Philosophy of history
Korolev, S.A. (2015). Secularization and Desecularization in Terms of the Concept of Pseudomorphic Development of Russia. Philosophical Thought, 4, 1–54.
The article is devoted to studying the interaction between the processes of secularization and desecularization in historical retrospective and in the modern world. The author makes an attempt to rethink the relevant processes in terms of the pseudomorphosis and pseudomorphic inversion. Particular attention is paid to the processes of secularization and desecularization in post-Soviet Russia and to the forms and mechanisms of desecularization at the beginning of the XXI century. The author concludes that the aggressive Soviet secularism wasn’t replaced by trend of desecularization directly. Brutal atheism gave its place to a model of civilized secular society. It is only since the beginning of the 2000s desecularization began to gain strength. In Russia, this trend was not only a sign of the global movement to the "post-secular society", but a manifestation of the classical pseudomorphic inversion.
modernization, Orthodoxy, church, religion, desecularization, secularization, inversion, pseudomorphosis, atheisation, post-secular society
Philosophy of religion
Korobkova, Y.E. (2015). The Idea of 'Bogocheloveshestvo' in Russian Religious Anthropology of the First Quarter of the XXth Century. Philosophical Thought, 4, 55–78.
Object of research in article is justification in the Russian philosophy of the first quarter of the XX century of the idea of "bogochelovechestvo" apprehended from orthodox metaphysics. As an object of research the Russian religious philosophy of the first half of the XX century acts. The problem of the person in the Russian religious philosophy is considered with a support on tradition of east patristika and orthodox metaphysics. The sense of existence of the person and the world consists in "obozheniya" (teozisa), i.e. connection good luck. "Obozheniye" of the person and the world is understood as the two-uniform process assuming the movement of God to the person and the person to God - uniform Bogo-chelovechesky process. The belief in God is inseparable from belief in the person here, and the belief in the person assumes belief in God. It is a maxim of the Russian religious anthropology and makes an idea of "Bogochelovechestvo". The research methods used by the author of the article include analytical and comparative methods. The main conclusions of the author are that the idea of a bogochelovechnost approved by the Russian anthropological thought includes three main issues: first, a divine origin and bogopodoby the person, expressed in his spirituality and freedom; and to carry out the original nature – godlike, it can only in the attitude towards God – out of God and without God of people doesn't exist; secondly, its divine mission – an obozheniye, connection good luck which is possible only in Church (The Christ's body uniting Divine and human the nature, Jesus Christ – Bogochelovek); thirdly, – about two-uniform Bogo-chelovechesky process – the movement from the person to God and from God to the person, the birth of the person in God and God in the person. This "counter" movement assumes not only action of good fortune of God, but also creative activity of the person, possible only thanks to his bogo-humanity – a bogopodobiya. In the western anthropological religious thought (Catholic and Protestant) ideas about godlike human nature doesn't reveal as in orthodox metaphysics and after it in the Russian religious philosophy. The novelty of article is that the system analysis of basic provisions of idea of Bogochelovechestvo as the general idea for the Russian religious philosophy and orthodox metaphysics is offered.
man, love, creativity, kingdom of heaven, humanism, God, human nature, transcendency, Christ, Orthodox metaphysics
Myths and modern mythologies
Maydanov, A.S. (2015). Construction of Metaphors and Myths and Their Interpretation. Philosophical Thought, 4, 79–225.
The article is devoted to one of the most important types of semantic creativity of human intelligence – the metaphor which is specific means of display of reality and formation of another, psychologically, ethically and esthetically significant contents. For the analysis the mythology in which for the first time in the history of human thinking reception of a metaforization started being applied is chosen material. The structure of a metaphor, feature of the components making it, an originality of the gnoseological and logical relations between them, a paradoxicality of these relations are analyzed. The special attention is paid to metaphoricalness of mythical images and plots. Features of dynamics and logic of two main stages in genesis of metaphors – a stage of their designing and a stage of interpretation are described. The defining approaches at research of metaphors are cognitive and information, evolutionary and epistemological and nomologichesky, focusing on search of certain regularities and specific logic of process of a metaforization. Such methods as the analysis, distinction, opposition, synthesis, interpretation, identification of the realistic and mystical contents in metaphorical images, their demetaforization appeared the most productive in this research. The specified arsenal of methodological means allowed to receive a number of new results. The whole complex of the methods and receptions of a metaforization used by mythological thinking is revealed. The difficult system of the relations between diverse elements of semantics of metaphors, and also between them, on the one hand, and realities of the vital world of archaic people, with another is characterized. The interpretation of some, the myths of the Indian Veda which still well aren't interpreted which allowed to receive the important information concerning social and spiritual life of the ancient people is offered.
