Spectrum of consciousness
Ivanov, E.M. (2013). Hypothesis About Extrasomatic Nature of Memory. Philosophical Thought, 8, 1–69. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.792
The author of the article discusses the hypothesis offered by Henry Bergson about extrasomatic ('out of the body') nature of a certain element of permanent memory. Based on the hypothesis, at least some part of the permanent memory exists as a direct access to the past (in the form of past states of mind or consciousness) but not as an engram (recording). The author provides grounds for this hypothesis from the point of view of psychology, neuroscience and philosophy. He also viwes possible mechanisms of extrasomatic memory and offers his own concept of 'consciousness in the quantum world'. This concept continues Everett-Mensky's theory on the relation between consciousness and quantum reality. The author also studies some additional aspects of the model of 'consciousness in the quantum world' associated with the role of brain in performance of psychic processes and the nature of space and time. The author also analyzes how this model can be used to explain the process of biological evolution.
philosophy of consciousness, psychophysical problem, memory mechanisms, concept of Everett - Mensky, quantum consciousness, psychology, neurosciences, philosophy, evolution, mind
Koren', R.V. (2013). Triune Systems as the Meta Language of the Picture of the World. Philosophical Thought, 8, 70–116. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.722
Western rationalist philosophy has developed the principles 'dismember and study' in science and 'divide and rule' in politics. Differentiation of sciences has created original languages. As a result, scientists majoring in different spheres can talk about the same phenomena and do not understand each other. The problem of the loss of common language is quite clear for both philosophers and scientists which has resulted in the attempt to create 'cognitive philosophy' and 'cognitive science'. The author of the present article provides evidence of the triune systems (TS) being the meta language of the picture of the world. The TS meta language can be used even to describe phenomena with different ontology and path of development. TS can help to read information recorded not only in the verbal but also in any other system. The matrix format of TS allows to reduce the volume of study books and reference books to a few pages only as well as to improve didactics and perception of study materials and reduce the duration of training. The author offers different definitions of TS and describes their special features and properties.
philosophy, specialty, picture of the world, meta language, triune systems, definitions, information, fractality, ontology, didactics
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Belyaev, V.A. (2013). Intercultural Crisis and Clash of Civilizations. Philosophical Thought, 8, 117–146. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.662
This article represents another step towards introduction to the theory of interculturalism developed by the author of the article. This part of the introduction is devoted to the analysis of S. Huntington's idea about 'civilizational conflict'. The author of the article compares challenges of Huntington's theory and different theories of interculturalism. The author offers to view the development of interculturalism from the very beginning of the Early Modern Period. The author also underlines the need to establish a full theory of interculturalism in order to properly understand the modern 'clash of civilization'. The 'civilizational conflict' is described from the point of view of the theory of interculturalism as cultural remissions, i.e. attempts to restore the 'cultural' method of life organization. The author also analyzes the systems of personal and group identifications as well as their role in the process of cultural remissions. Special attetion is paid to the analysis of the 'clash of civilization' (cultural remissions) in modern Russia. The article will be interesting for all who are interested in philosophical anthropology.
culture, interculturalism, cultural remission, civilizational conflict, value system, universal human values, super human values, religion, materialism
Natural philosophy
Borisov, S.V. (2013). Rondo or Science and Nature. Philosophical Thought, 8, 147–247. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.785
The article 'Rondo or Science and Nature' is the third publication of the series 'Symphony of Science or Science Through the Eyes of Philosophers'. The present article is a sympophonic absorbption in the external and internal polemics regarding the main interpretations of classical science and its scope of problems. Many contradictions and conflicts faced by the modern society derive from blind belief in scientific progress. The social institution of science itself has turned into a series of rituals long ago. This creates numerious illusions about science and its scope of problems and forms an uncritical attitude to the process and outcome of scientific research. The article is written in the form of a dialogue which allows to transform the 'internal' scientific polemics into 'external'. This method also allows to define many contradictions and dramatic moments in scientific development and to see the 'other side' of it behind the beautiful and pretentious facade.
philosophy of science, epistemology, knowledge, methodology, rationality, nature, space, time, determinism, phenomenology
Man and mankind
Rozin, V.M. (2013). Future in the Age of Changing and Uncertain Reality. Philosophical Thought, 8, 248–294. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.669
The author of the article describes the crisis of the definition 'future' in the age of transition from one reality to another (still undiscovered and uncertain). The author analyzes how the definition of future has been evolving in the history of philosophy. In particular, the author shows that the clear image of the future started to develop in the Middle Ages but the final image was created only in the Modern Times due to the development of natural sciences. At the present time the image of the future is being deconstructed because the globalization and transitional processes make it almost impossible to image what the future will be like. Nevertheless, the author states that we can construct the universal future by building our personal future. Another variant is to completely restructure our image of time so that the past, present and future have a totally different meaning. In conclusion, the author shares two fantasies about possible future. The purpose of these fantasies is to show that the future will be any way uncertain and closely connected with the practical experience and creativity of human.
