Rudenko, T. (2024). "The Seagull" by A. P. Chekhov in English translations (1909-2019): the experience of comparison. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 1–8.
This article is devoted to the consideration of the main translations of A. P. Chekhov's play "The Seagull" into English. The purpose of the work is to identify the key translation trends in the transmission of the above–mentioned work, depending on the year of its creation. The theoretical basis of this study was the works devoted to the theory of translation by domestic and foreign researchers (such as Alekseeva, 2004; Vinogradov, 2001; Vlakhov, Florin, 1986; Nelyubin, Khukhuni, 2008; Proshina, 2019; Fedorov, 1983; De Waard, Nida, 1986; Nida, Taber, 1982; Savory, 1968). The research material was the original of A. P. Chekhov's play "The Seagull" and twelve of its translations into English, published in the period from 1909 to 2019 in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The following methods were used in this study: comparative method, descriptive method, component analysis method. Thus, based on our research, we come to the conclusion that translations of A. P. Chekhov's play "The Seagull" into English can be divided into actual translations of the literary text, preserving the semantic content, and interpretative variants, the purpose of which is adaptation not only linguistic, but also cultural, for the viewer, at all unfamiliar with the original source. Russian authors, who are native speakers of the Russian language, but are guided by a different, to varying degrees alien, cultural orientation, are characterized by excessive domestication and attempts to bring the translation of a work closer to the realities of another culture, not so much by English-speaking translators, who nevertheless tried to convey the author's style of A. P. Chekhov and explain certain realities to a foreign reader.
reality, equivalence, domestication, translation transformations, The Seagull, Chekhov, literary text, comparison, translation, original
Kameneva, N.A. (2024). Formation of modern English abbreviations in business and scientific communications and their translation into Russian. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 9–15.
For completeness and accuracy of meaning, most of new concepts, both in Russian and in English, are expressed using phrases or compound words. But multicomponent terms, are often quite cumbersome. That is why there is a need to shorten terms and use abbreviations. The object of the study is the phenomenon of abbreviation of English terminology in business and scientific discourse. The subject of the work is the analysis of the structural and semantic features of the abbreviation lexical units, the ways of forming English-language abbreviations and their translation into Russian. The article uses comparative research method to compare complete terms and their abbreviations to identify structural and semantic transformations; method for analyzing semantic structure of abbreviations to establish their common and distinctive properties; method of contextual analysis to determine the degree of linguistic economy through the use of abbreviations and to identify differences between semantically similar abbreviations. The novelty of the research lies in the identification, analysis and generalization of ways of education and translation of English-language abbreviations in business and scientific communications. Inaccurate translation of abbreviations can change or distort the intended meaning. To transfer foreign-language abbreviations into Russian, such methods can be used as searching for a translation equivalent, full borrowing of an abbreviation, transliteration, transcription, translation of an abbreviation, translation of an abbreviation and creation of an abbreviation in the translating language, transcription of the letter-by-letter pronunciation of an abbreviation. Among the main difficulties of translating abbreviations are difficulties in identifying abbreviations and problems of their correlation with complete lexical unit, as well as the phenomenon of homonymy of terminological units. It is important to take into account the normalization of translated text and its compliance with literary and linguistic norms and cultural traditions of target language.
discourse, homonymy, alphabetisms, clipping, blending, acronym, multicomponent terms, abbreviation, semantic correspondence, context
Dondik, L.Y. (2024). Assessment of the quality of poetic translation (based on the material of translations of British poetry into Russian). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 16–29.
The subject of the research in the article is the peculiarities of assessing the quality of translation of poetic texts. The object of the study is the translation of a poetic text as a complex multidimensional process. In this paper, we will be interested in criteria for evaluating the quality of translation of a poetic work, since a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a poetic translation remains an unresolved problem, and the need for such a procedure remains. The criteria for evaluating poetic translation mean such signs of high-quality poetic translation, on the basis of which a standardized assessment of any poetic translation can be made, for example, in the conditions of a translation competition. To develop evaluation criteria, the author examines in detail the difficulties of translating poetry. The results of a comparative analysis of original and translated poetic texts are analyzed on the basis of the selected criteria. The work uses methods of directed sampling, comparative linguistic (phonetic, semantic, syntactic) analysis of parallel texts, linguistic and pragmatic analysis using elements of cultural and stylistic analysis, as well as quantitative data processing methods. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that a method of analyzing a poem based on an assessment of the quality of poetic translation is proposed. The concept of the quality of poetic translation is clarified, criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of poetic translation are formulated. A comparative analysis of parallel original and translated texts – works of British poetry and their translations into Russian, performed by professional translators, is carried out. The quality of a poetic translation can be the object of a comprehensive assessment, which is carried out using a number of criteria: the preservation of the original author's idea, composition and rhyme of a poetic work, the selection of appropriate equivalents by the translator, the absence of significant permutations, omissions and distortions, as well as compliance with the norms of the translation language. The criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of poetic translation can be recommended to the organizers of translation contests to evaluate the works of the participants of the contests, as they reduce the effect of subjective factors in the analysis of quality and make it possible to rank translation options, identify the most qualitative of them.
