Uzarashvili, L.M. (2021). The concept of plasticity in the philosophy of Catherine Malabou: take, give and break the form. Philosophical Thought, 2, 1–10.
The object of this research is the concept of plasticity. The subject of this research concept of plasticity proposed by the French philosopher Catherine Malabou. The author examines the genealogy of the concept of plasticity, which includes the developments of the ancient philosophers Goethe and Hegel. Catherine Malabou based her system on the Hegelian conceptualization of plasticity. The author reviews several types of plasticity offered by Catherine Malabou, among which is neuroplasticity and destructive plasticity. Special attention is given to discrepancies between the concepts of “plasticity” and “flexibility”. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the analysis of novel approaches towards understanding the interrelation between philosophy and biology in the area of representations on human. The author notes that plasticity is the modern materialistic paradigm for understanding human from the perspective of the currently relevant philosophical direction of posthumanism. The following conclusions are formulated: plasticity indicates that nothing in the world can be set once and for all; plasticity has considerable hermeneutical potential due to its own flexibility and variability; plasticity is a productive way of posthumanistic representations on human due to its anti-essentialist orientation.
anti-essentialism, neurophilosophy, destructive plasticity, neomaterialism, Catherine Malabou, posthuman, neuroplasticity, plasticity, plastic human, flexibility
Philosophy of technology
Bylieva, D.S., Lobatyuk, V.V. (2021). The image of the digital future of society through the prism of the pandemic. Philosophical Thought, 2, 11–23.
The Covid19 pandemic turned out to be a challenge that forced civilization to demonstrate how modern technologies are able to protect human biological vulnerability. Considered by the authors as the main object of research, digital technologies have taken on a huge burden of maintaining public relations and processes. The analysis of social processes and cases made in the article revealed the main trends, opportunities and dangers. The threat to existence has accelerated the process of digitalization many times, leaving virtually no options for dissenters, forced to expand the use of existing information and communication technologies, accelerate the creation of new ones. Constant presence on the web becomes an absolute psychological and in many cases an objective necessity. For many organizations, the choice was between ceasing to exist or going digital. Humanity has largely been prepared for the "digitalization" of its existence from the point of view of technological solutions, and to a much lesser extent from the point of view of psychological and social. The article identifies three main functions of information and communication technologies that united people during the pandemic: information/infodemia, digitalization of activities and control. Information and communication technologies set the agenda, enable a person to work, study, have fun, and communicate. Physical connections between people are being replaced by digital ones. The information circulating in the system can both contribute to the harmonious interaction of people, and poison and infect the most vulnerable parts of society. A variety of digital solutions from centralized total control to self-regulation based on mobile information, adopted in different countries to control and prevent the spread of the virus, demonstrate options for possible management of the emerging bioinformatic system.
technologies, information, digital control, bioinformatics system, information and communication technologies, coronovirus, pandemic, digitalization, Covid19, infodemia
Methodology of philosophical learning
Gashkov, S.A. (2021). The problem of historical-philosophical classification and methodological questions of studying the French post-structuralism . Philosophical Thought, 2, 24–32.
The subject of this research is conditions for the creation of nontrivial classifications for the historical-philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of French “post-structuralism”. The author believes that the term “post-structuralism” is a historical-philosophical abstraction insofar that the researchers do not take into consideration a specificity of the thought of French philosophers in the space between modernism and classicism. The article also examines the instances when the “post-structuralists” (Foucault, Castoriadis) address the problem of classification and systematization of philosophical knowledge based on the attempt to classify sciences that has been carried out in French rationalism by Goblot and Meyerson. The research employs the historical-philosophical methods for rationalizing the project of “nontrivial” philosophical classification as a uniform intellectual process, although it is yet to be discerned and finalized. The novelty of this work consists in the fact that the author not only applied the methods of nontrivial classification developed in cognitive linguistics (Lakoff) and theoretical biology (Meien) to the historical-philosophical process, but made an attempt to demonstrate that the development of such heuristic methods is possible within the framework of the history of philosophy as a discipline. The author examined the “archaeological” analytics of biology of Foucault and the concept of social time in of Castoriadis.
social-historical time, episteme, Meyerson, Castoriadis, Foucault, history of philosophy, poststructuralism, classification, French philosophy, methodology of research
History of ideas and teachings
Gorokhov, A.A. (2021). Philosophical and historical-cultural context of establishment of the doctrine of creativity as the fundamentals of understanding the Early German Romanticism in philosophy. Philosophical Thought, 2, 33–44.
