History of ideas and teachings
Zandelov, V.V. (2022). The Solidaristic State as a Guarantor of Social Justice in the Philosophy of I. A. Ilyin. Philosophical Thought, 11, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.39136
The article closely examines Ivan Ilyin’s views on the phenomenon of social justice in its relation to the state. The inability to establish the principles of social justice through a normative legal act as well as the contradictory nature of understanding justice by some individuals create a scenario in which the state, according to Ivan Ilyin, should result in solidarism based on the principles of natural law. In this regard, the political aspect of society is of particular importance, since the traditional way of conducting political activity is often associated with the implementation of the interests of the selected few or groups of individuals that go against the nationwide will. Among the main conclusions of this study is the idea that Ivan Ilyin highly valued the principles of the form of government, which is focused on the control of the inner processes in society, and the search for a unified national ideology for its implementation in politics. According to Ivan Ilyin, the state should not put itself above the law which it creates. Otherwise, it will not be able to take into account and express the interests of its citizens. That way social justice will forever remain unattainable and the political aspect of society will be a reason for dispute leading to the collapse of statehood itself.
Ilyin, nomocracy, sense of justice, solidarity, ethics, politics, law, government, rights, society
Social philosophy
Zakharov, A.D. (2022). Ethical-Psychological Theory by Erich Fromm as a Tool of Social Transformation. Philosophical Thought, 11, 12–21. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.39215
Social transformation is an up-to-date concept in current philosophical and social circumstances being considered with problematization and the creation and development of social philosophy several centuries ago. A specific contribution to this problem was made within the framework of improving the quality of human knowledge with the development of psychology as a science and methodology, psychoanalysis and neo–Freudianism in particular. This article is devoted to the problem of society’s ethical transformation using the example of Erich Fromm's radical humanistic psychoanalysis – a neo-Freudian concept that requires clarification and explanation despite the abundance of content covering the topic. Qualitative analysis of primary empirical data, processing of secondary empirical data, analysis of various views on the chosen topic were used as research methods. This article examines the basic concepts of Fromm's humanistic psychoanalysis within the framework of the issue under study, as well as an assessment of the conceptual applicability of his theory to the problem of social transformation. In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the theoretical constructions by Erich Fromm are not studied scrupulously enough, contain a unique idiographic point of view and have practical applicability for a wide range of users of the provided information – philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, historians, religious scholars.
social transformation, morality, x-experience, neo-Freudianism, psychoanalysis, Erich Fromm, vitalism, life orientation, humanistic ethics, existentialism
The lectern
Shimelfenig, O.V. (2022). On the Diagnosis and Development of Creativity Based on the Ontology of the Game. Philosophical Thought, 11, 22–37. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.39185
The subject of the study is to understand the phenomenon of creativity, and the purpose is to provide recommendations for its diagnosis and development of creative abilities. Creativity is currently one of the most sought-after skills according to the forecasts of analysts of the World Economic Forum. The methodological basis of the research is the theoretical and practical results known in science in the psychology of creativity and the story-game concept of reality. Particular attention is paid to the identification in the works on the definition and diagnosis of creativity of their ontological connection with the story-game paradigm, which also intersects meaningfully with studies on situational semantics. A comparative and critical analysis of the basic concepts in these approaches is carried out. The main conclusions of the study are as follows. When teaching any subject, it is useful to diagnose the type of thinking of the audience, periodically offer various tasks that require little time, but develop analytical and creative thinking at the same time, requiring the use of broad categories, synthetics of perception of the environment and a high level of cognitive flexibility, the ability to understand and form metaphors, free association of meanings, interpretations of any text, picture, phenomenon; that is, in fact, it is teaching a creative and playful attitude to various problems. The story-game approach, both in training and in any field of activity, makes it possible to optimally maintain a balance between following the patterns – the "rules of the games" of nature and society and original, creative behavior.
scenario, plot, game, development, competencies, diagnostics, tests, problems, thinking, creativity
History of ideas and teachings
Kupriianov, V. (2022). The Justification of the Science of Science in the European and Soviet Philosophy of Science in the 1920s (to the Prehistory of the Naukovedenie). Philosophical Thought, 11, 38–49. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.39186
The article deals with the comparative analysis of the projects of the science of science (Naukovedenie/Naukoznanie) proposed by the Soviet philosopher I. A. Borichesky and by the Polish-American philosopher and sociologist F. Znaniecki . The author points out that both projects with similar tasks arose almost simultaneously in the 1920s in different socio-economic and political contexts. To analyze the projects, the author uses the concept of social and cognitive institutionalization proposed by R. Whitley. To consider the social institutionalization of science about science, the author gives the information about Polish and Soviet/Russian organizations for the science studies created at the beginning of the XXth century. The author gives an analysis of cognitive institutionalization based on the reconstruction of F. Znaniecki's and I. A. Borichevsky's projects. The article concludes that Znaniecki and Borichevsky proposed projects of a completely new science, the subject of which should be science itself. In these projects, science Naukovedenie/Naukoznanie were understood as an independent science, irreducible to any other field of scientific research. It was assumed that Naukovedenie/Naukoznanie consider science in all its diversity. The author shows that what is important in the projects of Znaniecki and Borichevsky is the idea of the practical application of science of science. The author for the first time in the research literature analyzes the little - known project proposed by F. Znaniecki, linking it with the general intellectual context of the epoche when it appeared. The novelty of the article also includes a comparison of the ideas of I. A. Borichevsky and F. Znaniecki.