pragmatic aspect of translation, evaluation criteria, comprehensive quality’s assessment, equivalence, adequate translation, translation quality, poetic translation, standardization of the assessment procedure, invariant, interpretation
Pavlova, T.A., Potovskaya, K.S. (2024). Cultural reality as a phenomenon of language and artistic text. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 30–37.
The article investigates the specificity of literary realities with a national-cultural component of meaning in the context of a fiction text. Different approaches to the interpretation and classification of this linguistic phenomenon are analyzed, the peculiarities of the use and transfer of cultural realities into the target language are considered. The author analyzes how these cultural elements influence the perception and interpretation of texts, emphasizing their importance for understanding the context and meaning of works. The paper aims to broaden the understanding of the relationship between linguistic and cultural aspects, and to provide readers with a new perspective on the role of cultural realities in enriching language and fiction. The author also analyzes how these cultural elements influence the perception and interpretation of texts and emphasizing their importance for understanding the context and meaning of works. The article aims to broaden the understanding of the relationship between linguistic and cultural aspects, and to provide readers with a new perspective on the role of cultural realities in enriching language and fiction. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the identification of a deep relationship between cultural reality, language and artistic text. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the systematic analysis of the influence of cultural factors on the formation of linguistic reality and its reflection in literary works. The study identifies the key linguistic mechanisms of transmission of cultural concepts, reveals the specifics of text perception in different cultural contexts. These findings provide a basis for further research in linguistics and literary studies, deepening our understanding of the interaction between culture, language and artistic creation. The results can be used to develop language and cultural studies teaching methods and to better analyze literary works in cultural contexts.
translation, fiction text, culture, language, ethnographic reality, anthroponym, onomastics, toponym, non-equivalent vocabulary, cultural reality
Shorova, M.B., Borieva, M.K., Tekueva, A.A. (2024). The role of mass media in the development of intercultural communication in the context of digitalization. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 38–49.
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The subject of the study is the definition of the role of mass media in the development of intercultural communication in the context of digitalization. Intercultural communication in the modern world is actively developing in the context of globalization, and is also being significantly transformed through the mass application of information and digital technologies. The promotion of intercultural dialogue in order to form an understanding and acceptance of the specifics and identity of different cultures remains unchanged. The article formulates the author's definition of the meaningful characteristics of the role of the media in the development of intercultural communication through the prism of two main aspects of their functioning in this area: the transmission of socio-cultural values and traditions, as well as coverage of issues arising in the process of intercultural dialogue. Attention is focused on the complex nature of the influence exerted, which is manifested in the implementation of a number of functions by the media (educational, organizational and integration). Through a systematic analysis, the current state of intercultural communication has been studied, and the use of a structural and functional method has made it possible to determine the role of the media in the development of intercultural communication. Based on the application of empirical methods (observation, comparison, etc.), current trends in the functioning of the media in the context of digitalization have been identified. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that it takes into account the impact of the large-scale dissemination of information and digital technologies in the media, which significantly increases the availability of relevant materials to the public, and the degree of involvement of the media in the development of intercultural communication. The role of the media in the development of intercultural communication in the context of digitalization is determined, since the process of mass media dissemination currently has significant specifics and is important for the formation of a modern person's worldview. According to the results of the study, the authors conclude that the activity of the media in the context of digitalization, characterized by the transition to the Internet space, is of crucial importance for the development of intercultural communication. Conclusions and suggestions can be used in the development and reading of theoretical and practical courses on intercultural communication.
online resources, information interaction, values, culture, digital technologies, media space, intercultural communication, mass media, digitalization, intercultural dialogue
Literary criticism
Glazkova, M.M., Ilyina, S.A. (2024). The specifics and functions of the concepts of LIFE and DEATH in V. Y. Bryusov's poetry. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 50–64.
