Ontology: being and nihility
Maydanov, A.S. (2012). Cosmos in the Mirror of Mythology and Science. Philosophical Thought, 2, 1–52. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2012.2.66
The article describes the views of the Vedas authors on cosmogenesis and how the picture of cosmogenesis developed from antropomorphic models to biomorphic and physiomorphic models. It is shown how the mythology formed the basic questions of all subsequent cosmology regarding fundamental characteristics of the universe - its beginning, genesis, structure, sources of its dynamics and the role of human as a living creature, i.e. part of the world. The author of the article also investigated the features of the cosmological thinking of archaic humans, methods and techniques of such thinking and the strategy of understanding the history of the universe. All these factors are considered in terms of their development and contribution to the modern cosmological thinking. The author of the article offers new interpretations of some extremely complex but cognitively informative images of gods - demiurges of the Universe that are analyzed from the epistemological point of view.
cosmogonic ideas, model, paradigm, initial reality, comogenesis, myth, Universe, method, fiction, multi-variability
Political philosophy
Borisenkov, A.A. (2012). Concerning Democratic Political Culture and Political Progress. Philosophical Thought, 2, 53–74. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2012.2.81
The author of the article describes special features of democratic political culture. It is shown that this culture is created as a result of representative democracy and consists of democratic patterns of the decision making process. The author also analyzes the statement that demoractic political culture is the factor of systematizatio of political life and democratization of political influence and, as a result, of political progress. The author also describes the role of political culture in personal socialization.
politics, political culture, democratic culture, political system, political influence, democracy, representative democracy, form of government, political progress, socialization
The torment of communication
Zaitsev, A.V. (2012). Dialogics of Jurgen Habermas: Definition and Description. Philosophical Thought, 2, 75–98. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2012.2.148
The article describes the communicative philosophy and dialogics of Jurgen Habermas. The author of the article defines Jurgen Habermas' dialogics as the intention to overcome conflicts, aggression and contradictions in the form of discussion, i.e. not by force but by the means of rhetorical persuasion, argument and influence through dialogue that allows to reach mutual understanding and consensual approval of certain rules or regulation.
mutual understanding, itneraction, discourse, communication, dialogics, dialogue, consensus
Philosophy of history
Prokhorov, M.M. (2012). Historical Definition of Being. Philosophical Thought, 2, 99–165. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2012.2.189
The present article continues the topic started in the article "Being and History: Relation and Definition". The article focuses on the historical definition of being. From this point of view, being is viewed as human history, i.e. human activity aimed at reaching certain goals and targets. The author of the article describes contradictions of historical being that are presented as the confrontation between humanism and inhuman manifestations in history and touches upon humanistic concepts developed by Socrates, Marx, Solovyev and Jaspers. At the same time the author of the article traces back the opposite trend leading to the "sunset" or "the end" of history. In this regard the author describes existence of the mankind "under boundary conditions". One of the forms of such 'boundary existence' is the phenomenon of liminality that has passed all the way from ancient initiation rites to the Nazi forced labor camps. Particular section of the article is devoted to the analysis of the radical constructivist attitude towards being.
liminal, hominization of history, post-Renaissant human, contradictions of history, objectivity, human activity, historical being, being, initiation, radical constructivism
Dasein of the human being
Fatenkov, A.N. (2012). Existential Ontognoseology: Conceptual Remarks. Philosophical Thought, 2, 166–199. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0174.2012.2.151
In comparison with the subjects of science and philosophy, the author defines the outlines of existential ontology and gnoseology. Experience that is later transformed into evidence is viewed as the basis for existentially founded knowledge. The author also considers some topical issues of existential evaluation of human and shares his critical views on reflection as an ability to take a detached view of ourselves as well as communication in theory and practice.
experience, human, science, existentialism, ontognoseology, ontology, philosophy, touch, experience, evidence