The issues of holistic world
Horlynskyi, V. (2015). Existential Security as a Paradigm of the Survival of Humanity. Philosophical Thought, 2, 1–24.
The subject of this study is the concept of existential security as a a basis of formation of a new paradigm of thinking. The object of the study is the features and principles of developing the cognitive paradigm of existential security. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the subject and subjective sides of existential safety as an objective phenomenon and the phenomenon of collective consciousness. Analysis of culturological and socio-philosophical works shows that the anthropogenic source of existential threats is human thinking deprived of spiritual, moral and humanistic values as life priorities. It is concluded that reformation of the paradigm of human thinking creates the need to develop a cognitive paradigm that would integrate semantic security structures and constitutive social practices preventing threats to human existence on the basis of life values. In his research the author has used culturological and axiological approaches and content analysis of postmodern philosophy array of works that represent the problem of mankind's survival in globalized threats. The novelty of the research lies in the fundamental features of the new cognitive paradigm. This is the appeal to ontological security basics and the existence of mankind as the marginal value of being; orientation to the future; integrated, multidisciplinary coverage of security issues with access to valuable bases as the key regulative human thinking, behaviour and activity. At the end of the article the author concludes that the cognitive paradigm of existential security is a set of ideas, fundamental knowledge, values, methodological approaches and samples of cognitive solutions that create the integral knowledge of the threats to human existence and ways to overcome them. The study of existential security as a paradigm of knowledge offers the prospect of development of methods of humanitarian and socio-cultural procedures practical solution to the problem of mankind's survival.
existential security, values, meanings, human existence, threat, society, sustainable development, cognitive paradigm, phenomena of security, mankind's survival
Social philosophy
Gusev, D.A. (2015). Liberalism, Orthodoxy and the National Idea in the Context of Transition and Crisis of the Modern Russian Society. Philosophical Thought, 2, 25–62.
The search for a new national idea in the era of transition and crisis of the modern Russian society is a burning question. The national idea is the "tower of Babel", in the collective construction of which a certain General social supertask or supergoal is realized, and that is why it can become a cementing foundation of society. Given the growing political and cultural influence of the role of the Orthodox Church, we can assume that Orthodoxy could become the basis for a new national idea. Orthodox Christianity is not likely to become a new national idea. It is not so much due to the multinational character of the Russian state as because due to the fact that one of the foundations of religious worldview is the idea of personal salvation that is inherently anti-collectivistic or individualistic. However market and liberal values as well as values of religious nature are all based on the same idea of "personal salvation", understood not only in mystic and supernatural measurement, buy in purely secular mental coordinates: personal career, personal enrichment, personal success; therefore the search for an adequate and effective system of values which could form a new national idea still remains a matter of future.
entrepreneur, liberalism, national idea, religious worldview, Orthodox Christianity, personal salvation, apokatastasis, collectivism, individualism, contemplator
Philosophy of history
Belyaev, V.A. (2015). Mikhail Petrov's 'Historical Anthropocentrism' and the Project-Anthropological Logic of the European History. Philosophical Thought, 2, 63–186.
This work is an analytical commentary on the book by M. K. Petrov "Language. Sign. Culture". Petrov belongs to the generation of Soviet philosophers of the second half of the twentieth century. The central idea of his philosophy is the 'scientizing' of the society. When implementing this program, Petrov, on the one hand, introduces the idea of the structural subject of different cultural worlds - the social code. Based on this concept he distinguishes European culture from non-European culture. On the other hand, he introduces the idea of the "disciplinary structure" of science that expresses the structural anthropological subject of the European world demonstrated in the concept of "social code". The European social code views an individual person as an innovative-universal being, i.e. having the right to innovation and participation in the world construction in general. Combining the genesis of the European world with the disciplinary structure of modern science, Petrov achieves the two tasks. The first task is to descibe the genesis of European culture as a transition from "traditional" culture to the European social code. The second task is to construct the transition from the disciplinary structure of philosophy over theology to science. Implementation of the second task of Petrov is the main object of criticism in this work. The author emphasizes that the manner in which Petrov goes to the disciplinary structure of science and the understanding of this structure deproblematize the anthropological logic of European history. Instead of talking about European history as the history of the production and critics of the world projects ( first of all, projects of man), Petrov explores the logic of "disciplinary continuity" of philosophy, theology and science. As a result, the logic of the fault of European history between the middle ages and the modern period is pushed aside. Although it is, in the author's opinion, should be placed at the centre of attention when defining the essence of the fundamental structures of modern European world in general and science in particular. Exploring the logic of this fault, it is also possible to significantly complicate the notion of science, to put it in connection with the new European anthropological projects and come to understand the position of Petrov as one of the actualization of this project in the context of the struggle with the "closeness" of the totalitarian-authoritarian system.
