Question at hand
Stavitskiy, A.V. (2021). Nonclassical mythology on the cognitive problems and capabilities of myth ontology. Philosophical Thought, 10, 1–10.
This article is dedicated to the cognitive and epistemological peculiarities of the myth, which can be better understood relying on the principles and approaches of nonclassical science. The article discloses the key reasons for incomprehension of the myth by science, and explains the ways for its overcoming based on the broader sense of the myth. Within the framework of this paradigm, myth is viewed as a cultural universal, where mythmaking is a quality and function of consciousness. Such myth long ago has transcended the representations and formulas of classical mythology, and requires different attitude, considering the latest research (A. A. Gagaev, A. M. Lobok, V. M. Naydysh, and others). These studies indicate that modern (nonclassical) myth can be grasped only with consideration of latest discoveries in psychology, semiotics, and cognitive research, which prove that people have always been engaged in mythmaking, not just at the dawn of humanity. This means that on the agenda of scientific research of myth is the problem of existence of another nonclassical mythology and the creation of the universal theory of myth. All major elaborations of the leading theories of myth of the XX century are successfully synthesized within the universal theory of myth in accordance with the principle of mutual complementarity. This topic is increasingly relevant, and opens up new opportunities for science, fundamentally changing its perception of myth.
non-classical science, science and myth, cultural universal, myth-making, non-classical mythology, classical mythology, modern myth, myth, myth ontology, general theory of myth
Ontology: being and nihility
Kuzmin, V. (2021). Bi-level perception and color modes. Contrast ratio and complementarity of colors . Philosophical Thought, 10, 11–21.
For the “Self”, color is a color text, a structure consisting of two elements: internal context (content: tone, saturation, brightness) and external context (conditions under which color actualizes in a situation: lightness, proximity, etc.). Perception of the color is when the content overlays the conditions. The modes of color are revealed depending on the ratio of indicated contexts. There are three color modes: visible, invisible, and colorless. The goal of this article is to describe the color modes, and their correlation with contrast and complementarity of colors, what entails bi-level perception of color. The article employs situational and phenomenological approaches. Visible color for the “Self” occurs when the internal context completely overlays the external context. Invisible color occurs in the presence of internal context and absence of one or more external factors: no tone, no contrast with background, etc. “Colorless” mode occurs when the internal context is not fully set in the situation of presence of the external context: no tone, saturation, or brightness. Color in the “colorless” mode is achromatic. The compatibility of separate colors within the color text leads to the phenomena of complementarity and contrast ratio, which are interrelated with the color modes. There are two levels of color perception: 1) fundamental, i.e. is the perception of achromatic color with gradations from sharply white to pure black; gray color with varying degrees of brightness is present in chromatic colors (as the “base”); 2) perception of the chromatic colors, founded on the colorless “base”. Such bi-level perception of color is substantiated by the fact that the consciousness seeks harmony and balance, i.e. minimization of perception of the visual.
invisible color, visible color, colorlessness, brightness, saturation, tone, achromatic color, color text, harmony, visual
History of ideas and teachings
Boiko, O.A. (2021). The transformation of Plato’s theory of soul in the philosophy of Florentine Neoplatonism . Philosophical Thought, 10, 22–32.
The object of this research is the Platonic tradition of understanding of soul. The subject of this research is the interpretation of Plato's concept of soul in the philosophy of Florentine academicians. The goal is trace the historical-philosophical evolution of Plato's theory of soul from the Antiquity to the Renaissance philosophy. The article represents the authorial historical-philosophical and comparative analysis of the primary sources. Analysis is conducted on the works of Plato, Plotinus, Augustine of Hippo, Aristotle, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, M. Ficino, and D. Pico della Mirandola. The article outlines the key provisions of Plato's concept of the soul, reveals the tendencies of gradual historical transformation of this tradition within the history of philosophical thought. The topic at hand has not been previously covered in the scientific research, which defines the novelty of this paper. Soul is viewed as the mirror of the divine world that is in need of catharsis. Special attention is given to Neoplatonic comprehension of the luminous nature of soul. The concept of “universal soul”, which eclectically connects with the Christian understanding of soul as the individual and free principle is revealed. Analysis is conducted on components of the soul described by Plato, namely rational, appetitive, and the spirited. Special attention is turned to the rational soul as an immortal active principle. Position of the soul in the world hierarchy is considered. The article examines the soul as “bond of peace”, which encompasses the dialectical opposites of rational and sensuous, sole and numerous, separable and inseparable, time and eternity.
kinds of soul, Florentine Academy, Renaissance philosophy, neoplatonism, platonism, soul concept, World soul, illuminism, Ficino, Pico della Mirandola
The history of humanitarian science
Emel'yanov, A.S. (2021). On humanistic interpretation of Marx: Communism or narcissism? . Philosophical Thought, 10, 33–51.
This article analyzes two most widespread approaches towards interpretation of the humanistic content of Marx’s doctrine, which have developed within the framework of Western Marxism in the 19550s – 1970s. The first approach – Marxist humanism – describes humanism as the “initial” form of Marx's doctrine of the early period. The second approach – theoretical antihumanism – views the concept of “humanism” as ideological, unscientific and incompatible with Marxism. The analysis of modern Russian and foreign bibliographies indicates the existing ambiguity in assessment of both, Western Marxism and humanistic content of the original ideas of Marx, which defines relevance of this research. The novelty lies in the proposal to view Marxist humanism and theoretical antihumanism in conjunction with the historical establishment of Marx's theory, rather than in contraposition to each other. The author suggest to forgo the interpretation of Marx’s ideas from the perspective of humanism or antihumanism. Such interpretation not only idealizes and mystifies the content of his works, but also creates a prerequisite for narcissistic view of the surrounding material objects and nature. The latter thought is reflected in undertaken at the margin of “Capital” Marx's criticism of the commodity fetishism as one of the central elements of the capitalist manner of production.
narcissism, communism, dialectical materialism, theoretical anti-humanism, marxist humanism, marxism, abstract humanism, neomarxism, alienation, human
Monograph peer reviews
Chebunin, A., Mazur, T. (2021). Buddhology and modern civilization [peer review of:] Buddhist Studies. Theologicak Almanac / Ed. by L. E. Yangutov. Ulan-Ude: BSC SB RAS, 2020. Issue 3, p. 280 . Philosophical Thought, 10, 52–59.
The third issue of the theological almanac “Buddhist Studies” was published in December 2020 under the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist, and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The issue retains the traditional structure of the annual book, which covers the problems of philosophy and soteriology, history of Buddhism, its historiography, translations of Buddhist texts, and other aspects of Buddhist teaching, as well as noteworthy events in life of the Institute and Buddhology overall. The peer review covers the central scientific problems, which manifest as the subject of research in the almanac and their importance for modern Buddhology. Brief analysis is conducted on the content of the journal and the fundamental theoretical problems brought up therein. It is indicated that Buddhism, as the world religion and philosophy, is oriented towards the formation of spiritual personality, traditional moral-ethical values, such as compassion, mercy, tolerance, peacefulness, etc. Such personality model deeply contrasts with the selfish consumer personality that is oriented towards wealth and sensual pleasure formed by the modern liberal-capitalist system. As a result of escalating moral-ethical crisis that takes place in modern society, and search for the ways to overcome it, attention of the researchers is drawn to the traditional spiritual teachings; therefore, Buddhology plays an important role in promoting the traditional spiritual values and countering the modern all-round crisis of the liberal model.
prajnaparamita, scientific research, Buddhology, spiritual values, tradition, philosophy, religion, Buddhism, soteriology, review