Minova, M.V., Kopylova, E.V., Kuznetsova, Y.A., Nikolaeva, E.A., Zhelamskaya, V.A. (2023). The Phenomenon of Reduplication as a Method of Word Formation in Modern French, Spanish, English and Russian Languages. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 1–17.
The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the implementation of such a method of word formation as reduplication. The analysis of the linguistic material indicates a fairly wide distribution of this phenomenon in modern French, Spanish, English and Russian. The authors study the features of the implementation of various types of reduplication in the studied languages, and also consider in detail the features of their functioning. The material for the study is examples of reduplicative units from the press and from open sources on the Internet. In the course of the study, methods such as the analysis of theoretical literature, the method of comparative analysis, the method of continuous sampling, as well as observation and generalization, were used. The novelty of the study lies in identifying the dynamics of the functional development of reduplications in the French, Spanish, English and Russian vocabulary in the modern period. The study showed that, although the principles of formation of different types of reduplicative units are comparable in modern French, Spanish, English and Russian, however, there are pronounced differences in the preference for the areas of use of types of reduplication in different languages under study. Of particular interest is the fact that French is characterized by the widespread use of reduplication in the formation of nicknames of famous people from the world of politics and show business, whereas in Spanish, English and Russian it is a rather rare phenomenon.
Spanish language, French language, Neologisms, Word Creation, Word Formation, Reduplicative Lexical Units, Reduplicative Words, Reduplication, English Language, Russian language
Tultseva, A.E., Popova, L.G. (2023). Attributive Valence of the German verb GEHEN and the Russian Verb ÈÄÒÈ (Cognitive Aspect). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 18–28.
The aim of the work is to identify similarities and differences in the attributive valence of the German verb of movement "gehen" and the Russian verb "èäòè" in German and Russian. The subject of the study is the sectors of the manifestation of the attributive valence of the above-mentioned verbs in the cognitive aspect. These verbs are considered only in their direct sense, namely from the point of view of transmitting the expression of a person's movement from one point to another. The attributive valence of verbs of movement was chosen due to its insufficient study in comparative linguistics from the position of cognitive linguistics. In the study, the comparative method was used as the main one; methods of semantic and cognitive analysis were also used. The material of the analyzed examples was German and Russian lexicographic sources. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that it reveals for the first time similar and specific cognitive sectors of the manifestation of the attributive valence of the German verb "gehen" and the Russian verb "èäòè". As a result of the study, the presence of such sectors of attributive valence as "direction of movement", "type of movement" and "pace of movement" was revealed in the verb "gehen". The analyzed examples of the Russian verb "èäòè" showed the presence of the following sectors: "time", "direction" and "type of movement", "accomplice of movement", "pace of movement" and mixed cases. As a result of comparative analysis, it was found that in German and Russian there are the following similar sectors of the attributive valence of human movement: "direction", "type" and "pace of movement", and the sectors "direction of movement" and "pace of movement" significantly prevail quantitatively in the analyzed examples. The article also draws conclusions about the peculiarity of the perception of the directional movement of a person in the Russian and German linguistic cultures.
similarities and differences, comparative analysis, lexicographic sources, human, verbs of motion, cognitive sector, attribute valence, Russian language, German language, direction
Magomedova, P.A., Alivalieva, D.A. (2023). Russian and Avar languages Spiritual values/Anti-values in Religious and Paremiological Paintings (using the concept of "Faith/Unbelief" as an example). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 29–42.
The article is devoted to the problem of representation of the value component of the concept "Faith/Unbelief" in religious and paremiological discourses of different structural languages. The main purpose of the study is to establish similarities and differences in the linguistic objectification of spiritual values/anti–values in the Avar and Russian linguistic cultures based on the concept of "Faith/Disbelief", which is one of the basic concepts affecting all the value-behavioral spheres of human existence. In the religious consciousness of a believer (whether he is a Christian or a Muslim), by its very nature, there is a craving for virtue, a desire to ennoble morals, comprehension and nomination of all this occurs through specific linguistic signs and their meanings. The conceptual, value and figurative components of the concept under study are considered. The actualization in lexical systems of various languages, lexemes with religious (Islamic) meaning, the large-scale activity of texts of this subject in various genres, especially in mass media texts, put forward new promising directions of interdisciplinary research for linguists. The novelty of the research consists both in the development of research in the aspect of comparative theolinguistics for the first time on the material of these languages, and in the integral use of linguoconceptual and theoconceptual methods. The article traces the close connection of cognitive features of the conceptual field under study and spiritual and moral concepts that have their own specifics in each of the compared languages during linguistic verbalization.
frames, spiritual texts, theolinguistics, proverbs, iman, religious concept, belief and disbelief, values and disvalues, Avar language, universals
Pavlova, T.A., Potovskaya, K.S. (2023). Functional features of euphemisms in English-language political discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 43–52.