The object of the study are poems representing such thematic layers as love lyrics; urban lyrics, including poems dedicated to Venice; the theme of death; the theme of Vikings; great figures of the past; apocalyptic themes. The paper actualizes the importance of studying Bryusov's poetry in the aspect of cognitive linguistics, examines the essence of the concepts. The place of the concepts of LIFE and DEATH in the hierarchical structure of the conceptual sphere is analyzed, their meanings are revealed based on the lexicographic material of dictionaries, representing, along with the primary meanings, various associative lexical units, including mythologems that arose on the basis of cognitive metaphorization, which, being representatives of concepts, fill slots, form a frame structure, while the frame qualifies as the core of the concept. The analysis of poems allowing to recreate the linguistic and artistic worldview of the poet, the keys to understanding which are the basic concepts of LIFE and DEATH, and to determine their specificity and role, is carried out. The following methods were used in the research process: the method of discursive analysis, which allowed us to study the interacting denotative and conceptual structures that organize the semantic space of each lyrical work under consideration in the context of Bryusov's poetry; the cultural and historical method, which contributed to the identification of connotative meanings representing the concepts of LIFE and DEATH; the hermeneutic method, which made it possible to analyze the poetics of poems. As a result of the study, the authors came to the following conclusions. Organizing a system of poetic creativity, vividly embodying the main motive, the motive of duality, the concepts of LIFE and DEATH undergo semantic contamination based on the intersection of their frame networks and form a single bipolar concept of LIFE/DEATH. An integral phenomenon, Bryusov's concept of LIFE/DEATH is multifunctional: as a figurative means, this structural unit creates the poet's idiosyncrasy; plays a text-forming role; organizes the main motives that allow Bryusov to carry out a discourse relevant to him and his contemporaries about the problem of the meaning of life and its eternity. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the work of V. Y. Bryusov, from the point of view of the conceptual sphere and conceptualization, has not been sufficiently studied. For the first time, the comprehension of V.Y. Bryusov's linguistic picture of the world was realized through the concepts of LIFE and DEATH, which are fundamental in his work.
the primary meaning, oppositive discourse, the motive of duality, conceptual field, idiostil, connotations, dominance, bipolar concept LIFE-DEATH, ambivalence, frame
Chang, Y. (2024). The word order in multicomponent culinary synonyms of the Russian and Chinese languages and its influence on the perception of information about the dish. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 65–82.
In the modern world, against the background of globalization, the tendency to carefully preserve regional and national customs is manifested in the growing interest in the culinary traditions of different peoples. Restaurants of national cuisines of different nations are becoming popular in the world; against this background, modeling of optimal ways of gastronomic nomination, which is in demand by business, is relevant. An important component of the formation of ideas about the dish is the order of presentation of information, which is reflected in the order of words. Following stereotypes developed within the framework of other languages and cultures can influence the recipient's perception of information. The object of the study is the influence of ways of presenting information about the composition and qualitative characteristics of a dish on the client's consciousness. The subject is the differences in the order in which information about the dish is presented on the menu in Russian and Chinese. Russian culinary names obtained by the method of continuous sampling from restaurant menus (1319 units), data from a questionnaire aimed at clarifying the preferences of native speakers of the Russian language when choosing a dish (142 questionnaires) are the material of the study. The analysis of the usual word order in elementary phrases that make up culinary names is based on quantitative and descriptive methods. The analysis revealed the most significant differences between the accepted order of information presentation in Russian and Chinese culinary names. The place of lexemes indicating the type of dish, culinary tradition, main ingredients, side dishes and sauces in Russian and Chinese culinary names often does not coincide. Russian, as a language with a free word order, presents a greater variety of types of information structures, while the word order is limited not only by grammatical rules, but also by various traditions of gastronomic nomination adopted in Russian and Chinese cultures. Cultural stereotypes are reflected in the order in which information is provided about cooking methods, dishes and the quality characteristics of the dish. Even in cases where calculating does not lead to errors in the Russian menu, following other people's traditions can cause misunderstanding and laughter, which must be taken into account when nominating a dish.
predicative model, the attribute model, the copulative model, management, agreement, cookery, syntactic tracing paper, word order, translator's speech activity, speech perception
Pyhtina, I.Y., Bubnova, N.A. (2024). The narrative structure of Yu. P. Kazakov's short story "Arcturus the Hound Dog". Philology: scientific researches, 2, 83–89.
