Philosophy and culture
Grigoryev, S.L. (2023). The screen as a determinant of time acceleration. Philosophical Thought, 7, 1–8.
The subject of the study is the current trend of accelerating cultural dynamics, as well as the real reason for the emergence of a subjective sense of acceleration of socio–cultural time - the acceleration of the pace of STP and the diversity of the technosphere surrounding the individual. Another such reason is the overuse of information. The classical model of time, which assumes that all possible changes in the continuously moving world are interconnected in space and time, is partially deformed, partially annulled in the conditions of modern information culture. The process of revising classical models of time perception in combination with its individualization was initiated by the philosophical trends of existentialism and postmodernism. The research is based on the concept of digital capitalism by J. Weissman, is a purposeful consideration and comprehensive analysis of a number of new views on the phenomenon of the screen, as well as on the features of structuring and representation for the recipient of his internal virtual space, which have a direct impact on perception, resulting in the appearance of the effect of subjectively perceived acceleration of time. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the nature of the interactions formed between the screen and the viewer (user, viewer, gamer, etc.). The existence of a modern person is increasingly becoming a simulation, and the time of existence is commercialized and becomes the subject of symbolic exchange and consumption. According to the results of the study, the most noticeable features of the formed interactions, their imitative and simulation nature, forcibly modeling the effect of time acceleration are identified and analyzed. The screen of an electronic device (smartphone, tablet, TV) located next to a person in the conditions of a network society forms a new type of intersubjectivity, within which it acquires many functions, the number of which is constantly growing. In conclusion, the author's philosophical interpretation of the problem of screen-human interaction is presented, based on the concept of J. Weissman, the analysis of modern cultural trends of acceleration and deceleration is carried out, the general socio-cultural prospects of these processes are evaluated.
socio-cultural dynamics, boost, overuse of information, time as an experience, existential time, social models of time, socio-cultural acceleration, sacralizing the screen, screen culture, screen quality
Ontology: being and nihility
Kuzmin, V. (2023). Abstracting Objects on the Example of the Concept "Color". The Phenomenological Aspect. Philosophical Thought, 7, 9–23.
The features of abstracting objects in three segments of reality differing in "size" are investigated: "situation", "co-existence" (situations) and "universe". At the same time, abstraction of objects can be of two types: "internal" and "external". In the first case, it is an idealization according to an intrinsic property, in the second case, it is a distraction from some external aspects set in the corresponding segment of reality, in the region of being in which the object has meaning. The purpose of the work is to identify the features of abstracting objects with a phenomenological approach. The general concept is due to the interval methodology. It is noted that with the phenomenological approach, the nature of abstraction depends entirely on the "size" of the corresponding segment of reality (in the methodology, the abstraction interval). The presented innovations are described in detail on the example of the concept "color". The difference between the concept of "color" (as a result of "internal" abstraction) and the concept of "color" ("external" abstraction) is revealed. The role of a specific color, categories of color and chromaticity in the intending of objects of color reality is differentiated. The abstraction of color in different segments of reality is studied, in particular, a specific color in a "situation", a category of color in a "co-existence" and, finally, chromaticity in a "universe". The special role of gray (achromatic) color in vision is revealed. The abstraction of gray color plays an important role in the perception of colors both in everyday life and in aesthetics (painting).
complementarity of colors, reality segment, given, color continuum, the universe, chroma, gray color, interval methodology, color contrast, black and white photo
Cycles and tides in the global world
Suslov, A.V., Gusev, D.A. (2023). A Bridge across the Abyss? Digitalization and Transhumanism as a New Anthropological and Social Reality in the Context of Ideological Searches of Personality (Historical, Philosophical and General Theoretical Aspects). Philosophical Thought, 7, 24–37.
