Methodology of philosophical learning
Gashkov, S.A. (2022). Subject and History: Thinking Modernity with Castoriadis in Polemical Context (Heidegger, Ricoeur, Habermas). Philosophical Thought, 6, 1–7.
The paper considers the specific lines of the ontology of Cornelius Castoriadis in a triple context of his thought: polemics with Heidegger and Ricoeur, but also the reception of Castoriadis' project of modernity by Habermas. The author aims to elucidate historical-philosophical meaning of these debates and receptions through the special problems of the philosophy of history: teleology, succession, determination, creation, innovation, re-production, memory and imagination. The author used hermeneutical and intertextual analyse as methods. The results of authors' work are as follows: 1) author showed that Castoriadis polemized with some cases of reception of Heidegger's thought, especially in regard of Ancient Greek civilization, 2) author showed the limits of Castoriadis' thought: his radical atheism, social monadism, refusal to think communication, 3) author showed also the advantages of Castoriadis' thought of history: his multiculturalism, his claim to restaure genuine philosophy and democracy, critics of determinism, scientism, cultural egoism.
Castoriadis, Heidegger, Ricoeur, Habermas, subject, history, polemics, history of philosophy, philosophy of history, creation
History of ideas and teachings
Korotkikh, V.I. (2022). The principle of constructing Sociality in Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" and the problem of method in Social and Humanitarian cognition. Philosophical Thought, 6, 8–20.
The subject of the study is the analysis of the construction of social reality in Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit". The form of representation of social life found by Hegel acted as one of the prerequisites for the formation of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge. The author seeks to show that Hegel's overcoming of the idea of the immediacy of social relations as a subject of philosophical consideration is a decisive moment in the formation of the method of social and humanitarian sciences. The construction of social reality, which replaces the uncritical perception of society as an object as accessible to observation as natural objects, opens up the possibility of a consistent, methodically verified disclosure of the essential characteristics of social life. The study establishes that Hegel presents the described forms of social reality as necessary steps for the movement of the spirit to self-knowledge. The basis for the assertion of the natural nature of the processes of formation of social relations is their belonging to the sphere of self-consciousness. Thus, consciousness pushes its boundaries, overcomes singularity, establishing social reality as a sphere in which the spirit is able to reveal the concreteness of substance. The topic under consideration has not only philosophical and systematic significance, the article shows that Hegel justifies the possibility of overcoming subjective ("evaluative") approaches to the consideration of social life associated with the idea of the immediacy of social relations, reveals the necessary nature of the formation of social reality and its comprehension in various forms of the spirit. The method of constructing sociality presented in the "Phenomenology of Spirit" ensures the cognizability of social life by rational means and the evidentiary nature of social and humanitarian knowledge.
social relations, social reality, humanities, social sciences, method, Phenomenology of the Spirit, Hegel 's Philosophy, rational cognition, self-awareness, construction
Social philosophy
Avakyan-Forer, A.G. (2022). Philosophical problems of economics in the Modern Era. Philosophical Thought, 6, 21–28.
The economy has been an integral part of the life of all mankind since the most ancient times. The development of this science is directly related to the activities of people in a particular historical period. Various spheres and areas of life have undergone numerous changes under the influence of numerous factors, such as the formation of states, changes in political regimes, scientific discoveries and many others. Very few works are devoted to philosophical issues of Modern economics. As a result, the main concepts of socio-economic issues in the philosophical thought of the Modern era became the subject of the study. The author examines in detail the reasons and prerequisites for the formation of economic science. In Modern times, it is being formed into an autonomous system. Special attention is paid to the transformation of such basic economic categories as economy, labor, interests, and need. Economic problems during this period are permeated with a new philosophical meaning. The main conclusions of the philosophical analysis are the identification of new human relationships, both to himself and to society. There are new attitudes to man, to nature, to work, to trade, to wealth. Analyzing their contents, the author reveals a general idea of the nature of economic activity of this era. As a result, it turns out that the economic ideas of the philosophers of this period, in particular T. Hobbes, A. Smith and B. Mandeville, affect a number of very important aspects of the essence of man and influence the further development of economic theory as a whole. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that generalizing the ideas of philosophers about economic issues, the author combines them into three approaches.
economic schools, basic needs, mercantilism, labour, moral standards, economic activity, personal interest, capitalism, material success, Reasonable selfishness
The dialogue of cultures
Rubets, M.V. (2022). The view of modern Chinese researchers on Russian and Russian philosophy. Philosophical Thought, 6, 29–45.
Russian Russian Philosophy The purpose of this work was, firstly, to find the reasons for the interest of Chinese researchers in Russian and Russian philosophy; secondly, to identify both Chinese criticism of Russian philosophy and positive acceptance, as well as their causes. Comparative, classification method, content analysis method were used.The main reasons and goals of Chinese philosophers in the study of Russian philosophy were identified and formulated. Russian Russian scholars have given some examples of criticism of Russian religious philosophy and modern Russian philosophy, as well as works whose authors tend to positively evaluate certain achievements of Russian philosophy. The results can be used in the preparation of lectures on foreign philosophy, as well as for further research in the field of reception of Russian philosophy abroad.The general conclusion from the work done may be the awareness of the practical approach of the Chinese to the study of foreign philosophy – their desire to extract the maximum benefit from the studied subject to solve the problems faced by China in the process of modernization and globalization. Russian Russian philosophy's more specific conclusions are that both the acceptance and criticism of the achievements of Russian/Russian philosophy by the Chinese are based not on theoretical, but on pragmatic grounds – how important they are for the Russian or Chinese nation and the world as a whole.The scientific novelty lies in carrying out such an analysis and isolating the above positions on the material of Chinese works of the XXI century, including texts published in October 2021.
marxism, China, chinese philosophy, chinese researchers, criticism of Russian philosophy, reception of Russian philosophy, russian philosophy, Russian religious philosophy, dialogue of cultures, modern russian philosophy
Philosophy of science and education
Volkova, V., Kainova, A. (2022). Knowledge management as a modern educational trend. Philosophical Thought, 6, 46–57.
This article discusses the essence of the educational process. The subject of the study is knowledge management as an emerging trend of systematization of effective factors in the development of education. Philosophical ideas of self-organization and involvement of holistic thinking, contextual vision of the situation in the educational process play a special role. The perspective of the development of education is connected with the peculiarities of the influence of globalist and postmodern worldviews on approaches to educational activities and knowledge management in general. The methodological basis of the study is a holistic approach to education. The formation of the unity of the educational process is connected with the distribution of educational initiatives on an equal footing between the teacher and the students of the higher school. The results of the study emphasize the need for the teacher to master the position of a creative manager in taking into account the many positions of self-education of students in the space of social communication management. In response, students as students need philosophical and psychological preparation for managing their education and a high level of reflection in controlling their ways of mastering knowledge and accompanying social relations. The novelty of the work lies in determining the role, necessity, area of responsibility and list of competencies of a creative manager – an expert in educational activities. It arises when there is a figurative connection among students and their adjustment to a contextual vision of the situation. The scope of application of the results is any educational process in which students are involved – from higher education to corporate training. The modern educational system must meet the challenges of digital reality with its ubiquity of information. The approach to student education should be refocused on the constant exchange of teacher-student roles between student and teacher. For the competent implementation of the exchange of roles, students must be properly prepared. The quality of education should be monitored by a special expert with the necessary competencies in the field of knowledge management.
postmodernism, creative management, engagement, constructiveness, context, globalization, knowledge management, education, digitalization, open perception