History of ideas and teachings
Gadzhikurbanov, A.G. (2016). The distinction of ethical and intellectual virtues in the moral doctrines of Aristotle and Spinoza. Philosophical Thought, 3, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.18086
This work pursues correlation between the ethical doctrines of Aristotle and Spinoza on the question og typology of the virtues. Aristotle, whose ethic philosophy significantly affected the moral doctrine of Spinoza, determined two types of virtues that correspond with different interests of the moral constituent – practical (namely ethical) and theoretical (dianoetic). In its essence this distinction corresponds with two aspects of the idea of wisdom and the antique tradition, which cover the general life sphere of the human being, as well as the realm of contemplation by him of the genesis of being. In its entirety, Spinoza’s moral doctrine reproduces this model of human ethical life by distinguishing practical and worldly experience of the moral life and its intellectual component which supersedes the mortal image of a human being. This research is based on the historical-philosophical analysis of the moral theses of Aristotle and Spinoza, and engages the achievements of the modern Russian and Western ethical science. Scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to present the moral concepts of Spinoza and Aristotle in their metaphysical context. The author claims the idea of dependency of the topology of the ethical realm from the hierarchy of values defined by the highest beginnings of being.
Aristotle, Spinoza, ethics, hierarchy of values, ethical virtues, dianoeticheskie virtue, wisdom, prudence, hedonism, the love of God
Cycles and tides in the global world
Ziabkin, M. (2016). Symbolic instruments of the state as an actor of political system. Philosophical Thought, 3, 23–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.18130
The subject of this research is the theoretical-methodological foundations of analysis of the symbolic capital of the country, as well as prospects for its optimization in the globalizational context. The object is the symbolic capital of the country as category of social philosophy, and its role in the functioning of the government as an actor of political system. The author substantiates a position that the effective symbolical capital of the country must be adequate to the modern sociopolitical conjuncture. At the same time, under the conditions of globalization of orientation upon the values of the open world presuppose the expansion of the processes of cooperation between the symbolic capitals of the states, but not necessarily leads to unification of cultures, because can serve to the development of cultural pluralism and support of the ethnocultural variety via creating the fields of value collaboration. The author examines the specificity of establishment of the symbolic content of the core state symbols: flag and coat of arms. It is noted that the symbolic capital in politics carries out the functions of the horizontal legitimizing subject, as well as vertical manipulating subject. This allows justification of the necessity of the state cultural policy, oriented towards the establishment of the equal dialogue between the actors of political system for the purpose of prevention degradation of the national symbolic capital.
Symbol, Symbolic capital, Symbolic policy, State, Political regime, Coat of arms, Flag, Hymn , Globalization, Sociopolitical conjuncture
Social philosophy
Parkhomenko, R.N. (2016). Eurasianism in the modern Russian socio-philosophical thought: reincarnation of one notion. Philosophical Thought, 3, 33–45. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.16491
The subject of this research is the principal ideas of Eurasianism as a large-scale projects in the Russian philosophy, within the framework of which were raised such problems that in many aspects do not lose their relevance until today and are in great demand within the modern Russian philosophical thought and political science. The author thoroughly examines the contemporary variation of Eurasianism, which received a name “Neo-Eurasianism”, and is being actively developed by A. G. Dugin, N. N. Moiseev, A. S. Panarin, F. I. Girenok, and others, and in the opinion of many researchers is able to become a primary way of development for our country. The main conclusion consists in the analysis and assessment of the main ideas of Eurasianism and Neo-Eurasianism within the modern context of the Russian socio-philosophical thought. The author’s main contribution is the thought about the possible economic and cultural rebirth of our country that can be achieved via referring to the very promising ideas of Eurasianism and Neo-Eurasianism on a certain “reincarnation” of the ideas of Eurasianism within the modern philosophy and politics.
