Political philosophy
Borisenkov, A.A. (2013). On political consciousness. Philosophical Thought, 4, 1–29. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.227
This article examines political consciousness as a special kind of consciousness, one which reveals its nature and close connection with political knowledge. It also proposes a definition of the term and focuses on the necessity to separate political consciousness from ideological consciousness, and thus from the ideologies associated with it. This helps to overcome misconceptions in relation to prevailing political consciousness. Different types of political knowledge, and the contradictions that exist in their classification, are also analyzed.
politics, political existence, political perception, political knowledge, political consciousness, politology, political science, social idea, conceptual awareness, ideology
Ideology and psychology of the masses
Rozin, V.M. (2013). On the understanding of the fundamentals of sociopolitical discourse. Philosophical Thought, 4, 30–52. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.380
This article deals with the ideas of Yulia Latynina. It analyzes the features of one type of sociopolitical discourse and offers a critique of Latynina's concept of "goszavisimost'". "Goszavisimost'" gives us pathological lenses which lead us to consider each individual as an addict of society, i.e. unhealthy, living the wrong life. Also considered are the conditions for the conceivability of sociopolitical discourse: the logic of reasoning, its foundations and methods of study, including two of Latynina's lines of reasoning. One is almost Marxist: there are common social and cultural patterns that people obey, whether they realize it or not. Another idea is subjectivist, by which we determine our perceptions and value of individual social actors. Historical examples are analysed (the actions of Mexican Prince Tlacaelel, our tsar Ivan the Terrible, and the power struggles in medieval Europe between the popes and the secular powers) to show how these lines of reasoning can be linked. It turns out that on the one hand, the relationship between the individual, the community and society is important, while on the other, particulars of the predominant type of sociality and general social conditions are important also.
discourse, line of reasoning, goszavisimost', personality, institute, power, compromise, sociality, confrontation, social environment
Tradition and innovation
Gryaznova, E.V. (2013). A philosophical analysis of the concept of virtual reality. Philosophical Thought, 4, 53–82. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.278
This article provides a critical generalised analysis of modern concepts of virtual reality. The need for this research has come about due to the absence of a common understanding of the concept of virtual reality in modern scientific and philosophical literature. This has led not only to various misunderstandings, but has also distorted the meaning of many existing and well-established definitions in philosophy. For example, the most common concept of virtual reality today - psychological - has been reduced to the identification of the concept of "virtual" with the notion of "subjective", while the sociological concepts of virtual reality have replaced "virtual" with the term "social", and so on. As a result, the New Philosophical Encyclopedia now lacks one of the basic philosophical defintions ("perfection"), but instead includes "virtual reality" as a term from the field of psychology. The article presents the author's informational conception of virtual reality, highlighting generic characteristics of virtual phenomena of abiotic, biotic, psychological, social and technical worlds.
existence, virtual, virtual-informational reality, informational reality, virtual reality, non-existence, nothingness, reality, concept, philosophical analysis
History of ideas and teachings
Kutyrev, V.A. (2013). How to make the end of the world in philosophy and science (our civilization in transmodern times) . Philosophical Thought, 4, 83–116. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.285
Modern civilization is becoming a self-developing post-human phenomenon. Cognitivism and technoscience announce the reality of the macroworld as a projection of computational mathematics. Analogue characteristics of our world are being replaced by digital ones. The realm of otherness, in which there is no place for man, has emerged and is expanding. This is the epoch of transmodernity. It denotes the end of nihilism and heralds an age of the 'positive'. Positive, yet Other. For mankind, the transition to transhumanism as a condition of his death masks notions of immortality. If an immortal artificial body is created (Project 2045) it will be a virtual-technical, leading to a world without human beings. Humanity lacks sufficient wisdom to use its increasingly dangerous knowledge. Our survival is predicated on our ability to rein in and control galloping technology and spontaneous innovative processes. Philosophy offers some resistance. Its essence is the cultivation of a realistic phenomenology. We need to curb post-human technology and to manage its development. Our situation is hopeless, so we must do everything to change it.
technos, information, cognitivism, Other, transmodernism, wisdom, identity, phenomenology, control, resistance
Philosophy of liberty
Parkhomenko, R.N. (2013). Habermas' Discursive Concept of Freedom. Philosophical Thought, 4, 117–148. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.170
The article is devoted to the prerequisites of Jurgen Habermas' theory of society as well as his idea of deliberative democracy that is based on the discursive agreement of all members of the society on vital social issues. Opposed to the classical interpretation of democracy, Habermas' consensus principle states that laws and regulations are legitimate not because they are mandatory for all individuals but because these laws and regulations are willingly accepted by all members of the society. In the classical theory of demoracy laws and regulations must be willingly accepted by individuals because they are just and fair, while Habermas' principle of justice is based on the democratic principle that these laws and regulations are accepted by all individuals concerned. Therefore, grounds for accepting a law or regulation are created not by practical reason or theoretical research but by open discussion of all members of the society. As an addition to the article, you shall also find Jurgen Habermas' brief biography and an extensive list of references.
freedom, deliberative democracy, Habermas, theory of society, action of communication, rationality, Frankfurt School, theory of action, lifeworld, system
Picture of the world in natural science
Ursul, A.D. (2013). Cosmoglobalistics: the relationship between global and cosmic processes. Philosophical Thought, 4, 149–210. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.4.365
This article explores 'anthropogeocosmism', a concept proposed by the author. This concept emanates from the fact that the main purpose of space activity in the short term has been the historical use of space to solve global problems while in the long term it is the socio-natural transition to the sustainable development of the planet. Using a global approach, the article considers the origins and formation of a new direction in globalization, exploring the relationship bewteen global and cosmic factors, the impact of the latter on the development of global processes and systems, the problems that the development of space exploration have caused the planet, and the escalation of global processes into non-terrestrial processes. The focus is on the relationship between space and planetary processes, the transformation of the global response to cosmic activities (and their interaction), and global development in the cosmic evolution. The article takes the position that global studies examine global processes and systems, being the natural, social and socio-natural processes unfolding on the Earth which have evolutionary significance. It is shown that global processes and issues affecting the world at large are to some extent a manifestation of a contradictory global-cosmic character associated with the expansion of spatial boundaries of human activity, including the conquest of space. Special attention is paid to potential global catastrophes and the need for geocosmic security. The article looks at the possibility of the introducing natural processes into the substantive field of cosmoglobalistics, the prospects for developing global-cosmic exoplanet research, as well as a 'global methodology' for extraterrestrial intelligence research. Also considered is the discovery of dark matter that gives rise to a substantial transformational attitude and stimulates the formation of global-cosmological research, which will consider mainly the global characteristics of matter, manifested in three main fragments of the Universe.
anthropocosmism, extraterrestrial intelligence, geocosmic security, globalism, globalistics, global catastrophes, global research, cosmoglobalism, dark matter, exoplanets