Ignashina, Z.N. (2023). Some Features of the Influence of African Languages on the Development of the Cuban National Version of Spanish. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 1–9.
The author discusses the concept of language contacts and their role in the development of national variants of the Spanish language of Latin America. The author pays attention to such aspects as the concept of variability as a key aspect of the functioning of the Spanish language, the classification of language contacts depending on their duration, intensity and degree of influence of languages on each other. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the interference influence of African languages on the formation of the Cuban national variant of Spanish as a representative of the Caribbean dialect-variant group. Africanisms make up a significant layer of lexical units that distinguish the Cuban national variant, forming several lexico-semantic groups directly related to the national culture. The main conclusions of the study may be confirmation of the role of the influence of African languages on the formation of the Cuban national version of Spanish and the importance of language contacts with African languages in the process of forming the Cuban national version. The author draws attention to the frequency of Afrocubanisms, the multiplicity of considering them as markers of dialect division of the considered national variant of the Spanish language. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the nature of the interaction of lexemes within the framework of culturally specific groups, the peculiarities of non-equivalent vocabulary as a component of culturally specific phraseological units and the role of the African component in the formation of the national-cultural linguistic specificity of the Spanish language of Cuba and the self-consciousness of the Cuban people.
African languages, borrowings, Caribbean Spanish, language contacts, variability, dialect, national variant, anthroponyms, precedent vocabulary, phraseology
Van, T. (2023). Folklore in Social Networks (Using the Example of Twitter and Telegram). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 10–16.
Folklore is a very old phenomenon that has undergone great changes over the entire period of its existence. The telecommunications revolution has significantly changed our lives, and folklore has undergone the same changes, which has penetrated into the space of digital communications, social networks. This actualized the study of this topic in modern linguistic science. In accordance with the high relevance of this topic, folklore in social networks such as Twitter and Telegram became the object of the article's research. In the course of the work, general scientific methods of induction, deduction, synthesis, abstraction were used, as well as particular methods of linguistic research – descriptive method, typological method, method of formalization and method of logical comparison. Through the conducted research, it was found out that modern folklore has moved into the field of digital communications, where it has been actively developed, many new forms of folklore and channels for its dissemination have appeared. The results of the work can be used as a theoretical basis containing a systematic range of works on folklore, as well as as a basis for practical application when working in the field of Internet communications, public relations, mass media, journalism. Along with the development of society, language also develops, new forms of expression appear, thanks to the mass media it has become much easier to create and distribute them. Folklore is no exception in this sense – it has become one of the means of communication, expression of emotions to describe the current situation on the Internet, the pandemic is a vivid result of that. It has become the main theme of modern folklore since 2020.
media viruses, myth - making, meme, internet folklore, digitalization, Covid-19, pandemic, Internet, social network, Folklore
Khabibullina, O.A. (2023). Analysis of the Linguistic Aspect of the Speech Portrait of a Modern English-speaking Blogger. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 17–32.
In the study of an individual speech portrait, three aspects are distinguished: linguistic, social and behavioral. It is the linguistic aspect that is the subject of our study. The object of analysis in this study is the speech of the popular video blogger PewDiePie, blogger Nora Dunn and blogger ForReadingAddicts, the subject are the lexical and stylistic preferences of the speech of the English-speaking blogger. The speech behavior of a public linguistic personality is studied making possible to see the features of the personality's speech, hidden and explicit motives, communicative goals, and the features of communicative needs. A model for compiling a speech portrait is described and an analysis of the stylistic and lexical features of the speech of a modern English-speaking blogger is carried out on the example of the popular video blogger PewDiePie, blogger Nora Dunn and blogger ForReadingAddicts. As a result of the study, a model for compiling a speech portrait was described and the characteristic features of the speech of each of the analyzed bloggers were highlighted. The lexical and stylistic preferences of the analyzed personalities are revealed, the list of language means used by English-speaking bloggers is determined. These features are determined, first of all, by the target audience of each blog, the sphere of professional activity of the authors and, of course, the characteristic features of each personality, the level of general erudition and its social environment. A detailed analysis of the speech portrait is based on specific language levels: phonetic, lexical, stylistic. This analysis of the features is a characteristic of different levels of realization of a linguistic personality.
speech portrait, hidden motives, internet communication, communicative purpose, public linguistic personality, language means, communicative needs, linguistic personality, speech behavior, communication technologies
Kostovskaya, O.A. (2023). Poetry Translation Techniques as Exemplified by German and English Translation of Peter Yershov’s Tale «Êîí¸ê-Ãîðóáíîê» («Das bucklige Pferdchen», «The Little Humpbacked Horse»). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 33–44.
The subject of the study is techniques and methods used in translation of poetical texts. The object of the research is a poetical text. The author considers in detail stylistic and structural aspects of the topic. The translatability of poetry is achieved by using some strategies which tend (come) to submitting or adapting the rules of the source language to those of the target language with use of such methods as analysis and comparison of a poem in different languages, interpretation which implies, unlike passive perception of the original text, an active, analytical approach to the poem. Special attention is paid to consideration of translation techniques such as generalization, specification, compensation, meaning extension, holistic transformation. The main conclusion of the study is that while a translation of poetry, the meaning of a poem, its structure and original stylistics must be preserved. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the analysis of the poetic texts in German, translated by the author herself, which allows for more precise semantic and stylistic analysis. The novelty of the research lies in comparing the ways of translating poetry using the example of the same literary work in Russian, German and English versions. The relevance of the study lies in the changes occurring in the structure of the poetic work when translated, resulting from the different grammatical structures of the languages.
holistic transformation, meaning extension, compensation, specification, verse-to-prose translation, generalization, translation techniques, poetry translation, descriptive translation, literal translation
The stream of books
Fedotova, N. (2023). Organization of Content Policy on University Library Websites: Strategies for Promoting Publishing Projects. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 45–55.
In the era of digital transformation, the forms of providing information and working with users are changing. As you know, libraries of educational institutions are not only a place for storing and distributing educational resources among readers, but also carry out work to popularize resources and promote them in the educational environment. The university libraries, performing informational, educational and cultural functions, use the tools of websites to solve the tasks set. The success of the entire educational organization depends on a competent and convenient content policy. The article is devoted to the content analysis of sections of the websites of libraries of pedagogical universities. The purpose of the study: to study the content of the websites of libraries of pedagogical universities. In the course of the work, statistical and comparative methods were used, a content analysis of 38 pages was carried out, the main tasks were identified and problems for further research were identified. Main conclusions: relevance of content, reflection of links with external partners and publishers, ease of navigation, modern design are important conditions for interaction between the library and the reader and, as a result, increased interest in publishing projects and library activities. Different types and variety of content increase audience engagement, reduce the time of interaction between participants in the educational process. The main tasks facing libraries are: building up external and internal relations to promote publishing projects, work to popularize the developments of the university's authors in the external information space, the use of modern research on the impact of web resource design on readers. The results can be used to develop courses and conduct training events for industry professionals.
online publications for universities, educational publications, publishing projects, content policy of libraries, content of library sites, promotion of the library's web resources, library functions, library website, university library, electronic library