The subject of this article is the prerequisites for the establishment of the doctrine of creativity in the philosophy of Early German Romanticism. The source of the romantic concept on creativity is the I. Kant’s “Theory of Genius”, the meaning of which the Romanticists spread onto the entire human nature. The article highlights and analyzes the two groups of prerequisites for the establishment of the Romanticist doctrine of creativity as the fundamentals of understanding. The first group includes the elements of historical approach, which gained widespread in the German culture of the late XVIII century, while the second group includes the concepts of nature and emergence of the language that manifested during this period. The research leans on the principles of historicism and dialectics, method of historical and philosophical reconstruction, as well as elements of hermeneutical and comparative methods. The author considered not only philosophical works dedicated to Romanticism, but also literary, religious, and culturological works on Romanticism. An opinion is substantiated that the philosophical and historical-cultural context of establishment of the concept of creativity in philosophy of the Early German Romanticism indicates both, rational and non-rational components, which is especially evident in the Romanticist Theory of Language. In this field, the methods of scientific study of language and culture naturally align with the idea of “poetic” origin of the language, which has religious-mythological grounds.
historicism, understanding, poetry, culture, creativity, Kant, Schlegel, Novalis, German romanticism, doctrine of language
Social philosophy
Avakyan-Forer, A.G. (2021). Economic entity in the philosophical thought: retrospect and modernity . Philosophical Thought, 2, 45–52.
The subject of this article is the basic sociocultural determinants of behavior of an economic entity in different historical periods. The goal of this article is consists in identification and socio-philosophical analysis of the model of economic entity and their behavior. The achievement of set goal is promoted by outlining and solution of such tasks as the examination of fundamental scientific paradigms and approaches that explain the logic of behavior of the economic entity in the context of subject matter and problematic of social philosophy; substantiation and demonstration of the mechanism of determination that reveals systemic changes in the economic entity model in the classical and nonclassical socio-philosophical concepts. Currently, the complexity and nonlinearity, multidimensionality and ambiguity of interdependencies between various aspects of economic activity arouse interest not only in the sphere of private scientific research, but also draw heightened attention of the philosophers. Namely, one of the significant aspects of philosophical conceptualization of the problem of behavior of the economic entity consists in correlation between moral norms and reaching financial well-being in the decision-making processes on different levels. The article discusses the socio-philosophical theories, conceptual framework of evolution of the representations on the economic entity and their behavioral practices, as well as indicates their dependence on paradigms of a particular historical period. In the modern conditions of transformational economy, under the influence of globalization, transition towards the knowledge society, examination of the essence and role of economic entity are of crucial relevance. The philosophical approach towards solution of the articulated problem implies examination of the questions related to the rational, partially rational or irrational behavior of the economic entity, as well as detection of anonymity of economic activity within the system of social ties and relations.
irrational consumer, rational hedonist, behavioral economy, capitalist, Protestant ethics, humanism, economic subject, perspective theory, framing effects, nudge theory
Philosophy and culture
Tarasov, A.N. (2021). The origins of postmodernism as a sociocultural transformation: counterculture of the 1960s – early 1970s . Philosophical Thought, 2, 53–62.
This article reviews postmodernism as a transitional stage in the dynamics of modern culture in the countries of Euro-Atlantic civilization. Such transitional stages the author defines as sociocultural transformations. Postmodernism is the finale of the current stage of sociocultural transformation, which according to the author started in the last third XIX century with the avant-garde culture. The article traces the impact of counterculture of the 1960s – early 1970s upon establishment of the postmodern paradigm. It is demonstrated that counterculture manifested as the sociocultural background that promoted the consolidation of postmodernism in culture of the countries of Euro-Atlantic civilization. The logic of studying sociocultural transformations suggests the application of interdisciplinary approach. The key research method is the philosophical interpretation. The main conclusion consists in proving the hypothesis on the background, sociocultural impact of counterculture of the 1960s – early 1970s upon the consolidation of postmodernism as the sociocultural transformation. The author offers an original approach towards periodization of the European (Euro-Atlantic) culture, which distinguishes the corresponding periods in its continuum through the prism of sociocultural transformations. A detailed analysis of the impact of counterculture upon postmodern statement is provided.
European culture, Euro-Atlantic civilization, the crisis of culture, transition epochs, socio-cultural transformation, counterculture, postmodern, culture-system, the origins of postmodernism, philosophy of culture