Minova, M.V., Fedorova, A.V., Voeykova, A.A., Nikolaeva, E.A., Charaha Ber , A.R. (2023). Quédateencasa (Stayhome), jesuisCharlie (I'mCharlie), yazhemat (I'mamother): Hashtags like a New Way of Formation of Compound Nouns such as «Lexicalized Sentence». Philology: scientific researches, 3, 1–15.
This article is devoted to the consideration of such a phenomenon of the XXI century as hashtags - a navigation tool that helps to navigate the flow of information and redirects Internet and social network users along the path they are interested in. The purpose of this article is to study hashtags as a means of replenishing the vocabulary of modern Spanish, French and Russian languages as complex nouns of the "lexicalized sentence" type. The study was based on lexicographic, descriptive, comparative methods, as well as methods of cognitive and structural-semantic analysis and the method of continuous sampling. The features of the functioning of complex nouns of the "lexicalized sentence" type, formed from popular hashtags, are illustrated in the article with examples in Spanish, French and Russian from the modern press and the blogosphere. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that hashtags are considered for the first time as a source of replenishment of the vocabulary of a particular language. A comparative analysis of the structural and semantic features of complex nouns of the "lexicalized sentence" type, formed from popular hashtags, made it possible to identify criteria for classifying such linguistic neologisms as complex nouns of this type in modern Spanish, French and Russian. The study showed that hashtags have a high functional potential and in the last two decades have been one of the productive ways to form new complex nouns such as "lexicalized sentence" in various languages.
Hashtags, French language, Spanish language, Word Creation, Word Formation, Neologisms, Lexicalized Sentence, Compound Nouns, Compound Words, Russian language
Literary criticism
Ermolaeva, E.A. (2023). Poetics and Axiology of S. D. Dovlatov as a Publicist (Based on the Material of Portrait Essays of the Tallinn Period of Creativity). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 16–24.
The popularity of Sergey Dovlatov's fiction is unconditional, but his journalistic legacy is a little–studied area. During the study of Sergey Dovlatov's publications published in 1972-1975 in "Soviet Estonia", we came to the conclusion that these texts should be considered not only from the point of view of their thematic and stylistic originality, but also from the perspective of the author's axiology. The article examines an important aspect of Sergey Dovlatov's work – the author's focus is not so much on the formation of new value categories, as on the actualization of existing ones, which presuppose the reader's return to the established generally accepted "norm". The object of the study is the portrait essays of the writer Sergei Dovlatov, published in the newspaper "Soviet Estonia" in the period from 1972 to 1975. The subject of the study is the poetic and axiological features of portrait essays of the Tallinn period. The article pays special attention to the headings "Man and profession" and "Your profession", within which Dovlatov's essays are often published. The content of these essays does not go beyond the ordinary materials of the party periodicals, but a detailed study of the texts allows us to identify some features inherent in all portrait essays of the author. The main conclusions of the article are to define a set of axiological dominants that can be traced in the texts of Sergey Dovlatov, a publicist. In his publications, the writer defines a number of universal values, which include the significance of human life, the possibility of presenting different points of view, empathy and complicity, as well as the harmonious existence of the ordinary and sublime.
Aesthetic values, Russian literature, Portrait essay, Ader, Soviet Estonia, Journalism, Poetics, Axiology, Dovlatov, Ethical values
Literary criticism
Liashenko, T. (2023). Archetypal Features of the Images of Olga and Tatiana in the Alexandre Pushkin's Novel in Verse "Eugene Onegin". Philology: scientific researches, 3, 25–33.
