Social philosophy
Tselykovskiy, A.A. (2024). Constructive and destructive effects of mediatization of family memory. Philosophical Thought, 10, 1–11.
The paper analyzes the peculiarities of family memory transformation under the influence of digitalization. In the modern world, new media begin to exert a determining influence on the formation of the image of reality, leading to the emergence of a special media culture that transforms familiar social phenomena. To reveal the specifics of the phenomenon of family memory we use the concept of midi-memory, which describes the mechanisms of emergence, storage and translation of collective representations of the past in the conditions of mediatization and digitalization. In such conditions, the boundary between cultural and communicative memory is gradually erased, and the number of subjects involved in the construction of representations of the past increases significantly. As a result, the mechanism of constructing images of the past is changing. These processes lead to the need to analyze the destructive and constructive effects of the mediatization of collective and, in particular, family memory.The main methodological principle of the study is the analysis of various forms of collective memory that appear in modern reality under the influence of digitalization. In modern realities, which are gradually blurring the line between cultural and communicative memory, collective representations of the past are being transferred into the format of media memory. Mediatization of family memory can contribute to the formation of national identity through the inclusion of significant national events in the images of the past present in family memory. A significant role in these processes is played by significant symbols of the Soviet period, broadcast by modern media practice. This increases the risk of purposeful distortion of images of the past. In the end, the media blur the boundaries of family memory, replacing images of the past with images constructed by media space.
mediatization, digitalization, media memory, media, historical memory, family memory, collective memory, myth, mythologization, mythmaking
The new paradigm of science
Ufimtsev, A.E., Smirnova, M.M. (2024). System-structural and bioessential-deterministic
meta-paradigms. Part two. Philosophical Thought, 10, 12–33.
The work is devoted to a conceptual understanding of trends in the development of scientific knowledge. The article continues the research on the theory of sign in an interdisciplinary aspect. In the first part, the theory of sign and paradigms in linguistics were compared: systemic-structural and anthropocentric. This comparison made it possible to identify systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms. A meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of scientific ideas in a number of areas of scientific knowledge, as a system of many paradigms in various scientific disciplines that determines the development of scientific knowledge. The discovered patterns are considered at the meta-scientific level in the form of systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms. The development of conceptual thought in phonopedia is described. In conclusion, the concepts of tendencies, trends and meta-paradigm are distinguished. The meta-paradigm, in contrast to tendency, not only describes current development, but also makes forecasts of a strategic nature. The characteristics of the systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are given. The conclusion is made that systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are universal; that the change in meta-paradigms is systemic in nature. Currently, the systemic-structural meta-paradigm is being replaced by a bioessential-deterministic one. The described patterns are systemic in nature. The described patterns are binary oppositions, form and content , asymptotically guiding the development of consciousness. An assumption has been made: life is limitless knowledge, and the possibilities of knowledge as a process are determined by the vital essence of the knower.
scientific knowledge, bioessential determinism, bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigm, system-structural meta-paradigm, anthropocentric paradigm, binary oppositions, metaparadigm, meta-paradigm, paradigm shift, paradigm
Picture of the world in natural science
Grishin, A.A. (2024). A human in a multi-world interpretation of quantum mechanics. Philosophical Thought, 10, 34–50.
The essay provides an overview of current scientific and philosophical publications on quantum physics and interpretations of quantum mechanics. Based on the ideas of British physicist David Deutsch and American theoretical physicist Sean M. Carroll, the substantiation of a multi-world interpretation from the point of view of physical theory, its consistency and ability to explain the paradoxes of quantum physics without involving additional auxiliary concepts and unknown laws of physics is presented. The author suggests that the rejection of a multi–world interpretation should be attributed to a psychological barrier – the refusal to look at reality from a different angle, or the "illusion of common sense". The mechanism of quantum computing (quantum computing) and the possibility of the quantum nature of the functioning of consciousness of living organisms based on the concepts of Roger Penrose and Mikhail Mensky and their ambiguity are considered. Using analysis and general scientific research methods, a mechanism for the interaction of biological organisms and the quantum nature of the world is proposed based on the principle used by quantum mechanics to solve the Elitzur-Weidman problem. The conclusion is made about the possibility of functioning of a biological quantum mechanism that provides a significant gain in environmental competition between living beings by increasing the effectiveness of their predictive behavior. Arguments are given both in favor and against the existence of such a mechanism based on the analysis of publicly available research materials on this topic. In conclusion, an attempt is made to determine the place of man in the expanded picture of the universe in this way. It is shown how important it could be whether human beings are able to exchange information with their invariants in the Multiverse, from the point of view of the concepts of personality and self-awareness. A brief overview of the influence of the ideas of quantum physics in general and the multi-world interpretation in particular on modern religious movements, philosophy and media culture is given.
