The torment of communication
Druzhinin, A.M. (2017). From dialogue to manipulation: critical analysis of modern media practices . Philosophical Thought, 1, 1–16.
This article presents the history of emergence of manipulative forms of social management. The correlation between manipulation and dialogical forms of interaction of the individual is determined. The author reveals the essence of manipulations as a destructive phenomenon, within the framework of which the audience of contemporary mass media is views as passive object of influence. The analysis of existing at present stage approaches towards the phenomenon allows conditionally highlighting two directions in its examination: humanitarian-philosophical and engineering. Humanitarian-philosophical approach suggest the ethnical assessment of manipulation, which excludes the application of manipulative technologies of social managements. Engineering approach reviews society as the object of implementation of manipulative communications, and as a result, leads to degradation of the dialogue on all levels. The article initiates discussion with the researchers, who supports the “engineering” views upon the social management. The main method of this research consists in critical analysis. Such approach towards the problem manipulation lies in interconnection of the three levels of examination of this question. Firstly, manipulative communication is the type of social interaction, which generates the abuse of authority. Secondly, it is being realized by means of texts and audiovisual images. Thirdly, this phenomenon must be considered in the context of examination of the cognitive abilities of a human, because it actively forms the image of thinking, mental world, as well as intrudes into the sphere of inexplicit knowledge of a specific individual. The analysis of various phenomena in these three platitudes allows determining the features of manipulative communication in one or another case. The author reviews the transformation of dialogical genres of mass media into the monological expression. It is proposed to metaphorically name such texts as “mono-dialogue”. Imitation of dialogue, which hides the author-creator, is demonstrates as one main instruments of the hidden impact upon the society. Based on M. Bakhtin’s theory about isolation of one or another fragment of text (discourse), and Gadamer’s ideas regarding the questions of interpretation, the author detects the mechanism of control over the information, cognitive, and social space of the mass media dialogical genres, and interview in particular.
media, discourse, power, democracy, Interview, polysemantic, dialogue, manipulation, communication, text
Social philosophy
Gryaznova, E.V., Afanas'ev, S.V. (2017). Individualization of a person in the information socialization. Philosophical Thought, 1, 17–29.
In the information society, social experience cannot be transmitted only by traditional methods. Modern man is forced from an early age to take in information interaction occurring in the field of information reality created by modern information technology. Thus, the second period of socialization – individualization, which is the most active stage of education and upbringing of a person is largely not under the control of real social actors and information quasisurjectivity. The article discusses the possible negative consequences of this individualization. The study of individualization as traditional stage and information of socialization used subject-to-subject approach. The paper used methods of analysis and synthesis. The main findings of the study is justification of the fact that individualization in the information of socialization has both positive and negative consequences. The most dangerous are: the possibility of forming the average, the universal identity, devoid of belonging to a national culture. The reason is not only the transfer of information socialization in reality, the transfer functions of the management of this process information quasispherical.
communication, socialization, Internet addiction, information reality, information socialization, information quasisubject, the subject-subject approach, individualization, education, upbringing
Westerners and Slavophiles today
Krasikov, V.I. (2017). Informal communication of the main philosophical groups in post-Soviet Russia. Philosophical Thought, 1, 30–41.
The object of this research is the processes associates with the reformatting the worldview and spiritual situation and establishment of the new philosophical groups in post-Soviet thoughts during the late 1990’s and first decade of the XXI century. The subject of this work is the informal philosophical groups in post-Soviet Russia, their forming institutions, and history of relationship with the other intellectual groups. The author notices the roots of these newly established groups in the archetypical opposition between the Slavophiles and Westerners, examining the current worldview collisions as reproduction of this traditional to Russia conflict. The methodology of this research is based on the approach, according to which the network structure of the relationship between intellectual defines the generally meaningful space of intellectual attention that is divided into several competitive positions. The main results of this work consist in the following: Description of the characterological reactions of intellectual upon the destruction of foundations of the previous discourse; Brief description of history, theoretical peculiarities, composition, and institutional presentation of the six intellectual directions: phenomenology, postmodernism, neo-Marxism, gnoseology, analytics, and contextualists; Characteristic of their stylistic specificities of self-expression and historical-philosophical roots; Characteristic of turning points in communication of these groups with other similar institutions.
epistemologists, postmodernism, neo-Marxism, phenomenology, Russian discourse, network approach, informal communication, post-Soviet philosophy, philosophers of science, analytical philosophers
Philosophical anthropology
Spektor, D.M. (2017). Reversibility: drastic reassessment of radicalism of the symbolic exchange. Philosophical Thought, 1, 42–56.
