Kosorukova, A.A., Frolova, M.N. (2024). The Perception of Socrates' Ethics in F. Nietzsche's Moral Philosophy: Overcoming Metaphysics and its "Eternal Recurrence". Philosophical Thought, 6, 1–12.
The subject of the study is to consider the perception of Socrates' ethics in Nietzsche's philosophy as a theoretical basis for the formation of the key provisions of Nietzsche's philosophy of morality, in particular, possible elements of metaphysical thinking in these provisions. Nietzsche's critical argumentation in relation to the philosophical views of Socrates was considered as the basis for the key provisions of Nietzsche's moral philosophy, particularly in the aspect of its connection with the question of metaphysics. The focus of the author's research is the analysis of the perception of Socratic ideas in the context of criticism of Nietzsche's project of metaphysics through the prism of morality: the idea of self-overcoming and the increasing will to power turn out to be the basis for understanding Nietzsche's new project in moral philosophy. The research methodology includes theoretical methods, historical-philosophical and ethical-philosophical analysis of the consideration of Socrates’ ethics by Nietzsche, and the influence of this consideration on the ethical position of the latter. As a research basis, the article uses the approaches of J. Deleuze, L. Klages, A.F. Losev, L. Shestova, V.M. Bakuseva. The novelty of the article lies in tracing the influence of Socratic ethics on Friedrich Nietzsche's formulation of the moral problem, especially in the aspect of the question of metaphysics in Nietzsche's ethical thought (both criticism of metaphysics and the continuation of some lines of the metaphysical tradition). The first line of Nietzsche's criticism of Socratic philosophy was to identify the influence of Socrates on the emergence of European nihilism. Nietzsche's second thought, in relation to Socrates, concerned the "theoretical man".The third idea, which can be designated as one of the most important features of Nietzsche's moral philosophy, was the idea of self-overcoming.
Apollonian, Dionysian, nihilism, metaphysics, morality, ethics, philosophy, Socrates, Nietzsche, will
Matter and motion
Emel'yanov, A.S. (2024). Lenin and Meillassoux: Is Speculative Materialism Possible?. Philosophical Thought, 6, 13–24.
This article is focused on the compatibility of materialism and speculativism. The dialectical-materialistic philosophy of V.I. Lenin, presented in his work «Materialism and Empiriocriticism», is taken as the starting point of the study. Lenin’s position is compared with the philosophy of speculative materialism, presented by modern French philosopher Quentin Meillassoux, presented in the work «After Finitude: An Essay on the necessity of contingency». The author emphasizes that the programs of Meillassoux and Lenin are united by a common task – the fight against fideism in philosophy and science. According to the Soviet and French philosopher, the only means of combating fideism in science can only be materialism. To solve this problem, they both focus on criticizing correlationism (coordination) in its «strong» and «weak» forms. Despite certain similarities in solving this problem, there are significant differences between the views of Lenin and Meillassoux. They consist, firstly, in a different understanding of the essence of matter (objective reality), secondly, in a different attitude to the cognitive status of «thing-in-itself», and finally, thirdly, in a different attitude to objective truth. These differences call into question the popular point of view expressed by the statement «Meillassoux is a modern Lenin». The study notes that the program of speculative materialism has much in common with the empiriocriticism of A. Bogdanov and A. Poincare. Meillassoux shares with the first the denial of the existence of objective truth, and with the second – the commitment to the so called «mathematical fideism». In conclusion, the author notes that, despite its failure, the project, presented by Meillassoux, is a clear evidence of the renaissance of materialism, currently happening in philosophy (albeit in a very «specific» form).
mathematical fideism, fideism, objective truth, material, Meillassoux, Lenin, dialectical materialism, correlationism, speculative materialism, materialism
Philosophy of science
Sverguzov, A.T. (2024). On the question of the dialectic of scientific knowledge in Russian philosophy: the problem of the relationship between reflection and rationality. Philosophical Thought, 6, 25–38.
