological processes and complex equipment. It is shown that the use of cognitive systems for solving control problems causes very high rapidity requirements for them. These requirements combined with the necessity to simplify modeling methods as the modeling object becomes more complex determine the choice of an approach to modeling cognitive systems. Models should be based on the use of simple algorithms in the form of trend detection, correlation, as well as (for solving intellectual problems) on the use of algorithms based on the application of various patterns of forms and laws. In addition, the models should be decentralized. An adequate representation of decentralized systems formed from a large number of autonomous elements can be formed within the framework of agent-based models. For cognitive systems, two models are the most elaborated: actor and reactor models. Actor models of cognitive systems have two possible realizations: as an instrumental model or as a simulation. Both implementations have the right to exist, but the possibilities of realizing a reliable description when using the tool model are higher, because it provides incommensurably higher rapidity, and also assumes variability of the modeled reality. The actor model can be realized by means of a large number of existing programming languages. The solution to the problem of creating simulative actor models is available in most languages that work with actors. Realization of instrumental actor models requires rapidity, which is unattainable in imperative programming. In this case, the optimal solution is to use actor metaprogramming. Such programming is realizable in many existing languages.
Citations count: 1
Rozhin D. —
Reception and criticism of I. Kant’s theory of space and time in the philosophy of V. D. Kudryavtsev-Platonov
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 42 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.6.35381 URL:
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The subject of this research is the reception of I. Kant's theory of space and time in the theory of cognition of V. D. Kudryavtsev-Platonov (hereinafter Kudryavtsev). In his theory of cognition, Kudryavtsev not only engages into an indirect dispute with the German philosopher and criticized his point of views, but also used a number of his ideas, namely from the theory of space and time. The relevance of this article is substantiated by the fact that the problem of reception of Kantian ideas in Kudryavtsev's philosophy has not been fully developed. The goal of this research is to determine the specificity of perception of Kantian theory of space and time in the analogous theory of Kudryavtsev. For achieving this goal, the author employed conceptual-analytical, system-structural and comparative methods, as well as the method of historical reconstruction. The scientific novelty lies in elucidation of the nature of reception of gnoseological ideas of I. Kant in the philosophy of V. D. Kudryavtsev. The author outlines the positions of Kantian theory of space and time that were borrowed by Kudryavtsev: 1) space and time have an a priori nature, i.e. they are universal and necessary non-empirical forms of sensory cognition; 2) at the same time, they are conditions of sensory experience. Kudryavtsev also follows Kant in division of reality into phenomena and things-in-themselves, but does not agree with uncognizability of the things-in-themselves. Such divergence is associated with the objective meaning of space and time, which Kudryavtsev insists on, while Kant underlines their subjective meaning alone. In conclusion, it is emphasized that Kudryavtsev formulates his theory of space and time leaning on Kantian apriorism. Kudryavtsev simultaneously agrees with Kant's definitions of space and time and denies Kant's conclusions on their subjective nature.
Citations count: 1
Kachay I.S., Petrov M.A. —
The problem of creative imagination. Kantian and Schellingian concepts of productive imagination as an epistemological and ontological source of creativity
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2022. – ¹ 7.
– P. 36 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.7.38462 EDN: DUXCUM URL:
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The object of this research is the problem of creative imagination. The subject of the research is the ontological and epistemological nature of productive imagination in the context of the philosophical searches of I. Kant and F.W.J. Schelling. The purpose of this work is to conceptualize the ontological and epistemological determinants of productive imagination on the basis of Kantian and Schellingian philosophical doctrines. The methodological foundation of this research is the original works of these thinkers of German classical philosophy, as well as the actual works of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of creative philosophy. The authors of the study in their work were guided by comparative-historical, analytical-interpretive, hermeneutic and phenomenological methods. The scientific novelty of the work consists in revealing the ontological and epistemological rootedness of productive imagination. In addition, the authors distinguish between imagination as the ability to generate original images based on the synthesis and transformation of empirical material and fantasy as a way of "virtual" realization of unsatisfied needs and escape from reality. The main conclusion of the study is the position that in the philosophical teaching of I. Kant, productive imagination is revealed in an epistemological perspective, presenting as a general cognitive ability and a condition for the transcendental synthesis of sensuality and reason, while in Schellingian philosophy productive imagination is considered from an ontological point of view, being justified as the ability of the subject to endow physical objects with ideal reality.
Citations count: 1
Belyaev V.A. —
Auguste Comte's Intercultural Project
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 9.
– P. 405 - 435.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.9.659 URL:
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The present article presents another stage of introducing the author's theory of interculture. In this part his study the author analyzes Auguste Comte's positivistic project. The author studies the challenge that triggered the creation of Comte's philosophy and his 'spirit of the positivism philosophy'. This challenge is viewed as one of the challenges to new European philosophy in general. In this regard, Comte's philosophy is shown as an attempt to perform 'just and fair diminition of human spirit' and to conduct intercultural revolution. Comte's positivism is described as some kind of a limit of materialistic targets of interculture.
A famous Comte's theory of three-phase development of the humankind is viewed as a strategy of overcoming a huge social crisis of the mankind. This is what became the main challenge for Comte. The author of the present article suggests to interpret new European projects of the conquest of nature as a projection of the project of conquest of human.
The article will be interesting for all who are into philosophical anthropology.
Citations count: 1
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. —
National and Cultural Identity in Terms of Philosophical Tradition of the Dialogue of Cultures
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 183 - 244.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.10.8848 URL:
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The article is devoted to the process of socio-cultural development. In particular, the author focuses on the drivers of this process and cultural interaction as one of the main driverrs. The article presents the analysis of cultural changes driven by the dialogue with the other culture and shows contradictory nature of such changes. Cultural ideas, experience and knowledge conveyed in the process of the dialogue of cultures are subject to new interpretation and 'readings' in a new cultural environment. As a result, they may get a different meaning so what was perceived by the recipient culture is exposed to innovation-driven development. The process of inerpretation of perceived traditions may either change these traditions completely or make them very different from the original ones.
The dialogue of cultures include transmission of cultural elements from one culture into another, their 'absorbtion' in another culture, creaton of creative work in the manner of another culture, synthesis of the 'ours' and 'theirs', the 'original' and 'adopted' and formation of something completely new.
As the dialogue of cultures develop, elements of the other culture lose their exotic nature. As soon as 'theirs' is undestood, it is absorbed by the 'ours' and expand the borders of our culture.
Citations count: 1
Faritov V.T. —
Transgression and Transcendence as Prospects of Time and Existence in Martin Heidegger's and Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophies
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.8.13371 URL:
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Research of specifics of Heidegger's approach to interpretation of fundamental categories of ontology is presented in the offered article: time, life and anything. Conceptual development of M. Heidegger is considered in the horizon of comparative research with the doctrine F. Nietzsche, and also – Zh. Bataille, G. Bashlyar, J.P. Sartre, Zh. Delez, Ge. Derrida. The main attention in article is paid to the analysis of nature of interaction in Heidegger's philosophy of ontologic prospects of a transtsendention and transgression. The dual relation of Heidegger to the classical and nonclassical philosophy is explicated. Along with traditional methodology in article the methodological arsenal of nonclassical philosophical thought is used: hermeneutics, semiotics and deconstruction. The methodological principles of comparative research of philosophical doctrines are applied. Situation locates in article that Heidegger's ontology is constituted mainly on the basis of the transtsendention horizon, but the transtsendention thus gains in its doctrine absolutely other semantic fullness, in comparison with classical tradition of the use of this concept. At Heidegger the transtsendention in character comes nearer to transgression, to disclosure and the statement of plurality and formation. In this plan Heidegger's doctrine comes nearer to F. Nietzsche's views. However at the same time Heidegger keeps primary orientation to life as that, on identity and unity. Plurality and heterogeneity (transgression) at it are subordinated to the dominating prospect of identity (transcendence).
Citations count: 1
Sizemskaya I.N. —
Modernization projects and practices in Russia’s historical experience
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 69 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.7.19602 URL:
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This article examines the models of modernizations followed by Russia, beginning with the reforms of Peter the Great and up until the XX century. Special attention is given to the trends of transformations, which in response to the challenges of time were carried out in the area of government structure and economic life of the Russian society, considering the historically established legal norms and spiritual-cultural traditions. In I. N. Sizemskaya research, the history of Russia’s modernization is presented as the history of geopolitical and cultural relations of Russia and Europe; the reforms of Peter the Great are being considered as its origins, which after accepting Christianity, became the first major attempt to include the country into the all-European course of development. The author believes that the reforms of Peter the Great were not a modernization in its classical form, i.e. a transition from the traditional society to modern society, but they drastically turned the society towards the reformations in the political-administrative, religious, and cultural institutions, as well as defined the beginning of its path towards the innovation development according to the vector of Modern Times. An important factor in this process became the establishment of a platform for the emergence of Russian culture, similar to European. As the next historically significant stage of modernistic reforms, the author reviews the reforms of Alexander II, which were actively supported by the Russian liberalism. Such reforms oriented towards capitalization of the Russian society, taking into account its actual state and readiness for the innovation transformations. As demonstrated by I. N. Sizemskaya, the West will become the example of development; capitalism will become the goal; and the “catching modernization” – the way for its achievement. Within the retrospective socio-philosophical analysis of the model of modernization, the author of this article bases herself on interpretation of modernization as the process that captures all spheres of social life and contains a sociocultural component as a guarantee for success, which provides a sustainable character to the implemented changes.