The subject of this research is the symbolic exchange and its correlation with the death (in Jean Baudrillard’s rendition). The article demonstrated that the fundamental thoughts of Baudrillard, contained in critical refutation of the dominant positivism of accumulation through opposition to the metaphysically interpreted “death”, and apologies of “reversibility” of the fundamental vital processes, are deep and rightful in its way. In addition to that, Baudrillard is confused in his radicalism, nearly always disproving himself. The article attempts to separate the wheat from the chaff, i.e. contradistinguish Baudrillard’s criticism of nihilism from the resulting from it consequences. The method of this works is associated with the analysis and theoretical reconstruction of the notion of “reversibility” compared to the category of “reversion”. The abstractness of formal structures is being gradually counterpoised with the dialectics of attainment of the form (life) through destruction-rebirth (death). The scientific novelty consist in formulation of the category of “reversibility” in the areas of communication (language), transgressive transformation-dedication, and temporal cycle. The “reversibility” (authentic) is being put in contrast with the “rotation” (temptation) that is primarily views in modifications of transformation, which are close to reversibility and simultaneously inheriting the magical substitution, as well as seduction, perversion, and other remarks of the fall.
value, sacrifice, reversion, reversibility, gift, death, Symbolic exchange, anagram, poetry, eurythmy
Philosophy of love
Chugunova, I. (2017). To the problem of love in Nietzschean philosophy. Philosophical Thought, 1, 57–66.
The theme of love in Nietzsche’s works sounded revolutionary for his contemporaries, as well as in sharp contrast with the dominant at that time ethical views. However, even in our time, having experienced the impact of existentialism and philosophical postmodernism, Nietzschean perception of love, remains paradoxical and dialectically complicated. In his doctrine, Nietzsche expresses the challenging antitheses: he replaces the evangelical love to the “neighbor” with love to “others”; altruism – with love to “yourself”; and the very notion of love is tightly intertwines with hatred and war. Nietzschean category of love becomes the subject of a peculiar conceptual interpretation, requiring a certain transformation of thinking, as well as value co-readiness with the philosophical assertions of Nietzsche. The author examines the meanings of Nietzschean understanding of love in the context of human nature, reveals the questions of axiology of love, and reviews its relationship with the notion of hatred. The work demonstrates the in the foundation of pathos of Nietzsche’s doctrine is love namely to the highest beginnings in human being, which dominates over utilitarianism.
Morality, Love to neighbor, Christian virtues, Altruism, Selfishness, Ressentiment, Hatred, Love, Nietzsche, Human nature
Chernenko, V.A. (2017). Socrates – Alain Badiou: the parallels of ethical discourse. Philosophical Thought, 1, 67–74.
The object of this research is the ethical discourses of Socratic philosophy and “Ethics” (published in 2003; translated to Russian in 2006) of the modern French philosopher Alain Badiou. The subject of this research is the conceptual parallels, which emerge between them as a result of similar ontological, gnoseological, and ethnical orientations of the Ancient Greek philosopher and our contemporary. For both, Socrates and Badiou, the initial property of humanness consists in ability towards the impartial interest in the search of ethos (consistent) foundation of the Universe. This, in turn, institutionalizes human as a creature, in which his animalistic beginning can be disrupted or canceled by the faithfulness of the truth, which being excessive with regards to our biologically temporal nature, forms our subjectness capable of immortality. The author concludes that ethical discourse of the Socratic dialogues and A. Badiou’s “Ethics” reveal similar conceptual parallels:Infinite otherness (multiplicity);Truth is indifferent to differences;We possess an ability to be what is called by certain truth towards own identity;There is no ethics except the ethics of processes of the truth (science, love, art, politics or Good – Truth – Beauty);Immortal in human appears as the position of impartial interest in the World as a purposeful self-worth;Tension of the moral discourse lies in horizon of the constant choice between the ethics of endless/necessary; real/possible;Truth can manifest itself only in the dialogue (polylogue). Truths make their singular penetration [percee] only through the fabric of opinions. We all need to communicate...It is we ourselves, as ourselves, who expose ourselves to the becoming-subject…Every absolutization of the power of a truth organizes an Evil.
