Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Borisov, S.V. (2013). Exposition or 'Philosopher's Eye' for Science. Philosophical Thought, 7, 1–99.
The article 'Scherzo or Science and Mind' is the forth publication of the series 'Symphony of Science or Science Through the Eyes of Philosophers'. The present article is a sympophonic absorbption in the external and internal polemics regarding the main interpretations of classical science and its scope of problems. Many contradictions and conflicts faced by the modern society derive from blind belief in scientific progress. The social institution of science itself has turned into a series of rituals long ago. This creates numerious illusions about science and its scope of problems and forms an uncritical attitude to the process and outcome of scientific research. The article is written in the form of a dialogue which allows to transform the 'internal' scientific polemics into 'external'. This method also allows to define many contradictions and dramatic moments in scientific development and to see the 'other side' of it behind the beautiful and pretentious facade.
philosophy of science, epistemology, cognition, methodology
Kutyrev, V.A. (2013). Transcendental Phenomenology as the Philosophical and Historical (Pre)Requisite of Infocognitive Reality. Philosophical Thought, 7, 100–135.
The author of the article defines the place and historical signifance of transcendental phenomenology. It is the prerequisite of the structural and information revolution. Transcendental phenomenology developed many concepts and terms that are now believed to be analogies of the terms and concepts in informationism. The key word of phenomenology, noema=item, conciousnes=mental item contains information about the 'item'. Transcendental and cognitive modeling of existence turns everything into the quantity. This is the substantial shift from existence to non-existence, from realism to constructivism and denial of the human and his life (macro-) world by modern technological science. Husserl was the first ideologists of the Trans-Modernism epoch.
transcendentalism, Husserl, phenomenology, structuralism, noema, information, Post-Modernism, subject, agent, cognitive science
Axiology: values and relics
Prokhorov, M.M. (2013). Meaning and Value of the Human-And-World Relationship Model. Philosophical Thought, 7, 136–240.
Article is the sixth in a cycle begun by article «Being and history: interrelation and definition». In introduction prejudices of the modern concept of dual true reveal, as deduces to a theme of given article. Chapter 1 begins with the being and consciousness characteristic as the knowledge problems which decision is possible only in a context from the man with the world, at the account of the basic typesman-world the relation and generalizing model man-relation. Last covers herself contemplate, activism and co-evolution types of the relation of the man with the world. Corresponding abstractions are capable to describe all variety of real-being relations of the man and the world. The second chapter of article is devoted already to research of an origin of the basic question of philosophy as relations of being and consciousness in the course of world outlook development on the basis of the account of history and logic of transition from mythological to religious and, further, to philosophical outlook. Distinctive features of mythological and religious view on the validity, criteria of their differentiation, specificity of philosophy in a context of its relation with religion and a science are opened. Article comes to the end with the general conclusions.
dual truth, contemplation, activism, co-evolution, human-and-world relationship model, summarizing model, mythological world view, religious, philosophic, main issue
Tradition and innovation
Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2013). Moral Imperatives of Russian History. Philosophical Thought, 7, 241–286.
Russia is the conglomerate of demographic potentials, i.e. people who follow common civilizational principles. Russian civilizaton is primarily associated with Orthodoxy. The second element of Russian civilization is the sobornost. Sobornost is quite close to the modern meaning of democracy. The third element of our civilization is the peacefulness as an external expression of the moral element of Russian civilization. The key to success of any development is the proper combination of traditions and innovations. Noteworthy that any political, economic and social transformations must not interrupt the successive bond of the Russian society and Russian civilization with its national, spiritual and moral traditions for the sake of establishment and development of new foreign orders.
history, peacefulness, Orthodoxy, Russian people, Sobornost, philosophy of the all-compassing unity
Philosophy of language and communication
Rozin, V.M. (2013). Reconstruction of L. Wittgenstein's "Logical and philosophical treatise". Philosophical Thought, 7, 287–425.
The author analyzes the logical and philosophical treatise of Ludwig Wittgenstein, basing his view not only on the study of the Treatise by Vladimir Babihin and other philosophers and logicians, but on his own reconstruction of the genesis of logic and science, as well. Rosin demonstrates that the first signs of division of the three philosophical disciplines - formal logic, substantive logic and methodology, became evident as early as Aristotle's works. The author scrutinizes G. Leibniz's logic reformation program, as well as logic substantification program in the spirit of D. Hilbert, which, according to the author, defined the modern state, and, partially, the crisis of symbolic logic. Drawing from the analysis, Rosin reconstructs the fundamental pattern of logical and philosophical treatise. The author demonstrates that Wittgenstein does not work with definitions - like Plato, he uses diagrams and outlines to construct his world view and ontology of symbolic logic and justifies the autonomy of its thesis. The author analyzes both, the background and structure of the Treatise, as well as the conditions of conceivability of its main ideas.
understanding, discourse, thought, logic, methodology, diagrams
Philosophy of history
Ursul, A.D. (2013). Futurization as a Temporal Phenomenon. Philosophical Thought, 7, 426–470.
