Political philosophy
Komarov , M.V. (2024). The enemy, the stranger and the subject: towards the possibility of a subject-oriented expansion of the concept of the "political" by K. Schmitt. Philosophical Thought, 8, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2024.8.71641
The object of the study is the concept and category of the political, considered as an independent phenomenon, a state and a topological space of a special order. The subject of the study is the conceptual interpretation of the concept of the political by K. Schmitt, described in his work "The Concept of the Political" in 1932 and clarified in subsequent author's additions to the reissue. The purpose of this work is to conceptually deepen Schmitt's "political" in order to expand the possibilities of its application in political and philosophical discourse, as well as to consider it as an independent phenomenon of ontological, psychological and other orders. To achieve this goal, the author's interpretation of K. Schmitt's interpretation is formed in the work. It allows us to use an interdisciplinary approach, namely, to actualize fundamental political and philosophical issues with the involvement of sociological, psychoanalytic and anthropological approaches. Classical theoretical and scientific methods have been chosen as research methods. The analysis of political and philosophical works was carried out. Illustrative arguments were selected through inductive reasoning. The general theses of the work were formed as a result of the synthesis of the analyzed provisions. The novelty of the research lies in the consideration of K. Schmitt's concept not at the macro-level of political relations and in the dimension of state existence, but at the micro-level of subjective existence. The author's interpretation makes it possible to apply Schmitt's "political" with greater instrumentality and with the involvement of psychological, ontological and anthropological approaches in political and philosophical discourse. The results of the study were a number of theoretical positions. Firstly, the connection between the political and the state is not mandatory not only at the macro level, cited by K. Schmitt, but also at the micro level of subjective differentiation. Secondly, the political should be perceived not as a clash of existences that do not have common properties, but as a clash of subjective existence with snatched similar or existences. Thirdly, the shift of the logic of intensity from the interactive focus to the subjective-ontological level allows not only to consider the political with the involvement of other disciplines, but also opens it up for a more detailed political and philosophical study.
alienation, interaction, enmity, intensity, friend-enemy, alien, the subject of the political, subject-oriented ontology, K Schmitt, political
Philosophy of science
Rozin, V.M. (2024). Social Sciences: Characteristics of the Subject, Attitude to Sociology. Philosophical Thought, 8, 10–20. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2024.8.39572
The article discusses the situation in the methodology of social sciences. There were problems with defining the subject of these sciences and distinguishing them from sociology. While some sociologists defend the specifics of sociology, others, for example, Z. Bauman, argue that "sociology is a residual discipline, which is limited by what remains outside the field of view of other social disciplines." The author, following Bauman, separates and connects sociology with the social sciences as follows: in the social sciences, the processes and interactions of people are considered as factors and anthropological conditions of the corresponding deindividual structures and processes (economic, political, legal, institutional, etc.). Answering the question about the nature of the subject of social sciences, the author argues that social sciences study, on the one hand, associations and populations of people, on the other hand, processes and patterns of their changes, on the third hand, social actions under the influence of which these changes occur. Sociology constructs its ideal objects on the assumption that the main thing in this reality are people and their relationships. Other social disciplines consider people as one of the factors and conditions, and distinguish and study various deindividual processes and structures as the main ones. These provisions are explained within the framework of methodological discourse and illustrated by the material of cultural history.
factors, conditions, change, mind, object, sociality, social sciences, sociology, nature, society
Social philosophy
Khomich, N.V. (2024). Socio-philosophical interpretation of conditionality as a universal category . Philosophical Thought, 8, 21–30. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2024.8.37830
The subject of the study of this article is the phenomenon of conditionality, which is considered from the position of determining its function in modern society. The main objective of the study is to prove the status of conditionality as a universal category. In the course of the research, special attention is paid to the formulation of the definition of conditionality, which is derived by analyzing the definitions existing in various scientific disciplines and stating the main signs of conditionality, as well as the conditions of its functioning. A comparative analysis of conditionality and relativity as universal categories becomes significant for the study, in which absolute world values are chosen as a starting point. The novelty of the research lies in clarifying the vagueness and ambiguity of the concept of conditionality, as well as in eliminating the uncertainty of the scientific status of this phenomenon. As a result, conventionality in its universal meaning is defined as a way of displaying and transforming reality, manifested in the discrepancy between the existential and socially conditioned picture of the world and represented with the help of symbols and signs. It is revealed that conditionality is characterized by the limitation of the recreated content, at the same time, by agreement, accepted as absolute information. As a cognitive unit, it indicates the distance between reality and reflection in individual or collective consciousness, the understanding of the existence of which can be considered as a sign of an adequate perception of the surrounding world. The main basis for defining conditionality as a universal category is its ability to reflect the laws of society and thinking. The main distinguishing characteristics of conventionality in comparison with relativity can be distinguished by its artificial nature, that is, belonging to the social and cultural sphere, and not to the field of metaphysics, and its main function is to design a motif–shaped invented world as an alternative and even a substitute for the real one.