Citations count: 1
Silinskaya A.S. —
Musical communication and its specificities from the perspective of semiotics
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 25 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.8.19889 URL:
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The subject of this research is the musical activity as the specific means of human communication, ways of organization of sense-making process, as well dissimilarity of music from the verbal language from the position of semiotic concept. The object of this research is the phenomenon of intersubjective communication, combination of the means for expressing information, methods of its perception, accumulation, and transmission. Special attention is given to the questions of determination of the language and structure of communicative act from the perspective of semiotics, distinction of verbal language from the languages of art; the accent is also made on the non-symbolic nature of music. The scientific novelty consists in making changes in prerequisites of the semiotic approach towards the study of music art as method of intersubjective communication. This allowed understanding music as the language untranslatable into the verbal natural language, which expresses and transmits specific information by means of non-symbolic tools. The author also recreated the process of sense-making and representation in the music art.
Citations count: 1
Urbanaeva I.S. —
Buddhist approach towards the problem of a man in comparative coverage
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.9.20457 URL:
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The subject of this research is the Buddhist way of conceptualization of the human problem that is being revealed in the context of comparison with the fact, which place a “man” held within the rationalistic philosophical tradition of the West. The author examines the philosophical foundation of the Buddhist model of evolution of identity in the wheel of being (Bhavacakra) according to the formula of the twelve links of dependent origination – the most important doctrine in the Buddhist ontology of dependent origination (Pratītyasamutpāda, rten’brel) and its distinct features, as well as its connection with the other essential philosophical theory of Buddhism – theory of emptiness in interpretation of Prasaṅgika – the subschool of Madhyamaka. The methodology of this research is based on the principles of comparative philosophical study of Buddhism, formulated by one of the founders of the philosophical Buddhology Russian philosopher and orientalist O. O. Rozenberg, as well as the hermeneutic ideas of M. Heidegger on the dialogue with the Other and the need for understanding the “sacredness of being” and the connection between the man and reality. The scientific novelty consists in the comparison of the Buddhist way of conceptualization of the problem of a man with the Western rationalistic tradition of studying a man, as well as determination of a number of specific characteristics of the Buddhist anthropology. The author concludes that unlike the Western philosophy, the anthropomorphism is not typical for the Buddhist philosophy; a man is not the criterion of all the things, and is not considered self-evident, but rather something relative in the circle of unfree being; but at the same time, it has the complete potential for achieving the freedom and realization of the limitless resources of consciousness, the possibility of which finds the substantiation in the doctrine of dependent origination, theory of emptiness, and theory of tathāgatagarbha. In understanding of the Buddhist philosophers, a human does not have its own internal nature; a human is a dependently emerged phenomenon, and thus, he can transform or rid, and the suffering comprising the content of the unfree being can be irrevocably eliminated.
Citations count: 1
Gonotskaya N., Garadzha N.V. —
“Fundamental ontology”: language, word, name
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 40 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2017.11.24417 URL:
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This article analyzes some approaches towards comprehension of language in the West and Russian philosophy of the XX century. In particular, the authors compare the linguistic and philosophical approaches to the examination of language; highlight the characteristic features of philosophical method; and demonstrate the implementation process of the ontology of language in the Western European philosophy and the Russian philosophy of name. Special attention is given to the peculiarity of philosophical symbolism of S. Bulgakov, not only as one of the components of the Russian tradition of onomatodoxy (Imiaslavie), but also in the extensive context – with reference to the Western concepts of language. The comparative analysis of “fundamental ontology” (M. Heidegger and S. Bulgakov) allowed revealing their common grounds and demonstrate the drastic distinction. It consists in the fact that the “fundamental ontologies” have different foundations. Unlike the Heidegger’s ontology, penetrated with the “tragic godforsakeness”, the ontology of onomatodoxy (Imiaslavie) finds its grounds in the God-Absolute, who endows with meaning the reality represented through the name-symbol. The absolute ground, symbolically reflected in the name of God, is the existential support for a human inquiring about life. The name acquires a special ontological status: it is not just a symbol that represents reality, but the reality itself that comes to existence through the process of philosophical cognition. Thus, philosophical cognition is simultaneously an instrument, which helps to comprehend the truth of existence, and the condition of possibility of its origination.
Citations count: 1
Zabelina E.Y., Fenvesh T.A. —
Attitude towards death and religious consciousness of the youth
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 70 - 76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.1.28039 URL:
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This article examines some results of the study of the attitude of religious people towards death, mainly Christians, with the purpose of determining the modern representation of death. On the basis of the Siberian Federal University, the author conducted a research on the attitude of student youth towards death. A group of the respondent demonstrated the affiliation to one or another religious, faith in God; their answers were interpreted on the subject of their attitude towards death, established representation of death, and variations of protection against the fear of death. The methodological concepts on the attitude towards death of such authors as Philippe Ariès and Gilbert Durand, as well as the Russian cosmism, served as the prerequisite for formation of hypothesis of the research. In the course of this work, the authosr determined that the majority of student youth formed a negative representation of death that does not correspond with the religious ideology. Several concepts that reflect the attitude of youth towards death and their method of fighting the fear of death are described. The authors draw a conclusion on the state of religious consciousness of student youth that is a result of unfamiliarity with the religious norms or fusion of the traditions of various religions.
Citations count: 1
Kannykin S.V. —
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Stayer Running (review of Tapio Koski's monograph "Phenomenology and Philosophy of Running. The versatility of long-distance running")
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 60 - 76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.2.41026 EDN: WKTMUW URL:
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The review of the monograph of the Finnish philosopher Tapio Koski "Phenomenology and Philosophy of Running", which has not been introduced into the sphere of domestic research of the philosophy of sports, is presented. The versatility of long-distance running" (2015). The subject of T. Koski's research is existential experiences based on the ontic contact of the body and the world. The author raises the question of how, with the help of stayer running, a person can explore and use his spiritual and physical potential, making his way to the authentic self. The ways of describing the running experience for T. Koski are the phenomenology of the body of M. Merleau-Ponty and the fundamental ontology of M. Heidegger, as well as some concepts of Eastern philosophy aimed at achieving the bodily and spiritual integrity of a person. T. Koski justifies the significance of running experiences for a person by the fact that they reveal some aspects of her being that are not presented to the "pure" consciousness that ignores bodily experience. These include "empirical cores", on the basis of which Dasein can realize its capabilities: the elimination of conflict between subject and object; pacification; full presence in the present; a sense of the power of life, "enlightenment", etc. Thanks to the running actualization, the "empirical cores" allow us to hear the "call of conscience" addressed to us and intuitively perceived, directing the individual to his own path of life. Around these "cores" other experiences are organized, channeling a person's life to authenticity and harmony with the world, on their basis the social being of the individual is carried out, which is why T. Koski considers them to have a fundamental ethical nature. The Finnish philosopher sees the significance of his research in the intensification of the study of the cultural content of running practices and the substantiation of the metaphysical components of stayer running, which can help to comprehend existentially important experiences for a "person running" and better understand the goals of his existence.
Citations count: 1
Gribkov A.A. —
Creativity as an implementation of the idea of the integrity of the world
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 44 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.3.70034 EDN: ATWDXF URL:
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The article is devoted to the study of the areas of realization of creative activity, justification of the possibility of creativity as a process of creation of qualitatively new values, mechanisms of creativity, the main of which is intuition. One of the key questions, the answer to which determines the possibility of explaining creativity, is the choice of deterministic or irrational representation of the world. The author makes a reasoned choice in favor of a deterministic view of the world, within the framework of which intuition, and thus creativity, receive an adequate explanation. The research methodology in this article is based on the idea of creativity as a process manifested in the form of intuition, through which the mind reaches areas of world understanding inaccessible to reason based on reproductive thinking. As a result of the research conducted by the author, the key role of intuition in creativity has been established. Intuition, in its turn, is a consequence of isomorphism of forms and laws in different subject areas, at different levels of the universe. A generalization of the use of isomorphism in practice takes the form of the principle of similarity or analogy. The ability of human being to intuition is the result of his multisystem integration into many systems: physical and biological world, social and cultural environment, system of professional knowledge and relations, etc. The representation of the integrity of the world is an imperative of creativity. On the other hand, creativity is an indispensable tool for creating a holistic representation of the world. By virtue of its defining internal mechanisms, everything valuable that creativity gives birth to becomes a part of the holistic world. It can be stated that in the process of creativity the representation of its integrity is implanted (reproduced and used as a tool).
Citations count: 1
Kornienko N.V. —
Modern Utopia: Yuval Noah Harari
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.5.70627 EDN: ZIHFCG URL:
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of utopia, in particular, attention is paid to the problem of the crisis of utopian thought that arose at the end of the twentieth century and continues to the present. The author examines the features of philosophical criticism of modernity by the ideologist of the future and futurist Yuval Noah Harari. The purpose of this study is to find out whether Yuval Noah Harari is a utopian of our time, and the model of the near future proposed by Y. Harari, which represents a natural reaction of society to the global value and ideological crisis, is a modern utopia by signs. In the course of researching issues related to the crisis of utopian thought of our time, the author proceeds from the postulate that utopia is a special type of predictive reflection, a worldview built in orientation towards the probable future. The research is based on the concept of K. Manheim, according to which utopia is an attitude of consciousness oriented towards the future, as well as from the definition of utopia as an idealized social construct, fundamentally unrealizable as a whole. The scientific novelty of this study is as follows: the main concepts of understanding modern utopia are identified, the specifics of describing the realities of modernity are substantiated, characteristics relevant to the worldview of the XXI century are identified, proceeding from the categories of philosophizing of a new kind, the features of Yuval Noah Harari's criticism of the utopia of a new formation are revealed.
The result of the study shows that Yuval Noah Harari is a modern utopian, and his project is considered an escapist-type utopia of modernity, based on social stratification. This utopia is escapist, because for one part of humanity it is unrealizable and is only a means of escape from reality, while for another part of it it can serve as a full-fledged project of the future, claiming to be realized. It also has such an ontological property as temporality, since it corresponds to the realities of its time in terms of content.