This article is a study of the linguistic phenomenon of euphemization in political discourse. In the research, attention is paid to the main functions of euphemisms, in particular, the communicative function aimed at softening and neutralization of communicative discomfort, as well as the function of the public conscience manipulation. The study material is English-language socio-political newspapers. Applying continuous sampling method, euphemisms in the English-language political discourse were selected and analyzed in order to identify their functional and pragmatic potential and impact on the target audience. The survey results showed that the manipulative function of euphemisms plays a dominant role. Basically, euphemisms not only create a positive communicative atmosphere, but also have an implicit effect on the reader through veiling, disguising and distortion techniques. The present study is of theoretical and practical significance due to the certain contribution it makes to the study of the theory of manipulation of public consciousness by the political authorities. The analysis of the ways of implementing the tactics of emotional influence through euphemisms in political discourse allows us to develop a certain immunity to attempts of manipulation. Undoubtedly, further research in this area will contribute to a deeper understanding of the pragmalinguistic potential of euphemisms in political discourse.
implicit effect, communicative atmosphere, English-language socio-political newspapers, communicative discomfort, linguistic phenomenon, political correctness, political discourse, communication, manipulation, euphemism
Si, H. (2023). The specificity of the representation of speech in family communication of the characters in A.P. Chekhov's novels. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 53–61.
This article presents an analysis of the ways of representing inner speech in the stories of Anton Chekhov, depicting the family communication of the characters. The aim of this study is to investigate the introduction of verbs with a common meaning of speech activity, their semantics and functions in depicting speech as a component of family communication in the stories of Chekhov's mature period. The research is based on the principles and main provisions of the structural-semantic and functional approach; theories of conceptualization and language representation; linguistic and cultural theory; theory of artistic text and discourse, as well as theoretical foundations of family communication. During the study, it was found that the main technique used by Chekhov to convey inner speech is improperly direct speech, which serves to unite and interfere with the author's and character's modus in the hero's inner speech. In those Chekhov's texts where the narration is in the first person, in most cases verbs are used that convey external speech in dialogic family communication. Inner speech in these stories is not typical and is rare.
text in text, verb of speech, inner speech transmission, linguistic representation theory, stories, family, communication, indirect speech, inner speech, dialogue of the deaf
Isaeva, L.F. (2023). Verbal representation of the central conceptual signs of male fidelity in German and Russian literary texts. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 62–72.
The purpose of the article is to identify and establish common and distinctive central features of the concept of Male fidelity based on the material of German and Russian literary texts of the first half of the twentieth century. The object of the study are lexemes representing the value representation of the linguistic and cultural concept of Male fidelity in the Russian and German languages. The subject of the proposed research is the lexical and semantic explication of the conceptual component of the concept of Male fidelity in German and Russian literary texts, the direction of realism in the first half of the twentieth century. The study used such methods as: definitional analysis, component analysis, comparative method, as well as the reception of quantitative calculations. In the work, as a scientific novelty, it is proposed to study for the first time the verbalization of the conceptual component of the concept of Male fidelity on the material of literary texts in a comparative aspect. The analysis allows us to conclude that the conceptual component of the concept can be verbally represented in the form of specific central features of the concept under study. Also, as a result of the conducted research, the presence of one common central feature of the concept of Male fidelity was established, namely: loyalty to the profession. However, there are also distinctive signs. In German art texts – constancy in the chosen style of clothing, and in Russian art texts - devotion to their ideas, constancy in the noble behavior of men, practicality as a manifestation of the constancy of a man's behavior.
comparative typology, verbalization, synonym, concept center, literary text, Russian, German language, the concept of loyalty, token, analysis
Pishcherskaia, E.N. (2023). Verbal Means of Implementing Communication Strategies in English-Language Outdoor Advertising. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 73–83.
The analysis of advertising texts is an interdisciplinary problem studied at the junction of various fields of knowledge, the pragmalinguistic analysis of advertising, among other things, is based on its understanding in psychology, philosophy, marketing, etc. The object of research is the texts of English–language outdoor advertising. The subject of the study is the strategic features of outdoor advertising texts, the main verbal means of expressing communicative attitudes in them. The author examines in detail the main characteristics of the outdoor advertising text, which is creolized in its structure, that is, such a text where verbal and nonverbal components create a single semantic whole and contribute to achieving the goals of advertising impact. The main theories of creation and realization of the influencing potential of advertising texts are considered. The main conclusion of the study is the conditionality of the choice of linguistic and non-verbal means of communication in the advertising discourse, depending on the communicative attitudes, both explicit and hidden. The author's contribution is a description of the classification of general and particular communicative strategies and tactics of the outdoor advertising text, among which strategies of a cooperative and non-cooperative nature are highlighted. The description of strategies is carried out through the analysis of the main linguistic means of creating an influencing effect in an advertising appeal. The novelty and relevance of the study is due to the inclusion of non-verbal components in the semantic fabric of the text, and, consequently, the need to apply new approaches to the analysis of such texts.
English, slogan, ads impact, linguistic means, pragmalinguistic analysis, creolized text, pragmatics, advertising text, communication strategies, outdoor advertising