Methodology of philosophical learning
Pryadko, I.P. (2018). The problem of implementation of logic in technology and construction: to the history of the question. Philosophical Thought, 10, 1–15.
This article analyzes the logical conclusions of the two prominent scholars of the XX century: Nikolai Gersevanov and Viktor Shestakov. The significance of the works of these two scholars for the methodology of science and areas of the applied implementation of logic is underlined. The author believes that the research of Gersevanov and Shestakov became the landmark in establishment of the mathematical logic in Russia. Thus, the object of this article is the separate aspects of creative path of the two prominent researchers; and the subject is the use of the methods of formal logic in their works. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author is first to analyze the logical-mathematical alphabet used by Gersevanov, comparing it with the modern interpretation of the true meaning of logical constants. The article also examines the logical works of Gersevanov pertinent to substantiation of competence of the hydraulic structures and logical formulations of Shestakov in the area of implementation of logic to the synthesis and analysis of the relay-contact schemes as the two interconnected parts of research dynamics in our country. Gersevanov’s logical formulas are compared to the search for formalization of observations initiated by I. I. Zhegalkin. A conclusion is made on the prospective use of the exploratory works of Gersevanov and Shestakov.
logic, electrical engineering, construction mechanics, Nikolai Gersevanov, Victor Shestakov, propositional variables, calculus of propositions, formal logic, history of logic, philosophy of science
Ontology: being and nihility
Kuzmin, V. (2018). Color reality: attributes and relativity. Philosophical Thought, 10, 16–31.
Using the phenomenological approach, the author attempts to demonstrate that the concept of “color” from the ontological perspective can be introduced as a special type of color reality. At the moment of intention it manifests through the color text. In the context of intentionality, such text represents a coherent whole, which constitutes in consciousness based on the perception of color of a particular subject and the overall situation it is placed within (illumination, color carrier, color combination of the surrounding subjects, etc.). The scientific novelty is substantiated by the need for providing a comprehensive universal approach to the ontology of color. The author determines the main attributes of color reality and its relation to the cognizing subject (stability, abstraction and categorization, hermeneutics, dynamism, and others); describes two of its basis: chromatic and achromatic; as well as underlines its stable components (invariants) manifested in language through the categories of color. Based on such invariants, for expressing the color reality is created the metalanguage, which important attribute is the statistical ground of its formation. The invariants of color reality also manifest in culture through using the same colors in rituals and traditions. Analyzing the previously published data from the Russian and foreign literature, the author suggests the principle of relativity: color reality actualized in the specific color text corresponds to such overall state of cognizing subject, in which he is willing to perceive it at the moment of intention. At the same time, the physiological and psychical peculiarities of the subject alongside his language and cultural traditions are being considered. In intersubjectivity, the boundaries of language, the aforementioned principle is reflected through the hypothesis of linguistic relativity of Sapir-Whorf.
semantics of colour, colour naming, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, relativity, categorization of colour, text of colour, reality, concept of colour, abstraction of colour, intentionality
Philosophy of knowledge
Rosengren, M., Nydahl, M., Vorobev, D.N. (2018). Human as a measure. Conversation with Mats Rosengren about the context of the emergence of doxology . Philosophical Thought, 10, 32–42.
The subject of this conversation is the social context of the emergence of doxology – the naturalizes theory of cognition, proposed by the Swedish philosopher Mats Rosengren. He believes that the human knowledge has never been and will not be epistemic (in Platonian sense). It is always culturally and historically substantiated, situational and inconsistent. In the course of conversation, Rosengren talks about the specificity of doxological understanding of the constructive nature of scientific cognition, as well as the importance of the reception of French philosophy of the XX century for the emergence of doxology. Professor Rosengren gave an interview on June 14, 2018 in Stockholm in the house of Swedish Writers' Union; the synchronized translation from Swedish was provided by Michael Nyudal. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that it allows to better understand what is and what is not the doxology claimed by its author as a modern variation of Protagorean theory of cognition.
philosophical anthropology, reception of French philosophy, Ludwik Fleck, Cornelius Castoriadis, Ernst Cassirer, rhetorical philosophy, doxology, social epistemology, interview, Swedish philosophy
Philosophy of language and communication
Martynov, M. (2018). Peculiarities of the Russian anarchic discourse in post-Soviet era. Philosophical Thought, 10, 43–51.
This article analyzes the peculiarities of the Russian anarchic discourse of post-Soviet era in correlation with the key attributes of the Soviet political discourse. Soviet government viewed anarchists as the antagonistic political power; therefore, the activity of anarchistic organizations in the Soviet Union was prohibited. Russian anarchism started to reappear only in the late 1980’s, when the declining Soviet state was losing control over the political situation. The main attention is given to the analysis of peculiarities attained by the Russian anarchic discourse during this period in the context of confrontation with Soviet ideology. The article uses the methodology of the French school of discourse analysis that is oriented towards the study of political texts and considers discourse as the product of ideology. The anarchic discourse implies such language activity of the anarchists that features the values of the anarchic worldview. The author notes the anti-Soviet tune of the anarchists in the end of the XX century, demonstrating that the establishment of key parameters closely relates to the criticism of Soviet worldview and Soviet ideological language. For example, the parameters of the Soviet political discourse “nominalization” and related to it process of depersonalization are opposed to the attention to real subject of speech and polysemicity. The refusal from the Soviet ideological language also manifested in the anarchists’ use of the letters from Russian alphabet (i, ú and others), which were excluded after the spelling reform of 1917-1918, i.e. already during the Soviet time. The pre-reform elements can be seen in the various anarchistic texts and make an overal impression of non-Sovietness.