The article presents a narrative analysis of Yu.P. Kazakov's short story "Arcturus the Hound Dog", which refers to the animalistic prose of the writer. The main purpose of the analysis is to consider the organization of the narrative in prose, since the narrative features of the work allow us to characterize the writer's idiosyncrasy in detail. Research objectives: to identify the features of the narrative; to get acquainted with the works devoted to the research topic; to turn to the historical and cultural context; identify the types of narrators; correlate the perspective and narrative plan with them. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that more and more studies are interested in narrative structures, as they allow us to determine the nature of the work and the poetics of Kazakov's stories. Despite the fact that many works are devoted to the early story "Arcturus the Hound Dog", not all of them differ in precise terminology and logical conclusions. So, we will attempt to challenge one of the points of view on the analyzed work. The study of the issue was based on a structural and semantic analysis. Formal, biographical and psychological methods were also used in the study. In the course of the work, the features of the narrative of the story were discovered. We came to the following conclusions: 1. The narrative is based on the principle of opposition of perspectives: an "internal - external" point of view (Innenperspektive - Außenperspektive) 2. The writer introduces three types of narrator into the canvas of the text: exegetic (omniscient, taking an indirect part in the action of the story), diegetic (active, directly appearing in the plot as a character) and lyrical (reflective, feeling, which manifests itself more on a spiritual level). The discovery of the latter in the canvas of the text determines the novelty of the study of the literary heritage of Yu. P. Kazakov. 3. Thus, the lyrical type of the narrator determines the poetics of Kazakov's lyrical prose, discovers difficult-to-grasp subtexts in the narrative and introduces a special rhythm into the analyzed story.
composition of the work, point of view, lyrical expression, first-person narration, the outline of the narrative, zero focalization, perspective, animalistic story, lyrical prose, the type of narrator
Glukhova, E.S. (2024). Features of the use of cognitive biases in native advertising. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 90–102.
The aim of the study is to detect cognitive biases embedded in native advertising articles and their hidden influence on the addressees in order to increase sales of their product. The identification of cognitive biases and the linguocognitive mechanisms behind them is aimed at combating manipulative practices in advertising and increasing awareness of a wide audience when perceiving advertising messages. This study is a development of the concept of effective communication and the technology of "Smart tuning". Cognitive biases in native advertising are chosen as the object of research, and the subject is the ways of verbalization of cognitive biases. The research material is selected from sponsored content articles in both Russian and English segments of online communication. The relevance of this research lies in the significance of analyzing native advertising in media discourse from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics within cognitive-discursive and biological approaches. The main research methods are the method of interpretation, the method of discourse analysis and random sampling statistical method. It is determined, that the use of cognitive biases to persuade addressees into making purchases is widespread in native advertising, particularly in the form of sponsored content. At least one cognitive bias was identified in 80% of the analyzed advertising articles. The following cognitive biases were identified: bandwagon effect, framing effect in various subclasses, authority effect, emotional reasoning, fear of missing out, narrative fallacy, halo effect, compromise effect, contrast and anchoring effect, confirmation bias, catastrophizing. These cognitive biases involve such linguocognitive mechanisms as framing, imagining in the form of intensification and positivization, focusing, inspiration, involvement in communication and in the game , pseudo-dialogue, personalization, spin doctoring, catastrophizing, which indicate a synergistic cognitive impact on the addressee.
narrative fallacy, emotional reasoning, discourse analysis, framing bias, effective communication, manipulation, media discourse, linguocognitive mechanisms, native advertising, cognitive biases
Egoshkina, V.A. (2024). The specifics of the representation of speech strategies and tactics in educational audio podcasts. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 103–118.
The object of the research is educational audio podcasts presented on the platform (Radio Mayak audio podcasts): "100 Minutes" (16 issues), "Literary squabbles" (11 issues), "Understand yourself if you can" (15 issues), "Conversations about Literature" (14 issues), "Diary his Wives" (11 issues), as well as episodes of the audio podcast hosted on the platform – "Between the Lines" (7 issues), published from 2021 to 2023. The subject of the study is the pragmastilistic specificity of media texts represented in empirical material. The purpose of the work is to present various interpretations of the term "audio podcast", to consider definitions of the concepts "speech strategy" and "speech tactics", approaches to their classification, as well as to identify and describe dominant communicative strategies and tactics explicated in educational audio podcasts. To achieve the stated goal, methods of content analysis, linguistic stylistic and pragmastilistic analysis of media texts were applied. Despite the fact that audio podcasts are now in demand among the audience and are presented on various platforms, including on the websites of major radio stations and streaming services, this media phenomenon still needs scientific reflection. Thus, the works of Russian researchers have not yet formulated a generally accepted definition of an audio podcast, nor has a unified point of view been developed on how to consider an audio podcast as a new kind of radio or an independent format. In addition, the communicative and pragmatic specifics of media texts explicated in audio podcasts have been studied very little. This determines the relevance and scientific novelty of the research undertaken. As a result of the analysis of empirical material, dominant speech strategies and tactics implementing them were identified. Conclusions are drawn about the stylistic originality of the analyzed media texts.
pragmastilistics, media stylistics, media linguistics, media text, media discourse, educational audio podcast, audio podcast, speech tactics, speech strategy, convergence