Philosophy of knowledge
Filatova, M.I. (2019). Category of potential infinity: new outlook upon the problem of correlation between philosophy, theology and science. Philosophical Thought, 2, 1–35.
The subject of this research is the partial appearance of the potential infinite: in constructive realism – the ontological aspect, in Zeno’s aporias – the logical aspect. Self-insufficiency of each aspect suggests the need for comprehensive approach. In the ontology of constructive realism, the representation on the potentially infinite reality is “prior” to the possibility of its conceptualization. First steps made for the purpose of replenishing the inferiority of such ontology, lead to the aporias of Zeno of Elea, which clarify many of the unsolvable for the constructive realism itself issues. However, Zeno’s reasoning remains problematic. Answering some questions, it leads to the more complicated ones. The article uses the methods of interpretation, as well as critical analysis of ontological and logical aspects of the category of potential infinity. This publication is first to demonstrate that Zeno’s reasoning find justification in admitting that he comes to the concept of new reality. In turn, the problem of new reality has already been discovered in the onto-theological doctrine of Gregory Palamas in the unity of three components: 1) experience of transformation of the “old” nature; 2) revelation; 3) theoretical justification of the possibility of experience based on the explicit knowledge. The conclusion is made that such paradigm is universal. The problem of potential infinity is an exception. The ontological and logical aspects of this problem correspond with its first and last component. At the same time, due to the absence of correspondence with the second component, the problem of potential infinity remains pretty unsolvable. But it is open to contemplation on the path of its recognition as an exception to the paradigm of Palamas' and consideration in such context.
epistemic knowledge, ontological dualism, an ontological shift, ontotheology of Gregory Palamas, actual infinity, reasoning from reality, constructive realism, potential infinity, aporia of Zeno of Elijah, indivisible
Methodology of philosophical learning
Gonotskaya, N. (2019). The idea of desubstantial "Self" and the principle of temporality. Philosophical Thought, 2, 36–41.
This article touches upon issues related to the possibility of maintaining the unity of self-consciousness in the temporal continuity, the difference between self-identification and self-consciousness, as well as the role of the subject in the process of self-constructing. Modernity provides a large number of technologies for self-identification. They create a simplified image of self-consciousness: self-awareness is understood as a thing endowed with certain qualities. Their disadvantage is not only that they offer a simplified, schematic view of an individual, a pattern into which much, if not all, can fit. These self-identification technologies are often misunderstood, identified with the process of self-consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the procedures of self-identification and the process of self-consciousness, ― it does not lend itself to patterns. Self-identification is a technological process. Self-consciousness is an intuitive-interpretive activity, not a discursive one. The article presents the desubstantivist concept of “Self”, demonstrates the need for introduction of temporality into the concept of “Self”, how self-conscious activity unfolds in time, what is its specificity, and how it differs from the procedure for self-identification.
substantivism, personality typology, psychology, temporality, time, self-consciousness, self-identification, subject, desubstantivism, subjectivity
The conscious and the unconscious
Balanovskii, V.V. (2019). Synthesizing rationality of E. K. Medtner and his contribution to the development of analytical psychology. Philosophical Thought, 2, 42–51.
The author examines the contribution of E. K. Medtner to the development of analytical psychology. The focus is made on what role his ideas and the struggle against anthroposophy of R. Steiner played in establishment of the concept of C. G. Jung on sure ground of the transcendentalism of I. Kant. Special attention is also given to the fact how in the process of interaction with Jung, in the activity and ideology of Medtner have appeared the attributes of synthesizing rationality that characterizes the peculiarities of thought pattern of the prominent Russian philosophers of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The article is structure on the basis of comparative analysis of the sources on the topic, including correspondence between Medtner and Jung. Moreover, the author applies the introduced in the previous works concept of synthesizing rationality for assessing Medtner’s worldview. The study demonstrates that Medtner’s contribution to the development of analytical psychology is not limited by the moral and financial support of Jung, but also the translation of his works into the Russian language and popularization of his doctrine outside of Switzerland. Most valuable has become the ideological influence. Particularly, Medtner was able to explain to Jung the advantages of transcendental idealism as one of the key components of theoretical foundation for analytical psychology. The article also describes how in the context of interaction with Jung, Medtner was able to realize his pursuance of the synthesis of heterogeneous contents of his own mentality, values of the Russian and German cultures, as well as various ways of philosophical world perception.