One of the main existentials of a person is the fact of his mortality and, most importantly, his knowledge about it, which inevitably leads everyone, one way or another, to the idea of overcoming death, to the idea of immortality, or – a saving bridge across the abyss of non–existence, which connects the present being of a person with his future being. In search of this bridge, a person talks about various "variants" of immortality: physical (naturalistic); biological; social; scientific-technical, technological and technocratic; religious – Christian providential immortality. The totality of socio-philosophical and anthropological concepts grouped around the idea of scientific and technological improvement of human nature, significant prolongation of life and, to the limit, overcoming mortality, is one of the modern trends of philosophical thought, known as transhumanism. The article attempts to consider transhumanism in the broad ideological context of the materialistic-atheistic, scientististic, positivist and evolutionist project, which, in general, is based on the "multifaceted" anthropovolutarianism that is constantly present in the philosophical search for humanity; and also – to analyze transhumanistic ideas from the positions of the opposite – idealistic-theistic, creationist, anti–positivist worldview camp, - based on providentialism, which for centuries and – currently – opposes anthropocentric voluntarism and transhumanism. The research being undertaken aims – in the context of the centuries–old polemic between anthropovolutarianism and providentialism - to clarify the reality or illusory nature of the proposed strategies of immortality, the search for a real bridge leading man and humanity through the abyss of threatened non-existence.
anthropological voluntarism, Christianity, materialism, postpositivism, positivism, anti-scientism, scientism, posthumanism, providentialism, transhumanism
History of ideas and teachings
Maltsev, Y.V. (2023). Pragmatism in Education: Philosophical Foundations and Pedagogical Practice. Philosophical Thought, 7, 38–50.
The subject of this article is the ideas in the field of philosophy and practice of education, proposed by the founders of pragmatism: C. Pierce, W. James, J. Dewey, R. Rorty. The concepts of these authors gave rise to one of the most successful philosophies of education, which has been and is being subjected to considerable criticism, but is still in demand and demonstrating effectiveness. The article analyzes the initial axioms of the philosophy of pragmatism and the principles on which, according to the philosophers-authors, this educational model should work. The modern criticism of pragmatism in English-language literature is also touched upon. Attention to the philosophy of pragmatism in education seems justified due to the search for a better educational model that is taking place in Russia today. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the analysis of the key philosophical principles of the educational model of pragmatism along with practical recommendations, as well as in the attention paid to Ch. Pierce and the place, significance, of his ideas in the educational model of pragmatism. Traditionally Ch. Pierce is taken out of the brackets when writing about pragmatism in education. Much more attention is paid to the ideas of W. James, J. Dewey, R. Rorty, while Peirce's prolegomena seem fundamentally significant in understanding pragmatism as a philosophy of education. The author discusses the current controversy around the relevance of pragmatism as a philosophy of education, about its strengths and weaknesses. It is concluded that pragmatism as a philosophy of education carries useful principles associated with consensual practices, critical thinking, dialogue, increased attention to experience and an active cognitive position, and therefore can be used as a counterweight to destructive (commercialization, deprofessionalization) trends in education.
truth, James, Rorty, Dewey, Pierce, pragmatism, education, philosophy of education, philosophy, dialogue
Philosophical anthropology
Gluzdov, D.V. (2023). Interaction of Philosophical Anthropology and Neurosciences in the Context of Natural and Artificial Intelligence. Philosophical Thought, 7, 51–60.
The subject of the study is the relationship between philosophical anthropologists, who deal with the nature and essence of man, and neurosciences, who study neural processes - the work of the brain and nervous system. In particular, the present article is a discovery of how these two fields can shed light on issues related to detection and artificial intelligence, such as the nature of consciousness and intelligence, as well as the possibility of creating conscious machines and the ethical implications of the emergence of artificial intelligence. The study suggests an interdisciplinary approach. In this methodological work, dialectical methods are encountered in this important methodological plane, but also the hermeneutic and phenomenological approaches most often used in philosophical research are used. The novelty of research is found in the frequency of violations between the philosophical and empirical points of medicine in the considered area. Within the framework of this study, a philosophical examination is carried out for the most “objective” examination - a representative of philosophical anthropology, the doctrine of the nature and nature of man. The subject of research suggesting the creation of a promising possession towards a versatile understanding of man. Problems notwithstanding, the interplay between philosophical anthropology and neuroscience can provide valuable insights into some of the most fundamental and elusive aspects of the human experience, such as consciousness, the self, and free will. The interaction of philosophical anthropology and neuroscience can be organized as a dialogue between two approaches to understanding the human condition. Philosophical anthropology offers a conceptual framework for thinking about the nature of human experience, while neuroscience provides empirical evidence that can help test and refine philosophical theories. Together, these two areas can help shed light on some of man's most fundamental questions about what it means to be.
dialogue, free will, consciousness, natural intelligence, artificial intelligence, human, neuroscience, philosophical anthropology, mind and body, interdisciplinary approach