Marxism in science, Soviet philosophy, History of science, Methodology of science, Borichevsky, Znaniecki, Science of science, Naukoznanie, Naukovedenie, Polish philosophy
History of ideas and teachings
Rozin, V.M. (2022). Theory of Activity and Phenomenology – Alternative Dispositives of the Philosophers of the Sixties. Philosophical Thought, 11, 50–60. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.39245
The article analyzes the content and opposition of two approaches that were formed in philosophy in the 60s of the last century - activity–theoretic and phenomenological. If the theory of activity was formed under the influence of Marxist ideas and psychology, then phenomenology was formed under existentialism and the theory of consciousness. The evolution of the views of G.P. Shchedrovitsky and M. Foucault, who chose Marxism and built, the first, a theory of activity and methodology, the second – a doctrine that includes an analysis of discourses, institutions and power, is compared. If Shchedrovitsky struggled with psychologism and subjectivism all his life, Foucault eventually overcomes Marxist influence and returns to the study of personality, outlining the main ideas of the philosophy of subjectivity in the last period of his life. The approach of Shchedrovitsky, who extended hypotheses about thinking and activity to any kind of intellectual activity (as a result, he could not understand the nature and essence of thinking), is opposed to the phenomenological approach. The latter sets the task of comprehending new ways of thinking, new beginnings in specific subjects and disciplines, with the statement that research does not presuppose either a certain point of view or a certain direction, that it is unsubstantiated (which is hardly true). Although phenomenologists polemize with methodology, denying the latter, the author argues that phenomenology is also a certain area of methodology, but fundamentally different from Shchedrovitsky's "pan-methodology".
subjectivity, forming, research, action, mind, phenomenology, methodology, conscience, activity, personality
Characteristics of society
Antipov, M.A. (2022). Sociality and Socialization in the Context of Digitalization of Society. Philosophical Thought, 11, 61–72. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.38963
The subject of the study is the impact of digitalization on social reality and the socialization of the individual. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the ratio of mental and physical in social life and social interactions, the features of social interactions in virtual digital spaces, the specifics of socialization in the information society and the development of digital technologies. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of metauniverses, the essence of this concept is revealed, and the technologies used in their development and implementation are described. The concept of an avatar as a digital self of the user is revealed. The advantages and disadvantages of metauniverses as a fundamentally new form of social reality and the sphere of socialization are considered. The scientific novelty of the study lies in considering the impact of digitalization and metauniverses as one of its leading trends on social reality and socialization. The main conclusions of the study are the following: digitalization, a significant trend of which is the development of metauniverses, leads to the formation, along with social reality, of virtual hyperreality with new forms of the social; socialization in the context of the virtualization of society is also transforming, which is manifested in its division into offline and online; the construction of a single metauniverse in the future should take into account that despite all its advantages, this is an additional sphere of social relations and everyday life, which should not replace social reality.
mental, corporal, sociality, avatar, metaverse, socialization, real and virtual, digitalization, social life, virtualization of society
Philosophy and culture
Zheltikova, I.V., Bryzgalov, A.L. (2022). The Problem of Forming Images of the Past and Images of the Future as Elements of the Temporal Picture of the World. Philosophical Thought, 11, 73–94. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8728.2022.11.39207
The authors turn their attention to the study of the temporal picture of the world that exists in the consciousness of an individual and the supra-individual consciousness of society. Ideas about the past and the future are part of the present and their study contributes to understanding the processes taking place here and now, the causes and meanings behind current events. The subject of consideration are images of the past and images of the future as a set of representations representing the past and the future in the present. The purpose of the study is to consider the process of the appearance of images of the past and images of the future both at the individual and collective level. The question of what are essentially images of the past and images of the future, what are the principles of their appearance and functioning is still open. The authors of the article offer their own version of the answer to the question about the genesis of these temporal images. It consists in affirming the dominance of collective images of the past over individual ones. At a certain time period, there is one collective image of the past in culture, formed by ideology and social consensus on the basis of the historical narrative of professional historians based on real traces of the past and many individual images interpreting this semantic core. In the process of forming images of the future, priority is given to individual images reflecting a personal assessment of the dominant trends of the present, which will find their embodiment in the future. Individual images of the future, through the coordination of individual representations, are formed into variants of a collective vision of the future. Therefore, at a certain point in time, not one but several collective images of the future function in society.
social reality, future orientation, historical memory, social expectations, futures studies, memory studies, image of the future, image of the past, temporal representations, contemporaneity