Citations count: 1
Kannykin S.V. —
Sacred and profane in the Olympic running event of Antiquity
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.1.32933 URL:
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Stadion (running race) is the first and for a long time the only type of Olympic Agon, the “founder” of sports in its modern sense. The sociocultural background related to the emergence, development and modification of running sport of Antiquity is the spiritual foundation of the athletic competitiveness of modernity (“Olympism”), which underlines the philosophical importance and the relevance of research. The dualism of sacred and profane permeated not only athletic Agons, but Antiquity as w whole, being its Zeitgeist – 0 “spirit of the time’”. Through the prism of this binary opposition, running race is viewed as the original type of Olympic competitions. The acquired results can be applies in social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, and philosophy of sports. The novelty of this article consists in determination of attributes of the sacred (gratitude to the gods, obedience to their will, fear of their anger, and being rewarded by the deity), as well as attributes of the profane (cultivated “sprint” race as a symbol of a higher stage of development of the society, professionalization of running, running as a means of upbringing, health promotion and social dynamics, an indicator of civic maturity, etc.) components of the Olympic running race of Antiquity. The author also conducts their dialectical correlation within the framework of explanation of the straight trajectory of Olympic running, unity of the peacekeeping and military-applied significance of the Agons, as well as the pursuit of God-likeness and channeling of the socially dangerous energy of ambitiousness in running competitions of the athletes.
Citations count: 1
Pakhar' L.I., Petrova R.A. —
Alienation: theoretical comprehension of the problem
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 78 - 91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.8.35170 URL:
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The subject of this research is the review of philosophical approaches towards analyzing the processes of alienation in Western European and Russian philosophy, since the formation of the philosophy of Modern Age to the present day. The object of this research is the analysis of articulation of the problem of alienation and its essential characteristics in the concepts of certain representatives of the philosophical thought. The goal is to establish correlation between the process of alienation and contradictions of the object. Special attention is given to the social aspect of this problem, since the escalating disturbances in the sociopolitical life manifest through the processes of alienation. The authors explore the views of the philosophers of Modern Age, who explained the nature of alienation in the light of sociopolitical sphere of being, dialectical-materialistic theory of alienation of K. Marx and F. Engels, idealistic tradition represented by G. Hegel and J. Fichte. Among the representatives of the philosophy of the XX century, emphasis is placed on the views upon the problem of alienation in the philosophy of existentialism, neo-Marxism, personalism, as well as in philosophy of postmodernism. The novelty of this paper consist in gradual study of various interpretations of alienation in the development of philosophical thought, and attempts of comparative analysis of perspectives on the topic. Such approach allows concluding on the need create a holistic system of interrelated forms of alienation that evolve in their content in the course of historical development of society. The author believes that alienation as the main problem of social and spiritual sphere of human existence. In social theory, the problem is alienation is one of the key factors in comprehension of the mechanism of social development.
Citations count: 1
Sizemskaya I.N. —
A.I. Gerzen and the problem of variability of the historical process
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 229 - 262.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.3.469 URL:
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This article looks at the key points of A.I. Gerzen's historico-philosophical views about "uncombed improvisation of history", about the problem of variability of the historical process and the impact of coincidence and purposeful human actions on this process. These ideas are interpreted by the author in relation to modern socio-philosophical knowledge.
Citations count: 1
Samarskaya E.A. —
Technocratic Power and Fortunes of Democracy
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 590 - 624.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.605 URL:
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This article is a response to Critique of Technocratic Reason by Marcos Garcia de la Guerta published in Paris in 1996. Marcos Garcia de la Guerta discusses the idea that democracy is needed for overcoming technocratic tendencies. The author makes an assumption that in order to fight technocratic tendencies, it is enough to understand that technology is what makes politics and ideology. As a result, his work does not reflect all the influence of technology on democracy and social life in general. Agreeing with some ideas of Guerta and disagreeing with the others, the author of the given article describes different forms of technocratic reason (that view technology as a neutral device, political and ideological phenomena or an expression of the state institution structure). In this article the author expresses an idea that technocratic reason creates a threat for democracy because it substitutes political demands dictated by human interests with scientific targets. In the end, the author discusses particular ways of confrontation to technocratic reason and technocratic power suggested by Herbert Marcuse, Jacques Ellul, Cornelius Castoriadis and Jürgen Habermas.
Citations count: 1
Pris F. —
Phenomenological Concepts are Compatible with Wittgenstein's Private Language Argument
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 7.
– P. 64 - 98.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.7.12468 URL:
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Recently David Papineau reasoned that phenomenal concepts are incompatible with Wittgenstein's private language argument and that it is Wittgenstein's argument but not phenomenal concepts that is problematic. The author of the present article analyzes Papineau's argument. In particular, Pris analyzes and criticizes some of his interpretations related to a well-known mental experiment of Jackson and Mary and its modification, "zombie" argument and Wittgenstein's private language argument. At the end of article the concept of psychophysical identity from the point of view of the analytic pragmatism of Robert Brendom is offered. We combine an analytical method of modern philosophy of consciousness with a pragmatism and late Wittgenstein'snaturalism as well as some elements of "continental" realistic philosophy of Jocelyn Benoist. We conclude that phenomenal concepts are compatible with private language argument. Incompatibility can arise at limited or wrong understanding of Wittgenstein's argument or phenomenal concepts. In particular, Papineau's statement about possibility of direct identification of a new type of phenomenal experience due to a drain of available potential phenomenal concepts doesn't contradict Wittgenstein's philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Petrov V. —
Problem of classification of the professional philosophers: elitological model
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 67 - 76.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.17892 URL:
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Currently, philosophy is experiencing a problem of classification of the professional philosophers according to certain criteria – conceptual and methodological (V. Tatarkevich, V. N. Sagatovsky), as well as by the degree of the scale of their works and historical impact (K. Jaspers, R. Collins). This approach of classification could be called “elitological”, in the foundation of which lies recognition of justice and objectiveness of the principle of social and professional inequality. Due to the fact that the creative work of philosophers is distinguished by the depth, scale, and impact, thus in the author’s opinion, a question of the internal hierarchy and its criteria among the professional philosophers themselves, remains legitimate and relevant. Such models, as presented in the article, to a certain extent classify and range the professional philosophers by creating a peculiar hierarchy that is based on the subjective historico-philosophical evaluation of their “supremacy” and achievements. However, there are very few models of such classification because of its excessive subjectivity, therefore the author proposes a possible elitological model for classification of the professional philosophers, which can be divided into five categories (groups) – “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E”. This model is founded on the contemporary specificity of the philosophical activity and ranges the philosophers by: the most accomplished, original, and systemic (group “A”); the philosophers of the second echelon, the less original and demanded (“B”); the philosophers of the university elites (“D”); and the mass group of the narrow-oriented philosophers-experts (“E”). The article also analyzes the further prospects of discussion and implementation of the professional ranging among the professional philosophers.
Citations count: 1
Afanaseva V.V., Pilipenko E.A. —
Polyonticity of time
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.4.18376 URL:
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The authors constitute the idea of polyonticity of time. Natural sciences along with humanitarian knowledge introduced many and versatile ideas about various forms of time: physical (natural universal, objective) and multiple “human-measured” times (psychological, existential, social, historical, political, cultural, etc.); the latters could be divided into individual (subjective) and collective (intersubjective). With regards to post-nonclassical ontology, all of the existing and imaginable multiplicity of times can be unified by the virtue of the ideas on polyonticity – the unity of ontologically distinguished forms of existence of the same object of the world. Accepting the complexity of time and attempting to contemplate about the possibility of forming its ontology, let us use the principles of post-nonclassical rationality and the ideas of post-nonclassical ontology. In such key, the time acts as a phenomenon of polyonticity, presented by the ontologically diversified forms of being, as well as defines the existence of multiple realities. Among the “human-measured” times, the authors point out the individual (subjective) and collective (intersubjective). Collective times are represented by the synergy effect, the result of overlapping, cooperation, resonances of various individual times. The speed of the flow of “human-measured” times is defined by the “energy” of psychological and social cooperation, as well as their effect upon the natural and technogenic processes.
Citations count: 1
Glushchenko G.Y. —
History versus memory: to the problem of interrelation between history and memory
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 37 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.1.21578 URL:
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The object of this research is the collective memory as an important aspect of historical consciousness. The subject is the problem of interrelation between history and collective memory. The article examines the essential aspects of history and memory. The goal of the work consists in characterizing the principal forms of interaction between history and memory, determination of the most common to present time form of such interaction, as well as exploring the question of regularities of historical consciousness due to the problem of historical time and oblivion. The author analyzes various methods of interaction of the indicated realms: historical consciousness as a specific case of memory (Collingwood), history as a way of retaining the relevant for today images of memory (Halbwachs), history as a form of cultural memory (Assmann). In this case, memory enriches the historical consciousness with the value orientations; history realigns the entirety of existing memories. Cultural memories has a connective structure that links the past and present, the key function of which is repetition. History becomes the cultural-historical narrative with supporting function; the substantiated recorded history – is a situation when the countries, nations, and groups comprehend themselves through specific experience. The key function of memory lies in transforming of such experience into the narrative affected by the variations in memory framework. Thus, it is a reliable fact that certain powers of history are active within a particular historical period. History is an attempt to restore the missing and distorted, which is impossible without the worldview and culture of society; while memory performs a task of restoring the spirit of the era. The article suggests the principle of complementarity – memory and history complement one another, correlating separate facts and events with images and symbols; as well as research the phenomenon of historical culture that leans on the analysis of phenomena in the context of the experience of historical mentalities, where the captured images manifests as the interpretational models of the world.
