Social philosophy
Yusupov, R.N. (2020). N. A. Berdyaev’s method of cognition of history in light of possible socio-philosophical interpretations of modernity. Philosophical Thought, 6, 1–12.
The subject of this research is the methods of philosophical-historical cognition developed in the writings of N. A. Berdyaev, his triadic scheme of subject’s relation to history. The first period of direct, cohesive presence in some conventional historical structure does not portend the emergence of historical reflection. The second period, which Berdyaev associates with the era of “Enlightenment”, is characterized by disintegration in the historical life and human consciousness, contraposition of historical object and subject. However, the actual formation of the philosophy of history is possible only on condition of the transition into the third state of human spirit, which invokes acuity of mind, propensity to reflection and comprehension, which allows to return and in a new way, deliberately tap into the sanctuaries of historical life. The scientific novelty consists in interpretation of the method of cognition of history, developed by Berdyaev through the prism of such methodological capabilities that has the modern social philosophy. It is concluded that the main difference between the first and third levels of subject’s relation to history in Berdyaev’s scheme consists in the change of the object of cognition, when the object is not just an empirical givenness, but a special, superordinate reality. Such reorientation allows to predetermine a situation of the first period in a new way, which opens additional opportunities for correlating the active development of existence with the standards of everyday experience, as well as reinterpret the nature of the second period, when in can be perceive not as a crisis, but a routine question, an essential condition for transition into the third, most productive period.
the era of enlightenment, crisis, noumenon, mystery of historical life, historical, method, philosophy of history, historical knowledge, tradition, phenomenon
Social philosophy
Kadyrov, D. (2020). Return to the “Foundations” of Quentin Skinner. Philosophical Thought, 6, 13–23.
This article provides a brief analysis of the compilation “Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought”, which under the editorship of Annabel Brett and James Tully, represents an attempt to reconsider the original work of Quentin Skinner “The Foundations of Modern Political Thought”. The authors of the compilation examine such fundamental topics as the context of Q. Skinner’s “Foundations’, his “linguistic” philosophy, rhetoric, late scholastics; upon the questions on Hobbs and democracy. In conclusion, analysis is conducted on this attempt to “reconsider” the ideas and views of Skinner, as well as his response to the remarks. The goal of this article consists in examination of the main theses and criticism of the authors of the compilation. The need for such review is substantiated by the fact that the Cambridge School of Intellectual History gains more relevance for the Russian humanities. For the Russian political science, “Rethinking of the Foundations” remains an important and untranslated source for broader understanding of the Cambridge School of Intellectual History. The author of the article attempts to partially fulfill this gap.
author's agency, intellecrual history, John Pocock, Rethinking the origins, Origins of polititcal thought, Cambridge School, contextualism, Quentin Skinner, rhetoric, Hobbs
The dialogue of cultures
Dobrydneva, A. (2020). Art deco and avant-garde: the nature of interaction. Philosophical Thought, 6, 24–31.
The subject of this research is the distinctions between two fundamental trends in art of the XX century – art deco and avant-garde, as well as determination of the nature of their interaction. The object of this research is the original texts of artisans and art monuments belonging to both fields. Special attention is given to characteristics of the specific features of art deco and avant-garde, identification of similarities and differences of the two simultaneously developing stylistic concepts. The author examines the key event for the history of interaction of these two trends, namely the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts held in Paris in 1925, and criticism that formed views on art of the era of modernism. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the two paramount trends for grasping history of culture of the XX century in the context of their interaction. Since 1966, art deco was not recognized as an in dependent style, but rather closely connected with modernism and patterned on avant-garde. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in revelation of adaptive cultural mechanism that allowed art deco to overcome a number of problems, among which in underlines the relation to technological progress and mass society. The author highlights that both trends should be viewed in the context of cultural dialogue. First and foremost, they were united by orientation towards modernity and development of innovative language of art.
dialogue of cultures, art, Le Corbusier, International Exposition, cubism, art nouveau, avant-garde, art deco, synthesis of arts, cultural theory
Religions and religious renaissance
Ranjbari Heidarbaghi, A. (2020). Religious consequences of prediction of the time of Messiah’s arrival in Islam. Philosophical Thought, 6, 32–45.
