The new paradigm of science
Rozin, V.M. (2024). The concept of man-made civilization: problematization and characterization. Philosophical Thought, 9, 1–14.
The article begins with an analysis of the concept of technogenic civilization by V.S. Stepin. The problems that arise when considering this concept are indicated: how are synergetic and systemic discourses related to cultural studies, can modernity and its prerequisites (antiquity and the Middle Ages) be compared as separate cultures, is it correct to take modernity and the traditional type of culture as a whole for analysis, while they consist of different cultural formations. It is suggested that the explanation of modernity, taking into account technogeneity, does not imply a cultural comparison, although it can also be used, but as one of the aspects of the solution, but rather the genesis of modernity, including in terms of clarifying the problem of technogeneity. A scheme of such genesis is being outlined. The transition to a New Time, according to the author, included the formation of states with different structures and faiths, the formation of new social communities with the proclamation of equality and freedom of their participants, the change of the sacred picture of the world to nature, obeying natural, eternal laws. These processes, including a new cultural project, were conceptualized by Francis Bacon, who formulated the project of mastering nature under the condition of restructuring human consciousness, creating a new science (natural science) based on it "new magic" (in fact, engineering), industry based on scientific knowledge and engineering, and all this had to be provided by a new a social organization. Two concepts of nature and technology, characteristic of that time, differ ‒ "vital" and "mental" and the competition between them. In the second half of the XVIII century, mental technology began to displace vital technology, which gave rise to the first environmental crisis in Europe, which was a prerequisite for the formation of engineering and technology, as well as the first industrial revolution. Their distinction is carried out. The essential characteristics of a technogenic civilization are summarized. The work ends with a discussion of the crisis of man-made civilization.
sociality, realization, project, technogenicity, culture, civilization, crisis, problems, mind, technic
The new paradigm of science
Ufimtsev, A.E., Smirnova, M.M. (2024). Systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms (Part One). Philosophical Thought, 9, 15–29.
The work is devoted to the conceptual understanding of trends in the development of scientific knowledge. The discovered patterns are universal and manifest themselves in a number of scientific disciplines. The section "Systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms in linguistics" presents various understandings of anthropocentrism. The systemic-structural and anthropocentric paradigms are considered through the prism of sign theory. The theory of the sign is extended to other fields of scientific knowledge. Based on the material of a number of scientific disciplines, the relevant sections of the article show the implementation of systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms: in some sciences – in the form of paradigms (linguistics), in others – in the form of separate concepts, theories and trends (literary studies, exact sciences, religious studies). In addition, the implementation of systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms in the works of individual researchers is shown: "The structure of scientific revolutions" by T. S. Kuhn. The systemic-structural and anthropocentric paradigms are compared with the theory of the sign. The meta-paradigms correlating both the plane of expression and the plane of content in the theory of the sign are highlighted. The meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of scientific concepts in a number of fields of scientific knowledge, as a system of many paradigms determining the development of scientific knowledge in various scientific disciplines. The article examines the theory of the sign in an interdisciplinary aspect. The conclusion is made that one can understand anthropocentrism in an extremely integrated way: as taking into account the sum of restrictions on the way of embodying the sign system in the linguistic and speech activity of the subject – and the sum of restrictions on the way of realizing the subject in the sign system and speech activity. An assumption is made: language is determined by the type of thinking inherent in the subjects using it. An assumption is made about the connection between signaling systems and thinking. New terms have been introduced: biossential determinism, bioessential deterministic meta-paradigm, system-structural meta-paradigm. The systemic-structural meta-paradigm is understood as a meta-paradigm of a formally oriented nature, the bioessential-deterministic one as an essentially oriented meta-paradigm. The characteristics of the systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are given on the example of linguistics. The universality of the nature of the meta-paradigm shift is shown. Currently, the systemic-structural meta-paradigm is being replaced by a bioessential-deterministic one.
bioessential determinism, sign theory, bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigm, system-structural meta-paradigm, anthropocentric paradigm, system-structural paradigm, metaparadigm, meta-paradigm, paradigm shift, paradigm
Tradition and innovation
Saenko, N.R., Tatarenko, M.A. (2024). Factors of transformation of mass forms of celebration in modern culture. Philosophical Thought, 9, 30–41.
