Space and time
Selivanov, A.I. (2014). Relational Conception of Time in the Theory of Developing Objects. Philosophical Thought, 4, 1–24.
Object of research is set of the following time-forming properties and at the same time parametrical characteristics of time: process borders (its beginning and termination); duration; the process direction (including changes); course speed (speed, a rhythm) (including changes); time choice (time freedom of choice), including a choice of borders, duration choice, a direction choice, a speed choice (темпоритма), and also their dialectics. High-quality and quantitative expression of these parameters of processes in absolute and correlative (relative) units, connectivity of the subsequent and previous states, rhythm of their approach and change is considered as a being of time. Also are investigated internal and external time. In article the methodology of the relational concept of time, the principles of systemacity and dialectics is used. However unlike the general relational concept its option based on the theory of developing objects is offered. In the theory of developing objects time is treated as integrated manifestation of procedurality of life of concrete developing objects. Time doesn't exist as a certain nadmirovy reality identical to; it is a certain result (effect, "product", aspect, a consequence) the processes happening in concrete developing objects, "matches" proceduralities (development) of concrete objects, secondary are concrete object, derivative, there is an effect of movement. Parametrical characteristics of time, his dialectician, internal and external time speak this basis.
movement, dialectics, time, development, relational conception of time, free choice, border, duration, direction, speed
Westerners and Slavophiles today
Yudin, A.I. (2014). 'People' in the Narodniks' Tradition. Philosophical Thought, 4, 25–45.
Concept of the people, its role and value of concepts of social development of the largest representatives of narodniks' tradition - A. I. Herzen, M.A.Bakunin, P. L. Lavrov, P. N. Tkachyov. Theoretical justification of the leading role of the Slavic people by Herzen, the Russian people in the history is investigated. The problem of ability of the people at the level of an instinct or at the level of rationality to formation and realization of a public ideal is analyzed.The problem of possibility of educational activity, problem of introduction into the people of rational values is investigated. The following problem is analyzed: people and educated minority, people and revolutionary minority. The influence of Narodniks' definition of 'people' on the Soviet ideology and the modern society is analyzed. This article relies on the principle of historicism, the principle of unity of the historical and logical.The method of the historical and comparative analysis, typological and dialectic methods is used. The historical and comparative analysis of concept of the people is made, evolution of this concept of historical prospect is opened. The conclusion that the concept the people within narodnichesky ideology made the most various sense is drawn: from investment with its certain aprioristic, metaphysical, instinctive qualities and abilities, to a complete negation of any abilities to social activity. The conclusion that narodnichesky approaches to concept the people entered the Soviet ideology in peculiar interpreted look is drawn and safely existed in the Soviet society.
Narodniks (movement), people and truth, moral truth of people, science and life, critically thinking person, education, people and state, people and intelligentsia, ideology and people, people as a substance
Philosophy of science
Pris, F. (2014). Heidegger's Quantum Phenomenology. Philosophical Thought, 4, 46–67.
In article arguments of that Heidegger's phenomenology, also as well as late Vittgenshtayn's philosophy, can be useful to a solution of the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics and to understanding of nonclassical physics in general are adduced. Realistic understanding of quantum mechanics possibly only within not metaphysical realism. Distinction between classical and quantum concepts is entered and their application is illustrated. Connection between a measurement problem, a difficult problem of philosophy of consciousness and a vittgenshtaynovsky problem of following to the rule is established. Research relies on alleged communication between Heidegger and Vittgenshtayn's philosophy, on vittgenshtaynovsky pragmatical "dissolution" of a problem of measurement, and also on interpretation of philosophies of Heidegger and Vittgenshtayn as standard pragmatism and naturalism. Is established that quantum concepts function as vittgenshteynovsky rules for formation of new objektivirovanny reality, but not as the concepts describing the metaphysical reality which isn't depending on the observer in absolute sense. The measurement problem in quantum mechanics has the same structure, as the difficult problem in consciousness philosophy, and can be reduced to a vittgenshteynovsky problem of following to the rule. In theoretical metaphysical language of Heidegger language game of Vittgenshtayn is Dazayn. Addition of this philosophical concept to a conceptual framework of quantum mechanics allows to solve a measurement problem theoretically.
