Popova, E.A. (2024). Peculiarities of Adverb Placement in English Sentences (exemplified by the adverb "fairly"). Philology: scientific researches, 10, 1–15.
The article deals with the problem of adverb placement in English sentences. The paper aims at studying the main tendencies and patterns which influence the choice of the syntactic position of adverbs in English. Special attention is paid to the correlation between the semantic and syntactic features of adverbs. The article also describes possible syntactic positions of adverbs belonging to different semantic classes and the factors which determine the change of the place of the adverb in the sentence. The paper also considers the peculiarities of functioning of adverbs in the sentence based on the analysis of the adverb "fairly". The material for study includes contexts of use of the adverb "fairly" taken from the British National Corpus (BNC). The research uses the following methods: descriptive and statistical methods, methods of contextual analysis and syntactic analysis. The relevance of the subject of the research is due to the fact that in modern English adverbs are characterized by a high level of variability in syntactic placement, and even adverbs belonging to the same semantic class may have different syntactic properties. The analysis showed that "fairly" can be used as an intensifying adverb, an emphasizer, an adverb of manner, an evaluation adverb; in a number of cases it can also acquire additional modal meanings or serve as a speech act-related adverb. Each meaning of the adverb is characterised by its specific variants of syntactic positioning: before the word it modifies, in medial position, in end position and as a parenthetic word detached from the rest of the sentence. The results of the research show the necessity to study the syntactic properties of adverbs in more detail and to clarify their existing dictionary definitions.
end position, medial position, initial position, parenthesis, speech act-related adverb, evaluation adverb, adverb of manner, intensifying adverb, semantic class, adverb
Kong, W. (2024). Means of expressing stereotypical ideas about Chinese in the Russian language. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 16–28.
The subject of the study is the analysis of ethnic heterostereotypes about the Chinese ethnic group in the Russian language, with an emphasis on the linguistic means used in the Russian media. The article examines various linguistic constructions that express stereotypical ideas about the Chinese, such as the expressions "even the Chinese", "cunning Chinese" and "wise Chinese". The study covers the period from 1991 to 2024 and includes an analysis of anecdotes with the ethnonym "Chinese". The focus is on identifying and classifying language tools that reflect both positive and negative stereotypes about the Chinese, including their hard work, cunning, and China's role in the global economy. The work highlights the importance of critical perception of stereotypical information and cultural exchange to improve intercultural communication. The research methodology is based on the analysis of publications from the Integrum database from 1991 to 2024, using the classification of linguistic means for the explication of ethnostereotypes proposed by L.P. Krysin, including accentuation, comparison, generalization and use of phraseological units. The main conclusions of the study are the identification and systematization of linguistic means reflecting ethnic heterostereotypes about Chinese in the Russian language. The study showed that expressions such as "cunning Chinese" and "wise Chinese" are widely used in the Russian media, which emphasizes the persistence of these stereotypes. The analysis of anecdotes containing the ethnonym "Chinese" also revealed how humor can contribute to the spread of stereotypical ideas. The work focuses on the dual nature of stereotypes, which can include both positive and negative characteristics. This highlights the importance of a critical approach to the perception of stereotypes and the need for cultural exchange to reduce prejudice. The results of the study are of significant importance for intercultural communication, indicating the need for openness and avoidance of excessive generalizations in the interaction between cultures.
particle, collocation, ethnos, ethnonym, chinese, China, heterostereotype, stereotype, phraseology, anecdote
Gotovtseva, A.G. (2024). Journalist in the Terror Scenery: Camille Desmoulins and the Old Cordelier. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 29–48.
The article presents a detailed history of Camille Desmoulins' newspaper "The Old Cordelier" in the historical and political context of the Jacobin terror. The content of seven issues of the newspaper is examined, and an attempt is made to reveal Desmoulins' concept of the publication in his dispute with the leader of the extreme left, Hébert, and the all-powerful dictator Robespierre. The first issues of "The Old Cordelier" satisfied Robespierre because they aimed at Hébert and the cult of Reason preached by him. However, gradually the meaning of Desmoulins' texts began to change. The journalist began to write about the shortcomings of the entire machine of state terror and, eventually, inevitably, to criticize Robespierre. Already with his third issue, Desmoulins aroused the discontent of the Jacobin and Cordelier Clubs, from which he was expelled shortly after. The sixth issue was held up by the publisher Desenne, who demanded that the most acute fragments be removed. The seventh issue of the newspaper, which Desmoulins was editing when he was arrested, was published only after Thermidor, and even then with cuts. Desmoulins' political views, which were quite radical at the beginning of the Revolution, underwent a significant evolution against the backdrop of the Terror. In order to influence events, he returned to journalism and began publishing his own newspaper again - an activity he had abandoned when he moved away from publishing the periodical brochure "Revolutions of France and Brabant". A talented journalist, Desmoulins constructed the texts of his issues using "Aesopian" language and allegorical images, which, however, were quite understandable to his contemporaries. Desmoulins' political position became increasingly irreconcilable with the government's terrorist policy. In the end, the fight against Robespierre from the pages of the newspapers led to Desmoulins ending up on the guillotine.