transcendental idealism, Immanuel Kant, symbolism, synthesizing rationality, analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, Emilii Medtner, Zürich School, Russian philosophy, Musaget
Social philosophy
Mitrokhin, R. (2019). Theoretical analysis of the connection between socialization processes and personal development. Philosophical Thought, 2, 52–58.
This article examines the role of socialization in the process of personal becoming and development, as well as raises the question of whether or not socialization process is an essential condition for personality formation. The author considers and compares the three stages of personal becoming: an individual (natural, genetic-biological aspect), individuality (psychological aspect), personality (social aspect); as well as the three paramount spheres of socialization: activity, communication, self-consciousness. It is determined that the activity forms individuality of a person, and the social activity forms personality. Such sphere of socialization as communication has an equally significant impact upon all stages of personal development. The sphere of self-consciousness forms along with the process of personal becoming. The fundamental principles of dialectics and activity approach, analysis, generalization, and comparison are applied. The study is structured on the basis of apprehension of the activity nature of a person, which is the foundation of his becoming and development in society. The conclusion is made that socialization process at different stages of social development has its peculiarities, which also manifest in the three described spheres: activity, socialization, and self-consciousness. Examination of the specificities of formation of the aforementioned spheres of socialization allows drawing parallels and concluding on the process of personal development at its various stages (individual, individuality, personality) in the context of a particular historical segment.
development, self-awareness, activity, communication, individuality, individual, personality, socialization, society, consciousness
Social philosophy
Klepikova, L. (2019). To the question of the meaning of “containerization” process in humanitarian sciences and social reality. Philosophical Thought, 2, 59–65.
The subject of this research is the process of social “containerization”, which consists in determination of any social group and positioning it as a homogenous social and cultural unity. The author examines such topics as the establishment of social boundaries, the formation of collective identity, as well as the structuring of sociocultural image among those not belonging to the group. Special attention is given to the process of social “containerization” that significantly affects the establishment of collective identity in modern world. The following approaches were used in the course of this work: systemic for analyzing the containerization processes as a complicated social phenomenon; hermeneutic for interpretation of foreign sources; synthesizing for analysis, generalization and comparison with the current reality of the previously introduced concepts of social “containerization”. The scientific novelty lies in application of the results of foreign scholars and expansion of the potential use of the concept of “containerization” within the social and socio-philosophical research. The conclusion is made that the “container” paradigm influences not only the scientific studies of the society, but also the processes in the modern society itself. The materials can be valuable for the works of socio-philosophical, sociological, and culturological character.
methodology, homogenization, society, informatization, identity, containerization, humanities, criteria, social group, narrative
Philosophy and culture
Andreev, G.S. (2019). Value conflict: the establishment of dystopia. Philosophical Thought, 2, 66–71.
The subject of this research is freedom as the value in utopian, dystopian oeuvres, and modern world. The article is dedicated to consideration of one of the factors of emergence and popularity of dystopian genre in modern culture. Analysis of the concept of freedom of the English utopian texts reveals the meaning of freedom in establishment of the utopian society. The English utopian tradition was selected as the source material for the analysis due to its rich history and extensive number of texts for the research. The goal of this work lies in the attempt to trace a correlation between the establishment of dystopia and transformation of the perception of freedom as value, the relation to which significantly changed since the middle of the XX century, as well as undergoes transformations in modern society. In this article, the concept of freedom is used for understanding the historical turn from the genre of utopia towards the genre of dystopia within the European culture. The relevance of this publication is substantiated by the current enormous popularity of dystopian genre. It is concluded that one of the causes of elevation of the dystopian genre is the value conflict between a modern individual and society.
tradition, Morris, Simmel, More, value, freedom, anti-utopia, utopia, modernity, crisis