Citations count: 1
Ivanova O., Gnatyshina E. —
Socratic dialogue as a method of problem management
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 59 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.4.24133 URL:
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The subject of this study is the Socratic dialogue (polylogue) as a form of philosophical practice. The goal is to substantiate the instrumentality of Socratic dialogue in problem management. The author examines the Socratic dialogue as a universal method of problem management, based on clarification in questioning the essence of the problem, and applied in the issued of everyday life alongside the organizations in educational, political and economic spheres. Identifying sequential stages in development of the instrumentality of Socratic dialogue for solution of the problems, along with the original Socratic dialogue, organizational polylogue, and educational dialogue – particular attention is given to the Socratic dialogue as type of philosophical consulting. Author’s special contribution into the study lies in substantiation of reference to the philosophical inquiry of the pragmatically oriented business. The author determines the advantages of implementation of the Socratic dialogue for solving the organizational problems in comparison with other modern forms of philosophical practice (existential consulting, logical-philosophical therapy, philosophical partnership) as the organically synthesizing the logical-gnoseological and communicative-axiological components. The article underlines the communicative nature of the Socratic dialogue, its relevance as an adaptive method for solution of the problems in the conditions of postindustrial society, ad hoc organizations with a tendency to constant growth of the number of problems.
Citations count: 1
Kuzmin V. —
Color reality: attributes and relativity
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 16 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.10.26723 URL:
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Using the phenomenological approach, the author attempts to demonstrate that the concept of “color” from the ontological perspective can be introduced as a special type of color reality. At the moment of intention it manifests through the color text. In the context of intentionality, such text represents a coherent whole, which constitutes in consciousness based on the perception of color of a particular subject and the overall situation it is placed within (illumination, color carrier, color combination of the surrounding subjects, etc.). The scientific novelty is substantiated by the need for providing a comprehensive universal approach to the ontology of color. The author determines the main attributes of color reality and its relation to the cognizing subject (stability, abstraction and categorization, hermeneutics, dynamism, and others); describes two of its basis: chromatic and achromatic; as well as underlines its stable components (invariants) manifested in language through the categories of color. Based on such invariants, for expressing the color reality is created the metalanguage, which important attribute is the statistical ground of its formation. The invariants of color reality also manifest in culture through using the same colors in rituals and traditions. Analyzing the previously published data from the Russian and foreign literature, the author suggests the principle of relativity: color reality actualized in the specific color text corresponds to such overall state of cognizing subject, in which he is willing to perceive it at the moment of intention. At the same time, the physiological and psychical peculiarities of the subject alongside his language and cultural traditions are being considered. In intersubjectivity, the boundaries of language, the aforementioned principle is reflected through the hypothesis of linguistic relativity of Sapir-Whorf.
Citations count: 1
Jawish O. —
St. Augustine’s doctrine on faith and reason: content and evolvement
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 44 - 49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.4.29952 URL:
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This article examines the problem of correlation between faith and reason in the philosophy of St. Augustine. The author describes the concepts of faith and reason at the various stages of evolution the philosopher’s views; as well as determines the meaning of dialogue, reason and faith for the spiritual evolution of St. Augustine. The scientific novelty reflects that the synthesis of faith and reason has a split-level character: the interaction between faith and reason takes place at the basic, median and theoretical levels. The main conclusion lies in revelation of the role of philosophical dialogues in formation of the more complex forms of synthesis of faith and reason, standing on the basic forms of faith-reason relationship in St. Augustine’s doctrine. It is determined that the dialogueness of his mentality will find reflection in his address to God. The research methodology includes the systemic-historical method, principle of synthetic unity of faith and reason, as well as the idea of dialogueness of philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Voronina O.A. —
Multiculturalism: politicization of cultural differences or the path to dialogue
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 7.
– P. 37 - 48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.7.30618 URL:
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The subject of this research is the contradiction between the principle of preserving cultural diversity, supported by the concept of multiculturalism, and personal rights to moral autonomy and choice of cultural identity. The relevance of this topic is justified by the need for pursuing ways to overcome conflicts arising from such cause. In the world of global transformations, an individual involved into transnational networks cannot be locked only within the confounds of his national culture. However, in parallel to globalization takes place the process of glocalization, aimed at preservation of the national ethnic culture in its traditional version. This situation escalates especially due to the growing migration flows and formation of ethnocultural enclaves. The problem is studied on the basis of scientific implications of the philosophy of culture, cultural anthropology and social philosophy in the context of relativistic methodology. The author analyzes the data from a range of political and socio-philosophical research conducted by the national and foreign authors. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive consideration of multiculturalism. This allowed demonstrating that the concept leans on the limited understanding of culture as a set of ethnic norms, principles and traditions, and does not take into account the philosophical understanding of culture as a semiotic system forming the profound values. Negative consequences of such approach are illustrated on the example of discussions unfolded around wearing hijab in Europe. The conclusion is made that the dialogue between cultures is possible upon the condition of accepting the common ground to recognize the values of preservation of national traditions; and such instrument can become the concept of human rights. Such approach eliminates the essential contradiction between the collective rights of ethnoses to preservation of the distinction of their cultural traditions, as well as the personal rights to cultural identity and moral autonomy.
Citations count: 1
Kudaev A.E. —
Aesthetic “sense of the world” of Nikolai Berdyaev: origins and approaches to the philosophy of beauty
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 5.
– P. 61 - 87.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.5.32356 URL:
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This article analyzes the origins of one of the core problems of philosophical-aesthetic thought of N. Berdyaev – the philosophy of beauty. Importance of the phenomenon of beauty for the formation of its aesthetic concepts and worldview overall is demonstrated. The author determines the main sources that determines the heightened interests towards the phenomenon of beauty, which affected the peculiarities of solution of this problem. Considering the defining character of Berdyaev’s personal and emotional attitude to the surrounding beauty, major attention is given to revelation of this source as most significant for understanding the entire further evolution of his philosophical-aesthetical thought as a whole, as well as establishment of the philosophy of beauty in particular. Therefore, the article reviews a number of life circumstances that defined his aesthetic development, which in the end leads to the fact that the aesthetic component becomes paramount in his worldview, and beauty turns into a universal criteria of assessing other diverse phenomena. The study carries a holistic character, being at the intersection of aesthetics, philosophy, culturology, biographical genre, which determines the applied complex historical-philosophical and philosophical-culturological methodology. This article is first attempt within the national literature to examine and reconstruct the origins of Berdyaev’s aesthetic evolution. The author reveals the key role of the problematic of beauty not only on formation of his aesthetic concept, but philosophical thought overall. Analysis is conducted on the source of Berdyaev’s aesthetic views that drastically affected the development of his philosophy of beauty.
Citations count: 1
Rubets M.V. —
Specificities of translation of some terms of the Russian religious philosophy of the XXI century into Chinese language
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 10.
– P. 30 - 41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.10.33977 URL:
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This article reviews the translation of some terms of the Russian religious philosophy of the XXI century into Chinese language. The goal consists in determination of the fundamental principles used by the Chinese translators in compiling the borrowed terminology in the indicated field. The article explores the Chinese analogues of some terms of the Russian religious philosophy. Special attention is turned to the terms of God and soul. Analysis is conducted on the translated texts of the lectures of S. S. Khoruzhiy “Synergistic Anthropology and Russian Philosophy" on the subject of the frequency of using 神 è 上帝as Chinese analogues of the term of God. An important role in the research is played by the interview with the researcher and translator of theRussian religious philosophy Professor Zhang Baichun on translation of the terms of God, soul, etc. into Chinese languahe, as well nuances of application of Chinese analogues of isolated terms from the perspective of the native Chinese speaker. It is demonstrated that Chinese analogues of the terms of God and soul in religious texts do not fully coincide with such in the philosophical texts. Namely, the Orthodox translators recommend the use上帝for nomination of God, while Chinese translators of the Russian religious philosophy allow using both versions depending on personal preferences and linguistic habits. For the translators of philosophical texts, the equivalent versions of the terms soul in the Glossary of Orthodox Terminology 灵魂 è 心灵 are divided into religious and secular analogues. The article also indicates other terms of Russian philosophy, which are translated using the techniques of transcription, calquing, and semantic translation.
Citations count: 1
Belomytsev A. —
Conceptualization of the phenomenon of social destructiveness from the perspective of archaization theory within the Russian socio-philosophical discourse
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 66 - 76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.4.35398 URL:
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The subject of this article is the attempts of the Russian researchers to interpret the destructive processes in modern Russian society through the prism of development of archaization theory. Due to the lack of semantic definiteness, the concept of social archaization is often attributed to similar ones, such as “traditionalism”, “barbarization”, “patriarchalization”, “New Middle Ages", etc. The diversity of existing approaches substantiates the need to determine a certain theoretical core, which would become the foundation for further hypotheses. Special attention is given to problem of absence of a unified approach towards the definition of archaizing processes, as well as to the need for clarification and further functionality of the concept of social archaization. The novelty of this research consists in the critical overview and determination of flaws in the existing concepts of social archaization. It is demonstrated that the relevant findings of the Russian researchers do not always explain the origin of destructive processes in the Russian society. The effective practical solution to complications related to the phenomenon of social destruction is yet to be developed. The author proposes an alternative approach towards determination of the causes of archaization of the Russian society at the current stage; outlines the promising ways of reflection on archaizing trends; as well as formulates a refined definition of archaization of the modern society. The acquired results aim to lay theoretical foundation for further development and implementation of measures on overcoming destructive consequences of social archaicism.
Citations count: 1
Polishchuk V.I. —
Idea of Culture
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 204 - 217.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.1.87 URL:
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The article contains a brief review of opinions on the subject of philosophy of culture and the role of philosophy in culture in general. Such a review makes it necessary to define the term 'idea of culture' that is performed when human creates the 'appearance and 'visibility'. The later is not illusion but the world created by human ability to see. The author also makes a hypothesis about creation of a new image of culture, modern philosophy of culture being its harbinger.