Father Duchesne, Jacobin dictatorship, The Old Cordelier, Cordeliers, newspaper controversy, Robespierre, Hébert, Desmoulins, terror, French Revolution
Demianova, P.I. (2024). Sociolinguistic analysis of examples of the use of anglicisms in Ecuadorian journalistic texts. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 49–57.
The subject of this study is the functioning of English-language borrowings (Anglicisms) in the Ecuadorian national version of the Spanish language based on examples of their use in the texts of local mass media. The object of the study is the texts of the Ecuadorian media, in particular news articles published on the websites of the most widely read newspapers in Ecuador. The paper examines such issues as the sociolinguistic influence of English on Ecuadorian Spanish, the frequency and nature of the use of Anglicisms in it, as well as their dissemination through the media. Special attention is paid to the analysis of specific examples of the use of Anglicisms in journalistic texts, which allows us to identify key trends in their functioning. In this study, Anglicisms are considered as one of the factors influencing the development of the Spanish language in Ecuador. The study uses methods of content analysis and qualitative analysis of examples of the use of Anglicisms in Ecuadorian journalistic texts, which revealed the frequency of their use and their role in the formation of modern linguistic norms. The relevance of the chosen topic is dictated by the fact of the increasing influence of Anglicisms on Ecuadorian Spanish. The Spanish language variant, which is widespread in the territory of the Republic of Ecuador, currently seems to be less studied in comparison with the neighboring Latin American variants. Thus, there is a need to conduct a study of the main trends in its development. It follows from this that the novelty of the work lies in the implementation of a comprehensive sociolinguistic analysis of English-language borrowings used in the Ecuadorian media, which contributes to the formation of a deeper understanding of the processes underlying the formation and functioning of the Ecuadorian national version of the Spanish language. The results of the study showed that Anglicisms are actively penetrating into various spheres of Ecuadorian society, acting as a social marker and reflecting the influence of Western culture on the local population.
Language policy, Globalization, Content analysis, Mass media, Sociolinguistics, Loanwords, Language dynamics, Ecuadorian Spanish, Anglicisms, Publicistic texts
Afanas'eva, A.G. (2024). The potential of the university teacher's Telegram channel for the development of the university's image. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 58–65.
The subject of the study is the content of the Telegram channel of a university teacher as a means of forming the image of the university. The object of the study is the potential of the employee's Telegram channel as a contribution to the organization's public relations. The author examines this issue in detail using the example of higher education organizations, choosing large and small universities for practical analysis and comparing the content of Telegram channels of those teachers who advertise their affiliation to the university. Special attention is paid to two different approaches typical for large and small universities, respectively: in the first case, the professors positions themselves as professionals regardless of teaching activities, in the second – precisely as university employees. As a result of the analysis, recommendations have been developed that will allow universities to productively use the potential of new media. When selecting the research material, the method of continuous sampling of employees leading Telegram channels and the content of the Telegram channels themselves was used. The author used the method of content analysis of publications, analysis of the quantitative composition of the audience, as well as strategies for the interaction of the channel author with his audience through feedback tools. The main conclusions of the conducted research are, firstly, the statement of the fact of the extremely small use of the potential of employees' Telegram channels to build the image of the organization in the field of higher education. With great attention to the personality of the teacher and the significant influence of his personality on the views of students, tastes in the field of art and culture and the choice of a future profession, the professorship does not convert this influence into the space of new media. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the identification of two strategies for the interaction of the personality of the author of the Telegram channel with his profession as a university teacher. Conditionally, they can be designated as the primacy of professional success and personal brand, regardless of teaching, and the primacy of teaching, regardless of personal brand. The novelty of the research lies in the research of the teacher's Telegram channel, undertaken for the first time in Russian science, precisely in connection with the image of the university: for example, there are studies of teachers' Telegram channels in their connection with the teaching process (assignment placement, dialogues with students through the Telegram platform), but the connection with the positioning of the university and its image has not been previously considered.
telegram channels, university, personal brand, students, new media, professors, public relations, higher education, image, telegram
Literary criticism
Chai, L. (2024). The study of the story “To Tell or Not Tell” by V. Tokareva in Chinese literary studies. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 66–77.
