Philosophy of religion
Yangutov, L., Orbodoeva, M.V. (2018). Translation of Buddhist texts and establishment of social principles of Buddhism in China. Philosophical Thought, 1, 1–7.
This article examines the Buddhist text, which translation into Chinese language greatly affected the formation of social principles of Buddhism in China. The authors consider the impact of philosophical and soteriological contents, translated from Sanskrit into Chinese language texts of Vinaya, Abhidharma, and Prajnaparamita upon the establishment of monastic organization, as well as social adaptation of Buddhism in China. The article also demonstrated the controversy of soteriological concept of Hinayana to social values of the Chinese people based on the Confucian doctrine of filial piety. In the course of this research the following methods were used: structural-analytical, contextual, and hermeneutic. The author touch upon the questions of the impact of Prajnaparamita texts upon the emergence of popular religious doctrine that significantly expanded the social base of Buddhism in China. The article is first to explore the establishment of social principles of Buddhism in China in the context of the translations of its texts into the Chinese language.
Hinayana, Prajnaparamita, Abhidharma, soteriology, social attitude, philosophy, monastic organization, Text, Mahayana, Vinaya
The dialogue of cultures
Khabdaeva, A. (2018). To the question on the history of establishment of Buddhist educational tradition in China. Philosophical Thought, 1, 8–13.
The principles of Buddhist education played a crucial role in development of Buddhism history outside of India. Based on the Indo-Buddhist educational model within the range of the expansion of Buddhism, has been displayed a Buddhist type of personality. Existence of powerful educational traditions in China that had established prior to the emergence of Buddhism within, contribute to integration of the ideas of Buddhist and traditional Chinese teachings, which resulted in development of a specific educational model based in the principles of Indo-Buddhist system, but strongly affected by the Chinese sociocultural traditions. The era of Tang dynasty signifies the establishment of the systematic Buddhist education in China. Methodology of this work leans on the conceptual approaches in studying Buddhism, proposed by the representatives of Russian and foreign schools of Buddhism. Basing on the acknowledged academic approaches, the author advances the idea about the framework role of Buddhist education within the range of the expansion of Buddhism. The scientific novelty is substantiated by the need for systematization of knowledge on the Buddhist education as a framework factor of Buddhist teaching from the perspective of the analysis of Buddhism expansion outside of India, as well as comprehension of the sources and mechanisms of the dynamics of domesticating the foreign cultural elements and specificity of their interaction with the local tradition.
Confucianism, Buddhist translation, Buddhist monk, Buddhist monastery, China, Buddhist education, culture, Buddhism, Buddhist school, educational model
Religions and religious renaissance
Klimkov, O. (2018). The doctrine of Gregory of Sinai and its impact upon the hesychast revival in the XIV century. Philosophical Thought, 1, 14–28.
The object of this research is the theological-mystical doctrine of Gregory of Sinai, emerged within the centuries-old monastic practice of “mental prayer”. His works made a fundamental contribution into the systematization and conceptual comprehension of this teaching in Byzantium and medieval Rus’, significantly affecting the development of the religious-philosophical culture. The subject of this research is the Gregory’s active efforts on distribution of the revived by him doctrine of silence and sobering as a true meaning of the monastic life far beyond Bizantium, as well as his contribution into the hesychast revival in the XIV century. The main chapters of the indicated teaching are the following: philosophical-anthropological views of Gregory of Sinai; his concepts of astonishment and fervor; analysis of passions from the perspective of Plato’s three parts of the soul; classification of the virtues; representation on the specificity of personality of pedagogue, orator, and philosopher; concept of spiritual feeling; admonition for Hesychius; theological demarcation of the subjects of spiritual contemplation.
Orthodoxy, silence, asceticism, knowledge of God, Sinaitism, hesychasm, Christian anthropology, theosis, mysticism, Gregory of Synai
Matter and motion
Bagrova, E.V. (2018). Philosophical paradigm of interrelated imbalances. Philosophical Thought, 1, 29–36.