The author draws our attention to the fact that permanent interest to studies of the future has been enhanced by the adoption and development of the sustainable development strategy. The article deals with the concept of tempo world (in various interpretations) and temporal integrity as a system-synergetic relationship of the past, present and future. Futurization and retrospection processes and their accelerated form of the examples of biological and cosmological evolution. Proposes a process of accelerated flow of time in the future at the inflationary stage of the Big Bang inflationary futurization counting process. "Temporality inflation" can be thought of as an extremely rapid, incredibly fast advance the future as other time period and possibly spatial expansion. Inflationary stage of the Big Bang at a rapid pace as a "simulated" and to some extent, "anticipated" that began to be made in the future of the Universe in a much slower pace in the global (universal) evolution. This correspondence can be interpreted as the presence of anticipatory reflection in the development of the Universe, where the processes are fundamentally futurization way as preservation of existing forms of material systems and their evolutionary continuation.
tempo world, forecast, anticipatory reflection, wormhole, inflationary futurization, information, recapitulation theory, dark energy, retrospection, futurization
Religions and religious renaissance
Pershin, Y.Y. (2013). Typology of the Archaic Religious Conscience: Anthropological Grounds. Philosophical Thought, 7, 471–495.
The lack of the operational typology of the archaic conscience and archaic religiosity actualizes the topic of the present article. There are numerous typologies of religions, but as a rule all these typologies do not touch deep unconscious (i. e. anthropological) grounds that can serve as a basis for a typology. They usually are eurocentric and confessiocentric. But it is the human unconscious of both, primitive and modern man, that contains different types of psychic reactions on the environmental chal-lenges. These psychic reactions are genetically fixed, and they influence the choosing of the communicative religious reality if we study the human religiosity in the communicative aspect. The analysis of the mythological conscience shows that it is not homogenous and can be divided into two types. Therefore, in the article the author actualizes the problem of division of the ar-chaic religious conscience into two types: primordial, natural or physiogenous and sociogenous. The main differences between these two types of archaic religious conciseness are also presented in this article.
typology of religiosity, archaic religiousity, physiogenic religiousity, sociogenic religiousity
Myths and modern mythologies
Maydanov, A.S. (2013). Gods as the actors of the Universe. Philosophical Thought, 7, 496–579.
The authors of Indian Vedas had a defined idea that any natural phenomenon has its reason, its moving force - in other words, an actor, a subject. And the actors of cosmic processes and phenomena were described as gods. They were vested with a set of cosmic functions which ensured both, dynamics, as well as integrity and wholeness of the world. This article describes celestial bodies and their corresponding gods - the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, stars and planets. The author describes their genealogy as well as their relations as world's actors. The broad diversity of traits attributed to prominent celestial bodies encouraged the writers of the Vedas to invent deification as a form for their representation. This article offers a system of logical analysis of the images of gods, including multiple levels of their attribution - their appearance, their spirituality, their cosmic and social functions, as well as existing references. Analyzing the gods using this system allowed to demonstrate that their mythical images constitute synthetic mental constructs, consisting of parts of varying epistemological value, which allow us to find information about existing references of the gods, as well as numerous traits of their creators. As it seems, this information allowed the author to present a more realistic interpretation of the images of several gods. The writers of myths have also captured their own vision of several fundamental functions of reality - cyclical nature of events, space, time, both, natural and social. The article presents a logic of comprehension of reality, which is typical for initial phases of any cognitive process, including science.
Universe, Sun, gods, time, movement, true, fictional, space, law, thought
Philosophy and culture
Belyaev, V.A. (2013). Intercultural Crisis and Cultural Remissions. Philosophical Thought, 7, 580–617.
This article is another step towards introduction the theory of interculturalism developed by the author. In this part of introduction the author touches upon the definition of the term 'cultural remission'. In terms of interculturalism, cultural remissions are the expressions of the value geometry of the 'culture' type. Another goal set by the author is to demonstrate how the modern ideology of liberalism operating the terms 'globalizaton', 'reverse globalization', 'liberal equality' and 'tendency towards cultural isolation' tries to create the theory like interculturalism. The author proves that both the primary and modern ideologists have used similar principles and terms, faced the same challenges and tried to find the same strategic solutions, in other words, developed the theoretical grounds of interculturalism. At the same time, the author shows that such individual theories have their limits and need to be synthesized into one theory which the author offers to call 'the theory of interculturalism'. As an example, the author analyzes the book 'The Claims of Culture' written by Seyla Benhabib. The author shows that the critical analysis of the book can actually lead us to the terms 'interculturalism' and 'cultural remissions'. The article will be of interest to everyone who is interested in philosophical anthropology.
culture, interculturalism, cultural remissions, value sysems, super-value strategy, pre-value strategy, universal human values, super-universal human values, liberal universalism, globalization