The relevance of the work is determined by the trends of Russian-Chinese intercultural communication, as well as by the interest in studying the peculiarities of perception of the work of modern Russian writers in Chinese literary criticism. The object of the research is critical materials in Chinese devoted to the study of V. Tokareva's work and her story “To Tell or Not Tell”. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of perception and comprehension of the writer's story by Chinese literary criticism. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of perception of V. Tokareva's story “To Tell or Not Tell” in Chinese literary criticism. To achieve the above research goal, we must solve the following tasks: 1) to systematize translations of V. Tokareva's works published to date, especially translations of the work “To Tell or Not Tell”; 2) to analyze the features of the study of V. Tokareva's work by Chinese scientists and the trend in the development of the study of the story “To Tell or Not Tell”; 3) to study and summarize the reasons for scientists' attention to the story and deepening the analysis this story is in Chinese literary studies. To solve these problems, the following methods are used: the typological method, which allowed us to consider common characteristic features in the perception of V. Tokareva's work by Chinese criticism in different periods; the method of holistic analysis, which made it possible to study the problematic and thematic content of critical articles by Chinese Russian scholars. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that in this work, for the first time, a systematic analysis of the perception of “To Tell or Not Tell” by V. Tokareva in China is carried out. The article provides a comparative analysis of the study of the story in different periods, analyzes the reasons for the deepening of research in this area. As a result, it was found that the perception of V. Tokareva's work is associated with the dynamic nature of the comprehension of literary works. It is noted that the analysis of the author's work focuses on three main aspects: research on topics; research on linguistic features; research from the point of view of reflecting feminist ideas in the work of V. Tokareva. It is proved that due to the constant improvement of the quality of translation, the process of developing critical statements is obvious, from general information about the author and the work to a multilateral analysis of the creative style of the writer.
perception, intercultural communication, Russian women's prose, Chinese criticism, Chinese Russian speakers, translations, Chinese literary studies, story, V. Tokareva, reception
Alimov, T.E. (2024). Functional-Semantic Classification of Euphemisms in the Nominative Field of "Death" in the Uzbek Language Through the Prism of Russian and English Cultures. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 78–88.
The subject of this research comprises euphemistic codes that replace the negative connotation of "death" in contemporary Russian, Uzbek, and English languages. These codes were selected using targeted sampling from the "Dictionary of Russian Euphemisms" by E. P. Senichkina (2008), "Short Euphemistic Dictionary of the Uzbek Language" by A. Zh. Omonturdiev (2006), and "Oxford Dictionary of Euphemisms (How Not to Say What You Mean: A Dictionary of Euphemisms)" by R. W. Holder (2008). The total number of examples amounted to over 1,104 units, with 349 pertaining to Russian, 405 to Uzbek, and 350 to English. This volume of data enabled a detailed analysis and the formulation of reliable conclusions. The aim of the study is to present a functional-semantic classification of euphemisms that replace the negative connotation of the term «death» in the Uzbek language, through the prism of comparison with Russian and English cultures. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that, for the first time, Russian, Uzbek, and English euphemistic codes within the nominative field of «death» are identified, systematized, and described through comparative and semantic analysis in the context of the linguoculturological paradigm. The results obtained indicate that the cognitive approach in studying functional-semantic classification is an important tool for identifying the essential characteristics of euphemistic codes based on universal and unique (culturally conditioned) concepts. Simultaneously, the linguoculturological method provides an interpretation of the cultural motives for using euphemistic units when investigating the nominative field of «death». Through cognitive and linguoculturological analysis, the study reveals the mechanisms of encoding denotations in Russian, Uzbek, and English euphemistic expressions that form the functional-semantic classification of the nominative field «death».
concept, secondary nomination, functional-semantic classification, linguistic-cultural paradigm, national culture, intercultural communication, euphemistic code, semantic component, nominative field, death
Volkova, A.A. (2024). A. O. Hume's artistic journalism as an intertext (on the example of pamphlets of 1886-1887). Philology: scientific researches, 10, 89–96.
The subject of this article is the intertextuality in the pamphlets ("The Old Man's Hope", "The Tidal Wave, or the Progress of political activity in India", "The Star in the East, or the Bengali National League") of the British colonial figure, founder of the Indian National Congress Allan Octavian Hume, created at the initial stage of the existence of this organization – in 1886-1887. The place and significance of using someone else's text (letters and articles by the author's opponents, official documents, texts of works of fiction and precedent texts), quotations from modern and classical literature in the literary journalism of A. O. Hume, understood as part of the Anglo-Indian literature of the Victorian era, are considered. The article defines the ways of using quotations and reminiscences by the author to enhance the impact on the reader. The methods of intertext research in A. O. Hume's journalism are receptive, cultural-historical methods and a system-functional approach. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time it examines the political pamphlets of A. O. Hume from a literary standpoint. The author comes to the conclusion that intertextuality, widespread in the journalism of the Victorian era, is also manifested in the Anglo-Indian literature of the XIX century, which is exemplified by the pamphlets under study, but has its own peculiarities related to addressing colonial issues and the population of colonies. The appeal to the precedent text promotes Hume's dialogue with the reader – an educated Englishman or a representative of the Indian intelligentsia, and intertextual elements serve to create an emotionally expressed tone of pamphlets, become a means of manipulating readers' opinions, a means of irony and sarcasm, with which the publicist denounces his political opponents.
