Literary criticism
Dubakov, L., Li, Y. (2023). The poem «Terkin in the Next World» by A. Tvardovsky and the story «Notes from the Spirit World» by Zhang Tian-yi: a dystopian mortal mirror of the political regime. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 1–9.
Russian and Chinese dystopias have similarities and differences in their genesis. The proximity of the dystopian texts of the two cultures is due to parallel historical and social processes, which are reflected in the plots of the corresponding works. The difference is manifested in the accents that both literature puts. In particular, we can say that there is no Chinese dystopia in the Western and Russian understanding: China sees dystopia more as fiction and satire. Despite this, Russian and Chinese dystopias have similar features. The purpose of this article is to analyze the ideological, plot, and motivational calls between A. Tvardovsky's poem "Terkin in the Next World" and Zhang Tian-yi's novel "Notes from the Spirit World". The scientific novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the author for the first time compares these works, designates genre signs of dystopia in both texts, formulates the specifics of the writer's assessment of the corresponding dystopian regime. The inhabitants of the afterlife, in which Terkin found himself, and the world of spirits are the image of contemporaries of Tvardovsky and Zhang Tian–yi, citizens of the state, which is metaphorically portrayed by writers as the reality of death. This infernal world turns out to be a mortal mirror for the political regime. In the case of "Terkin in the next world" it is an authoritarian regime, in the case of "Notes from the spirit world" it is a pseudo–liberal regime, and but in fact - oligarchic and nationalistic.
political satire, sublimation of the sexual, infernal chronotope, mortal motif, motivic roll calls, genre-forming features, comparativism, dystopia, Zhang Tien-yi, Alexander Tvardovsky
Literary criticism
Konstantinova, N.V. (2023). Polemic in the magazine "Son of the Fatherland" in 1818: on the issue of the author's problem in a documentary travelogue. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 10–22.
The subject of the study is the ego-documents (polemical comments in the journal "Son of the Fatherland" in 1818) by V. B. Bronevsky and P. P. Svinyin – the authors of documentary travelogues about the Mediterranean campaign of Admiral D. N. Senyavin, as an example of reflection on the originality of writers' attitudes in travel notes. The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the author's problem in a documentary travelogue, to identify individual author's strategies in the structure of the narrative, ways of expressing the author's origin in the text. The theoretical basis of the research was the works of E.G. Mestergazi, O.V. Kublitskaya, N.A. Ermakova, A.E. Kozlov, devoted to the analysis of the narrative structure of the documentary travelogue. To understand the specifics of the ways of author's self-expression in the documentary travelogue, the following research methods are used: biographical, structural-typological, historical-literary. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the special material and the approach used: the works presented in the "thick" magazines of the XIX century rarely fall into the research field, although they often demonstrate to a greater extent both stereotypical, "fashionable" writing trends and individual authorial ones. V. B. Bronevsky insists that the subject of the narrative must absolutely coincide with the biographical author of the text, observe accuracy in the transmission of facts about the journey, describe only what the witness witnessed on a real trip. P. P. Svinyin, on the contrary, argues that the author has the right to describe not only his own impressions, but also to be guided by someone else's opinion, to convey a general impression of significant events. Using the example of the highlighted differences, it is concluded that the authors of documentary travelogues imagined the distance between the biographical author and the subject of the narrative differently, reflecting on the process of text generation.
Bronevsky, Son of the Fatherland, journal, controversy, strategy, the subject of the narrative, author, documentary travelogue, ego document, Svinyin
Gao, S. (2023). The role of authentic materials in teaching RCT: from literary texts to media resources. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 23–32.
The subject of the study is a corpus of authentic materials used in the process of teaching languages. The object of research is the varieties of authentic materials used in RCT classes. The purpose of the study is to analyze in detail the types of authentic materials, the concept of "authenticity", the pros and cons of using authentic materials, the criteria for selecting authentic texts in the process of teaching RCT. To achieve this goal, foreign and Russian works of well-known methodologists in the field of language teaching were analyzed, as well as studies devoted to the peculiarities of working with authentic material in RCT classes. The main research methods are comparative analysis, observation, and survey research methods. The study concluded that the concept of "authentic materials" is controversial in modern linguodidactics. Researchers classify authentic texts, depending on the goals and objectives of the learning process. Despite this, methodologists identify criteria, following which it is necessary to select authentic material for RCT classes and make the content of the lesson close to the situation of live communication. At the same time, the texts of Internet discourse have proven themselves most effectively in the framework of teaching RCT, since with their help the language competence of a foreign student is formed quite quickly. The novelty of the research lies in the possibility of applying its results in practice in the process of using authentic materials in RCT classes.
Russian language, lesson content, foreign students, language teaching theory, authentic text, authenticity, linguodidactics, Russian language teaching, foreign language, pedagogy
Ershova, I., Dyachenko, A.M. (2023). Genre-thematic features of Russian video game journalism (using the example of StopGame You-Tube channels). Philology: scientific researches, 9, 33–46.
In this paper, the subject of consideration is the YouTube content of the Russian Internet gaming portal StopGame. The purpose of the study is to identify genre-thematic features of Russian video game journalism. The work is based on the method of analysis, which is used in the study of StopGame content from the point of view of the subject and genre; a typological approach that allows to convey the characteristics of different groups of video materials; comparison, which was used to highlight the most popular genres among viewers. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the genres most fully represented in the video format are news, review and walkthrough, which is explained by their demand among the gaming audience, and their specifics were also identified and described in detail. The results of the study help to structure the thematic and genre features of game journalism at this stage of its development. These data are useful for practicing journalists who want to start working in the field of game journalism, and students studying in the field of Journalism, studying the development of this branch of journalistic activity. The novelty of the research is provided by the appeal to the video format of game journalism, which is at the stage of its formation. The undertaken research allows us to conclude about the uniqueness of game journalism. Being a young journalistic direction, it is confidently gaining an increasing audience both in Russia and abroad.
YouTube content, walkthrough, review, news, stylistic features, thematic features, genre features, video format, video game journalism, StopGame
Pribytova, L.V. (2023). Substandard vocabulary in the sublanguage of the coal mining industry. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 47–59.
The article is devoted to the multidimensional characterization of the substandard vocabulary of the sublanguage of the coal mining industry. The functional-semiotic and structural heterogeneity of sublanguage slang has been established on the concrete material of the modern miner's sublanguage. The stratification categories of substandard vocabulary (professionalisms, interprofessionalisms, quasi-professionalisms, professional jargonisms), lexico-thematic groups, functions are described in detail. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the ways and sources of the formation of special vocabulary of the lower case of the miners sublanguage slang, the main ways of forming the analyzed vocabulary are described in detail: the creation of a formally new unit and various semantic changes of words. It is concluded that the emergence and functioning of a developed system of substandard vocabulary in the miners' sublanguage is associated with the action of two main trends: the tendency to nominativeness, due to the need to overcome lacunarity and linguistic redundancy, as well as the tendency to portability, imagery and expressiveness. The thesis is put forward and supported by linguistic material that the special vocabulary of the sublanguage slang of the coal mining industry, considered in the socio-cultural aspect, represents the linguistic embodiment of the world of a special professional subculture, demonstrates the peculiarities of perception of objects of the outside world, ways of interacting with them, cultural stereotypes, values, motives and attitudes common to representatives of this profession.
sublanguage of miners, sublanguage of the coal mining industry, substandard, professional jargonism, professionalism, sublanguage slang, professional slang, professional vernacular, professional sublanguage, special vocabulary