The torment of communication
Yashina, A.V. (2020). Platform solutions and public spaces as fabrics of the distributed production of knowledge. Philosophical Thought, 4, 1–13.
This article is dedicated to examination of approaches towards production of knowledge in the conditions of development of the digital methods of communication. The development of technologies and Internet concept Web 3.0 form a request for collective, interdisciplinary and “civil” character of research activity, emergence of new practices of working with knowledge, focused on confluence of the virtual and real space, transformation of the essence and role of “information” in the context of building the “society of knowledge”. The modern scientific knowledge represents a synthesis of various aspects of science and social life. Within the framework of pilot research, the author analyzes the case of confluence of the digital and real activity in production of knowledge: “public space of collective work ‘the pivotal point’” and digital platform Leader-ID. The article considers the hypothesis that the modern scientific knowledge represents a synthesis of social, culturological, and technological aspects of science and social life. The “distributed knowledge”, forming as a result of cooperation of scholars and various communities, becomes common through the formation of “cluster” and crowdsourcing format of the production of knowledge. Such social interaction is based on the network platform model and generated new zones of exchange and production of knowledge: online platforms (forums, crowdsourcing, scientific network platforms such as ResearchGate, simulators, etc.) or offline platforms (public spaces) that discuss and formulate the requests of scholars to each other, formulate hypothesis, and test the studies.
information, public space, exchange zone, digital society, digital platforms, crowdsoursing, distributed knowledge, information technology, scientific knowledge, think tank
Man and mankind
Kozlova, T.A. (2020). Psychological intention in European theism of the XIX century. Philosophical Thought, 4, 14–23.
The subject of this research is the psychological intention in the European theism of the XIX century in the context of anthropological turn. The author examines such trends of European theism of the XIX century as German post-Hegelian theism, French and Italian spiritualism, Russian spiritual-academic theism. It is demonstrated the European theism of the XIX century as a philosophy of that time of anthropological pivot mats psychologism as a transition towards individual-substantial (psychological) Self with dialogical intention, and establishment of philosophy on the psychological foundation. Particular attention is given to the essence of anthropological turn and psychologism in its context. Anthropological turn is interpreted as a transition of metaphysical into anthropology in the vein of Heidegger’s philosophy. This transition means that philosophy is structured upon the basis of natural sciences and psychology, human Self and its reflection lose the ontological character, but it becomes individually-substantial and obtains dialogical intention. The philosophy of European theism of the XIX century is viewed in this context; however, special attention is dedicated to the establishment of philosophy on psychological foundation, transition from the individually-substantial Self and problem of its reflection. The novelty consists in examination of psychological intention of European theism of the XIX century within the framework of anthropological turn, as well as substantiation of presence of the psychologically oriented trend in terms of this philosophy. To the representatives of psychological oriented direction of European theism of the XIX century can be attributed such French spiritualists as Maine de Biran, Cousin, Jouffroy, Ravaisson-Mollien, whose works resemble the psychological method of the similar to their views Italian spiritualist Galupppi, French neo-spiritualist Bergson, German post-Hegelian theist Fechner, whose doctrine was structures on psychophysical foundation.
philosophical anthropology, Other, technological boom, identity, globalization, humanism, postmodern era, man, philosophy of education, transhumanism
Philosophy of knowledge
Medvedev, V., Nazirov, A. (2020). Language as an object of rational structuring: from classical philosophy to modern science. Philosophical Thought, 4, 24–35.
This article presents a philosophical analysis of the idea and attempts of rational structuring of the language of science and philosophy. This idea was especially popular in philosophy of the Modern Age. The correlation of this idea with the existing features of New European Philosophy is revealed. It is demonstrated that instrumental approach towards language was not accidental: it stemmed from the idea on the sovereignty of mind, which in the XX century was revived in the logical positivism. It was also implemented in practice of modern science since the beginning of scientific revolution of the XVII century. The authors compare the reasoning of the representatives of classical New European Philosophy and representatives of logical positivism with the practice of modern science. Paradoxes of the concept of ideal language are determined. On the one hand, its formation should become a preliminary means for smoothing the path to cognition; while on the other – it is necessary to cognize the world before building it. Moreover, the introduction of ideal language is possible only on the grounds of the natural. Thus, the flaws of the natural should be eliminated with help of the natural. The dependence of rationally structured language from the natural is retained in the language of modern science. Any of its formalizations and terminologizations is partial. The system of meanings of the traditional language remains the basis and background for interpretation of any scientific theories. Natural languages ensure our affiliation to a certain socio-cultural community with the inherent to it ways of interpreting meanings, within the framework of which the value of scientific cognition becomes evident.
terminology, language of science, ideal language, natural language, linguistic instrumentalism, sovereignty of reason, classical philosophy, formalization, rational construction of language, meaning
History of ideas and teachings
Ezri, G.K. (2020). Psychological intention in European theism of the XIX century. Philosophical Thought, 4, 36–46.