subject, immortality, self-worth, true, teleology, morality, ethos, ethics, faithfulness, personality
Fetisova, E.E. (2017). About the latent existence of “Paris Note: the “Ark”. Philosophical Thought, 1, 75–85.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of “Russian Renaissance” as a little-studied cultural paradigm of the XX century, its history and philosophical core – the “Paris Note”. This article illustrates the distinctive features of “Paris Note” and poets, who had similar to it perception of the world. The author analyzes the foundation of the “Paris Note”, as well as concept, poetry of symbolism, neoclassicism, and acmeism. The work also examines the “synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, by the virtue of which was created the genre polyphony alongside the “monologue on polyphonic basis”. For the purpose of revelation of the content of neo-acmeism as an artistic direction of the XX century, the author attracts the peculiarities of its functionality in external communication with symbolism, which transformed into its latent phase in 1934, and neoclassicism. Comparative analysis along with the method of semiotic reconstruction of a poetic text, serve as the key towards understanding of the internal structure of neo-acmeist cultural paradigm. Neo-acmeism in emigration continued the mission of symbolism: “duality of the world”, concept of the world as “aesthetic phenomenon” transforms into the principle of mystical energetism, cognizing the noumenal world through the “mystical revelation”. Emigrant neo-acmeism is determined as the synthesis of elements of modernism and realism: its poetry combines the mystical worlds, “real-irreal” dichotomy, symbolic “doctrine of correspondences”, and clarity, historical specificity inherent from realism. The conclusion is made that neo-acmeism (“Russian Renaissance”) in its structure contains a so-called converging mental code of the Russian culture, which connects the diverse poets within the framework of a single literary movement. Such way of examination of neo-acmeism as the continuous paradigm of post-symbolic traditionalistic creative work, as well as one of the important lines of literary development that combines the domestic and foreign experience, contributes into determination of the inner wholeness of Russian literature, which develops within the dialogue of various artistic systems (symbolism, acmeism, and neoclassicism).
Emigration, Motherland, Neoclassicism, Poetry, Synchronic-reminiscent chronotope , Acmeism, Symbolism, Literary direction, Russian Renaissance, Neo-acmeism
Philosophy of science and education
Markovtseva, O.Y., Borodina, N.V., Leontieva, L.S. (2017). Metaphysics of pedagogical technologies in the Medieval era (on the example of Chartres school). Philosophical Thought, 1, 86–94.
This article describes the relevance of metaphysical problematic of specificity of pedagogical technologies on the example of Chartres school. Specialization of the set by this research goals and tasks forms the phenomenological area of the object and subject of this work – the metaphysics of educational technologies. They manifest in certain, but constantly relevant innovational historical circumstances. The scientific strategy of description of metaphysical integrity pertains to the development and changes in pedagogical alongside general cultural policy of the society. In the innovational work of Chartres educational center, we can observe the utmost manifestation of such policy. The article describes the specificity of these innovations, as well as metaphysical conditions for their institutionalization. The created methodological-thematic and structural-subject area is heuristic to the structured upon its foundation model of explication and depiction of the metaphysical and pedagogical experience of Chartres school. The conclusions attained during the course of implementation of the research strategies of the authors are diverse. Let us highlight the key one, which is general in content of the work: in Medieval era, the theological-metaphysical conditions of formation of the pedagogical-technological experience did not allow combining the theoretical and practical areas of their pedagogical culture into the integral structure; it happened later. However, Chartres educational center was able to realize such convergence.
Chartres school, Middle Ages, education, rationality, history of philosophy of pedagogy, pedagogical technologies, metaphysics, philosophical-theological culture, pedagogical ethics, scholasticism