metaphor, reality, reflection, representative, referent, meaning, myth, method, function, interpretation
Spiritual and moral search
Pchelina, O. (2015). The Forthcoming Who? . Philosophical Thought, 4, 226–247.
Object of research is the subject of culture and revolution – communication, a ratio, interactions and interconditionalities of cultural and revolutionary processes in society became one of the most disputable, large-scale and resonant subjects of the period of the Russian religious Renaissance. Personal presence of cultural figures at revolutionary historical coordinates revealed discrepancy of estimates, ideological and art installations of contemporaries of events, various understanding of influence of revolutionary events on domestic culture. In article is shown that D. S. Merezhkovsky's work "The Forthcoming Ham" sounded not only as art, but also as socio-political demonstration. I acted as a keynote of "The Forthcoming Ham" not only a subject contra of revolution from a position of accusation of revolutionary "evil", but a culture value subject, justification of a role of culture as regulator of the public relations, need of its preservation in crisis time. Defending a position pro revolution, D. S. Merezhkovsky explained it from the point of view of the person of the believer dreaming about is religious – revolutionary change of the world in its broad understanding. Application of the komparativny analysis allowed to reveal the general and unique in concepts of D. S. Merezhkovsky and his contemporaries, to compare their ideas taking into account a sociocultural context of a turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The textual analysis of works allowed to define logic of development of thought and feature of a world outlook of the Russian religious philosopher. Having shown author's ideological installations, "The Forthcoming Ham" became the indicator of cultural, moral and social well-being and political moods of society in general. D. S. Merezhkovsky's participation in cultural and political life, his ability of refraction of socio-historical experience of the Russian reality in philosophical journalism allows to comprehend in a new way history of development of social and cultural processes in domestic philosophical thought. It is represented that reconsideration of works of domestic thinkers of the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries can promote a producing ideas which will allow to specify understanding of a modern public situation, will be significant for interpretation of the present of Russia, for search of moral guidelines and world outlook installations.
The Forthcoming Ham, social catastrophe, religious revolution, culture and revolution, intelligentsia, violence, spiritual freedom, D. S. Merezhkovsky, The Forthcoming Huns, religious revival
Philosophy of science and education
Bazaluk, O.A. (2015). Modern understanding of philosophy of education. Philosophical Thought, 4, 248–271.
The subject of the research is the philosophy of education and its reflection on the educational process. Based on the analysis of predecessors’ works the author presented the new structure of the philosophy of education which enriches the understanding of its subject, targets and methods of research.The author presented the philosophy of education as a pyramid, the base of which are generalizing the situation of man as a subject and object of research accumulated in the philosophical anthropology. The first level of the pyramid takes psychology as a science which studies the origin, development and functioning of the psyche. Pedagogy crowns the “pyramid”.The author used the dialectical, system-structural, structural-functional method, as well as methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis.The main conclusion of the study is to prove that the philosophy of education in their new understanding is not only a theoretical understanding of basics and demonstrations of the educational process, but also a practice, the direct embodiment of the theoretical developments in the education in the everyday life. Using historical and philosophical analysis, the author shows that the philosophy of education does not just depend on the state of social philosophy (and philosophy in general), but also through its methodological apparatus it realizes the established philosophical (ideological) paradigm in the different pedagogical practices.
worldview paradigm, education, history of philosophy, philosophical anthropology, educational practices, pedagogy, philosophy of education, philosophy, paideia, philosophical reflection