Ontology: being and nihility
Demenev, D.N. (2013). Rational Element as One of the Most Important Ontological Grounds of the Creative Process. Philosophical Thought, 11, 1–49. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9505
The article is devoted to the question about the rational part of the creative process and its relation to the sensual element. Describing the structure of art process as starting from the sensual level, the author proves the need in rational grounds of art, too. Concrete thinking and abstract thinking of an artist create such grounds. These cogitation patterns exist in the creative process and often transform from one to another. These patterns lie in the basis of the outcome of art process. The result of any creative process of an artist is either images resembling (reflecting) something or true art images created based on a certain degree of abstraction. The former images are easy to understand so they satisfy tastes of the majority of people and the latter images are not so comprehensive and therefore are not always understood by the audience. The author of the present article tries to answer the question about what makes such 'ununderstandable' artwork to be created? At the end of the article the author makes a conclusino that being one of the most important ontological grounds of the creative process, the rational element is interchangeable with the sensual element and creates grounds for formation of the third stage of the creative process, i.e. life experience of the artist himself.
abstract thinking, concrete thinking, sensual level, rational level, artist, form of thought, content of thought, object of thought, fine arts, experience
Space and time
Berezina, T.N. (2013). Probabilistic Concept of Time. Philosophical Thought, 11, 50–80. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9096
The article describes the probabilistic model of time. The author of the article views the probabilistic nature of occurences of the past, present an future. It has been affirmed that only the present events are verifiable and has a 1 probability while past and future events are probabilistic, i.e. the present may have several variants of the past and future occurences with different levels of probability. In addition to the term 'probability', the author also offers a definition of the term 'energy'. The author makes an assumption that probability may have a direct connection with energy and the increase of the 'energy' of an event can raise the level of its probability, too. The author describes the difference between the terms 'occurence' and 'event' and say that the term 'occurence' applies to a full group of events. There are only material objects existing in the present and a full group of events evolve around one occurence. Probability of a full group of events of the future occurence is more than 1 and that of the past occurence is less than 1. This is what determinates the direction of the arrow of time.
philosophy, time, space, probability, energy, psyche, image, past, present, future
The new paradigm of science
Maximov, L.V. (2013). Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism in the Humanities. Philosophical Thought, 11, 81–101. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9532
The term ‘cognitivism’, which is key for this article, has been borrowed from metaethics and ‘cognitive sciences’. However, it is used here in a broader meaning: what the author has in view is a special methodological approach, according to which mind (spirit, mentality) as a whole and in all its species may be reduced to belief, knowledge and cognition. This approach is manifested, in particular, in the use of epistemological concepts (such as the truth, experience, empirical data, theory, etc.) for the formulation and resolution of value (ethical, aesthetic, legal, etc.) problems. Sharing a generally non-cognitivist position, the author at the same time views cognitivism not simply as a ‘mistake’ in the interpretation of mind, but as a paradigmal methodological principle deeply implanted in the sphere of the philosophy and the humanities.
cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism, cognitivist fallacy, cognitive reductionism, knowledge vs. value, paradigm, humanities, philosophy of mind, psychologism vs. anti-psychologism, metaethics, emotivism
Spiritual and moral search
Koren', R.V. (2013). The Tradedy and Starring Role of Philosophy. Philosophical Thought, 11, 102–170. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.8859
The purpose of the article is to introduce the author's writings in the spheres of philosophy, science and religion. Developing Sergey Bulgakov's idea about the tragedy of philosophy, the author uses methodological basis and functional tools of his theory of truine systems and information concept of borders and reveals the beneficial part of philosophy, i.e. its ontological starring role in spiritual, political and other fields. The author also shows the role of Russian philosophy in the system of global philosophy. The author describes the three forms of understanding the world from the point of view of their relation with the Unified Theory of the World, Initial Cycles of Interaction with the World and functional role of philosophy. The author also describes the failure of Marxist-Leninist dialectics and their relation to Hegel's Triad (thesis-antithesis-synthesis). It is shown that by reforming Hegel's Triad it is possible to go from Hegel's dialectics to Vernadsky's trialectics.
tragedy of philosophy, starring role, functions of philosophy, global philosophy, Russian philosophy, information border, forns of knowledge, theory of world, Hegel's Triad, Vernadsky's trialectics
Chernenko, V.A. (2013). Peter - Jesus -Judas: Ethic Triangle. Philosophical Thought, 11, 171–183. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9201
The author of the present article doesn't claim to describe the ethic concept of the New Testament. There are several reason to that. First of all, the author is not an expert in theology. Secondly, the article is too short to discuss such a topic. And thirdly, the author believes that the ethics of the New Testament is more co-existential than conceptual. Therefore, the author only focuses on some aspects connecting fates of St. Peter, Jesus and Judas with the integral co-existence where the author trie to describe ethic symmetry -and assymetry of Peter-Jesus and Jesus-Judas relations. Christ is viewed as the core of such relations and a living personification of Forgiveness leading to Atonement and Transfiguration. Peter's and Judas' fates evolve around this core and represent the two stories about existence. Both of them include Forgiveness but in the first story, Forgiveness leads to Transfiguration and in the second story, Forgiveness leads to Destruction. Why? Speaking of Peter and Judas we don't only remember the story that happened long, long ago. We talk about what is happening to us here an now. Just like Peter and Judas, we and the whole world are facing the same choice: to lead the path of Transfiguration and Forgiveness or Betrayal.
forgiveness, nothing, Transfiguration, gift, injury, Peter, Judas, Jesus, existential, love
Philosophy and culture
Borisov, S.V. (2013). Naive Philosophizing in the Life of a Child. Philosophical Thought, 11, 184–193. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9329
What is naive philosophizing of childhood and what is its particularity? Synthesizing concepts “naivety” and “philosophizing” the authors of the article come to the concept of “naive philosophizing”. This philosophizing is not the kind overstepping the bounds of ordinary-practical knowledge and, moreover, rooting in mythical consciousness, but the one comprising reflective, existential and critical components. As a matter of fact it is a self-reflection of a myth done by all possible intellectual means, where the myth remains a symbol of unity, pleasure, knowledge and belief. Beginning with such conceptual affects as surprise, doubt, experience of existential conditions, naive philosophizing finds direct continuation in the intellectual game as the form of communication. We consider communication as a necessary condition of realization of naive philosophizing; therefore the best way of its realization is the live conversation in the form of a dialogue or a polylogue provoked by spontaneous asking. Naive philosophizing acts as an attempt of rational comprehension of a myth; however the myth remains the principal means of perception of the world and world-view.
naivety, philosophizing, childhood, knowledge, mythical consciousness, existential conditions, asking, thinking, life experience, world-view