History of ideas and teachings
Kulikov, E.A. (2015). Traditionalist Teaching of Rene Guenon. Philosophical Thought, 11, 1–54. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.11.1699
The subject of the research is the traditionalist teaching introduced by a famous philosopher of the first half of the XXth century Rene Guenon. Based on the analysis of some Guenon's works, the author of the article describes Guenon's views on the relationship between secular and spiritual authorities, the image of an ideal governor, categories of quality, quantity and measure and methodology of application of these categories from the point of view of traditional sacred science and modern secular science. The author of the article also analyzes Rene Guenon's approach to his contemporary world situation as well as applicability of his approach to the present period. In the course of writing this article Kulikov has used the spiritual and culturological approach combined with the dialectical approach as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and abstraction. The author of the article examines views of an European traditionalist Rene Guenon that are underservingly understudied in modern philosophy, especially in philosophy of law. Kulikov analyzes Guenon's writings mostly from the political and legal points of view and searches for political and legal motifs therein. In addition, he pays special attention to Guenon's views on the 'quantity-quality-measure' triad.
measure, tradition, the secular power, the spiritual power, king of the measure, quantity, quality, civilization, Rene Guenon, traditionalism
Social dynamics
Loktionov, M. (2015). Emancipatory Approach as the Development of Critical Theory in Terms of Modern Interpretations of the Managable Society. Philosophical Thought, 11, 55–76. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.11.1700
The subject of the present research is the history of the genesis and development of the emancipatory systems thinking in terms of interpretation of social processes and critical systems approach. The author of the article examines the methods and approaches united by the idea of critical systems heuristics as well as the general aspiration to mobilize potential for critical review of established social and political doctrines through questioning authoritarian features of the modern world and demonstrating the ways towards transformation of these features. The author also touches upon the problem of the 'relativist' type of managing, arranging and using sytems methods in the organizational analysis. The method of the research is based on the analysis of the critical approach practiced by the Frankfurt School, especially Jürgen Habermas and his critics of technical and practical knowledge as well as their aplicability to the emancipatory systems management. In his research Loktionov provides an insight into the ideas of critical systems heuristics and the concepts of organizational ideology that develop a critical attitude to the ideological grounds of various systems approaches. The author also demonstrates that modern systems theory of management, especially emancipatory systems approach, have roots in Jurgen Habermas' theory of different kinds of knowledge.
emancipatory systems thinking, critical systems approach, critical system heuristics, relativistic tick authorities, systems analysis, communication, construction of social systems, rational consensus, organizational structures, emancipation
Value and truth
Matveenko, V. (2015). On the Religious Nature of Philosophy in the Light of the Concept of Truth. Philosophical Thought, 11, 77–97. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.11.1713
Keeping in mind the eternal desire of human nature to seek the truth we can agree that among all worldview types only philosophy and religion are focused on the search for truth. Therefore, the question of the unity of philosophy and religion becomes self-evident. Considering a phenomenon of philosophy in the lite of religious experience, the article offers two possible approaches to an issue of religious nature of philosophy, which are the existential and the historical ones. The existential approach is represented with works of Karl Jaspers and Ivan Ilyin; as the historical one bases on the idea of common ground of “religious” and “philosophical” in the European intellectual discourse since Parmenides until Kant as well as on the analysis of such discourse made by German philosopher Karl Albert.
True, Mystery, Philosophical religion, Existentialism, Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus, Karl Jaspers, Ivan Ilyin, Carl Albert
Philosophy of postmodernism
Leushkin, R.V. (2015). Modes of Construction of Social Reality: Autonarration and transgression. Philosophical Thought, 11, 98–111. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.11.1675
The subject of this research is a form of existence picture of social reality. The paper deals with modes of construction of social reality, its properties and the conditions of existence. As the level of the social reality represented a social construct, and narrative, expressed in the course of narration. As used in the study approach assumes that everyday reality is not constant structure of external reality and the arbitrary construction of social forms of consciousness or a set of social actors. The study examines the ontological roots of the constructed social reality. In this paper reflects a socio-philosophical approach to the understanding of everyday reality as social constructivism. The study is built using the concepts of poststructuralist philosophy. The key characteristics of social reality stand autonarration and transgression, this is due to a way of representing social reality, as the inter-subjective, self-referential and autopoetic. This means that everyday reality is a natural and self-organizing nature and the conditions of its existence are rooted in human life itself.
The narrative, construct, Structure, Postmodernism, Transgression, Discourse, Social, autopoiesis, Enaktivizm, Mem
Philosophy and art
Faritov, V.T. (2015). Philosophy of Time and Land in the Lyrics of Maximilian Voloshin. Philosophical Thought, 11, 112–132. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.11.1695
The subject of study of the proposed article is philosophical aspects of poetry Voloshin. Main attention is focusing on the problem of time, history, and the matter of land in the philosophical and poetic world of the poet. The study shows the relationship of philosophical motives lyric Voloshin with such thinkers as Deleuze, Derrida, R. Steiner, Heraclitus and Thales. Particular attention is given to identifying parallels views Voloshin with the philosophical ideas of Nietzsche. The article uses the basic methodological principles and guidelines of the philosophical analysis of a literary text, comparative literature, and deconstruction. The main contribution of the author's research theme is the philosophical analysis of the images, concepts poetic world Voloshin as time, a moment, the trail wound, sign, scroll, matter and earth. The novelty of the research lies in the explication of the idea of eternal return Nietzsche in the philosophical world of the poet.
Voloshin, Nietzsche, the eternal return, time, moment, history, matter, Earth, track, scroll