precedent text, reception, journalism, Indian National Congress, national movement, Anglo-Indian literature, pamphlets, Allan Octavian Hume, intertext, quote
Bezrukov, A.N. (2024). Deciphering and objectification of semantic boundaries in Venedikt Yerofeyev's short story "At My Window". Philology: scientific researches, 10, 97–105.
Venedikt Yerofeyev's small prose has not been practically studied. There are no serious, fundamental works on his essays, short stories, and small narrative constructs. The subject of the analysis of this article is a small text of V. Yerofeyeva "At my window". It is worth noting that in the collected works, and in other collections of the author, it is presented in a truncated form. It has not yet been possible to find a full-fledged version, although there are a number of prerequisites for the fundamentality and monumentality of this work. The purpose of the work is to identify the semantic boundaries of the story "At my window" with a possible objectification of the semantic paradigm. In the course of scientific narrative, the focus is on the plot of the story, the figurative system of the text, and the semantic artistic paradigm. The article also defines the functional load of intertextuality, since this principle defines a complex parametric variant of the addition of a semantic field. The result of the work is the concretization of the main features of the poetics of postmodernism using the example of Venedikt Yerofeyev's story "At my Window", as well as clarifying the basic highways of this work. During the analysis of the story, the main guideline was aimed at a comparative methodology, as well as a hermeneutical reading of this text. The set of terms and concepts used in the article correlates with the poetics of postmodernism, since the prose of Venedikt Yerofeyev is part of the texts of the first wave of Russian postmodernism. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that criticism does not yet have proper analytical observations regarding this story, and there are no certain value judgments. Therefore, the reception of the text is quite justified, and the accumulation of experience will allow us to complement the overall picture of the analysis of the style of Venedikt Yerofeyev. The practical nature of the work boils down to the fact that its results can be effectively applied during the decryption of the author's main work – the poem "Moscow – Petushki". The main method of correct assessment of the story should be the combination of philosophical-historical and literary-critical highways. The syncretic nature of perception generalizes the paradigm of semantic, connotative components. The text is revealed in the obvious potential of the formal and substantive levels of fusion. Venedikt Yerofeyev's story "At my Window" is not only an existing symbolic structure, not only an unfinished aesthetic object, but also an impulsive postmodern standard for the regeneration of a semantic paradigm.
style, reader, intertextuality, author, poetics of the text, receptive aesthetics, comparative studies, short prose, associative series, Venedikt Erofeev
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova , T.A. (2024). Part-of-speech homonyms as a consequence of the step-by-step transposition of the instrumental case of nouns into an adverb. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 106–118.
The relevance of the work is associated with the need to develop criteria for differentiating functional and functional-semantic homonyms generated by the mechanism of adverbial transposition of the instrumental case of nouns. The novelty of the study is due to the development of criteria for differentiating, on the one hand, nouns, and on the other hand, adverbs arising on their basis. The purpose of the work is to study the features of nouns and adverbs that allow differentiating grammatical and lexical-grammatical homonyms. The object of analysis is substantive word forms involved in the process of adverbialization, the subject of consideration is the stages and features of their adverbial transposition, the criteria for differentiating homonyms. Structural-semantic, distributional and oppositional analysis, linguistic experiment were used. Criteria for differentiating word forms representing different degrees of adverbialization in the zones of the periphery and core of adverbs are established. The meanings of objectivity and adverbiality are recognized as the main criteria. The presence of part-of-speech semantics of the subject in the disputed word forms predetermines the implementation of the categories of gender, number and case, case-numerical paradigms, the system of inflections and the typical function of complement in them. The formation of adverbial semantics in nouns leads to their decategorization, loss of categories and paradigms, transformation of the morphemic structure caused by the degeneration of inflection into a suffix and expansion of the word base, as well as to the acquisition of the typical function of adverbial circumstance. It is proved that as a result of the stepwise adverbialization of the instrumental case of nouns, grammatical homonyms arise that do not break the semantic connection with the substantive lexeme; hybrids and nuclear adverbs that function as lexical and grammatical homonyms.
criteria, periphery, homonymy, core, transitivity scale, adverb, adverbialization, noun, transpositional grammar, Russian language