Ontology: being and nihility
Prokhorov, M.M. (2013). Ontology: «Existence and Non-existence» or «Being and Essence»?. Philosophical Thought, 5, 1–102. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.5.284
Paper is the fourth in a series of "Being and history: the relationship and determination." It is devoted to the justification of not "being and / or non-existence," and the correlative of 'beings and things, "is the basis of all the other problems in the study of philosophical ontology, that of him, to play with the relationship-being and existence, formed a correlate of philosophy and Science, which reflects the reality of a being and existence.In the first chapter examined and explicated meaning correlativity categories of being and existence, is reflected in the correlation with the relative philosophy and science. It is shown that the reality can not be disclosed separately either science or philosophy. She played in the mind only their correlate or co-relation. In the second chapter of the article reveals the history and logic of relation of philosophy and science. Isolated and characterized the main types of relations, the dialectical interaction of philosophy and science. The author believes that all relevant to these types of "concepts" reproduce the co-relation of philosophy and science, but the concept of each match, so to speak, its own reality relationship of philosophy and science. Some are "on the surface", while others go in depth, up to the essence of the deepest order. Three types of relation of philosophy and science: antiinteraktsionizm, reductionism (two species) and the dialectical model of interaction. The third chapter of the characteristic of the philosophical foundations of science, in the fourth - The essence of the "philosophy of science". Finally, given the conclusions of the article.
correlate, being - essence, philosophy - science, historilogic, anti-interactionism, reductionism, dialectic relation, foundation of science, scientific revolution, philosophy of science
Social philosophy
Korolev, S.A. (2013). Microstructures in the Russian Space of Power: Archetypes and Mechanisms of Functioning. Philosophical Thought, 5, 103–165. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.5.546
The article analyzes the mechanisms of functioning of the microstructures located in the Russian space of power. The main attention is focused on a number of typological and/or archetypal structures, the most important of which is dom-dvor. The author concerns the functioning of the regulatory parameters of such a microsocium set out in well-known book of the sixteenth century called "Domostroy" and the real practice of the exercise of power, often going beyond the norms.In the article two types of microsociums existing in global space of the power, – “church” and “sect” are considered. They are based on two types of discipline – authoritative discipline and discipline of indirect regulation. The author investigates a situation of coexistence of authoritative discipline and discipline of self-organizing, on the one hand, and technologies of the power and control mechanisms, with another, naming original balance between them disciplinary balance.The author pays attention to universality of principles of the organization of society on micro- and macrolevel, at this major structurization tool of microsociums of power becomes hierarchization. It is noticed that in the Russian space at macrolevel defining always were rigid, mongolmorphic technologies. But at microlevel within centuries, since the system described in “Domostroy”, autochthonic technologies dominated.
Veber, hierarchization, house-yard, Domostroy, micro-society, control, discipline, power, Foucault, Podoroga
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Zholkov, S. (2013). Kant's “Mathematical Antinomies” are not Antinomies. Solution of the Problem. Philosophical Thought, 5, 166–211. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.5.516
The article is devoted to the problems raised by Kat in his ‘mathematical antinomies’. Analysis is carried out in original formulation of Kant’s own terms and as a part of his own philosophical argumentation. The same problems are also viewed disregarding Kant’s philosophy. Validity and evidence which make it possible to structure analysis in a form of rigorous theory as it is seen by modern mathematics, allow to categorically state that Kant’s classification lacks grounds and his reasoning regarding ‘mathematical antinomies’ can’t be considered to be a proof. On the contrary both his theses and antitheses are irrefutable. The essence of problems is not in unavoidable contradictions of mind or process of cognition of transcendental world in the course of Kantian debates of mind with itself but in non-uniqueness of conceptual representations. As for the limits prescribed to the perceptive mind, they involve, first of all, the laws that determine the architectonics of veritable theories.
infinity, time, space, antitetics, transcendental dialectics, mathematical antinomies, architectonics of theories
Philosophy of history
Fatenkov, A.N. (2013). The present past: literary and philosophical sketches of post-revolutionary Russia. Philosophical Thought, 5, 212–243. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.5.504
This article interprets the content and methodology of literary and philosophical sketches of post-revolutionary Russia from the perspective of existential realism as expounded by Walter Benjamin and Louis-Ferdinand Céline. Its focus is the idea that European intellectuals, with their negative attitudes to the bourgeois social order, were overly critical in their perception of Soviet reality. Correlation with historical evidence verifies the author's understanding of the past and the present, and emphasizes priority of the existential over the social in human nature. The article ends with a philosophical and literary response to "Requiem", Yuri Mikhailov's book of metaphysical prose in which the life and work of MA Bulgakov is used as a prism through which the fate of Russia is sympathetically analyzed.
philosophy, literature, present, past, history, revolution, Russia, Walter Benjamin, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Yuri Mihailov
Philosophy of science
Iakovlev, V.A. (2013). The Formation of the new European science: antique metaphysics and Christian values. Philosophical Thought, 5, 244–308. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.5.537
This article analyzes the basic directions in modern philosophy of science in relation to their treatment of the genesis of theoretical knowledge. It presents the notion that during the Middle Ages, cogitative complexes, incidental to the epoch and connected to classical metaphysics and Christian values, were subtly formed. These new ideas, both epistemic and axiological, came to the fore, and during the Renaissance they formed the fundamental and determinative responses to the genesis of classical science. Using the proposed systems-probability approach, science as a whole is considered to be a specific result of innovative cultural processes, the consequence of a resolution to a difficult situation in the history of creative ideas, and the result of a creative process which was part of the transition from the localised innovations of the Ancient Greek civilization to the universal innovations of European culture.
science, metaphysical principles, creative ideas, Christian values, research programs, binarity, probability, innovation, resonance, innovation
Philosophy and culture
Belyaev, V.A. (2013). Concerning the Idea of Interculture. Philosophical Thought, 5, 309–346. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.5.443
This article provides an insight into to the theory of interculture developed by the author. Based on the author's definition, interculture means a special socio-cultural construct which is traditionally called a New European (Modern) culture. In the article the author shares with us the main concepts and principles of the theory of interculture, its heuristic potentials in analyzing different elements and dimensions of the New European socio-cultural world. The author also describes the difference between axiological structure of interculture and the strucure of traditional socio-cultural cultures. The author also reveals the strategic limitations of the microsystem of cultures and describes the life challenge that occures in response to these limitations and give birth to interculture. The article describes the strategic lines of developing the intercultural world as well as its strategic borders. Insight into the theory of interculture is accompanied with anaysing Kant's strategy of constructing the 'enternal world'. The author shows that Kant's works certainly had some features of the theory of interculture. The article will be of interest to all who are into philosophical anthropology.
New European (modern) culture, interculture, culture, cultural remissions, value systems, faith-centered strategy, ratio-centered strategy, universal human values, super human values, materialism