The subject of the study is the interrelation of the phenomena of reflection and rationality in the structure of the mechanisms of scientific cognition. The results obtained within the framework of Russian philosophy in different periods of its development – the Soviet and modern stages – are compared. Attention is drawn to the fundamental nature of the research results on the relationship between reflection and rationality obtained during the Soviet period of philosophy development. In the philosophy of that period, a concept was proposed that remained outside the field of view of modern research. One of the features of the subject of the Soviet concept is the identification of the relationship between reflection and rationality through the connection of rationality with the semantic function of reflection. The subject of modern domestic research is influenced by the Western tradition of studying phenomena. Its characteristic feature is the separate consideration of reflection and rationality in science. The research method is a dialectical-materialistic approach. The peculiarity of the research is the use of internal contradictions of reflection and rationality. The novelty of the work is characterized by the application of the results of Soviet dialectical-materialistic studies of the problems of reflection and rationality in science to the modern analysis of the problem. Using the example of modern domestic research, the dialectical nature of the relationship between reflection and rationality is demonstrated. It is shown that the modern discussion of this problem is in a dialectical context, constituted by the framework of the relationship between reflection and rationality. The idea is expressed that the dialectical method continues to be fundamental and is an adequate way of analyzing the existing understanding of the problem. In particular, dialectical-materialistic methodology contributes to the resolution, in the words of one of the modern researchers, of the "epistemological impasse", which he characterizes the results of the modern study of scientific reflection. In general, the conclusion is made about the productivity of resuming dialectical research in modern philosophy.
methodological function of science, meaning – setting function of reflection, semantic function of reflection, rationality, reflection, the positivist approach, dialectical-materialistic approach, philosophy of science, Russian philosophy, interval approach
Social philosophy
Vasiukov, R.V. (2024). The ideas of resentment and bureaucratic unity in the philosophy of social management. Philosophical Thought, 6, 39–47.
The object of research in this article is social management. The subject of the study is the value–motivational component of organizational relations in the context of general cultural, moral, socio-political trends of modern society. The article focuses on the fundamental socio-philosophical and ethical problems and contradictions revealed in such systems of relations as "organization – employee", "manager – subordinate". The article attempts to show the complex moral and political nature of these relations, to use the Nietzschean concept of resentment to describe the sources of some types of organizational conflicts. In addition, the problems of administrative coercion and violence, bureaucratic pressure on the employee's personality come into view. The author of the article generally supports the semantic line of Erich Fromm's "biophilic" concept, which asserts the need to resist the institutional "necrophilic" influence on personality from post-industrial society. The methodological basis of the research consists of the vitalistic ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze, the "biophilic" concept of Erich Fromm, the concepts of the "disciplinary society" of Michel Foucault and the "society of control" of Gilles Deleuze, the genealogical method and the concept of resentment by Friedrich Nietzsche and Max Scheler. The novelty of the research lies in the author's attempt to highlight the value-motivational component of modern organizational relations in its connection with the general cultural, moral, socio-political trends of modern society. A significant place in the study is devoted to the systematic consideration of such urgent problems of social management as organizational conflicts, administrative violence, bureaucratic pressure, and resentment of subordinates. In many ways, the author seeks to combine the theoretical lines of existentialism, postmodernism and poststructuralism in their attempt to uncover the fundamental foundations and trends of post-industrial society and further apply them to the study of social management. The necessity of further research of the influence of the sphere of social management on the spiritual and moral state of the individual and society is shown. The possible anthropological risks of current trends in bureaucratization of various spheres of public life are highlighted.
motivation, organizational conflict, society, personality, bureaucracy, resentment, organization, Social management, control, violence
Philosophy of love
Mikhan, R.I. (2024). The philosophy of love by Gilles Deleuze. Philosophical Thought, 6, 48–60.
This article is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of love in the works of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. The article will show the development and change of this concept throughout its philosophical project, as well as the relationship with other philosophical concepts. The article highlights three successive stages in Deleuze's understanding of love. The first stage is the discovery of the Other as a possible world. A number of Deleuze's early works reflect him. In them, you can see how Deleuze builds his phenomenology of the beloved and the Other. He moves from the conflictual consideration of the Other to the inter-monadological theory of the Other. The second stage is the invasion of each other's world. His work "Marcel Proust and the Signs" corresponds to him, where Deleuze is engaged in a more detailed examination of the phenomenon of love through love signs exchanged between a lover and a loved one. Each of them has their own limited point of view, which can lead to misunderstandings. However, interaction with each lover complements the picture of the world and is included in a series of events that determine the point of view of the lover and the beloved. The third stage is the unification of the worlds, which can be found in the joint work with Felix Guattari "A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia". Love can be one of the examples of a "body without organs", it helps to go beyond established boundaries, gives rise to experiments and new practices. However, Deleuze and Guattari separately note the necessary caution in love practice. Considering love in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze gives us a better understanding of his ethics, his views in relation to Another, helps us understand his general perception of another person as an exponent of an alternative point of view that can enrich and complement our existence.
Leibniz, joy, ethics, immanence, a possible world, Another, a wish, love, Gilles Deleuze, phenomenology