the real reality, modality of conditionality, image, social laws, visibility, absolute values, category, relativity, convention, illusory reality
Social philosophy
Zhukova, E.M. (2024). Implementation of the principle of religious tolerance in the Russian State: past and present (geosocial approach). Philosophical Thought, 8, 31–52. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2024.8.71301
The article examines the question of the origins of religious tolerance in the Russian state, its traditional forms and spheres of manifestation over many centuries. The emphasis is made on its actualization in the life of modern Russia. Today, in an era of social instability, uncontrolled migration flows, and the erasure of value orientations, the experience that contributes to the harmonization of various processes is becoming especially relevant. The subject of this study is the principle of religious tolerance in the Russian state. The purpose of the study is to analyze the specifics of religious tolerance in Russia using a geosocial approach. This approach explains the steady trend of manifestation of the principle of religious tolerance in Russian historical realities and the current moment, seeing it as a consequence of the peculiarities of the mentality of Russian population formed by its nature (geographical breadth, etc.). The novelty of the research lies in the fact that various views of researchers on the problem of the origins of religious tolerance have been identified and systematized; a geosocial approach has been used in the study of religious tolerance; the specifics of the manifestation of religious tolerance from the time of pre-Petrine Russia to the present day are traced. An attempt is made to look at religious tolerance as an integral part of the planetary thinking transmitted by the Russian society. The results of the research can be used in theoretical (within the framework of philosophical, political science, religious studies) and practical (in domestic and foreign policy of the country) aspects. The result of the study is to identify the specifics of religious tolerance, which can be traced in Russian history for a number of centuries. The conclusion is that the experience of implementing the principle of religious tolerance in the Russian state is important for stability within modern and future Russia. The principle of religious tolerance is the foundation for the harmonization of interfaith and state-confessional interactions, which in turn are related to the national issue.
planetary thinking, tradition, interfaith relations, internationalism, state-confessional relations, mentality, globalization, geosocial approach, the origins of religious tolerance, religious tolerance
Philosophy and culture
Opolev, P.V. (2024). The complexity of culture in the perspective of object-oriented ontology. Philosophical Thought, 8, 53–69. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2024.8.71585
Material and ideal systems, nature and culture demonstrate the unfolding of forms of complexity. The diversity of historical forms of natural and cultural reality is a confirmation of this thesis. Ontic diversity is found both within the framework of nature and within the framework of culture. Against the background of increased interest in complexity, there is a need to search for forms of its representations in culture. Within the framework of the modern philosophy of "new ontologies", there has been a tendency to overcome the dichotomy of nature and culture, which outlines a new approach to understanding cultural diversity. The article, using the example of the works of G. Harman, L. R. Bryant and T. Morton, provides an understanding of the heuristic potential of modern object-oriented ontology in assessing the problem of diversity and complexity. Object-oriented ontology has an interdisciplinary nature and offers a specific method of reconstructing existence based on the recognition of the ontological equality of all objects. The subject of this work is the concept of "complexity of culture". The logic of the work involves understanding the phenomenon of complexity, reconstructing the key ideas of object-oriented ontology and identifying its heuristic capabilities in the reception and description of cultural complexity. The research methodology is defined by a systematic and dialectical approach to the analysis of contradictions of key provisions of object-oriented ontology. The author concludes that despite the existing contradictions in the object-oriented approach, he draws attention to a number of significant aspects of cultural diversity, allows us to describe complexity as an anthropocultural phenomenon, and fix "extra-theoretical" practices of mastering diversity. The paper notes that object-oriented ontology, postulating the idea of permanent complexity given by an infinite variety of ontologically equal types of existence, offers a non-anthropocentric model of diversity. Culture as an object is hidden from man, but can be considered as a consequence of local manifestations of many human and non-human, material, immaterial and even fictional objects. Culture is connected with man, but its objects have a being that cannot be reduced to the representations of our mind. Object-oriented ontology offers a non-anthropocentric model of cultural diversity, in which a person does not deal with culture, but only with its "translation". This circumstance opens up opportunities for mapping cultural complexity, allows us to record the "non-systemic" experience of human experience of diversity.
culture, nature, philosophy of complexity, philosophy of culture, complexity of culture, complexity, object-oriented ontology, anthropocentrism, diversity, new ontologies
Philosophy and art
Gaynutdinov, T.R. (2024). Derrida developing Barthes: prolegomena to the philosophy of photography. Philosophical Thought, 8, 70–84. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2024.8.71369
The subject of this article is photography in the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, which is addressed for the first time in his work in the context of Roland Barthes' book "Camera lucida". In this publication, we have attempted to reconstruct a dialogue between the two eminent French philosophers, focusing on the problem of photography and related concepts and topics. Special attention is given to Jacques Derrida's short text, "The Deaths of Roland Barthes," written shortly after the tragic death of philosopher. In Derrida's view, Roland Barthes' "Camera lucida" is a text about ghosts, which permeate its fabric and logic and form the category of "punctum." Referring to Jacques Derrida's text "The Deaths of Roland Barthes," we used the concept of ghosts to analyze the phenomenon of photography. The concept of the "ghost" is explored in a number of texts by Jacques Derrida, allowing us to reflect on what is not present, has no actual form of existence, but at the same time returns to us with persistent frightening frequency. This is why the concept of the ghost can also be used to analyze the phenomenon of photography. Photography creates a unique "flattened" time, a time loop of sorts, in which the separation between presence and absence that should form it occurs. Photography snatches out a fragment of the present, in which a certain fundamental absence is already imprinted forever, the present, which we can see only because of its absence. Photography confirms reality, but it is not a "living" representation of the past as it is often portrayed. Photography spectrifies its viewer by employing a specific type of perspective, which establishes specific rules of perception, and creates a new type of subjectivity with unique characteristics.
time, memory, death, ghost, camera lucida, punctum, photography, Barthes, Derrida, deconstruction