The object of the study is female images in the Alexandre Pushkin's novel in verse by "Eugene Onegin". The archetypal features of the images of Tatiana and Olga are the subject of the study. The author, relying on the works of K.G. Jung and T. Chetwind, characterizes the archetypes of the Bride and the Sister, which are very widely represented in folklore and literary texts. In the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana and Olga carry mainly the features of the archetype of the Bride, which is due to the peculiarities of the plot development. However, the signs of the archetype of the Sister, noted in these images, allow us to understand the specifics of the relationship of the characters more deeply. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the archetypal approach was first applied to the analysis of female images in the creative heritage of A.S. Pushkin. The author comes to the conclusion that the archetypal features of the characters of the novel in the poems "Eugene Onegin" give the text a special psychological reliability, persuasiveness, realism. The analysis of these features allows us to conclude that in the poet's picture of the world, the bride-woman has enormous influence, disposes of the fate of her chosen one. The image of the bride in Pushkin's mind, apparently, was at that time closely connected with the themes of male self-determination, the search for existential ways, understanding the past and the formation of personal maturity.
psychologism, Alexander Pushkin, the image of a bride, the image of a sister, female image, literary image, archetype, Eugene Onegin, fairy tale, archetypal analysis
Lalova, T.I. (2023). The Use of Statistical Calculations in Determining the Necessary and Sufficient Volume of the Studied Material. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 34–40.
This article discusses the most common statistical computer programs for processing an array of data. The method of determining "manually" the required amount of experimental material is proposed. Based on the data of descriptive statistics, an analysis of a specific research situation is carried out using mathematical formulas that include a finite set of empirical data obtained in a sample of measurements, finding the "best" value for estimating the "exact" value of the measured value and determining the accuracy of measurements. As a result of the calculations performed, the percentage of permissible error is demonstrated, as well as the necessary amount of the studied material to reduce it. Based on the results of calculations, it becomes possible to draw a conclusion about the reliability of the results of the experiment. This article discusses the use of statistical software to prove the truth and reliability of the conclusions obtained as a result of experiments conducted in the course of scientific research. The given method - data analysis using statistical calculations is of great importance in various types of activities. Statistical data processing is an important element in any activity. In certain professions, statistical analysis is resorted to from time to time, in others - often or even daily. With its help, it is possible to study various data arrays, manage them, draw conclusions from the results obtained, formalize them into tables or present them in the form of graphs when compiling reports and preparing scientific articles.
speakers, deviation, experimental material, necessity, sufficiency, descriptive statistics, pronunciation, Software, auditors, phonemes
Koltsova, N.V. (2023). Transformation of the Meaning "POVERTY" from the End of the XX Century to the Present Day. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 41–48.
The article presents a part of the study of the conceptual field of WEALTH/POVERTY in the everyday linguistic consciousness of the speakers of Russian linguoculture. The purpose of this study is to trace the transformation of the conceptual field of word POVERTY in the linguistic consciousness of an ordinary native speaker of Russian linguoculture over the past thirty years, marked by serious socio–economic and political changes in Russian society, as well as to trace the influence on the perception of this conceptual field of the philosophical trend of non-possessiveness – one of the basic archetypes of the Russian conceptual sphere. "Russian Associative Dictionary" edited by Yu. N. Karaulov, "Russian Regional Dictionary-Thesaurus EVRAS" edited by G. A. Cherkasova and "Russian Regional Associative database" by SIBAS N. V. Ufimtseva and I. V. Shaposhnikova served as the research material for the databases of different periods obtained during free associative experiments. The material of the first source was collected and published in the late Soviet – early post-Soviet period, when socio-political changes were actively taking place that turned the lives of the country and Russian citizens upside down. The second and third sources were created in the second decade of the XXI century and are still being replenished. After analyzing the data, we established the destruction of the archetype of non-possessiveness, and also traced changes in the mood of society in relation to the problem of poverty by analyzing the content and structure of the conceptual field. The scientific novelty of the work is that we have traced the transformation of the conceptual field. The analysis and conclusions of the work complement the picture of public opinion and can be used by sociologists, as well as in linguoculturology classes.
everyday language consciousness, comparative analysis, associative dictionaries, the problem of poverty, associative experiment, the archetype of Russian culture, non - possessiveness, poverty, conceptual field, transformation