Ontology: being and nihility
Spektor, D.M. (2015). M. Heidegger: time and sense. Philosophical Thought, 10, 1–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.10.1655
In article aspects of temporariness are considered through a prism of philosophy of Heidegger. The special attention is paid to the leading line of research, life real, unlike real vremenyashchy itself as initial temporariness. This message is taken as the fundamental and reliable; however the fenomenologizm which isn't able and not able to leave description limits is insufficient in respect of explanation of the reasons of distinction of real and (its) life, and interpretation of the last in the area of temporariness, and is supplemented with a historical and dialectic method.The method of research is connected with a consecutive reduction here - lives to its historical bases; the structural components revealed in its course (a community and isolation) are traced further in their projection to time and history.Scientific novelty of research consists in consecutive leading under ontology here - lives of realism of nationalization. "Here", under which the prototype of an individual (the isolated life) is brought, aspires to life (community), but also the last recreates in tendency; but also life holds "here" (individual) on the brink of falling, from time to time carrying out break of an enlightenment. This break of "present" is compared with its chronological disposition. Besides, "ordinary" as not original time also takes roots in life, corresponding to structure of an agon.
Time, life, here - life, aspiration, isolation, a community, lives-to-death, genesis, initiation, history
Philosophy of knowledge
Kulikov, S.B. (2015). Corporal and Incorporeal Phenomena, Foundations of Human Emotions and Field of Culture . Philosophical Thought, 10, 54–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.10.1690
Object of the article was the regularities of modification of fundamental intentions in understanding of the nature and essence of emotions in the context of culturological researches. An author approved that the possibility of transformation of basic intentions of understanding of emotions coincided with features of structure of psychological, biological and culturological knowledge. The empirical data, which were saved up in biology did not receive adequate generalization within psychological theories, demanding introduction of additional general scientific hypotheses. In particular, it was necessary to actualize one of the ideas making part of antique legacy. Adequate understanding of human emotions was possible only at their interpretation as the functions of harmonious development of the corporal and incorporeal origins of a human nature. The methodology of research included synthesis of the natural-science and philosophical and culturological principles of understanding of a place and role of emotions of the human in the course of his sociocultural development as the being having corporal (material) and incorporeal (ethical, esthetic and others) manifestations. Novelty of research was in the proof of the thesis that the leading role in formation of emotions was played by the conflict between the natural and cultural origins in the human. The role of the corporal sphere in formation of human activity, its active influence on activity along with culture was disclosed. The interpretation of sociocultural life of emotions allowed actualized some antique ideals for understanding of harmonious unity of the corporal and incorporeal phenomena in human being.
theoretical cultural studies, psychology, philosophy of culture, emotion, fundamental transformation of installations, nature, culture, human, being, creation
The rational and the irrational
Iashin, B.L. (2015). Rationality and logical thinking. Philosophical Thought, 10, 75–87. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.10.1628
AnnotationThe subject of investigation is the problem of rationality, attention to which today is associated with a certain distrust of classical rationality and the emergence of a new rationality that goes beyond scientific rationality and includes all kinds of cognitive practices. This new rationality goes beyond narrow for her scientific knowledge and incorporates all that "makes possible the existence of man in the modern world," it "more and more drawn into the myth and other traditional forms of knowledge, which equalized the rights of science"The main methods of research used by the author, is a logical method and the method of comparative analysis, you always get the tentative conclusions.The novelty of the work is connected with the idea of the author of that "new rationality" in which thinking manifests a kind of "flexibility" that extends to the rejection of the laws of traditional logic, to the assumptions in the thinking of contradictions, taking them as a fully legitimate, it is the result of the evolution of "pre-logical" or as it is called L. Levy-Bruhl "prelogicheskogo" thinking. In other words, modern rationality contains all the currently existing rationality, and thus permits and contradictory thinking, and others, in terms of traditional logic incongruities.The article tentative conclusion is that the development of rationality takes place by moving from the rationality of "primitive" thinking and rationality myth, then - to the rationality of religious, then - classical scientific thinking, and from there to the "new rationality", which is a synthesis of rationality existed in ancient times and exist today.
partitsipatsii law, classical rationality, thinking, scientific rationality, consistency,, primitive thinking, rationality, traditional logic, activities
Social philosophy
Nemtsev, I.A. (2015). Social and philosophical foundations of sustainable development. Philosophical Thought, 10, 88–101. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.10.1683
The concept and strategy of sustainable development becomes more urgent in the world. Problems faced by the international community, can’t be solved by one state, that’s why globalization and the transition to “sustainability”, act as the need of construction of the future in the modern world. Over the last century the rate of production and consumption has risen sharply, which negatively affected the environment. Nowadays mankind spends far more resources than it spent in the previous centuries and than it is permissible for the planet. There is a contradiction between the possibilities of nature in its global scale and the “superneeds” of humanity that have been piled in the model of unsustainable development. At the moment, this contradiction is only increasing, despite the attempts of various organizations around the world to ensure the rejection of the consumption ideology and create the direction of the mankind to protect the environment (co-evolution of humans and nature). Nowadays society placed itself in a situation where it is obliged to coordinate their actions with nature for its further existence. Human attitudes to the nature only as a source of resources must be changed in the XXI century, otherwise humanity will come to disaster.The author examines the social and philosophical foundations of the concept of sustainable development. The article describes the relationship between the constituent components of sustainable development (social, economic and environmental) and basic human needs, as well as highlighted security as meta-component based on the triad component (which makes the concept of a system-integrated). Author discloses a socio-philosophical sense of the idea of sustainable development as a possible global ideas of humanity and the associated formation of a global sustainable human civilization. In domestic social philosophy remains controversial question of Russian identity, about the prospects of Russia in the future, about the national idea in Russia. The author of the article attempts to answer these questions. Providing space security globally and becoming a sustainable global civilization noosphere author regarded as the ultimate goal of the historical development of mankind (on Earth), followed by the conquest of space.
sustainable development, society, globalization, security, global civilization, evolutionism, dynamical systems, integration, Eurasian Union, global problems
Political philosophy
Fedorova, Y. (2015). The 'Female Issue' in Islam: Discourse about the Status of a Woman in a Modern Islamic Society. Philosophical Thought, 10, 102–128. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.10.1673
In her article Fedorova analyzes the modern scientific discourse on so called 'female issue' in Islam. The first part of the article is devoted to a circle of problems related to stereotyped images of a totally 'rightless' position of Muslim women. In the first part of the article the author also describes the sources of the development of such stereotypes in the West and Russia. The second part of the article is devoted to the description of alternative points of view on the aforesaid issue presented by both Muslim scientists and their European colleagues as well as the concept of equality in Islam versus Western interpretation thereof. The research is based on the methodology of the comparative historical and conceptual analysis as well as the method of analyzing results of surveys and gender researches in Islam. The author concludes that Islam does not always mean repressino of women as it looks like if we continue to follow stereotypes. Quite on the contrary, today Islam does not restrict a woman but offers her a peculiar sytem of social and legal coordinates based on the principle of functional differentiation of genders and specific Islamic understanding of equality.
Islam, Muslim woman, Islamic society, hijab, stereotypes, system of values, equality, gender roles, rights, social status