Citations count: 1
Pershin Y.Y. —
Labour and Rationality in the Genesis of the Archaic Conscience
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 625 - 633.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.611 URL:
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In the article the author states that researchers pay insufficient attention to the role of labour while studying the genesis of the archaic conscience. It is labour that forms the rationality of the primitive conscience, usually called mythological. There is a contradiction: on the one hand, the mythological conscience doesn’t help to adequately perceive and interpret the surrounding world by the primitive man. On the other hand, an inadequate behaviour of the archaic man wouldn’t favour his survival. Therefore, the archaic conscience of the archaic man is paradoxically both rational and mythological/religious. Such a contradiction in the process of becoming of the archaic conscience is being studied with the help of the methodological apparatus of the psychoanalytical theory, traditionally dealing with the deep unconscious and archaic layers of man’s psyche. In the course of investigation the author also states, that under the repressing circumstances of survival and lack of the right cerebral hemisphere activity, contributing into the appearance of mystical and religious speculations, the primitive people in the process of the productive labour invented magic and religion as the means of survival, means of the closer and more adequate cooperation and communication with the world.
Citations count: 1
Parkhomenko R.N. —
English Democracy Tradition of the XVIIth Century (B. Chicherin)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 163 - 186.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.2.11080 URL:
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In article democratic currents in English social thought of the XVII century in treatment of the brilliant domestic encyclopedic thinker B. N. Chicherin are shined. For today at us in the country it is rather low-studied area of the political philosophy, which studying as it is represented, can help development of own liberal concepts with modern Russia. B. Chicherin arguing on development of concepts of the state, the right and human freedom in intellectual history of mankind I believed that the state as institute of the public power, though connects society of individuals in a whole, but thus it shouldn't suppress freedom of his members. The person by the nature is a free being – about it English democrats of the XVII century wrote very much. Methodology of research was work with little-known texts, both domestic, and foreign. Work can be used when teaching a course of history of social philosophy or history of political doctrines. As a result of consideration of the main democratic ideas in England it is possible to notice XVII century that done English democrat publicists in the XVII century I was important and productive. As well as the first revolution in England, and works of Sydney, Garrington, Milton and Gaulle were that base, that initial stage in development of democratic theories of a state system, leaning on which already such known philosopher as, for example, John Locke, could create the integral and thought-over theory of the natural right and to become the founder of individual school in philosophy.
Citations count: 1
Horlynskyi V. —
Existential Security as a Paradigm of the Survival of Humanity
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.2.14351 URL:
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The subject of this study is the concept of existential security as a a basis of formation of a new paradigm of thinking. The object of the study is the features and principles of developing the cognitive paradigm of existential security. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the subject and subjective sides of existential safety as an objective phenomenon and the phenomenon of collective consciousness. Analysis of culturological and socio-philosophical works shows that the anthropogenic source of existential threats is human thinking deprived of spiritual, moral and humanistic values as life priorities. It is concluded that reformation of the paradigm of human thinking creates the need to develop a cognitive paradigm that would integrate semantic security structures and constitutive social practices preventing threats to human existence on the basis of life values. In his research the author has used culturological and axiological approaches and content analysis of postmodern philosophy array of works that represent the problem of mankind's survival in globalized threats. The novelty of the research lies in the fundamental features of the new cognitive paradigm. This is the appeal to ontological security basics and the existence of mankind as the marginal value of being; orientation to the future; integrated, multidisciplinary coverage of security issues with access to valuable bases as the key regulative human thinking, behaviour and activity. At the end of the article the author concludes that the cognitive paradigm of existential security is a set of ideas, fundamental knowledge, values, methodological approaches and samples of cognitive solutions that create the integral knowledge of the threats to human existence and ways to overcome them. The study of existential security as a paradigm of knowledge offers the prospect of development of methods of humanitarian and socio-cultural procedures practical solution to the problem of mankind's survival.
Citations count: 1
Korotkikh V.I. —
Hegel: experience of conceptual biography
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 49 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.7.19617 URL:
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The subject of this research is the search for the optimal combination of the creative and biographical components in reflection of a life path of the philosophers based on the example of Hegel. The importance of solution of this task is associated with the unacceptability within the historical-philosophical science of the replacement of analysis of the inner content of the philosophical doctrines by the reproduction of the biographical and socio-historical connections, as well as disregard for the “vital” aspects in description of the philosopher’s creative work. In particular, the article underlines the connection between the evolution of the Hegelian project of the system of philosophy with the teaching activity of the thinker, which encouraged to shift from the project “System of Science” to the encyclopedic model of building the system of philosophy. The scientific novelty is substantiated by the need for clarification of the established within the historical-philosophical science approaches to the description of the life path of the thinker. Making an accent on the meaningful aspects of Hegel’s creative work as the basis of his “conceptual biography”, the author understands the dangers associated with the unilateral execution of such approach. In this regard, the author attempts to reconstruct the connections of the biographical facts with the inner content of Hegel’s most important compositions, first and foremost – the “Phenomenology of Spirit”.
Citations count: 1
Saenko A.V. —
Specificity of the notions of the language of philosophy according to G. Deleuze, F. Guattari and M. K. Mamardashvili
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.9.27237 URL:
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This article examines the views of G. Deleuze, F. Guattari and M. K. Mamardashvili upon philosophical language and its components. The author analyzes the classification of texts into direct (analytical) and indirect (predicatory) proposed by the Soviet thinker. The famous philosophical works of various stylistics are brought as an example. Special attention is given to the views of Mamardashvili ipin the philosophical notions that he calls “marginal subjects” or “marginal representations”, as well as the views of Deleuze and Guattari upon the philosophical concepts that they call the “concepts”. The article establishes connection between the diverse classifications and opinions upon the specificity of philosophical notions and texts, and ascertains the importance of contribution made by Mamardashvili, Deleuze and Guattari to methodology of the study of philosophical language. Leaning on the material of Mamardashvili’s lecture on the modern European philosophy, the author underlines the specificity of contribution of the Soviet thinker to the development of methodology of the analysis of philosophical language.
Citations count: 1
Maximov L.V. —
Moral duty: the problem of substantiation
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 35 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.12.28213 URL:
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In modern meta-ethical literature, the analysis of various approaches towards rational substantiation of morality is one of the leading research trends. If in ethical thought of the past, the object of substantiation was manly the “ethical law” as a peculiar (metaphysical) essence, in meta-ethics it usually means the substantiation of ethical paradigms of the actual subjects of morality, in other words, foregrounding the arguments that can convince a certain nominal skeptically inclined individual to accept and adhere to the norms of morality established by society. In particular, the author notes an inappropriate substitution of reasoning with explanation, moral duty – with other modalities that are formally signified by the same term. The article uses the methods of logical-linguistic analysis applicable to such ethical and meta-ethical discourses that represent the different versions of substantiation of moral duty. The work demonstrates that it is namely intention of the duty, rather than its specific subject vector is the determinant attribute of moral motivation (because the subject content of moral norms and motives can be the object of both, moral duty and immoral incitements). Therefore, the fundamental impossibility of rational substantiation of such intention should be considered the theoretical disputes that touch upon the general problems of substantiation of morality.
Citations count: 1
Zykin A., Aref'ev M.A. —
On the Question of the Cultural Role of the Russian Orthodox Church (on the Example of the Altai Spiritual Mission)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 50 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.2.39771 EDN: DGHHWE URL:
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In this paper, the activity of the Altai Spiritual Mission (Western Siberia) is considered from the standpoint of the methodology of the culturological approach, the axiological paradigm and the interdisciplinary features of regionalism. The semantics of the term "mission" is analyzed in line with the topics stated in the work. It is indicated that the institute of Spiritual Missions in the aspect of the Christianization of peoples arose in the XVI century, and the understanding of the "Spiritual Mission" as a special church preaching institute in the XIX century due to the creation of the Altai model for other missions. The work also describes the history of creation and its originality, analyzes the activities that led to the following results, social and cultural transformations: the transition of the autochthonous population to the Orthodox faith (sedentary lifestyle, benefits, indulgences), versatile arrangement and organization of life (cultivation of land, the order of household life), education (literacy), the creation of an array of ethnographic, cultural and linguistic works that retain their uniqueness and relevance for researchers of the cultural origins of this region to this day. Of particular note is the creation of alphabets and the compilation of alphabets, which made it possible to translate the Gospel and other religious works into local languages. All this work has led to the emergence and growth of educational institutions and the spread of Russian culture. Translation activity is invaluable, which led to the acquisition of the spiritual culture of the Altai ethnic groups to historicity and its infusion into the Russian one.
Citations count: 1
Gluzdov D.V. —
Interaction of Philosophical Anthropology and Neurosciences in the Context of Natural and Artificial Intelligence
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 7.
– P. 51 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.7.39854 EDN: TXVKDG URL:
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The subject of the study is the relationship between philosophical anthropologists, who deal with the nature and essence of man, and neurosciences, who study neural processes - the work of the brain and nervous system. In particular, the present article is a discovery of how these two fields can shed light on issues related to detection and artificial intelligence, such as the nature of consciousness and intelligence, as well as the possibility of creating conscious machines and the ethical implications of the emergence of artificial intelligence. The study suggests an interdisciplinary approach. In this methodological work, dialectical methods are encountered in this important methodological plane, but also the hermeneutic and phenomenological approaches most often used in philosophical research are used. The novelty of research is found in the frequency of violations between the philosophical and empirical points of medicine in the considered area. Within the framework of this study, a philosophical examination is carried out for the most “objective” examination - a representative of philosophical anthropology, the doctrine of the nature and nature of man.