This study examines the transformations of mass celebration events within the framework of the modern culture of participation, which is a kind of resistance to consumerism, overcoming the passivity of the viewer of screen culture. The mass celebration of the late modern era is a new platform for civic engagement, which has both productive aspects and risks. Special attention is paid to the analysis of such features of these changes, which, firstly, are acquired by modern forms of celebration in the process of these cultural transformations, and, secondly, remain stable and repeat themselves within the framework of modern mass culture from one form of celebration to another, changing only externally, but not changing in essence. A mass celebration is a cultural phenomenon following museum practices, to which the concept of a culture of participation is extrapolated. Thus, the concept of a culture of participation transcends the boundaries of political science and acquires the status of either interdisciplinary or culturological. The concept of a "culture of participation" is a methodological principle for considering and analyzing modern mass celebrations. In addition, the research is based on a number of fundamental scientific works by M. McLuhan, M. Castels, M. Horkheimer, T. Adorno, J. Baudrillard. Based on the results of the study, the initial causes and subsequent mechanisms for maintaining high rates of cultural dynamics are identified and analyzed, which collectively determine these intracultural transformational processes. In conclusion, the role of the general sociogenesis of modern mass culture in its transition to the space of information culture, which allows using its engineering, technical and technological solutions and achievements in the process of implementing new forms of online celebration, but at the same time imperceptibly changing cultural reflection and consciousness of a modern person, is considered in detail. The modern "culture of celebration" is, in fact, one of the most significant and noticeable directions of the socio-cultural formalization of the culture of participation. In the artificially created chronotope of the holiday, society opens up from the inside and completely to itself, creating truly unprecedented conditions for updating and increasing the level of its own internal integration.The existing culture of celebration assumes that most of the possibilities of a culture of participation are most actively realized in the scenario, staging and performative part of the organization of any kind of festive events or ceremonies.
innovation, tradition, cultural reflection, paradigms of cultural development, causation of acts of participation, culture of participation, mass celebration, The ritual, The spectacle, popular culture
Social philosophy
Gurbanov, A.G. (2024). The role of social axiologization of consumption in the formation of the world outlook of modern man. Philosophical Thought, 9, 42–54.
The subject of the analysis is the socio-philosophical aspect of the axiologization of consumption, revealed in the works of domestic and foreign researchers of the last third of the XXth and first quarter of the XXIst centuries. The stages of axiologization of consumption, its driving forces and conceptual and categorical apparatus are considered in detail. The author provides an original definition of the human world outlook, showing the role of the values offered by modern consumer society in the evolution of this world. It is shown that many axiological guidelines of the beginning of the XXI century are: unrestrained consumption, selfishness, worship of the "golden calf", consolidating "anti-values" in the consumer's life world. At the same time, the author believes that in modern society, with proper social control and self-control, positive values of responsible consumption are also generated. The "new" values of the human life world were also analyzed, on the basis of which a conclusion was made about the incompleteness of the axiologization process to date. As result of incomplete transformations the consumer suffers a value crisis, and this social phenomenon has a total impact on the consumer's vital world. As a methodological basis, both general scientific methods and socio-cultural, socio-economic, socio-philosophical approaches were used to consider the "consumer society" and the specifics of human consumer behavior in it. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this article attempts to clearly define terms such as "social axiologization" and "life world", as well as to trace the interaction of these terms within the framework of social and economic transformations taking place in the modern world. The highlighted factors of the formation of axiological guidelines of the consumer society and the consequences of its future dynamics allow us to take a more comprehensive look at the process of human immersion in the world of consumption, in which values and anti-values are mixed, complicated and begin to play a major role in the life of the consumer. It is important to conclude that mass culture and conveyor production, multiplied by the specific worldview of a modern person, irreversibly change the axiological structure of society, and a system of correctly placed axiological priorities that rationally combines classical values with new ones can help avoid the growth of destructive tendencies.
responsible consumption, value crisis, consumption anti-values, consumption values, post-industrial society, individual consumption, axiologization of consumption, human life world, consumer society, one-dimensional man
Social dynamics
Artemenkov, A.A. (2024). Antinomy of the modern transformation of man and society. Philosophical Thought, 9, 55–63.
The purpose of the study is to characterize the main trends in the transformation of a person and society through an understanding of the changes taking place in it. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author theoretically established the facts of changes in the life goals of a modern person and the predominance of his needs for self-improvement and self-development of his personality. It shows the change in all social aspects of human life: everyday life, culture, ways of communication, standards of beauty, views on life and spiritual values. A separate emphasis is placed on changing the preferences of a modern person. People began to devote more time to their careers, financial well-being, and the family shifted to the background. The freedom of human action and the ability to "generate" new ideas has expanded, and therefore human thinking has become seen as a "product" that changes the world. Society has become more open, and the person in it has become more sociable and has changed mentally. The article expresses concern about the intensification of degradation processes in modern society due to the excess of information that has made a person more anxious, depressed and lonely. Whereas in physical terms, a person has become weaker due to a change in lifestyle from active to sedentary. Coziness, comfort and entertainment have become the most important for him. There was an ethical problem of changing human nature due to the transformation of the biological body. The overprotection of children has increased and their aggressiveness has increased. The idea of dividing society into two groups of people is expressed: active, promising and strong-willed and weak, purposeless personalities. As a result, a paradox has been revealed (the antinomy of modern transformational development), which consists in the fact that the better modern technologies and comfort are developed, the more inactive a person becomes.
modernization, paradox, antinomy, being, social relationships, transformation, development trends, technologies, society, Human