Connection of times
Nurulla-Khodzhaeva, Nurulla-Khojaeva, N.T. (2014). Central Asian Region and its Community Culture: Dialectics of the Unity and Variety. Philosophical Thought, 4, 68–91.
The increasing number of modern western researchers tell about community recognition, trying to define and formulate a definition and a role of this institute. This tendency was put earlier, in works of founders of a modernism (beginning from Durkheim, Weber, Marx and others). In publications of present kommunitarist a community put forward as the main anti-pillbox to alienation and tyranny, and as a key element of "good society". Though the sociocultural contents of this theory, also as well as its methodological instructions on which it is based, are related to all social to sciences, nevertheless, those are interested in communal development in particular who try to separate from political disagreements, and to accent the research priorities in touch people, on ability to cooperate. To Central Asian to a community interest is still minimum. Though throughout the long history the community of Central Asia skillfully balanced on ability to keep cultural and linguistic diversity and necessary for development of the person an autonomy. That is the communal culture of the region didn't project antagonism between variety and an autonomy. The present national states of the region, often copy options of liberal individualism, or try to keep formalistic collectivist approaches of the Soviet sample. However in such context relevance of uniform history, social structures and region communications is missed. The communal institute (without active state "assistance") is capable to stop process of an individualization of society, and to present culture of Central Asia in more reasonable and correct key.
community, Central Asia, culture, balance, settled, nomads, cooperation, 'culture of shame', Islam, individualism
Philosophy and culture
Belyaev, V.A. (2014). Constructing Modern as the System of Anthropological Projects. Philosophical Thought, 4, 92–197.
The purpose of this work is to submit the general plan of the new European culture as system of anthropological projects: "reformations", "educations" and "critics of cultural reason". As a pushing away point for expansion of the discourse I will use the general plan of ideas of "dialectics of education", created within the Frankfurt school of social philosophy. In a general sense my position is alternative to those options of ideas of a modernist style which are based on idea of this or that version of the project of "nature conquest", being its cornerstone. I perceive such representations as a call. The answer to this call is attempt to consider "dialectics of education" as result of realization not the project of "nature conquest", and projects of "conquest of the person". I suggest to consider Education as purely anthropological project which result of realization there had to be that a problem situation which is distinguished by the Frankfurt school. And all set of problem fields which I listed, has to be in the main lines projections of implementation of the educational anthropological project. (Including "nature conquest". ) The author has been told that his position can be considered as the answer to a position of the Frankfurt school. However, the author states, it doesn't mean that he will be engaged in the critical analysis of its positions. Consideration of the new European culture as implementation of the project of "nature conquest" is rather widespread today. Therefore I answer a call of such prevalence. The Frankfurt school in this case plays a role "the representative of a position". For me that the Frankfurt school is aligned on that phase of implementation of the project of Education which can be considered as integrated result of its institutional victory here is important: the middle of XIX – the middle of the XX century. Integrated reality which is expressed by system of concepts: "naturalism", "realism", "positivism", "individualism", "democratism", "liberalism", "burzhuaznost", "capitalism", "scientific character", "rationalism", "scientism" – this reality became expressed in a set of foreshortenings (the principles, ideals, institutes) a victory of the educational project. Those contradictions are internal realizational contradictions of this project. Including those contradictions which seem denying the educational project. Pathos of my position consists in detection it is internal discrepancy. Those a contradiction which are connected with concepts: "nationalism", "fascism" and "communism", the author will open too in a context of dialectics of the projects "reformations", "educations" and "criticism of cultural reason".
modern, reformation, education, criticism of cultural mind, culture, post-culture, interculture, dialectics, capitalism, cultural remissions