The subject of research suggesting the creation of a promising possession towards a versatile understanding of man. Problems notwithstanding, the interplay between philosophical anthropology and neuroscience can provide valuable insights into some of the most fundamental and elusive aspects of the human experience, such as consciousness, the self, and free will.
The interaction of philosophical anthropology and neuroscience can be organized as a dialogue between two approaches to understanding the human condition. Philosophical anthropology offers a conceptual framework for thinking about the nature of human experience, while neuroscience provides empirical evidence that can help test and refine philosophical theories. Together, these two areas can help shed light on some of man's most fundamental questions about what it means to be.
Citations count: 1
Popova A.V. —
Internet as a network or hierarchical structure: concept of network in postmodern philosophy and social science of the late XX – early XXI centuries
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 58 - 67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.3.32282 URL:
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This article is dedicated to philosophical analysis of the phenomena and concepts of network and hierarchy. In philosophy of the postmodern theoreticians, hierarchical structures are subjected to criticism. Thus, one of the brightest images of non-hierarchical organization – rhizome – was suggested by G, Deleuze and F. Guattari in the context of their opposition to the traditional hierarchical image of a tree, which was attributed by the philosophers to the basis of Western culture and civilization. Criticism of hierarchical organization is associated with “dissolution” of a subject. The article analyzes the current state of computer networks and Internet for correspondence to the concept of “network”. The theoreticians of postmodernism associate the promotion of the concept of network with the postmodern reconsideration of a subject, since from now on it does not originate culture, but is originated and inscribed into one of the multiple cultural texts, and none of these texts does not have an advantage over others. The task of retaining integrity of the subject is no longer inherently valued, since any value of the subject simultaneously means establishing the hierarchy of events and occurrences around it. Therefore, the reverse action to integration becomes dissolution, associated with spread of the concept of network. The perception of Internet as a network in philosophy and social sciences is based on the desire to find confirmation to the theoretical model of network. But the Internet in many ways reproduces hierarchical structure within itself, which leaves open the question on the existence of nonhierarchical structures.
Citations count: 1
Danchay-ool A.A., Davaa E.K. —
Sociocultural aspect of conflict of generations in the Tuvan society: modernity and prospects
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 11 - 23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.1.34315 URL:
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The object of this research is the transformational processes in the Tuvan culture, which take place due to transition from the centuries-old feudal structure to the modern globalized culture. The combination of interpenetrating cultural phenomena creates a unique context for the transformation of worldview, which becomes the basis of social unrest. Special attention is given to the problem of the conflict of generations, which arises due to disruption of the succession of cultural development in the Tuvan society. Drastic change of economic patterns and methods of interaction with nature under the new socioeconomic conditions, forms up the contradictory worldview of the younger generation, who identify themselves with the Tuvan ethnos, but fail to comply in practice. The conclusion is made on the presence of factors that aggravate the conflict of generations in the Tuvan society, which is undergoing the bidirectional influence of globalization. The author indicates the processes of implementation of innovations into social relations and tendency to archaization. The dynamism of socioeconomic development opens various opportunities for adaptation to different generations, which enhances the axiological gap. Moreover, the structure of transformation of social system takes roots in the change of mechanisms of socialization and education. The article reveals correlation between the problem of the conflict of generations and multiple aspects of the development of cultural-historical traditions. This provides a more holistic picture of the long-term development of Tuvan society.
Citations count: 1
Volkova V., Malakhova N., Volkov I. —
Imagination as a phenomenon of cognition
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 54 - 66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.6.35761 URL:
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This article discusses the problem of imagination as a holistic phenomenon of cognition based on the concept of corporeality of mind. Imagination becomes an instrument for enactive subject – object interaction. They complement and revive each other in the activity of cognition and self-cognition. Imagination is a generative model of cyclical interaction between the subject and object in junction of the image and action. Imagination is a moment of visual culture, a means of shaping thoughts and feelings in the optical coherence of mental actions in the reproduction of the picture, scenic manifestations of the material in mental life of a person, interpretation of the imagery-symbolic language and action. Imagination creates the space of the game of feelings, mind, and body in the context of cognitive engagement of a person. The most vivid manifestation as a phenomenon of cognition imagination acquires in the practice of psychoanalysis. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the following statement: psychoanalytic description interprets imagination in realization of the image through body and mind. The article employs the method of enactive construction of knowledge, visualization and psychoanalytic description, which demonstrates imagination as an integrative dimension of a human, optically harmonizes body, thought, and external environment of a person. The article underlines the role of metaphors, transformation, and paradoxicality, which indicate the degree of depiction of the image through integration of the corporeal, social and imaginable in a circular, cyclical dependence. Imagination creates the syntheses of these dimensions in a “paradoxical system”, translation of the fiction into symbolic language, and symbolic substantiations of the living experience of a cognizing being. Imagination is the organic development of human nature. The interactant appears to be an external environment and part of the human organization that creates him through the living experience of cognition and self-cognition.
Citations count: 1
Yarkova E.N., Guseinov A.A., Apresyan R.G., Chubarov I.M., Khalin S.M., Murav'ev I.B., Dyagileva T.V., Mal'tsev Y.V. —
Tyumen ethical-philosophical tradition: research methodology (round table materials)
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2021. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.8.36095 URL:
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The subject of this research is the works of Tyumen ethicists: the founder of the concept of rationalistic ethics that was a milestone in the history of Soviet ethics Fedor Andreevich Selivanov; the pioneer of the applied ethics in Russia Vladimir Iosifovich Bakshtanovsky; the author of the original anthropocosmist concept of morality Yuri Mikhailovich Fyodorov; the developer of the concept of regional ethos Mikhail Grigorievich Ganopolskyl; the adherent of dialogical ethics Nikolay Dmitrievich Zotov, and others. The article discusses the scientific justification of studying the works of Tyumen ethicists as a uniform ethical-philosophical intellectual tradition. The article reviews the fundamentally different opinions on the topic. An attempt is made to create a specific field of research dedicated to the Russian regional intellectual traditions. The novelty of this article consists in examination of methodology of studying the regional intellectual traditions, as well as raising the question on the degree to which the idea of regional intellectual traditions corresponds to reality, is it false, or made up, or links the unlinkable. The author also articulates the problem of whether the research of the Russian regional intellectual traditions contributes to cultivation of such phenomena a “provincial science” and “native science”; what brings the study of the Russian regional intellectual traditions in the context of representations on the points of growth of the human capital in the country and development of the Russian science?
Citations count: 1
Selivanov A.I. —
Relational Conception of Time in the Theory of Developing Objects
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.4.11954 URL:
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Object of research is set of the following time-forming properties and at the same time parametrical characteristics of time: process borders (its beginning and termination); duration; the process direction (including changes); course speed (speed, a rhythm) (including changes); time choice (time freedom of choice), including a choice of borders, duration choice, a direction choice, a speed choice (òåìïîðèòìà), and also their dialectics. High-quality and quantitative expression of these parameters of processes in absolute and correlative (relative) units, connectivity of the subsequent and previous states, rhythm of their approach and change is considered as a being of time. Also are investigated internal and external time. In article the methodology of the relational concept of time, the principles of systemacity and dialectics is used. However unlike the general relational concept its option based on the theory of developing objects is offered. In the theory of developing objects time is treated as integrated manifestation of procedurality of life of concrete developing objects. Time doesn't exist as a certain nadmirovy reality identical to; it is a certain result (effect, "product", aspect, a consequence) the processes happening in concrete developing objects, "matches" proceduralities (development) of concrete objects, secondary are concrete object, derivative, there is an effect of movement. Parametrical characteristics of time, his dialectician, internal and external time speak this basis.
Citations count: 1
Mikhailov I.A. —
The idea of hermeneutic phenomenology
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.5.18562 URL:
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The subject of this research is the causes of “convergence” of the modern methods of philosophical analysis, which in classical phenomenology (Husserl) were considered incompatible, but turned into a stable program in the works of Husserl’s followers (Heidegger, Ricœur). In the first part of the article the author distinguishes the major milestones in the development of the theory of explanation and interpretation that led hermeneutics from texts to interpretation of human being. By clarifying the ontological meaning in Heidegger's philosophy, the author, basing on the general orientations of phenomenology, demonstrates what caused the necessity to combine the phenomenological and hermeneutic methods. The following conclusions are made:
In the works of Heidegger and Ricœur the definition of “hermeneutic phenomenology” has two clearly distinct meanings: a) method used for formation of the foundations of scientific knowledge; this method radicalizes the notion of prerequisitness of science by turning to human existence which already contains an explanation, “clarity” of the world (Heidegger); b) method that our cognition of the world has its prerequisites and historicity, as well as language substantiation (Ricœur).
It is determined that these two methods also have several significant differences: precisely the “method” is the hermeneutic phenomenology of Heidegger; every step of philosophical study is simultaneously phenomenological and hermeneutical. Ricœur, under his hermeneutic phenomenology, means a rather general philosophical approach, which alternatively applies phenomenological and hermeneutical methodology, as well as allows structuralistic and psychoanalytical techniques, or analysis from the position of common language.
Citations count: 1
Suvorova O.S. —
Is a health perceived as a personal value?
