Methodology of philosophical learning
Volkova, V., Malakhova, N., Volkov, I. (2020). Imagination: from the image to symbol, from the symbol to text. Philosophical Thought, 8, 1–18.
This article is dedicated to conceptualization of the subject field of imagination. Imagination stops being a byproduct of the creative process. It is defined as the ability to exceed boundaries of creative process in mental combinations of the aspects of knowledge and being, sensation and reason. Research methodology is substantiated by the complementarity and intersection of different discourses on imagination on the basis of dialectics as an ancient mode of thought. Imagination is determined from the perspective of ontoepistemology and accumulation of structural-organizational attachments into image. The unity of being and knowledge (ontoepistemology) manifests in segmentation of the image and derivation of structural generalizations, all of which allow determining multiple meanings of the objects discovered by means of visualization and symbolization. Being correlate of the symbol, image is visualized, and reveals the meanings of human life. Symbol saturates image with the content. Image has power over people and their mind by not complying with the rules. Imagination is a method for reconstructing cognitive process. It is perceived as an instrument for comparing, uniting, and coordination of diverse elements of cognition. Imagination mentalizes the image, helps to comprehend it through a number of transitions, inside which takes place integration of segments of the image into a symbol. Then, through generalization of the image (symbols, words, meanings), its form turns into a text, read by the mind, for example, a rhizome that removes contradistinction of internal and external, subjective and objective. Mentalization of the image, symbolization of its segments and their translation into in the text takes place by integration of structural attachments into the image. The author suggests that this conceptual construct allows determining the role of imagination among other representations of human sciences.
structure, assembly, artifactor, ontoepistemology, rhizome, sign, symbol, image, imagination, mentalization
The new paradigm of science
Ursul, A.D. (2020). The vector of socio-natural evolution: from global to geospatial sustainability. Philosophical Thought, 8, 19–29.
The subject of this research research is the resolution of socio-natural contradiction, which consists in the fact that the growing needs of mankind are no longer satisfied by the biosphere, which can escalate into a planetary catastrophe. The resolution of this contradiction consists in the achievement of global sustainability that takes place in accordance with the certain “algorithms of development”, which opens horizons for a long-term and safer socio-natural evolution on Earth. The global world, although becoming sustainable, is not isolated from the space processes and factors due to the natural-spatial connection of the planet with its extraterrestrial environment, and even more so, due to the beginning of space exploration. Even the global world created in the future would not long endure without further sustainable space exploration; its longevity would require transition of the industrial complex in the outer space. Thus, the achievement of global sustainability will be accompanied by transition to an even safer type of evolution with focus on reaching geospatial sustainability. The further socio-natural evolution clearly indicated geospatial trend, which connects the vectors of global and extraterrestrial mainlines of sustainable development.
socio-natural contradiction, global world, geocosmic world, global sustainability, geocosmic sustainability, development algorithms, social and natural evolution, universal evolution, sustainable development, Tsiolkovsky
Philosophy of knowledge
Pilyak, S.A. (2020). The evolution of hermeneutic approach in studying cultural phenomena. Philosophical Thought, 8, 30–38.
The problem of methodology of interpretation of cultural heritage assumes special importance. Throughout several centuries, the leading method in interpretation of semiotic system has been and remains to be the hermeneutic method, which initially emerged as a pattern for interpretation of sacred texts. The interpretation of cultural values and material cultural heritage is one of the most widespread types of their development and creative comprehension. From the perspective of perception and interpretation of language, which is general sense represents any system of symbols, the key scientific vector of which is the philosophical hermeneutics. The very concept of hermeneutics is usually interpreted as the art and theory of textual interpretation. Thus in the wide sense, it emerged along with speech and writing system. Hermeneutics contributed to creation of methodology of interpretation; therefore, many of its provisions, principles, and forms of interpretation take into account the specificity of interpretation of cultural values. The historical experience demonstrates multiple examples of application of hermeneutic techniques for reaching understanding of different masses or unanimous understanding for groups of dissimilar people. Utilization of hermeneutic approaches can be observe when there comes a moment of potential disintegration of countries, territories or regions, the unification of which is advantageous. The author reviews the historical transformation of hermeneutic approach in studying cultural phenomena.
cultural heritage, cultural phenomena, cognition, perception, interpretation of cultural heritage, hermeneutic approach, heritage, culture, interpretation, philosophy
Political philosophy
Myurberg, I. (2020). Ideology matters: European political philosophy in pursuit of ideological concept of the XXI century. Philosophical Thought, 8, 39–59.
Marxist understanding of ideology as a “false consciousness” should be recognized as most influential (in retrospective assessment) among classical theories of ideology of the XIX and XX centuries. The problem of overcoming this understanding substantiates current situation of distrust of the institution of ideology itself. The goal of this research consists in demonstration of fundamental novelty of certain methods of formation of the renewed political ideology that replace Marxist ideology. The establishing new perspective to some extent originates with the political and philosophical classics of the XX century. The starting point of this research is the fact that since the middle of the previous century, the ideology was perceived as one of the most problematic fields of the Western European political thought. The author examines the theoretical-methodological approaches of M. Foucault, enhanced with the method of morphological analysis. Applicable to the problem of modernization of ideology, the goal traced by Foucault lied in determination of the historically specific “discourse order” opposed to neoliberal polymorphism as the political “art of governance” (“the birth of biopolitics”). This approach suggests following the principle of self-criticism in philosophical cognition of ideology alongside other principles. Within the cognitive framework of political philosophy, it manifests as a solution, speaking of the “political”, going into the field of philosophical concepts from the established language of political science to where it is required by the task for describing “regime of the truth”.
the principle of self-criticism, anarcho-liberalism, morphological analysis, truth regimes,, polymorphism, homo economicus, ordoliberalismus, political ideology, order of discourses, post-ideology
Philosophical anthropology
Rusakov, S.S. (2020). The problem of subjectivation in Cynicism. Philosophical Thought, 8, 60–69.
This article presents the analysis of the philosophy of the Cynics, dedicated to pursuit and conceptualization of the ideas of subjectivation. The concept of subjectivation, which can be found in the works of M. Foucault, still does not have a systemic and conceptual framework. One of the gaps determines in the works of French scholar is the disparate use philosophical ideas of the Cynics. An attempt is made to interpret the ideas of this philosophical trend for extracting the comprehensive model of subjectivation and outline the key techniques of “care of the self”. The article employs the translated sources, in the form of separate fragments written by the Cynics, as well as a number of analytical works carried out by Russian and foreign researchers. Alongside the method of historical and philosophical reconstruction, the work applies the comparative and analytical approach. The novelty consists in the attempt to describe the general ideas of the Cynics in the sphere of ethics and formulate the Cynic model of subjectivation for filling the existing gaps in corresponding writings of M. Foucault. Special attention is given to the following aspects: 1) identification of fundamental principles underlying the worldview of the Cynics; 2) formulation of subjectivation techniques that allow building the “selfhood”; 3) comparison and tracing the Cynic ideas borrowed by Platonism and Christianity.
Antisphen, cynics, the care of the self, antiquity, subject, subjectication, Michel Foucault, Diogenes, Crates, parrhesia