science, sign, language, social code, ideology, ancient times, middle ages, culture, modern period, society
Philosophical anthropology
Shazhinbatyn, A. (2015). Ethnic Groups: Philosophical and Anthropological Discourse. Philosophical Thought, 2, 187–207.
The subject of the study is an ethnic group in the philosophical-anthropological perspective. Social and cultural behaviour of ethnic groups and nations is usually studied by cultural science. Great empirical material has been accumulated that characterizes specificities of different cultures, uniqueness of their traditions and customs, diversity of mental and emotional habits and ways. Meanwhile, there is a historical and philosophical tradition that permits to understand the phenomenology of an ethnic group through philosophical comprehension of man. In the modern period many philosophers and sociologists related the specificity of ethnic groups to human nature and attempts at clarify that new aspect of the problem. In his research Shazhinbatyn uses a historical and philosophical approach that permits to trace this tendency – comprehension of the essence of an ethnic group through philosophical-anthropological knowledge. Also, the method of hermeneutic analysis of a philosophical text is applied. The novelty of the article is in tracing differences in approaches to the phenomenon of an ethnic group in the research tradition of primordialism and in various constructivist schools. The author for the first time in Russian philosophy shows that constructivism has appeared as a result of superposition of cultural-philosophical views and methods of philosophical anthropology. Such a direction of research work has led to the conviction that an ethnic group and a nation in many respects are the products of active imagination, collective fantasy rather than results of a particular historical practice and socio-historical achievements.
ethnos, nation, primordialism, constructivism, instrumentalism, history, culture, psychology of nations, spirit of nation, human nature
Philosophy and art
Synieokyi, O.V. (2015). Hungarian Rock Music in the Global Recording Space of the Twentieth Century (The Philosophical-Cultural Reflection). Philosophical Thought, 2, 208–249.
Phonographic heritage is seen as a communication system in Eastern Europe and as a subsystem of audiovisual culture which is the object of study. The subject of this study is the history of the national rock as a sociodynamic factor in the development of communications in the field of music recording in the Hungarian People's Republic. The author of the article defines the place and the role of the Hungarian rock music in the field of recording. The author describes in detail the system of recording of communications in the socialist era of Hungary. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of recording artifacts, in partiular, gramophone records with rock music. The methodological basis of the article involves a systems method because the study is based on a synthesis of different views in social-humanities sciences on the phenomenon of musical recording. The priorities of scientific research are the comparative-historical methodology and philosophical-anthropological analysis. The author concludes that rock music actually became the unofficial center of a special sociocommunication system centered in Hungary just like in other countries of the «Eastern block» and formed a youth musical subculture. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author establishes the basic elements of Hungarian record communication related to the state company «Magyar Hanglemezgyártó Vállalat – Hungaroton» with several trademarks «Pepita», «Start», «Bravo», «Favorit», «Krém», «Qualiton» which today has acquired a special nostalgic cultural status.
recording company, Hungary, sublabel, Eastern Europe, beat music, rock group, phonographic culture, gramophone records factory, label, trade mark
Philosophy of law
Fat'yanov, I.V. (2015). Nature and Philosophical Significance of the Experimental Method in Lawmaking Activities. Philosophical Thought, 2, 250–264.
The article deals with the genesis and nature of the experimental method from the perspective of the philosophy of law. The author points out the two distinct values of the experimental method in jurisprudence. The article also offers the author's definition of the experimental method applied to the experimental lawmaking.
value of the experiment, experiment, philosophy of law, stages of the experiment, the experimental method, lawmaking activity, genesis of experiment, tmethodology of the right, experiment in the society, genesis of experimental work