Ontology: being and nihility
Prokhorov, M.M. (2013). Principle of Unity of Being and History in Philosophical World View. Philosophical Thought, 12, 1–81. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.12.524
The author of the article raises a question about renovation of philosophical world view. This question can be solved through implementation of the principle of unity, i.e. interdependence of being and history as the grounds for creating a philosophical picture of the world, human and human attitude to the world. The article is composed of the three parts. The first part is devoted to interpretation of philosophical world view and its structure. The second part represents the results of research of historical forms of opposition between dialectics and metaphysics. The third part describes the 'being and consciousness' and 'being and history' relations from the point of view of philosophical anthropology.
philosophical world view, being-consciousness, being-history, principle of unity, ontology, negative dialectics, substance-attribute, substance-subject, subject-without-being, degradation
Ontology: being and nihility
Koren', R.V. (2013). Fundamental Culturology as the Science of Survival and Conceptual Analogy to Theological Soteriology. Philosophical Thought, 12, 82–134. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.12.9119
The article is devoted to information as the measure of system certainty. The purpose of the article is to show that it is not important what semantic system information is recorded in. Thus, the Universal Principle of Maximum Information can be used in studies of substances of the both material and spiritual worlds and enrich the cognitive process aimed at survival (salvation). This statement is proved based on the example of the conceptual analogy between fundamental culturology as the science of survival and theological soteriology. The author of the article offers a new paradigm of the 'game culture' that provides the definition of 'survival' based on the energoinformational means. The author also proves that Andrey Flier's statement about the fundamentality of culturology is not quite correct both logically and methodologically. The author describes features of the fundamental and views different approaches to the problem of survival. From the point of view of the system science, when we talk about fundamental culturology as the science of survival, we mean scientific and philosophical fundamentality. Formation and development of the fundamental culturology as the science of survival directly relate to the process of health recovery. This process is provided by the means of culture and art and presents an alternative to traditional pharmaceutical treatment. The author also describes the main provisions of theological soteriology. Theological soteriology is based on the Jesus Christ's Teaching about Salvation. The author shows that it is possible to describe this Teaching from the analytical point of view and provides the criterion of the Last Judgement during the Second Advent of Christ.
fundamental culturology, fundamentality, survival, recovery, game culture, theological soteriology, Teaching about Salvation, salvation criterion, triune system, maximum information
Social philosophy
Shchuplenkov, O.V., Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2013). Axiological Understanding of the Idea of Russian Statehood in Terms of the National Character. Philosophical Thought, 12, 135–194. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.12.9902
The general purpose of the article is not only to describe the the philosophy and methods of the discourse about the national character but also to better understand the conceptual side of associated theories. By analyzing the concepts about the Russian national character suggested by B. Bysheslavtsev, N. Berdyaev and N. Lossky, the authors prove their assumption about the 'syncretic' nature of these theories that include empiric, theoretical, axiological, ideological and projective elements derived from the sphere of the philosophy of culture as well as the principles of cultural policy. The authors emphasize the need for application of the differentiated approach to studying these concepts in order to distinguish between the hypothesis to be verified and one's values and outlook. By analyzing the historical and philosophical discussions by K. Kavelin and M. Pogodin, the authors of the article study the relation between the cultural and historical experience of Russian people and philosophical ideas of the mid XX century. The question about special features, axiological value of the phenomenon of statehood and its influence on the culture and society has been traditiionally one of the most topical issues in Russian philosophy. The authors of the present article make an attempt to clarify the reasons of the continued interest towards the phenomenon of statehood.
statehood, historic continuity, culture, cultural diversity, mentality, monarchism, Russian idea, conventionality, value, civilization
The new paradigm of science
Selegin, R.P. (2013). On Nothingness and Duality as the Basis of Natural Science. Philosophical Thought, 12, 195–227. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.12.1008
The author of the article provides an insight into the Concept of Absolute Unity of the World and the Model of Origin of the Universe from Nothingness where the principle of duality triggered transformation of the invisible Nothingness into the material Universe and vice versa. The Concept reconstructs the ancient scientific paradigm that involves the fundamental law of form development. The Model offers a solution of crisis problems of the materialistic paradigm in cosmology and society. The Model also shows the ontological origin of mathemtics and the uniform system of spatial and temporal measures. The Concept does not reject the materialistic paradigm but includes this paradigm into the law of form development. The author of the article shows that Western physical scientists have had actual grounds to appeal to God when explaing the origin of the Universe. The analysis of the particular features of Nothingness and the Universe demonstrates that those features were used to form the art of religious myth-making, in particular, the definition of God in monotheistic teachings. The Concept can be also used to create the general physical theory as well as prevetion of the degradation processes in the modern society.
cosmological model, Absolute Unity of the World, origin of the Universe, duality, nothing, the Great Nothingness, groundlessness, crisis of the materialistic paradigm, law of form development, prevention of social degradation
Essays on everyday life
Breskin, V. (2013). Homo Igneous: Language Phenomenon for Smokers and Non-Smokers. Philosophical Thought, 12, 228–247. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.12.1025
The goal of this study is to build the contours of the hypothesis, which defines the essence of language as a part of the human physiology, describes the language as the receptor activity based on common biological principles and functions of senses. The study tries to identify the physiological borders of the organ and the causes, which led to the organ development in the general evolution of human.
biology of the language, physiology of human, glottogenesis, evolution of human, language as an organ, philosophy of language, evolution of language, sense organs, biological nature of language, langauge and syntax