Cycles and tides in the global world
Safonov, A.L., Orlov, A.D. (2019). Globalization and the paradigms of social philosophy. Philosophical Thought, 1, 1–32.
The phenomena of globalization point at the profound conceptual crisis of social sciences, which neglected the most acute and large-scale contradictions of postindustrial development. The crisis of social sciences should be considered as testimony to escalation of the transitional processes and imminence of major changes in the structure of postindustrial society, which institutional grounds take roots in the industrial era, but already do not meet the demands and challenges of the present, and even more so, of the future. The systemic complexity of social processes of modernity indicates that the adequate to them social metatheory must not only ascertain the changes and establish the theoretical foundation post factum, but also forecast the social processes under the conditions of global socioeconomic transformations. The study analyzes the forecasting adequacy and bases of the reputed theories that describe the evolution and functioning of society as a whole, as well as social structures ad social institutions in particular. Based on the conducted analysis, the author suggests the principles for creating the new theoretical foundation of social sciences that represents the synthesis of formation theory with a number of specific theories and approaches, namely the theories of social institutions and organizations, social stratification and power structure, functionalist and structuralist approaches.
stratification, social organization, civilizational approach, social institution, social formation, postindustrial, social philosophy, crisis, globalization, structuralism
Social philosophy
Smirnov, M.V. (2019). Social being of personality in the context of socio-historical totality of the performative interpretation . Philosophical Thought, 1, 33–43.
The object of this research is the concept of performative interpretation as a discursive-historical hegemony of socio-metaphysical system of thought. The subject is the substantiation of the performative interpretation from the perspective of the principle of totality. The research is structure on the basis of the idea of performative interpretation of M. Foucault, as well as several modern sociological theories of the performative utterance, who assign a central role in formation and perception of social relations, rules and practices to the language. The goal of this article is to signify and adjust the understanding of the subject of research for the social philosophy, its role in the establishment and totalization of comprehension of the social being of personality, and the boundaries of its self-reflection. The study is conducted on the example of socio-philosophical analysis of the meaning of Marxist-Hegelian discourse of continental philosophy – its consideration from the standpoint of the totality of performative interpretation. Using the principle of dialectical complementarity, the author underlines the correlation between the sociological theories oriented towards the feedback, and the dialectical principle of totality. In the course of the research, the author demonstrates the inner contradictions of M. Foucault’s concept of performative interpretation with his epistemological theory; as well as the fact and consequences of neglecting by the theories of peformativity of the Hegelian principle of totality, namely the structural-semiological totality of language of J. Lacan (dimension of the symbolic). It is depicted that personality not only reproduces and follows certain performative act, but remains in the totality of performative interpretation, which reproduces the discourses, ideology and boundaries of their articulation. Application of the principle of totality into the research of social performative utterances will allow establishing the more harmonious feedback with the actants, as well as create the interdisciplinary relations between the idealistic metaphysics and such sociological movements as the actor-network theory and normative sociology.
power relations, denotative, discourse, structural-semiological totality, principle of totality, social metaphysics, performative interpretation, ideology, feedback, normative sociology
Social philosophy
Rusakov, S.S. (2019). Conceptual-categorical apparatus in social philosophy of M. K. Mamardashvili. Philosophical Thought, 1, 44–49.
This article is dedicated to the problem of examination and systematization of the separate concepts, notions and categories featured in social philosophy of M. K. Mamardashvili. The author focuses on structuring the analysis of Mamardashvili’s philosophy on the three levels that reflect different topics in his philosophizing: the first level allocates the notions related to the original interpretation of the various social institutions (artefacts); the second level – the categories associated with the types of social cultures or types of society lining up according to the configuration of element from the first level; the third level considers several concepts about the emergence of certain type of people that are the products of various types of society. In the course of this research, the author leans on method of modelling alongside analytical, critical and comparative analysis. The scientific novelty consists in determination of not only the systematics representation on the fundamental categories of M. K. Mamardashvili that can be applied in socio-philosophical analysis of any modern society, but also in revelation of peculiarities of his ideas pertinent to society. Based on the three-level system of the philosopher’s categorical apparatus, the author underlines that his ideas broadly resemble the phenomenological analysis of society, but much more original, without any borrowings from the social philosophy of Husserl or Heidegger.
consciousness, culture, society, social structure, social philosophy, subjectivation, Deleuze, Mamardashvili, artifact, human
Philosophy of history
Gashkov, S.A. (2019). Cornelius Castoriadis reforms the philosophy of history. Philosophical Thought, 1, 50–58.