Eurasianism, Russia, Philosophy, Politics, Freedom, Human, Society, West, Culture, Conservatism , eurasianism, Russia, philosophy, policy, freedom, human, society, west, culture, conservatism
Social dynamics
Napso, M.D. (2016). Exclusion as a subject of socio-philosophical reflexion. Philosophical Thought, 3, 46–55. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.17966
The object of this research is the phenomenon of social exclusions, while the subject is the social processes that lead to the formation of this phenomenon. The author explores the notions of social exclusion and deprivation, conducts their comparative analysis, as well as underlines their congruity and distinctive features, and the correlation between them. Special attention is given to the analysis of the effect of the social environment, economic factors (first and foremost factor of poverty), as well as of the processes of social mobility upon the emergence of social exclusion; its cultural and emotional-psychological aspects are being examined. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the following positions: 1) increase in the number of socially excluded is the tendency of modern development, which makes this problem relevant from the perspective of theory and practice; 2)being the means of many multidirectional processes, social exclusion leads to the negative consequences for individual and collective existence.
Social alienation, Self-isolation, Alienation, Poverty, Deprivation, Marginal conscience, Marginality , Exclusion, Re-socialization , Social mobility
Value and truth
Yudin, A.I. (2016). M. A. Bakunin on the social importance of science. Philosophical Thought, 3, 56–66. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.17988
The subject of this research is the social importance and role of science in the society in the interpretation of M. A. Bakunin, which he saw it through the prism of the idea of social justice and social equality. The author examines the social significance of anarchism as a democratic and relevant theory in the modern world. This work also analyses Bakunin’s interpretation of science as means of dominance of the privileged and educated minority. The problem of dependence of science from the government, and as a result, the problem of its specific social role and importance for the society, is being reviewed. Science within the society is the same form of public conscience as mythology and religion, and thus, should be separated from the government. The following conclusions are made: the development of various form of people’s self-governance, in other words the realization of public ideal of anarchism is identical to the advancement of democracy; science and education in the social structure of the society represents one of the means of social differentiation; science is a relative and transitional form of public conscience as mythology and religion.
Methodological anarchism, Mythology and religion, Ideas of self-governance, Privileged minority, Social functions of science, Anarchism, Revolutionary movement, Specificity of humanitarian cognition, Humanism, Problem of alienation
The history of humanitarian science
Petrov, V. (2016). Problem of classification of the professional philosophers: elitological model. Philosophical Thought, 3, 67–76. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.17892
Currently, philosophy is experiencing a problem of classification of the professional philosophers according to certain criteria – conceptual and methodological (V. Tatarkevich, V. N. Sagatovsky), as well as by the degree of the scale of their works and historical impact (K. Jaspers, R. Collins). This approach of classification could be called “elitological”, in the foundation of which lies recognition of justice and objectiveness of the principle of social and professional inequality. Due to the fact that the creative work of philosophers is distinguished by the depth, scale, and impact, thus in the author’s opinion, a question of the internal hierarchy and its criteria among the professional philosophers themselves, remains legitimate and relevant. Such models, as presented in the article, to a certain extent classify and range the professional philosophers by creating a peculiar hierarchy that is based on the subjective historico-philosophical evaluation of their “supremacy” and achievements. However, there are very few models of such classification because of its excessive subjectivity, therefore the author proposes a possible elitological model for classification of the professional philosophers, which can be divided into five categories (groups) – “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E”. This model is founded on the contemporary specificity of the philosophical activity and ranges the philosophers by: the most accomplished, original, and systemic (group “A”); the philosophers of the second echelon, the less original and demanded (“B”); the philosophers of the university elites (“D”); and the mass group of the narrow-oriented philosophers-experts (“E”). The article also analyzes the further prospects of discussion and implementation of the professional ranging among the professional philosophers.
Ranging of philosophers, Categories of philosophers, Professional philosophers, Professional philosophers, Prominent philosophers, Second echelon philosophers, Elitology, K. Jaspers, R. Collins, V. Tatarkevich