Seriot, nominalization, power, Soviet political discourse, anarchist discourse, discourse, anarchism, ASSA, USSR, ideology
Philosophy of science
Zholkov, S. (2018). On logical pluralism and alternative pragmatic theories. Philosophical Thought, 10, 52–66.
This article analyzes the forms of logical analysis in the pragmatic theory and the requirements necessary for structuring the authoritative pragmatic theory. The author compares the various logical schemes and their use pragmatic theories. The article examines the origins and peculiarities of institutional mathematical logics and discusses the specificities of logical calculus structured by L. I. Rosonoer (1983); PCont equivoluminar paraconsistent calculus PI s built by A. Arruda; and LPCont and LP1Cont in which the classical logic plays a role of formal metalanguage for the paraconsistent calculus PCont. The author analyses the three distinctions of para-tautology from institutional tautology; discusses refusal from the principle ECQ (ex contradictione quodlibet) and execution of the “principle of unprovability from the extraneous thoughts” in the (non-trivializing) paraconsistent logic; as well as applicability of logical pluralism for various pragmatic theories. The article carries out a comparative analysis of the various logical systems and their potential application in pragmatic theories, in creating an artificial intelligence and regulation of discussions. The author analyzes the theoretical-plural motivation of para-compatibility suggested by K. Mortensen. In accordance with Mortensen’s position, is proposed an approach for verification of fundamental ideas and conceptual logical schemes, which is called the principle of mathematical tolerance. The work also analyzes the cases of use of the paraconsistent logic in pragmatic theories and crucial causes for the inconsistent pragmatic positions and the alternative theories of real pragmatics.
consistency, non-predicative descriptor, paraconsitent logics, trivialisable logical system, 3-tautology, intuitionist predicate calculus, pragmatic theory, pragmatic analysis, alternative pragmatic theories, unsolvable problems
Political philosophy
Mishurin, A.N. (2018). Vulnerability of Carl Schmitt’s concept of the political. Philosophical Thought, 10, 67–74.
One of the pivotal works for the creative path of Carl Schmitt became “The Concept of the Political” that provokes a number of controversies. Having withstood three revisions, caused also by criticism from the colleagues, “The Concept of the Political” appears to multiple researchers as one of the most vivid manifestations of realpolitik in the XX century. However, this article defends a different point of view. The conducted analysis demonstrates that the positions expressed by Schmitt in his work strongly depend on the classical liberalism, and particularly the thought of Thomas Hobbes. Schmitt, whose verve, in essence, is anti-liberal, remains within the limits of liberalism. At the same time, another frame for theses narrated in “The Concept of the Political” is Nietzscheanism. Namely due to the impossibility of synthesizing liberal and anti-liberal positions, Schmitt’s work remains incomplete. It seems that the author was could not follow to its logical end none of the claimed theses: definition of politics, representation on the state, or position on non-moralism of the political. Thus, “The Concept of the Political” could not suffice any ideological position and remained practically incomplete as an alternative to the liberal view on politics.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Hobbes, friend, enemy, war, concept of the political, Carl Schmitt, liberalism, conservative revolution, state
Philosophy of postmodernism
Astashkin , A.M. (2018). The analysis of ontological status of virtual objects: modal logic and contemporary French philosophy (G. Deleuze, Q. Meillassoux, J. Baudrillard, and J. Derrida). Philosophical Thought, 10, 75–85.
This article examines the three conceptual approaches to the virtual of Q. Meillassoux, J. Baudrillard and G. Deleuze, as well as the status of virtual objects in modal logic. A goal is set to analyze the conceptual approaches to the virtual world within the framework of the indicated approaches (modal logic and contemporary French philosophy), integrate them into the common concept of the virtual matter that includes the various virtual objects, such as fantasies, digital images, hallucinations, dreams, illusions, and artworks. The subject of this study is the virtual objects in conceptual approaches of modal logic of the contemporary French philosophy. Virtual objects are viewed from the ontological and epistemological perspective. The author analyzes the way of existence of the virtual objects, their classification, and correlation between the diverse types of virtuality. The scientific novelty consists in overview of the most contemporary and relevant philosophical approaches to the phenomenon of virtuality. The following conclusions are made: virtual objects appear as a result of the intentional act of consciousness; they are not real, but simulatively reproduce the reality; virtual worlds do not exists outside and regardless of human consciousness; illusiveness is the basic feature of the virtual matter.
reality, modal logic, digital technologies, virtual reality, virtual objects, Body without organs, viruses, simulacrum, ghosts, images
Philosophical anthropology
Aleinik, R.M. (2018). Man of the era of information revolution. Philosophical Thought, 10, 86–96.
The XXI century is called the era of the fifth information revolution at the stage of emergence of means and methods of information processing, which caused drastic transformations in social life. The object of this research is the man of information era. Currently takes place the intense accumulation of the various empirical data on the new human within the framework of social anthropology that views society and human from the perspective of evolution of the forms of communication; neuroscience that considers Internet as the main stimulant of brain activity; and pedagogy that waits for a new, well-prepared student. Such interdisciplinary area as the theory of generation views human from the axiological standpoint. The mass media sate of society continues to expand, transforming science, philosophy, politics, and art. These changes force to change the traditional perception of the world, thinking pattern and value orientations. The author attempts to generalize the information about the clash of generations between “digital from birth” and “digital migrants”, and the ways for its solution under the circumstances when the information revolution is not yet completed.
digital immigrants, digital from birth, book communication, mass media, Information society, human, logic of electronic communication, audio-visual communication, information revolution, network society