The subject of this research is the social heritage of the prominent French philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). The authors gives special attention to the plots of his works that are referred to the problem of such philosophical interpretation of the historical process, in which a human would not resemble an alienated subject, but rather a conscious, creative being. On this path, the philosopher meets Marxism, existentialism of Sartre, and structuralism of Lévi-Strauss, which he critically comprehends, upholding his kindred principles related to the Greek democratic traditions. He critically rejected scientism, naturalism, individualism, Eurocentrism, functionalism, positivism and determining, which in his opinion, eclipse the true content of all of the three methodologies. The author reviews a number of theses and text of Castoriadis, comparing with the text of some representatives of Marxism (Lenin, Plekhanov), existentialism (Sartre), and structuralism (Lévi-Strauss, Foucault, Althusser). The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to present Castoriadis as a so-called reformer of the philosophy of history. He configures not only as a successive critic of Marxism, existentialism and structuralism, but also as an independent thinker who revived the fading interest to the philosophy of history. The main conclusion is defined by the fact that the works of Castoriadis represents a cycle of studies on the philosophy of history, and in the center of the live historical process is a creative group of people a monolith of the “magma” of social reality and social ideality.
functionalism, Marxism, structuralism, existentialism, determinism, indeterminism, philosophy of history, Castoriadis, reform of science, role of individuals
Religions and religious renaissance
Gizha, A.V. (2019). Religion in the conditions of the new-European subjectivity of classical and postmodern periods. Philosophical Thought, 1, 59–69.
This article examines the specificity of the religious form of social consciousness from the historical and meta-historical perspectives. It is defined by the distinctive features of Modern Time, which in one way or another are continued with the postmodern period. The enlightenment of Marxist criticism of religion is fair but incomplete, as it considers only sociopolitical factors of existence and functions of the religious form of activity and consciousness. A question is raised on the meta-historical content of religion that consists in the inherent to it experience of preconceptual cognition of the world. It carries a status of the ontologically established moral attitude, which in the abstract-unexpanded form underlies the establishment of the historically given sociality. The key method and principle of research is the logical-dialectic examination, unfolded historically and specified in essential regard. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in reasoning on the marginalization taking place in the conditions of postmodernism of the enlightenment cultural-historical paradigm, reactualization of the rudiment naturalistic religious ideas, the historical role of religion as the prime genesis of supernatural cosmos of human existence, the need for re-structuralizing the glossary of theological discourse and conceptual revelation of the proto-experience of religious consciousness.
naturalism, ontologization, estrangement, cognition, science, rationalism, religion, morality, value, postmodernism
Philosophy of death
Zabelina, E.Y., Fenvesh, T.A. (2019). Attitude towards death and religious consciousness of the youth. Philosophical Thought, 1, 70–76.
This article examines some results of the study of the attitude of religious people towards death, mainly Christians, with the purpose of determining the modern representation of death. On the basis of the Siberian Federal University, the author conducted a research on the attitude of student youth towards death. A group of the respondent demonstrated the affiliation to one or another religious, faith in God; their answers were interpreted on the subject of their attitude towards death, established representation of death, and variations of protection against the fear of death. The methodological concepts on the attitude towards death of such authors as Philippe Ariès and Gilbert Durand, as well as the Russian cosmism, served as the prerequisite for formation of hypothesis of the research. In the course of this work, the authosr determined that the majority of student youth formed a negative representation of death that does not correspond with the religious ideology. Several concepts that reflect the attitude of youth towards death and their method of fighting the fear of death are described. The authors draw a conclusion on the state of religious consciousness of student youth that is a result of unfamiliarity with the religious norms or fusion of the traditions of various religions.
social institutions, imaginaire, Russian philosophy, cosmism, religion, Christianity, death anxiety, death, Russian cosmism, death studies
Philosophy of law
Garshin, N.A. (2019). The problem of correlation between tolerance and punishment in the philosophy of law. Philosophical Thought, 1, 77–82.
The subject of this research is the interrelation between the changes of interpreting tolerance within the history of philosophical thought and the transformation of penitentiary system throughout history. Particular attention is given to the search for concordance between the concepts of tolerance and approaches to punishment within the framework of the philosophy of law. The author believes that through the prism of changes in penitentiary field, the boundaries of tolerance within intolerance become evident. This, in turn, reflects the level of development of humanism in the society, readiness of the government to contribute to re-socialization of a perpetrator, and provide him with opportunity to become a full-fledged member of society. The main research method is the functional analysis that allows determining the important aspects in social interaction of tolerance and punishment. The scientific novelty consists in reflecting the correlation between the tolerance and penitentiary system for a more competent explanation of transformation of these phenomena. The author also analyzes the essence of the approaches towards punishment in the context of the philosophy of law. The main conclusion lies in understanding of the fact that the higher is the level of tolerance, the more the government and society are interested in re-socialization of a person who got into trouble – the higher is the likelihood of his return to the civilized way of living. Namely such attitude is the closest to the idea of tolerance.
intolerance, law in Russia, modern philosophy, approaches to punishment, law, tolerance, legal philosophy, punishment, political philosophy, rights and freedoms