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 84 - 98.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.2.21933 URL:
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The subject of research is the anthropological foundation and features of personal health’s evaluation. The object of research is epistemological characteristics of formation of representations about health as well as socio-cultural and personal determinants of its evaluation. The author examines in detail those aspects of the topic, as the relationship of the cognitive and axiological in the formation of the health’s image, its place in the system of personal knowledge, importance of communication with the Other to understand and assess the state of own health. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of contemporary culture’s influence on the attitude to health. The research is based on philosophical-anthropological, epistemological, axiological, cultural-philosophical methodological orientations, using the ideas of phenomenology, existentialism, post-classical psychoanalysis, post-structuralism.The novelty of research is connected with systematic philosophical analysis of phenomenon of a health. It was found that «the image of own health» is formed in the individual consciousness; this image can be incorporated into the personal implicit knowledge or into the spotlight. The personal image of health is related to the patterns of culture, first of all, to the image of health typical for culture of everyday life. The personal image is also connected partly with scientific concepts of health. It is proved that the axiological attitude to health has socio-cultural, ontological, epistemological and existential foundations. Accordingly, the perception of oneself as a healthy man is presented (1) as a condition for a full life and productive activities, (2) as the basis of human confidence in their existence, (3) as a factor of the weakening of the metaphysical fear of death. There are identified main types of situations connected with perception of health or illness (from the state of confidence in own health to severe disease). It is proved that new interpretation and re-evaluation of personal «image of own health» take place in such situations.
Citations count: 1
Smirnov I. —
Is the theology of philosophy possible? Paradigms of the relationship between theology and philosophy
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.7.27004 URL:
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The subject of this research is the relationship between theology and philosophy in sight of juxtaposition of the critical and speculative approaches. The object of this research is the theoretical concepts that reflect the paradigms of relationship between theology and philosophy within the history of thought, particularly over the period of the late XX – early XXI centuries. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the typology of relationship between theology and philosophy according to S. Wszolek, correlation method in theology and philosophy in the “Systematic Theology” of P. Tillich, paradigms of relationship between theology and philosophy in the “diaspora” concept of D. Barber. Special attention is given to consideration of the concept of post-secularity and its impact upon the comprehension of relationship between theology and philosophy. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the speculative approach allows seeing the alternative to critical project through tracing the doctrinal unity of theology and philosophy. Since on one hand, the “Teos” in modern mentality can be not just the God, but also the incomprehensible, nirvana, khora, etc., thus theology can be “atheistic”, “after the death of God”, anatheism (R. Kearney); and on the other hand – the philosophical speculation of the truth and self-cognition reduces to analysis and assessment of the appropriateness of utterings, thus it is necessary to return the theology and philosophy their true source. The scientific novelty is defines in author’s proposition of the concept of the theology of philosophy as a fundamental interrogation underlying the theology and philosophy, and uniting, even through separation, the “God of religion” and the “God of philosophers”?
Citations count: 1
Omarova Z.U. —
Transformation of the Religious Mind: Modern Aspect
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2012. – ¹ 3.
– P. 160 - 183.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.3.185 URL:
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Today the Russian State exist in conditions of unstable, complicated and contradictory world, dynamic and multivariate patterns of the course of events and challenging international relations that are made even worse by the crisis. Analysis of the confessional situation allows to define tendencies typical for processes inside religious organizations, arising in connection with them as well as with the state relations and influencing not only confessional and inter-confessional but also political and ecoomic relations in the world.
Citations count: 1
Karagodina O.A. —
Charitable activity and development of the civil society institutions in Russia
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 62 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.7.19482 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of the factors and value-semantic bases of the two interdependent sociocultural phenomena – "charity" and "civil society". The author gives evaluation to theoretical views of the philosophers D. Rawls, P. Bourdieu and F. Fukuyama, who analyze the relations of civil society based on such values as trust, justice, responsibility and social capital. The author believes that it is impossible to perform charity effectively without these values. The author assesses the humanistic potential of charity as a social phenomenon in the context of need for harmonization of public environment and formation of the civil society institutions. .The conclusion is made that currently the social charitable practices play an important role in formation and development of civil society in modern Russia. It is a significant factor of evolution of the Russian super-ethnos. Participation in charitable activities encourages the social mobilization of the society, as well as forms civil activity of an actor based on the principles of solidarity and social justice.
Citations count: 1
Viazinkin A. —
The phenomenon of “Russian nihilism” in ideological legacy of A. I. Herzen
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 37 - 48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.5.30228 URL:
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The subject of this research is the problem of “Russian nihilism”, developed in the philosophical works of Russian thinker Alexander Ivanovich Herzen. Placed in a more extensive context of revolutionary-democratic thought and philosophy of populism (Narodnichestvo), the phenomenon of “Russian nihilism” requires a profound gnoseological analysis. The results of this historical-philosophical analysis testify to the fact that the phenomenon carries rather philosophical-anthropological importance rather than socio-philosophical importance, as its core is the idea on the type of “nihilist”. Question about the genealogy of nihilist type aroused debates between D. I. Pisarev and A. I. Herzen, which became one of the key sources of interpretations of the “Russian nihilism” as a social and spiritual-cultural phenomenon of Russian civilization. The scientific novelty consists in considering the worldview of the Russian thinker through the prism of his aesthetic interpretation of nihilism. Russian nihilism is described as a polygenetic phenomenon of national culture, and Herzen as one of the ideological forerunner and inspirer of the “Russian nihilism”, Herzen synthesized the main problem of the Russian philosophy – liberation of man, with the idea of radical individualism (sovereign personality) and libertine. Based on a number of analytical theses, formulated in the article, Herzen’s worldview of the late 1940’s – early 1850’s is characterizes as “aesthetic nihilism”.
Citations count: 1
Ursul A.D. —
The vector of socio-natural evolution: from global to geospatial sustainability
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 8.
– P. 19 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.8.32863 URL:
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The subject of this research research is the resolution of socio-natural contradiction, which consists in the fact that the growing needs of mankind are no longer satisfied by the biosphere, which can escalate into a planetary catastrophe. The resolution of this contradiction consists in the achievement of global sustainability that takes place in accordance with the certain “algorithms of development”, which opens horizons for a long-term and safer socio-natural evolution on Earth. The global world, although becoming sustainable, is not isolated from the space processes and factors due to the natural-spatial connection of the planet with its extraterrestrial environment, and even more so, due to the beginning of space exploration. Even the global world created in the future would not long endure without further sustainable space exploration; its longevity would require transition of the industrial complex in the outer space. Thus, the achievement of global sustainability will be accompanied by transition to an even safer type of evolution with focus on reaching geospatial sustainability. The further socio-natural evolution clearly indicated geospatial trend, which connects the vectors of global and extraterrestrial mainlines of sustainable development.
Citations count: 1
Tuzovskii I.D. —
Post-truth as a syndrome of Digital Age: ultimate understanding of the phenomenon and scenarios of the future
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 12.
– P. 42 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.12.34257 URL:
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The subject field of this research is the combination of cultural phenomena, which correlate with the initially highlighted concept of “post-truth” through generalization of its criteria. The traditionally narrow understanding of post-truth is associated with news reports of mass media. However, the distortion of actual picture, using the techniques of heuristic rhetoric and mechanisms that instigate cognitive biases is a more common situation in modern society, which unites various communication phenomena, touches upon news and everyday communication, artistic endeavor, and many other areas. The specific subject of research is the range of possible scenarios of social development depending on its response to proliferation of the phenomena that comprise the cultural-communication complex of “post-truth”. This article is the first attempt of scientific summary of the phenomenal picture of post-truth based on the competent expansion of the criteria from the partial instances to the general mechanisms. Partial criteria, such as neglecting objective factors in the report, appeal to human values and ideologies, use of emotional pressure for substantiating own opinion, the author replaces with the general: media distortion of reality as a goal of report, use of cognitive biases, use of mechanisms of heuristics. Based on the highlighted criteria, the author analyzes the question of semantic and cultural correlation with post-truth of such as the phenomena as the fan theories of two types, litbaits, pop science, folk history, astroturfing, fan fakes, clickbaits, narrative journalism, etc. Scientific novelty also consists in outlining the possible scenarios for social development and its communication environment depending on the strategies of response to expansion of the sphere of post-truth.
Citations count: 1
Borisov S.V. —
Introduction or Birth of Classical Science
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 190 - 230.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.2.289 URL:
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The article 'Introduction or Birth of Classical Science' is the first publication in the series of articles 'Symphony of Science or Science Through the Eyes of Philosophers'. The present article is a sympophonic absorbption in the external and internal polemics regarding the main interpretations of classical science and its scope of problems. Many contradictions and conflicts faced by the modern society derive from blind belief in scientific progress. The social institution of science itself has turned into a series of rituals long ago. This creates numerious illusions about science and its scope of problems and forms an uncritical attitude to the process and outcome of scientific research. The article is written in the form of a dialogue which allows to transform the 'internal' scientific polemics into 'external'. This method also allows to define many contradictions and dramatic moments in scientific development and to see the 'other side' of it behind the beautiful and pretentious facade.
Citations count: 1
Granin R.S. —
Symbolism of Semiramis by A.S. Homyakov
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 199 - 228.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.420 URL:
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The work "Semiramis" was regarded by the Slavophile A.S. Homyakov as a study of global history from anti-Eurocentrist position. Its first part, which was actually entitled "Semiramis" was devoted to the prehistoric ancient times, and it was meant as a volumnous preface to the second part, which was devoted to the history of Slavicism. Due to the lack of empiric data the myphical history has always been a fruitful field for the historical and philosophical speculations and conspiracy theories. For example, Homyakov divides the entire humanity into two "races", which are the agents of spiritual principles acting through them: Iranian (Aryan) and Cushitic ones. By this dichotomy Homyakov continues the tradition of German romanticism, which was once expressed by distinction between the Apollo and Dionysos forces made by Nietzsche. Before that F.Schlegel has divided the humanity into the two races - Cainites reflecting the will of the flesh, and Sephites representing divine will. Hegel introduced the antinomy of Iranian principle of light and the Egyptian principle of secret. Later there appeared occult and esoteric concepts of E. Blavatskaya on the 7 root races of the world; the Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre on synarchy and anarchy; Claude-Sosthene Grasset d'Orse made a division into quart and quint. These typologies may be considered more than just occult theories, they were the predecessors of systems of various psychological types. While for a historical scholar, politician or a journalist the wish to find out the hidden nature of the processes may lead to extremities of conspiracy theories, which forms new myths instead of having explanatory and prognostic functions, for a philosopher of history and culture this is a creative advantages. The principles of Iranism and Cushism introduced by Homyakov serve as an axis for the global history, allowing to cast light upon the local cultures within the global context, which makes compression of the volumnous materials of "Semiramis" easier.