The subject of this research is the specification of philosophical paradigm of interrelated imbalances. At the same time, the goal lies not just in introduction of a new philosophical paradigm to the scientific discourse, but the specification of the very essence of interrelated social imbalances and their role in social development. Due to the various interpretations of imbalances in different sciences, there has not been yet a universal definition and the philosophical paradigm as such. The author, in turn, suggests that many of the disparate imbalances are interrelated at the conceptual level. For achieving the set goal, the author had analyzed the sources that define imbalances in various spheres, concepts of social agreement and political realism, as well as certain aspects of the contemporary socio-philosophical development. A conclusion is formulated that the structural analysis of social imbalances simultaneously represents a disaccord of the trends alongside various quantitative and qualitative indexes that define social development; preponderance of the separate population groups or type of production activities; as well as certain state of society, combination of the internal and external contradictions that do not allow the development within the predictable mode.
stability, crisis, community development, social development, philosophical paradigm, interrelated imbalances, structural crisis, stochastic processes, trends, predictability of development
Philosophy of history
Glushchenko, G.Y. (2018). History versus memory: to the problem of interrelation between history and memory . Philosophical Thought, 1, 37–50.
The object of this research is the collective memory as an important aspect of historical consciousness. The subject is the problem of interrelation between history and collective memory. The article examines the essential aspects of history and memory. The goal of the work consists in characterizing the principal forms of interaction between history and memory, determination of the most common to present time form of such interaction, as well as exploring the question of regularities of historical consciousness due to the problem of historical time and oblivion. The author analyzes various methods of interaction of the indicated realms: historical consciousness as a specific case of memory (Collingwood), history as a way of retaining the relevant for today images of memory (Halbwachs), history as a form of cultural memory (Assmann). In this case, memory enriches the historical consciousness with the value orientations; history realigns the entirety of existing memories. Cultural memories has a connective structure that links the past and present, the key function of which is repetition. History becomes the cultural-historical narrative with supporting function; the substantiated recorded history – is a situation when the countries, nations, and groups comprehend themselves through specific experience. The key function of memory lies in transforming of such experience into the narrative affected by the variations in memory framework. Thus, it is a reliable fact that certain powers of history are active within a particular historical period. History is an attempt to restore the missing and distorted, which is impossible without the worldview and culture of society; while memory performs a task of restoring the spirit of the era. The article suggests the principle of complementarity – memory and history complement one another, correlating separate facts and events with images and symbols; as well as research the phenomenon of historical culture that leans on the analysis of phenomena in the context of the experience of historical mentalities, where the captured images manifests as the interpretational models of the world.
oblivion, past, culture, mentality, narrative, experience, Memory, History, worldview, historical time
Dasein of the human being
Nagoy, F.N. (2018). Understanding of Other as the basis of human humanism: dialectics of ethical and aesthetical. Philosophical Thought, 1, 51–58.
This article is dedicated to the author’s comprehension of the idea of Other actively developing in modern philosophy, actualization of the meaning of a dialogue in formation of the human humanism. The context is the two images of philosophy: as a system of knowledge, and philosophizing that connects human to existence. The key task consists in substantiation of position that Other simultaneously manifests as an internal and external factor of reasoning, thus, antagonism or the emerging experience of the unity of personality and Other is what defines the qualities of a human. In methodological regard, the topic is revealed on the basis of combination and comparison of the classical and nonclassical approaches towards the problem of freedom, as well as application of methodological orientations of the representatives of hermeneutics and existentialism on this matter. Leaning on examination of the idea of Other, the author determines the specificity of ethnical and aesthetical aspects of the principle of dialogueness. The comparison of the incomplete world of ethical act and defined within itself aesthetical world, united by the values taken from the reality itself, allowed concluding that the desire of Other and reception with Other is the way of finding yourself as wholeness and humanism.
Aesthetics, Ethics, Dialogue, Existence, Hermeneutics, Self-identification, Other, Self, Freedom, Understanding
Philosophy and culture
Afanas'ev, S.V. (2018). The purpose of this article is to conduct a typological analysis of the information culture as a social and cultural phenomenon. . Philosophical Thought, 1, 59–70.
The relevance of the research is dictated by the fact that in modern conditions of development of the information society, information culture goes beyond the narrow understanding of knowledge and skills necessary to work with the information systems. It represents a basic subsystem of culture of the information civilization, an independent type of culture within the system of information society, and most important cultural element of a modern person. Typological analysis systematizes the expanding conceptual framework in studying of the information culture. The key research methods are the following: typological analysis, summarization, typology, classification, systematization, comparison, generalization, as well as civilization, subject-object, sphere, activity approaches. Analytical overview of the scientific studies is conducted. The author analyzed and systematized the main types of information culture examined within the culturology, information culturology, and social philosophy. The conducted analysis allowed substantiating the need and possibility of development of multi-level typology of the information culture and reaching the idea of establishment of the attributive and a functional concept of information culture
socio-philosophical approach, information approach, information culture of society, information culture of personality, typological analysis, information civilization, information culture, culturological approach, attributive concept of information culture, functional concept of information culture