future, time, reality, transition, uncertainty, activity, prognosis, personality
Philosophy of language and communication
Ursul, A.D. (2013). Culture as an Information Phenomenon . Philosophical Thought, 8, 295–355. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.508
The author dwells on that aspect of the information of Cultural Studies, which is associated with the interpretation and study of the phenomenon of culture based on the concept of information and the information approach. Culture as an informational phenomenon occurs as a natural continuation of the information vector of the global (universal) evolution as anti-entropy mechanism for continuing the process of accumulation of information in the social stage of development. The relation of information and culture, with special attention to the information aspect of culture as extracorporeal information process, characterize the social stage of evolution. It is shown that in contrast to the previous step in the development of mankind, through a process of accumulation of exogenous information begins to expand the scope of its distribution both on Earth and in space, not only for the natural resources, but above all for negative entropy from the environment, continuing their cultural and informational processes.It is noted that if the concept of civilization "tends" to the material and the economic, technical and technological treatment, at the same time presenting a coherent social stage of evolution, the concept of culture – to its spiritual and informational component, expressing the deep essence of the civilization process. We discuss the development of the information criterion in nature and society, and its application to evolutionary processes in culture. The author also dwells on the problem of finding pieces of cultural information, such as memes and gives his opinion on these studies. In considering the prospects for the evolution of culture focuses on the forms of its becoming a culture of sustainable development and a noosphere culture.
global evolution, information, information criterion, information approach, culture, mem, noosphere, diversity, sustainable development, civilization
Social dynamics
Korolev, S.A. (2013). Everyday Life as an Emanation of Sociality: Transformations and Trends. Philosophical Thought, 8, 356–422. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.709
The author of the article tries to develop methodological approaches to studynig everyday life as the layer of social life. In this respect, the author analyzes possibilities and limitations of using the theories of Bergman and Lugman in social and philosophical researches. The author concludes that Bergman's and Luqman's theories can apply only in case of the total 'symbolic universum' where the same phenomenon is typified by individuals who all have the same type of mind and interpret the phenomenon in the same way. In case of a more contradictory society, this concept requires a serious correction. The other problem covered by the article is the influence of modernization on the Russian everyday life at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. The author shows that technological modernization of the everyday life in Russia has been quite a success. Technological innovations change the everyday life in many ways. However, there is the reverse process happening in parallel to the process of modernization. It is the segmentary archaisation of the everyday life and implementation of practices and stereotypes that were typical for the everyday life long time ago into the everyday life of the XXI century. Finally, the author of the article studies the influence of the government on the Russian everyday life at the turn of the centuries. The author states that in Russia, a constant invasion of the government into the everyday life is nothing else but the emanation of the archaic self-preservation strategy.
social philosophy, everyday life, methodology, typification, routinization, modernization, power, archaisation, disciplining, segregation
Myths and modern mythologies
Pershin, Y.Y. (2013). Religio: Attention in the Archaic Religiosity. Philosophical Thought, 8, 423–431. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.630
There is no one conventional definition of religion. Numerous definitions are synthesized under the “umbrella” definition of religion, proposed by a Christian theologian, who translated Cicero’s definition of religion in his own manner. Taken as a methodological ground, this distorted definition cannot serve as a key to archaic meaning of religion. Linguistic approach to the Cicero’s definition exposes latent meanings on the old word religio; one of them is attention, or care, another one is responsibility. They bring to us a residual archaic sense of religious practices, which represent the process of religious communication, but not binding. Moreover, the latent meanings drive us to the conclusion, that the archaic mean-ing of religion can be described as a scrupulous reproduction of the chronotope of successful theo-social communication, based on the feedback principle. The chronotope in its turn can be defined as a definite time and space context of actions with corresponding conduct, thinking, direction of attention and type of communication with divine entities.
theo-social communication, religious communication, feedback principle, attention
Connection of times
Tovbin, K.M. (2013). Traditional Spirituality in Traditional Perception. Philosophical Thought, 8, 432–459. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.790
The author of the article uses the methods of the Traditional school to analyze and give the definition of traditional spirituality. Tradition (Full Tradition or Sacred Tradition) is opposed to the tradition as the established civilizational inertness or mental communicative devide. Tradition is viewed as a set of measures to express the Sacred, the latter performing the main role in a traditional society and presenting itself in mentality, culture and politics. Traditional methodology views Tradition in terms of its internal structure and does not apply modern methods or ideas because these methods and ideas have been created to destroy Tradition and therefore cannot provide objective data about it. Tradition is opposed to both Modernism and Post Modernism, however, Tradition is also viewed in comparison wtih these periods in history. Tradition is also opposed to religion (as the world view or ideology that touch only upon the rational and voluntaristic sides of the individual) and post-religions as the successful imitation of true traditionality. The definition of traditional spirituality is analyzed from the point of view of ontology.
tradition, sacred, initiation, ritual, cult, primordiality, succession, other-worldliness, Post Modernism, simulacrum
Information and ideas
Nilogov, A.S. (2013). Is It Possible to Manage the Progress? Interview of V. Kutyrev by A. Nilogov Concerning the Book 'Time Mortido'. Philosophical Thought, 8, 460–489. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.8.679
A. Nilogov asks V. Kutyrev questions about his new book 'Time Mortido' published in 2012. These are the topics of Post-Modernism, dangers of uncontrolled technological progress, regeneration of the human spirit into artificial intellect and the temptation of immortality. Special attention is paid to the critics of transhumanism. The author flatly rejects the idea of accepting the mindless innovationism and opposes it to the traditional phenomenological philosophy of the lifeworld. Most of the followers of the technoscience and philosophers who relfect their ideas are caught by the discussions about advantages of the progress. The interview also touches upon the definition of 'nightology' as the reflection of human tendency towards refusal from his own being. A. Kutyrev suggests to limit the expansion of new technologies and not to support absolutization of technology, especially in the spiritual sphere. A. Kutyrev also touches upon deconstruction of Derrida's logocentrism and refusal from the Word, language and meaning. He also analyzes how these processes are reflected in the Russian and world philosophies.
Kutyrev, mortido, progress, innovatianism, technologies, post-human, transhumanism, culture, immortality, opposition