Citations count: 1
Korolev S.A. —
Secularization and Desecularization in Terms of the Concept of Pseudomorphic Development of Russia
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.4.15258 URL:
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The article is devoted to studying the interaction between the processes of secularization and desecularization in historical retrospective and in the modern world. The author makes an attempt to rethink the relevant processes in terms of the pseudomorphosis and pseudomorphic inversion. Particular attention is paid to the processes of secularization and desecularization in post-Soviet Russia and to the forms and mechanisms of desecularization at the beginning of the XXI century. The author concludes that the aggressive Soviet secularism wasn’t replaced by trend of desecularization directly. Brutal atheism gave its place to a model of civilized secular society. It is only since the beginning of the 2000s desecularization began to gain strength. In Russia, this trend was not only a sign of the global movement to the "post-secular society", but a manifestation of the classical pseudomorphic inversion.
Citations count: 1
Sizemskaya I.N. —
Power and poet in Russia
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 16 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.5.18816 URL:
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In the center of author’s attention is the problem of “Poet and power”. Examining this issue in the historical retrospect, the author turns to the history of the Russian intelligentsia as the phenomenon of Russian culture, associating its background with the emergence of “military intelligentsia” of the era of Peter the Great. With the reforms of Peter the Great has appeared an educated social class, which combined spiritual work with government service, in other words the direct cooperation with authorities. The result of the joint efforts and the accomplishment of the reforms became the noble culture, the subject of which was Russian art intelligentsia. The article illustrates that on all stages of its history, art intelligentsia following the ideas of Enlightenment, was its carrier and founder, accumulating the ethical and humanistic values and protecting ideas of freedom and social justice. In a constant opposition to the conservative public powers, it protected the right to freedom of will and spiritual (intellectual and artistic) work. Within the framework of the chosen historical-philosophical analysis, the author focuses attention on the fact that the Russian intellectual in comparison with the European intellectual, felt as “outsider” within his own sociopolitical environment, which justified autocracy and general ignorance. The author concludes that the critical attitude towards reality was a constant of self-consciousness of intelligentsia. The author also examines the history of relationship between the art intelligentsia and the government after the October of 1917. The new political regime escalated the dictate of the government through Stalin upon the spiritual life of society. The new victims of new regime became N. Gumilev, O. Mandelshtam, and A. Akhmatova. Their creative path and opposition to the totalitarian regime became a separate subject of research.
Citations count: 1
Bazaluk O.A. —
The theory of war and peace
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 28 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.6.19263 URL:
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The subject of this research is the theory of war and peace. In the author’s opinion, the problem of war and peace originates in the nature of a human – in his psyche. This is namely why the empirical and theoretical basis of this research consists of the facts and regularities: a) neurosciences, psychology, and social philosophy; b) geophilosophy; c) war history and military science. The author sequentially solves two issues during the course of this work: determines the axiomatics of the theory of war and peace, as well as formulates its main statements. As the regular manifestations of the complicated structure and functions of the neuronic ensembles of subconsciousness and consciousness, war and peace are ways of achieving the regulatory compromise between the manifestations of active beginning, which initially lays in human psyches, and the influence of the external environment – the natural selection; between the complicated demands of the psy-space – totality of psyches on the Earth scale and the ability of their satisfaction; between the proclaimed idea that unites the psy-space, and the possibility of its realization. The war and peace regulate the qualitative contents and manifestations of the psy-space: the quantity of psyches, the structure of which predisposes aggression, is decreasing; while the quantity of psyches, the manifestations of which are aimed at integration and cooperation, is increasing. The European history of the XX – early XX centuries is a vivid example of how the complicated structure and functions of the psyche have changed the qualitative content and manifestations of the psy-space of the Earth by the virtue of war and peace.
Citations count: 1
Ursul A.D. —
Globalistics and globalization studies: formation of the new integrative directions
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 17 - 29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.4.24168 URL:
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The author demonstrates that globalistics acquires not only a disciplinary form of its existence and development, but also manifests the integrative intentions that expand the global sphere of scientific search. The article reviews a number of directions of this search, which can be qualified as interdisciplinary sections of globalistics, since they have been formed as a result of its interaction with the specific scientific disciplines. At the same time, attention is turned to the fact that each of the examined global processes and systems formed by them can become the source of emergence of a new direction (sector) of globalistics. The trends of the indicated globally integrative processes and especially the mechanisms of their expansion are considered. The author determines the external and internal sources of the "global synthesis" of knowledge, which carries not only interdisciplinary character, but is also a part of "internal" content of globalistics that is exemplified by globalization studies included in globalistics. It is assumed that among the new integrative directions of globalistics may appear the sections that correspond to one or another global and globalizational processes and systems. This is one of the prioritized sources of the emergence of new directions for global research of not only interdisciplinary nature.
Citations count: 1
Fedorov S. —
Existential Truth in Dialectical-symbolic Understanding
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2023. – ¹ 6.
– P. 42 - 54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.6.40730 EDN: ESQMYB URL:
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The subject of research in this article is the phenomenon of existential truth. The author relies on the distinction between epistemic and existential truth proposed by D.V. Pivovarov. The latter is the correspondence of knowledge (or being in the case of ontological truth) to the subject-object unity, human being, which is the basis of cognitive activity. The ideas related to the existential understanding of truth in the works of B. Pascal, S. Kierkegaard, M. Unamuno, H. Ortega y Gasset, L. Shestov, N.A. Berdyaev, K. Jaspers, G. Marcel, A. Camus, J.-P. Sartre and M. Heidegger are presented. "Cordiality", subjectivity, vitality, perspectivism, irrationality, creative nature, communication, personality, "rebellion", freedom, "non-concealment" of existential truth are highlighted. With the help of A.F. Losev's dialectical methodology, an attempt is made to comprehend these signs as moments of symbolism of existential truth. The mainstay is the works of A.F. Losev, in which the symbol is understood as a communicative and interpretive expression of a transcendent essence ("the very self"). This expression is a "directly-intuitively" given generality, naturally decomposed into a number of separate singularities, which can be realized in reality and thereby become a "myth" in Losev's understanding. The myth, immanent to personal existence, is intensively experienced by a person, manifests itself in an irrational "miracle". The symbol and myth reveal the considered signs of existential truth and at the same time take into account the objective, functional sides of the truth. From the point of view of the dialectical-symbolic approach, existential truth is the correspondence of knowledge (or being) to a dialectically concrete symbolic reflection of reality, subject-object unity, which is a "directly intuitive" given in immanent personal being. The novelty of the work lies in the application of A.F. Losev's dialectical theory of the symbol to the study of the existential understanding of truth.
Citations count: 1
Surovyagin D.P. —
Reduction of term in scientific theory
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.2.32198 URL:
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The subject of this research is the concept of reduction in logics and methodology of science. On the one hand, reduction is understood as a relation between the term and its defining expression within the scientific theory; while on the other – it represents the relation between two theories. Since the extension of theory is possible through introduction to its vocabulary of new terms by means of nominal definitions, the reduction represents an inverse operation – removing the terms from the vocabulary of the theory. At the same time, the theory itself is defined in accordance with the theoretical-multiple approach as a class of sentences closed in relation to derivability. The scientific novelty consists in examination of semantic and epistemological aspects of the formal definition of reduction. Particularly, the explication of reduction relation between two theories leans in the concept of functional equivalence of the theories. It is established that the list of basic terms of the theory can be set only conventionally. All terms introduces by the means of nominal definitions turn out to be reducible. Therefore, a distinctive feature of theoretical terms is the possibility of its reduction.
Citations count: 1
Kochetkova N.P. —
Cybersecurity and the Evolution of the information space: a phenomenological analysis of the relationship with the metaverse and the digital world
// Philosophical Thought.
– 2024. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.7.71055 EDN: UTGATW URL:
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The subject of the study is cybersecurity, within the framework of the modern changing conditions of the information space, which is filled with such phenomena as the metaverse and the digital world. These systems create new threats and problems in the processing, transmission, preservation and confidentiality of data. Assuming that the intersection of cybersecurity, digital transformation (including the metaverse and the digital world) and phenomenological analysis is an important area of research, the paper examines aspects of building cybersecurity in the country. The merger itself is seen as a centrifugal current that cannot be stopped, but must be regulated, which suggests that the transformation of approaches to cybersecurity plays a crucial role in developing effective strategies to overcome the problems that arise in a rapidly changing digital landscape. The research methods are based on data collection, analysis and synthesis, which revealed key problems.
The key method is a phenomenological analysis of the ongoing changes in the information sphere associated with the spread of the phenomena of the metaverse and the digital world, which made it possible to reflect the problems of information processing and insecurity from malicious attacks and propose a new approach to the formation of a cybersecurity system. The scientific novelty of the article lies in an integrated approach to studying the relationship of cybersecurity, the evolution of the information space and such new concepts, like the metaverse and the digital world. The transition to the latter is the next stage in the development of the information space, which can be traced in the gradual expansion of ecosystems and personal information platforms. All this suggests the need to expand the system of providing personal information, as well as data that gets into unsecured information networks. At the same time, domestic cybersecurity systems are being criticized, which indicates the need to find new solutions. One of these options may be a phenomenological approach to the study of data. The study shows how the use of phenomenological research methods allows us to take a fresh look at the capabilities of domestic developers to strengthen cybersecurity measures and adapt them to rapidly changing digital landscapes.