The subject of this research is the psychological intention in the European theism of the XIX century in the context of anthropological turn. The author examines such trends of European theism of the XIX century as German post-Hegelian theism, French and Italian spiritualism, Russian spiritual-academic theism. It is demonstrated the European theism of the XIX century as a philosophy of that time of anthropological pivot mats psychologism as a transition towards individual-substantial (psychological) Self with dialogical intention, and establishment of philosophy on the psychological foundation. Particular attention is given to the essence of anthropological turn and psychologism in its context. Anthropological turn is interpreted as a transition of metaphysical into anthropology in the vein of Heidegger’s philosophy. This transition means that philosophy is structured upon the basis of natural sciences and psychology, human Self and its reflection lose the ontological character, but it becomes individually-substantial and obtains dialogical intention. The philosophy of European theism of the XIX century is viewed in this context; however, special attention is dedicated to the establishment of philosophy on psychological foundation, transition from the individually-substantial Self and problem of its reflection. The novelty consists in examination of psychological intention of European theism of the XIX century within the framework of anthropological turn, as well as substantiation of presence of the psychologically oriented trend in terms of this philosophy. To the representatives of psychological oriented direction of European theism of the XIX century can be attributed such French spiritualists as Maine de Biran, Cousin, Jouffroy, Ravaisson-Mollien, whose works resemble the psychological method of the similar to their views Italian spiritualist Galupppi, French neo-spiritualist Bergson, German post-Hegelian theist Fechner, whose doctrine was structures on psychophysical foundation.
panpsychism, spiritualism, individually-substantial I, psychological reflection of I, psychological method, psychology, anthropological turn, European theism, dialogueism, cognitive reflection of I
Social philosophy
Ravochkin, N.N. (2020). The correlation between politics and law: socio-philosophical analysis. Philosophical Thought, 4, 47–60.
This article carries out a socio-philosophical analysis of interaction between the phenomena of politics and law. The goal of this work consist in the review of the existing correlations between politics and law. The subject of research is the correlations between politics and law. For achieving the set goal, the history of the question is considered. The author presents integral and differential characteristics of the two indicated categories. The definition to the concept of “political-legal institution” is provided alongside the modern classification by various grounds. The novelty is substantiated by the fact that there are virtually no philosophical writings on the analysis of correlations between politics and law. The formulated conclusions have theoretical and practical importance: reflect the characteristics of politics and law; confirm the justification of their institutional realization; underline the duality of nature of the political-legal institutions; propose classification of political-legal institutions for clearer understanding of the vectors of institutional transformations and emergence of neoforms in the context of current global development.
history, sociodynamics, transformations, society, political and legal institute, intitute, law, policy, classification, integral and differential
Religions and religious renaissance
Ranjbari Heidarbaghi, A. (2020). Criticism of Ahmed Efendi Hayati on predictions of the time of arrival of Mahdi . Philosophical Thought, 4, 61–76.
The subject of this research is the analysis of critical approach of the Ottoman scholar Ahmed Efendi Hayati towards attempts to determine precise time of the arrival of Messiah (Mahdi) based on the material of a brief treatise “Mistakes of the Predictors Mahdi’s Arrival”. The object of this research is the concept of “determination of time” commonly used in Islamic philosophical-theological literature for localization of time of arrival of the Messiah. The author demonstrates that the relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact that it remains extremely important in the Sunnism and Shisim doctrines. The article examines such aspects of the topic as the appearance of signs of Mahdi’s arrival and the Second Coming of Jesus, the Last Judgment, and sources commonly referred to in Islamic tradition for determining the signs of arrival the Second Coming. The following conclusions were made: Islamic theologians determined the time of this event leaning on the doctrinal positions of Sunnism and Shiism; Hayati assumed that time of appearance of the evidence of the Last Judgment and day of arrival of the Messiah is impossible to predict by divination, astrology and horoscope, and that the absence of records of precise time of the event in the Muslim tradition is another proof of failure of the attempts to determine the time of the Second Coming. The novelty consists in the fact that the author is first to analyze the views of Ahmed Efendi Hayati upon the problem of determination of time of Messiah’s arrival.
Islamic eschatology, Islamic Messianism, The doctrine of Mahdism, Ottoman empire, Ahmed Efendi Hayati, Mahdi, Resurrection day beginning signs, End time, Futurism, Millennialism
Philosophy and art
Markina, N.A. (2020). Art as an object of expert activity. Philosophical Thought, 4, 77–88.
This article puts to the forefront the problem of unbiased and objective assessment of artworks by the expert community, analysis of the priority criteria of such assessment and chains of perception of professional works of art by the representatives of expert groups. The author leans on the fact that the expert community in the field of art may be defined as a category of professionals possessing extensive knowledge and erudition in the sphere of culture and art, attracted for conducting expertise on the contemporary artworks and cultural heritage of the past centuries. It is underlinesd that the problematic aspect of expert communities in the field of arts is the substantial disaccord of emotional and visual-imager perception different for assessing the works from the perspective of aesthetics, and demand to act by the rules, patterns and methods. The author also points out that the expert community in their practical activity should be guided by realization of the essential rules, laws, formulas, as well as see the zones for their implementation.
perception of works of art, works of art, sphere of art, artistry, expertise, expert activity, expert society, knowledge society, aesthetics, philosophy of art
Philosophy of science and education
Zvonova, E.E. (2020). Students’ experience of critical situations associated with studying: philosophical-psychological analysis. Philosophical Thought, 4, 89–99.
The object of this research is the critical situation that has emerged and develops due to studying; the subject is its experiencing by the students. The article provides related to romanticization of cognition and suggesting self-transcendence version of establishing semantic correlation between consciousness and being of a student in the indicated critical situation for the purpose of increasing the meaningfulness of life. Its realization would allow achieving the synthesis of intelligence and affect in education, unity of education and upbringing due to acquisition of ethical meaning. Research methodology is based on the achievements of logotherapy, namely the principle of indererminism of human existence and humanistic psychology. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of critical situations related to studying, which have not been previously viewed from the existential perspective, in the context of the theme of existential crisis. The article also proposes an original method for overcoming critical situations through romanticization of cognitive activity.
self-transcendence, indeterminism, romanticization of knowledge, humanistic psychology, logotherapy, philosophy of education, Critical situation, training, upbringing, intellect and affect