evolution, Multiverse, the Elitzur–Vaidman bomb-tester, Multi-World interpretation, quantum computing, quantum biology, quantum mechanics, Everett, Penrose, Mensky
Social philosophy
Abdrahmanova, F.R. (2024). Conflict of Moral Values in the Age of Big Data: a Hermeneutic Approach. Philosophical Thought, 10, 51–63.
The subject of this study is the ethical problem of moral conflict in the modern world, in which traditional moral values clash with the values of the information society, caused by the hypertrophied development of Internet technologies and media space. The main problem of the study is an attempt to understand the conflict of moral values in the era of Big Data through the prism of philosophical analysis by applying the hermeneutic method and its ethical solution. The idea that traditional moral values cannot be assimilated in information flows, but must be transformed and developed taking into account the realities of modern digital society, is central to the study. The research methodology includes theoretical methods, such as ethical and philosophical analysis of the problem, the hermeneutic method, which allow to go beyond the description of the functionality of the latest technologies, and understand what impact they have on the transformation of moral values in modern society. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the article reveals new aspects of using the hermeneutic approach to the analysis and interpretation of the conflict of moral values of interaction between humans and digital technologies in modern society. The results of the study show that moral values and ethical norms must adapt to the modern realities of the information society in order to preserve human identity. The hermeneutic approach made it possible to consider the problem from the point of view of a person's personal growth, preserving their own identity and searching for truth in a world overflowing with information.
globalization, media influence, interaction, hermeneutical approach, information technologys, digital society, traditional society, moral values, conflict, Big Data
Reverence for life
Kannykin, S.V. (2024). Ethical and humanistic views of A. Schweitzer and J. Shihana: the experience of comparative analysis. Philosophical Thought, 10, 64–83.
The subject of the study is the common and different views on man, society and ethics of A. Schweitzer and J. Sheehan - the most famous representatives of the philosophy of sports in the USA of the twentieth century and theorist of the humanistic content of running practices. This comparison is carried out in order to determine how an American researcher expresses, concretizes and enriches a complex of humanistic ideas, generically called Schweitzerianism. The author explicates the relationship between A. Schweitzer and J. Sheehan addresses the problems of human physicality, clarifies the causes and consequences of their desire for freedom from inauthentic life, identifies the specifics and spheres of self-knowledge, defines the role of religion and mysticism in their spirituality, and compares ethical programs and humanistic ideals. The research methodology is presented by general logical methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as philosophical methods: hermeneutical and phenomenological. A. Schweitzer and J. Sheehan is united by finding the meaning of one's own existence in affirming the existence of a bodily expressed life – both in the fullness of its presence (A. Schweitzer) and in the form of individual human physicality (J. Sheehan). The task of the individual is to form an individual ethic that, in the interests of human development, would be characterized by life and world affirmation, as well as optimism. Both A. Schweitzer and J. Sheehan believes that the source of such ethics is a religious and mystical connection with the Absolute, which is achieved by two paths: consistent and deep thinking (A. Schweitzer) and bodily (in particular, running) practices (J. Sheehan), the stages of ascent of which to the Absolute are as follows: play – suffering – Vision. After acquiring this type of ethics, a person must move into the mode of active service to the good ("life for others"). The boundless ethics of A. Schweitzer has become a new stage in the development of humanism, and one of the social forces actively asserting the complex of his ideas today is the amateur running community, the expression of the humanistic spirit of which is J. Schweitzer. In the context of the ethical progress of society, running as a social practice can be considered as a sphere of affirmation of values such as democracy, equality, individualism, honesty, the positive significance of human physicality and heroism without violence against rivals.
reverence for life, fronesis, body, heroism, game, running, religion, mysticism, ethics, humanism