Social philosophy
Salimgareev, D.I. (2019). Mediation as an efficient means for ensuring stability of geopolitical communication processes . Philosophical Thought, 12, 1–9.
This article covers one of the priority geopolitical problems – disruption of communication. Mediation that possesses necessary parameters for identification of a conflict and, its further processing and levels the destructive results, is called to serve as innovative mechanism for protection of social harmony and restoration of communication. The subject of this research is the international disruption of communication. The goal consists in studying the boundaries of mediation as a regulatory instrument in international relations; as well as public need in forecasting of the emergence of conflict in atypical social relations and prompt localization of a conflict. The scientific novelty consists in theoretical understanding of applicability of mediation in solution of the complicated social tasks and integration into social processes, as well as in formation of recommendatory measures on improving conflict-free social communication processes. In the course of this work, the author determines the following correlations: 1) changeability of conflict by its functions is proportional to the impact of external factors and terms of relations; 2) link between language limitations and actions of subjects of international communication; 3) reconciliation techniques is a crucial condition of modern international communication. The conclusion consists in the detected connection between mediation and social conflict, as well as in recommendation on development of mechanism aimed at prevention of social tension on the example of linguistic aggression.
agreement, social harmony, reconciliation technique, society, international relations, mediation, linguistic aggression, culture, conflict, communication
Philosophy of liberty
Usmanova, L.T. (2019). Philosophical doctrine of N. A. Berdyaev on freedom that paves the way for creativity. Philosophical Thought, 12, 10–18.
This article analyzes the philosophical views of the prominent successor of V. S. Solovyov, supporter of existentialism that laid the grounds for N. A. Berdyaev’s philosophy of personalism. In the process of studying the proposed by Russian philosopher concept of world structure, aimed at human and representing the opposite of spirit and nature, emphasis is made on the questions of the genesis of freedom in three forms of its existence (irrational, rational and freedom with love) and justification of human in the existence of evil through creative and positive transformation of the world. Analysis, generalization and systematization of the artistic heritage of N. A. Berdyaev are founded on the following positions of his theory: spirit includes life, freedom and creativity, while nature is a thing, mind and necessity; freedom was not created by God, but existed prior to Him, and thus, God is not responsible for the human’s free will. Personality in realized through ascension of the subconscious (irrational freedom) through the conscious (irrational freedom) to the superonscious (freedom of divine love). Berdyaev’s philosophy of personalism is viewed through the dominant role of personality that possesses the divine attributes of the Creator. The creative activity of a human is presented as supplementary to divine live, as “divine-human”.
personality, freedom with love, rational, irrational, God, philosophy of liberty, creativity, teachings, spirit, personalism
Religions and religious renaissance
Belyaev, A.A. (2019). Political discourse of Jewish and early Christian apocalyptic literature and its role in the state-confessional relations. Philosophical Thought, 12, 19–27.
Currently in society do not subside the questions related to the problematic of state-confessional relations. In this dialogue, the religious groups are guided by the sacred texts, among which is the literature of apocalyptic genre. The presents in such literature political discourse has a potential for impacting political theology of the separate religious groups and development of state-confessional relations. The object of this research is the Jewish and early Christian apocalyptic literature. The subject is the political discourse in Jewish and early Christian apocalyptic literature viewed in the context of historical circumstances of its emergence. For achieving the set goal and formulation of arguments, the author examines the meaning of the term “apocalyptic literature” and briefly presents the thesis on its genesis, analyzes the political discourse in Jewish and early Christian apocalyptic literature along with its capacity to influence the state-confessional relations. The article demonstrators that apocalyptic literature appeared as a response to social injustice and imperfection of political institutions of ancient times, and thus, contains the political discourse. It is noted that in the examined apocalyptic texts the political discourse is not homogenous, so the people’s behavior as a response to sociopolitical injustice is defined by such sources that affect the formulation of political theology of this group. Therefore, the analysis of apocalyptic texts, magisterial for a particular religious group, allows seeing the political discourse of this group, as well as forecasting its responses upon political injustice, oppression, impairment of rights and freedoms.
early Christian apocalyptic, religion, political theology, political discourse, state-confessional relations, apocalypse, jewish apocalyptic, apocalyptic, social and political injustice, religious behavior
Vasilenko, Y.V. (2019). “Systemic hedonism” as an ethical doctrine. Philosophical Thought, 12, 28–38.
The subject of this research is the genesis of such ethical doctrine as hedonism; the object is the concept of “systemic hedonism” proposed by the contemporary Russian expert in the field of management I. V. Volochkov. By placing “systemic hedonism” into a broad historical context of ethical teachings – since the times of Ancient Greece (Cerenaics Aristippus and Hegesias) until modern American hedonists (David Pearce) – formulating the questions of achieving happiness through delight and pleasure, the author claims that “systemic hedonism” can be recognized as a variety of “spiritual hedonism”, similar in its ideological-value content to eudemonism of Aristotle and Epicurus. The author juxtaposes the ethical teaching of “systemic hedonism” with the cognate teachings, revealing the unique aspects of the first. The presented in the article concept of “systemic hedonism” is revealed as ethical doctrine aimed at subsequent and gradual development and self-improvement of a modern human. The main conclusion consists in the statement that in the context of growing tendencies of social development, “systemic hedonism” may be viewed as an incipient ethos of the modern Russian bourgeoisie yearning for conscious consumption strongly restricted by the ethical framework.
modern person, ethical concept, bourgeois ethos, atomized individual, systemic hedonism, eudemonism, hedonism, good, categorical imperative, happiness
Philosophy and culture
Maslov, V.M. (2019). The philosophy of visual turn: from theory to practice. Philosophical Thought, 12, 39–56.
The subject of this article is a visual turn, distortion of the long-standing relationship of visual and verbal in social life towards the visual. Critical analysis demonstrates the problem in precise definition of the “visual turn”, “visual”, “visual culture”, “linguistic turn”. Thus, the problem becomes the philosophical practice on improvements the situation with modern visual culture. The logics of this research is structured from solving the conceptual problems of “visual turn” towards objective derivation of the key trends of neutralization of negative consequences within the modern visual culture. Methodological foundation consists of the theory of post-nonclassical and open rationality. The research defines the basic character of “visual turn” for the visual studies. “Visual” is the essence and reference to sensibly-emotional. Systematic, on the grounds of the phenomenon of art, reflection of modern visual culture results in the idea that modern life becomes a form of its manifestation. Critical analysis of “linguistic turn” reveals that the essence of visual turns consists in the fact that the problems of truth and worldview begin are now determined by the visual culture, rather than by the language of science and rational philosophy. The formation of modern visual culture is the process of gradual development of technogenic civilization that expands the field of freedom. This also outlines an objective limit in the growth of worldview significance of visual culture, which leads to the collapse of technogenic civilization. The conducted analysis, objectively, points at the three main directions of philosophical work on neutralization of negative consequences of the modern visual culture: critical, transformational, and infographic.
technogenic civilization, media education, visual ecology, visualization, visual research, visual culture, linguistic turn, pictourial turn, iconic turn, visual turn