This article is dedicated to the phenomenon of prediction of time of Messiah’s arrival in Islam. This phenomenon led to a range of consequences in the Islamic societies, which can be divided into several categories of sociopolitical and religious nature. The goal of this research consists in examination and analysis of religious consequences caused by prediction of the date of arrival of the Savior in Islam. The relevance of this work is substantiated by the fact that the theme of belief in the Savior has always been of utmost importance and dynamically present in the Islamic tradition; currently it stirs even greater interest. The scientific novelty consists in making emphasis on the consequences of prediction of time of the arrival of Mahdi, as well as comprehensive inductive conclusion and application of historical approach to the topic. The research results demonstrate that prediction of the date of Savior’s arrival in Islam had such consequences, as appearance of false messiahs, establishment of new religious sects, theological disputes, spread of despair among those who expect arrival of the Savior. It cannot be regarded that predictions equally contributed to the emergence of each of the aforementioned consequences, but their role is reflected in a range of the key, favorable or complementing factors. However, the fact of their impact is beyond the question.
Messiah claimants, Bahaism, Babism, Religious conversion, New religious movement (NRM), Islamic eschatology, The doctrine of Mahdism, Islamic Messianism, Mahdi, Prediction
Philosophical anthropology
Yastrebov, A.S. (2020). Spontaneity of consciousness in Dzogchen philosophy. Philosophical Thought, 6, 46–54.
This article examines the phenomenon of spontaneity of consciousness from the perspective of Dzogchen philosophy – one of the doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism. It views spontaneity as the initial and intrinsic, but at the same time latent quality of human consciousness. Liberation in Dzogchen, first and foremost, is related to person’s achievement of spontaneous state. It becomes possible through revelation and support of this state of mind. However, the method of achieving of this state, as well as such understanding of liberation drastically differ from many other traditions and ways of self-improvements, including those accepted in other schools of Buddhism. The goal of this article consists in determination of possible interpretations, as well as demonstrated importance of the concept of spontaneity in Dzogchen, its role in the philosophy and practices based on the traditional views of this doctrine. In the course of the research, comparison is conducted on comprehension of the problematic of spontaneity in Dzogchen and classical Western philosophical thought in the context of consideration of the question of spontaneity and freedom of Kant’s philosophy of mind, determining parallels and common grounds between them. The conclusion is made on substantial similarity in understanding of the qualities of human consciousness, possibilities of its freedom and ways towards its achievement.
lhun grub, Kant, Tibetan Buddhism, spontaneity, consciousness, freedom, liberation, Dzogchen, philosophical anthropology, human
Philosophy and culture
Savina, O.E. (2020). Sociocultural evolution of feminine ideal in the works of I. S. Turgenev. Philosophical Thought, 6, 55–64.
The subject of this research is the feminine ideal in the works of I. S. Turgenev. The object is the female images depicted by the Russian writer, mostly of noble descent. The author examines the external traits, behavioral patterns, women’s social roles, as well as traces the changes in these categories over time. Special attention is given to the critical revolutionary time, since many transformation of the feminine ideal took place under its influence: in prerevolutionary time, woman is a caring mother, obedient and faithful wife, while in revolutionary period – a like-minded person, the master of her life. The main conclusions consist in observation of changes in feminine ideal, achieved through determination and comparison of particular categories of the ideal female image in sociocultural aspect during the indicated historical period of Turgenev’s works. The author’s special contribution consists in systematicity of presented information in accordance with the historical methods. Application of comparative analysis allows tracing the transformation of feminine ideal unfolding in the Russian culture of 1830’s – 1970’s, based on the example of literary images of the heroines in works of the Russian writer I. S. Turgenev from historical-cultural perspective. The research results are primary within the framework of studying transformations of woman’s image as a construct of Russian culture, and are valuable for further research on the topic of social transformations of a woman.
external appearance, social role, socio-cultural evolution, change, literary and artistic image, image of woman, ideal, woman, internal appearance, creativity