History of ideas and teachings
Yakovleva, A. (2015). A. A. Bogdanov (Malinovsky): context of formation of socio-philosophical ideas (late XIX-early XX centuries). Philosophical Thought, 12, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.12.1758
The subject of this research is the reconstruction of the complex of socio-philosophical ideas, their genesis and forms of their realization within the intellectual biography of the philosopher, economist, physician, and fiction writer – Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogdanov (Malynovsky) (1873-1928). This article is dedicated to his life path and circumstances for the establishment of his views based on his major works, essays, and correspondence with family and colleagues. In the focus of this research is the time of the active revolutionary activity of Bogdanov, and simultaneously the beginning of the pinnacle of his creative work in the science and philosophy, including the so-called “Tula” and “Vologda” exile periods, during which his views upon the next decade have formed. The scientific novelty consists in the approach towards the research of establishment of the ideological complex of A. A. Bogdanov in the late XIX-the early XX centuries. The conclusion is made that if focus attention of the very genesis of Bogdanov’s ideas, it will allow us to see the inception of philosophical concepts of “local| and regional identities of complicated in its spiritual-cultural forms of social life of the Russian society. The adequacy of such approach is substantiated by the analysis of Bogdanov’s ideological evolutions, his public practice on the path of his political and cultural reformations of the Russian society.
A.A. Bogdanov-Malinovsky, identity, the science, organization, knowledge, nature, thinking, empiriomonism, socialism, proletariat
Political philosophy
Chizhkov, S. (2015). B. N. Chicherin on the freedom, law, and constitutional question in Russia. Philosophical Thought, 12, 24–40. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.12.1743
The subject of this research is the transformation of the political and philosophical-legal concept of B. N. Chicherin throughout 1870’s. During these years, Chicherin was an active participant of discussions related to the further constitutional development of Russia. The confrontation between the liberal and democratic concepts of future constitution, as well as the entire complex of questions pertaining to the questions of development of political rights and freedoms and formation of the representative government, all of these became the subject for Chicherin’s major work “The Constitutional Question in Russia”. A special attention is given to the analysis of such changes within the political philosophy of Chicherin that took place during these years. Within the framework of this research the author demonstrates the evolution of Chicherin’s political concept towards the more gradual liberalism. The concept of gradual transition of Russian to the representative government based on the reformation of already existing government authority (the State Council) is being analyzed during the course of this research. This work also shows that Chicherin’s new concept of political life is aimed at consolidation of the truth within public relations.
freedom, right, human dignity, political rights, political life, liberalism, conservatism, constitution, representative government, a constitutional monarchy
Value and truth
Iakovlev, V.A. (2015). The value status of science in culture. Philosophical Thought, 12, 41–98. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.12.1756
The subject of this research is the analysis of the value modalities within the information-communicative paradigm of science. It is emphasized that the genesis (ontology) of science in the area of culture is not only an example and model of the information-communicative innovational processes in all spheres of human activity, but also features the principal ethnic characteristics. It is stated that the newest discoveries in physics, cosmology, and especially in biology not only significantly change the information resources and world views, but also touch upon the deep and existential characteristic of the scholars and entire population of the Earth. The relevance of the value problematics of science is tightly connected with the solution of the question on methodology of researching the values from the perspective of their information-communicative importance. The author detects the main value modalities of science on the three principal stages of the system of scientific activity in the conceptual contexts of the sociocultural historical process. The author claims that through the ethic norms and ideals of the scientific community are most vividly expressed the universal human values of solidarity, Informedness, communicativeness, cohesion, tolerance, and humanity.
value, information, communicativeness, the science, scientists, the binary, principles, ethics, sociology, culture
Meaning and silence
Egorova, I.V. (2015). Human – an animal and more. Philosophical Thought, 12, 99–134. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.12.1750
This article is dedicated to the problem of human nature. Within the Russian philosophical anthropology of the recent years, a human was viewed as a historical creation. Human nature, which was revealed by the Marxist philosophy, turned out to be burying in oblivion. The article poses a question about the fact that a human first and foremost belongs to the natural world. He is definitely an animal. However, this statement does not contain all the truth. Being a representative of the animal world, human revealed his abilities and resources in history. Due to this fact, the problem of environment is raised. The author notes the destructive effect of the human activity upon the nature. The article is focusing on a problem that did not get coverage in the Russian literature, thus brings up multiple references to the works of the foreign scholars. The author’s original idea resolves in how to distinct human from an animal, how to revive the naturalistic concept of the philosophical anthropology, how to interpret the modern ecological revolution, as well as how to ensure the ecologization of consciousness. The article demonstrates that e human represents a specific type of animal in the worlds, as consciousness that has culture. The author conducts the critical analysis of social biology, which gained popularity in the last decades.
ecology, human, animal, activities, nature, ethics, anthropocentrism, society, biosphere, greening of consciousness
Philosophy and art
Popov, E.A. (2015). Art within the interdisciplinary correlation of sciences and knowledge: philosophy, culturology, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, and history of art. Philosophical Thought, 12, 135–149. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8728.2015.12.1749
The object of this research is the diversified and expressive phenomenon of the art. The author suggests examining art as a complex phenomenon that requires reflection from the side of various scientific disciplines of the socio-humanitarian type. The specificity of art allows almost all disciplines to join the research, however the most potential have the following sciences: philosophy, culture, culturology, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, and history of art. A systemic approach serves as the main direction for this research, which allows demonstrating the examined object within the correlation of culture, society, and human. Among the main conclusions lie the following positions: 1) the art has to be viewed on the interdisciplinary level, which significantly increases capability of deeper and more comprehensive study of this phenomena; 2) within the framework of various sciences and knowledge, there has to be established a unified theoretical-methodological strategy of studying art.
art history, anthropology, knowledge, integration of science, ethnology, philosophy, sociology, culture, the science, socio-cultural aspect